Personal Vista Review



  • Reply 61 of 126
    majormattmajormatt Posts: 1,077member
    When I have trouble with organizing the files via the finder, I'll let you know. Apple employs the 80% solution - that is, to avoid feature creep madness, apple strives to satisfy 80% of the users out there. Trying to satisfy the remaining 20% is impossible as it just leads to interfaces with a zillion cnotrols.
  • Reply 62 of 126
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    Originally Posted by MajorMatt View Post

    When I have trouble with organizing the files via the finder, I'll let you know. Apple employs the 80% solution - that is, to avoid feature creep madness, apple strives to satisfy 80% of the users out there. Trying to satisfy the remaining 20% is impossible as it just leads to interfaces with a zillion cnotrols.

    I agree. I can organize quite effectively with the finder. I never have trouble finding something, especially with Spotlight.
  • Reply 63 of 126
    lfe2211lfe2211 Posts: 507member
    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    I agree. I can organize quite effectively with the finder. I never have trouble finding something, especially with Spotlight.

    Let's try this one last time. The best article ever written about the Finder is here:

    John Siracusa, the best and most articulate (non-evangelist too boot) Mac authority explains the plethora of problems with the Mac Finder and proposes elegant, logical and easy solutions to the long standing FTFF problem. Read, enjoy and learn.
  • Reply 64 of 126
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    Firstly, icons in Vista aren’t exactly small (256x256 @ 32bit color). I am a total UI whore and the first thing I do with any OS is crank up icon size on the desktop to the maximum. I LOVE giant pretty icons and Vista delivers.

    Now, you can’t choose between every single icon resolution from 16x16 to 256x256, but the slider size change in Finder seems more like a “look what we can do” gimmick than anything that might actually be useful. Vista gives me 3 or 4 icon size settings and I find this is ample.

    Explorer’s list view:

    (shrunk to 600pxl wide)

    Finder’s list view:

    (shrunk to 600pxl wide)

    Finder’s list view is nothing but details view. And if you remove details criteria (all of them as I did in the screenshot above) you do not actually gain any benefit at all with regards to getting more of the information you want on the screen.

    Explorer gives me the choice to see the basic, bare-bones view and calls it “list”. This is my 90%-of-the-time view, because I am looking for filenames. If I need to know more about an individual I can mouseover and let the little popup tell me more and if I need to sort then I can even do that by using the options above (Name - Date Modified - Type - Size) without even needing to switch to details view. And if I really want a detail view it is there.


    Bonus feature: The Date Modified column in OS X smartly reformats as the column width changes. At a wide setting, it may say August 18, 2006, 2:00 PM. As you shrink the column width, it abbreviates the month “Aug 18, 2006, 2:00 PM” then changes to more compact notation “8/18/06 , 2:00 PM”, then finally just shows the date “8/18/06”. This is nicer than just truncating the string. What does Vista do?

    Vista does not do this. It would stick with “8/18/06, 2:00 PM” no matter how wide or narrow.


    The OS X Column View, as originally developed for “NeXT”, is an interesting alternative. It shows folders and files with a new column for each level of descent into the file system folders. It seems like it would be very efficient for moving around the file system quickly.

    Column view is a waste of screen space. What do I care what other folders are in a folder that I navigated away from 3 clicks ago? It is confusing and not good for moving things around. I never use Columns view.


    I just prefer the “details” list for most browsing. But this is, in fact, a view method that many people like, and I don’t believe it has a Windows equivalent.

    You can navigate the file system right there on the left.


    (shrunk to 600pxl wide)


    I honestly hadn’t noticed the lack of Cut/Paste for files because I always drag and drop.

    If I am moving a file from one part of the file system to another part of the file system that is distant, then it is far easier to just cut, navigate, then paste. Very very handy.
  • Reply 65 of 126
    lfe2211lfe2211 Posts: 507member
    Originally Posted by groverat View Post

    If I am moving a file from one part of the file system to another part of the file system that is distant, then it is far easier to just cut, navigate, then paste. Very very handy.

    But not as handy and easy as Drop Stack in Path Finder, Gee-Rat ole buddy.

    BTW, based on your posts on this forum, you don't at all emulate your hero Sir Stephen Henry Roberts.
  • Reply 66 of 126
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    Thanks for your insight. I can't wait for more comments from you about me on a personal level. They are infinitely valuable to me.
  • Reply 67 of 126
    lfe2211lfe2211 Posts: 507member
    Gee-Rat, calm down mate. It's just a passing observation based on limited data. Sir Stephen was a truly great human being well known (among other things) for his ability to unify disparate groups, particularly through education.

    For the Mac folks out there, the new Vista Windows Explorer really is a fine piece of software. Check out this short review of VWE with an open mind.
  • Reply 68 of 126
    ewww texas longhorn is as crappy as the OS

    *wink* (you asked for more comments on a personal level so here it is)
  • Reply 69 of 126
    One thing I love about Vista...NOT!!

    My work laptop is on a docking station. I have a 20" widescreen LCD attached to the docking station. I use the 20" for my main monitor and the laptop screen to put some windows I might look/use later.

    If I lock my machine (restroom/cafe/general BS'ing around), everytime I unlock the machine it reverts back to the original setting as if I just docked my computer. It will not remember how I have the monitors arranged in the display settings.

    Its a known issue with the nvidia mobile drivers but it bugs the $hit out of me.
  • Reply 70 of 126
    majormattmajormatt Posts: 1,077member
    I honestly dont know if groverat is trying to pull our legs or not

    Look at me, Im so envious. Oh why cant I have such splendid file management, oh vista! You will me with such envy!

    Ok, enough with sarcasm. I manage files 5% and browse the other 95% - which collumn view serves nicely.
  • Reply 71 of 126
    omg will this guy shut up already about god damn file views. who really gives a shit. some people actually do WORK on computers. what amused me most, was his list of applications that he needs most in windows... firefox and media player classic! lmao! oh and please explain to me how word 2007 is really so much better than word 2004. Actually don't.

    what a frickin genius
  • Reply 72 of 126
    Originally Posted by Archstudent View Post

    omg will this guy shut up already about god damn file views. who really gives a shit. some people actually do WORK on computers. what amused me most, was his list of applications that he needs most in windows... firefox and media player classic! lmao! oh and please explain to me how word 2007 is really so much better than word 2004. Actually don't.

    what a frickin genius

    well apparently for some weird reason, he is the first person ever mentioned that he loves office 2007 interface over 2003/2004 interface.... seriously lol
  • Reply 73 of 126
    lfe2211lfe2211 Posts: 507member
    Originally Posted by Archstudent View Post

    omg will this guy shut up already about god damn file views. who really gives a shit. some people actually do WORK on computers. what amused me most, was his list of applications that he needs most in windows... firefox and media player classic! lmao! oh and please explain to me how word 2007 is really so much better than word 2004. Actually don't.

    what a frickin genius

    Actually Gee-Rat is spot on with regard to the slimmed down Word 2007. It's really a significant upgrade of the illogically laid out overpriced bloatware formally known as Word 200x. The ribbon interface is super and you can actually find needed tools grouped logically by function at the top of your screen. No more archeologic digs in the wrong menu wading through layer after layer of submenus. It's supposed to be coming to the Mac later this year or early 2008. You may be knee-jerk reflex knocking it now but if it comes to the Mac with the same logical ribbon interface design and functionality, you're going to want a copy (hopefully a legal one).
  • Reply 74 of 126
    Originally Posted by lfe2211 View Post

    Actually Gee-Rat is spot on with regard to the slimmed down Word 2007. It's really a significant upgrade of the illogically laid out overpriced bloatware formally known as Word 200x. The ribbon interface is super and you can actually find needed tools grouped logically by function at the top of your screen. No more archeologic digs in the wrong menu wading through layer after layer of submenus. It's supposed to be coming to the Mac later this year or early 2008. You may be knee-jerk reflex knocking it now but if it comes to the Mac with the same logical ribbon interface design and functionality, you're going to want a copy (hopefully a legal one).

    if the 2008 office on mac comes with that crappy interface. i won't pay a penny for it
  • Reply 75 of 126
    Originally Posted by lfe2211 View Post

    Actually Gee-Rat is spot on with regard to the slimmed down Word 2007. It's really a significant upgrade of the illogically laid out overpriced bloatware formally known as Word 200x. The ribbon interface is super and you can actually find needed tools grouped logically by function at the top of your screen. No more archeologic digs in the wrong menu wading through layer after layer of submenus. It's supposed to be coming to the Mac later this year or early 2008. You may be knee-jerk reflex knocking it now but if it comes to the Mac with the same logical ribbon interface design and functionality, you're going to want a copy (hopefully a legal one).

    actually, I have no problem with office 2004. The ribbon interface doesn't interest me at all, after all I can customise my toolbars, or if I want to I can run in full screen. Given that student edition for office is less than £100 I don't really feel it is overpriced either.
  • Reply 76 of 126
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    How many of you actually use any of the applications and operating systems being discussed here?
  • Reply 77 of 126
    Originally Posted by groverat View Post

    How many of you actually use any of the applications and operating systems being discussed here?

    I got my Vista Ultimate and Office 2007 next to my MBP

    Installed Vista and Office 2007 on their launch

    I'd rather use my Office 2003/2004 than 2007 or OS X than Vista
  • Reply 78 of 126
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Watching a bunch of newbies diss Groverat and send him off to a PC board is oddly entertaining.
  • Reply 79 of 126
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by groverat View Post

    How many of you actually use any of the applications and operating systems being discussed here?

    I use XP as well as OSX. I've not tried Vista so I'm trying to temper my comments on it. My business uses a windows based app. Our vendor has advised us not to upgrade to Vista at this time so I'll not see vista untill then.

    Besides finder, is there anything else about OSX that you do not like?
  • Reply 80 of 126
    majormattmajormatt Posts: 1,077member
    I have used Vista and obviously XP alot more since its been out longer.
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