Analyst claims iPhone demand slowing but 3G model in cards



  • Reply 41 of 103
    Someone better check on spamsandwich. He hasn't made a post in 5 minutes.
  • Reply 42 of 103
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member
    Originally Posted by aegisdesign View Post

    And Sony Ericsson's W880i says that's a load of bollocks.

    Care to elaborate or be a bit more specific?
  • Reply 43 of 103
    bert25bert25 Posts: 16member
    Originally Posted by cameronj View Post

    I know - in fact it was just people buying the excitement and now selling the news. I was just trying to point out that one should be careful not to look through a biased filter. Anyone who thinks that the run to 145 was based on "real" things while the drop today was somehow concocted is totally missing the boat.

    So this news coming out before earnings are based on "real" things?

    The run-up to $145 and the $8+ decline on AAPL today is indeed nothing but an opportunity to make money to some people. Lately, some have been so predictable so why not enjoy the ride
  • Reply 44 of 103
    cameronjcameronj Posts: 2,357member
    Originally Posted by Bert25 View Post

    So this news coming out before earnings are based on "real" things?

    I don't get what you mean. In the past 3 weeks there have been hundreds of news reports and analyst reports which pushed the stock up from 120 to 145. None of that stock movement was based on Apple fundamentals, it was based on hopes and dreams. Now when some of those hopes and dreams start to deflate, the stock goes down. That's how it works, and it will happen later this week again.


    The run-up to $145 and the $8+ decline on AAPL today is indeed nothing but an opportunity to make money to some people. Lately, some have been so predictable so why not enjoy the ride

    It's an opportunity for ALL people to make money

    You just have to be willing to separate yourself from the emotion of loving the company.
  • Reply 45 of 103
    bacillusbacillus Posts: 313member
    Celebrate the bad news ? because it means that we will be getting more features in the future. If purchases flatline, then the only way to get sales charged up is to 1. Lower the price and 2. Add features.
  • Reply 46 of 103
    bert25bert25 Posts: 16member
    Originally Posted by cameronj View Post

    I don't get what you mean.

    News bias goes both ways, the reason I wouldn't call CIBCs report "3G iPhone Possible This Year" and ?demand for the iPhone has seen a significant decline in the pat 10 days? prior to official report as "real" news. Some will react to this and sell, as much as another will buy AAPL on optimistic news.


    In the past 3 weeks there have been hundreds of news reports and analyst reports which pushed the stock up from 120 to 145. None of that stock movement was based on Apple fundamentals, it was based on hopes and dreams. Now when some of those hopes and dreams start to deflate, the stock goes down. That's how it works, and it will happen later this week again.

    It's an opportunity for ALL people to make money

    You just have to be willing to separate yourself from the emotion of loving the company.

    True, on the flip side, those that short the stock hopes for AAPL to go back down to it's original IPO

    You probably don't hold AAPL long as you seem to see the glass as half-empty. I tend to believe AAPL have a lot of future upside potential but I do sell some when things gets a little too far ahead so I can buy back later
  • Reply 47 of 103
    cameronjcameronj Posts: 2,357member
    Originally Posted by Bert25 View Post

    You probably don't hold AAPL long as you seem to see the glass as half-empty. I tend to believe AAPL have a lot of future upside potential but I do sell some when things gets a little too far ahead so I can buy back later

    I don't see the glass as half empty at all. I see the stock as too high. You must admit that a stock can be too high, right? If it was 200 today instead of 135, would you sell? What about 300? Surely there is a price at which you would say (publicly, risking the shame it would entail) "Apple is not worth this much money" and sell. Right?
  • Reply 48 of 103
    gregalexandergregalexander Posts: 1,401member
    When reading the stock availability levels from Apple stores, and noticing that more stock is available, how does the "analyst" 'know' this is because Apple are selling less, and not because Apple has ramped up production?
  • Reply 49 of 103
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by britwithgoodteeth View Post

    Someone better check on spamsandwich. He hasn't made a post in 5 minutes.

  • Reply 50 of 103
    physguyphysguy Posts: 920member
    Originally Posted by aegisdesign View Post

    And Sony Ericsson's W880i says that's a load of bollocks.

    Where do get this from. The spec page doesn't even address network access, only talk time which is much less data/battery intensive. Actually the Video call time is more indicative of the high-speed access. I'm easily getting 5 hours of intensive web/chat(web)/mail access.

    Performance\t\tTalk time Standby time Video call

    (up to)\t (up to) (up to)

    UMTS 2100\t\t6 hours 30 min\t\t425 hours 0 min\t\t 1 hours 30 min

    GSM 900\t\t6 hours 30 min\t\t425 hours 0 min\t\t -

    GSM 1800\t\t6 hours 30 min\t\t425 hours 0 min\t\t -

    GSM 1900\t\t6 hours 30 min\t\t425 hours 0 min\t\t -

    Sorry couldn't figure out how to do a table.
  • Reply 51 of 103
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by cameronj View Post

    I don't see the glass as half empty at all. I see the stock as too high. You must admit that a stock can be too high, right? If it was 200 today instead of 135, would you sell? What about 300? Surely there is a price at which you would say (publicly, risking the shame it would entail) "Apple is not worth this much money" and sell. Right?

    So how high is too high now, Cameron? If you really knew the answer to that, you'd own the stock market.
  • Reply 52 of 103
    domerdeldomerdel Posts: 78member
    I blame being exclusive with AT&T in the decline of sales.

    As much as I hate to say this, the iPhone was not prepared for this type of network (yet). Almost as if we humans have surpassed the equator of technology, and the iPhone sits right below. I'm not basing this by comparison to another product, but the fact that it fell short on a lot of general cell phone necessities.

    I almost feel that 10 years ago we had a surplus of technology (mostly due to ignorance) and now it's spread like can't keep up with our expectations. The lowest common denominator for "tech-savvy" personality, is a lot different than it was long ago
  • Reply 53 of 103
    citycity Posts: 522member
    <----Staying short!
  • Reply 54 of 103
    bert25bert25 Posts: 16member
    Originally Posted by cameronj View Post

    I don't see the glass as half empty at all. I see the stock as too high. You must admit that a stock can be too high, right? If it was 200 today instead of 135, would you sell? What about 300? Surely there is a price at which you would say (publicly, risking the shame it would entail) "Apple is not worth this much money" and sell. Right?

    I already did. I sold some last week (I jumped the gun) and would've sold more yesterday if I wasn't so busy at work and missed Cramers' sell recommendation I will probably buy back tomorrow somewhere between $130-$135 or, if I'm feeling lucky, Thursday
  • Reply 55 of 103
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by Bert25 View Post

    I already did. I sold some last week (I jumped the gun) and would've sold more yesterday if I wasn't so busy at work and missed Cramers' sell recommendation I will probably buy back tomorrow somewhere between $130-$135 or, if I'm feeling lucky, Thursday

    Aha! Now we have the real reason for the run up and the sell-off! Cosmo!... I mean, Cramer!
  • Reply 56 of 103
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member

    I've told everyone who's asked me why I don't have one that it's because I'm waiting for 3G. So I guess now you can't say you never heard anyone say that, huh

    "I so far haven't heard anyone with an iPhone say they wish it had 3G." As in anyone who currently owns and uses the iPhone. I've heard plenty of people who don't own the iPhone make all types of complaints about it.
  • Reply 57 of 103
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    From Steve Jobs

    "When we looked at 3G, the chipsets are not quite mature, in the sense that they're not low-enough power for what we were looking for. They were not integrated enough, so they took up too much physical space. We cared a lot about battery life and we cared a lot about physical size. Down the road, I'm sure some of those tradeoffs will become more favorable towards 3G but as of now we think we made a pretty good doggone decision."

    Results from Anandtech test between 3G on a Blackjack vs WiFi on iPhone.

    Without a doubt, current 3G implementations do require more space and consume more power than simply outfitting a phone with support for EDGE. Using the Samsung Blackjack as an example, turning on 3G reduces battery life by around 25% under web/email use. The biggest impact of all is, surprisingly enough, talk time; with 3G enabled, the Blackjack's talk time is cut in half, with absolutely no benefit realized from the higher bandwidth standard.

    At the same time, Apple's choice to include 802.11b/g support in the iPhone makes a lot of sense. Battery life actually increases with Wi-Fi over EDGE whenever the data connection is being used, not to mention that performance goes up tremendously as well.

    The iPhone's biggest selling point is its UI, and Apple seems to have made the right tradeoff by embracing Wi-Fi for the first generation - as frustrating as it may be for users. We'd venture a guess that a 3G iPhone is at least 12 months out, but until then keep an eye out for 802.11 hotspots - you'll get a better usage experience and better battery life on your iPhone.
  • Reply 58 of 103
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Apple will address all remaining issues soon enough... or risk the wrath of Cramer again!
  • Reply 59 of 103
    physguyphysguy Posts: 920member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    "I so far haven't heard anyone with an iPhone say they wish it had 3G." As in anyone who currently owns and uses the iPhone. I've heard plenty of people who don't own the iPhone make all types of complaints about it.

    I must say I am entirely satisfied with the EDGE/WiFi combination. Would faster by better? Of course, don't be an idiot. Would I trade off a thicker unit for faster - NO. Would I trade off a lower battery life for faster - NO.

    Also, WRT to this "Report" don't forget the 'Reports' that iTunes is failing. <pseudo-quote> ' Spot checks show that iTunes has dropped significantly and is on its way to being taken over by ....' </pseudo-quote>. Right now people get hits and attention by dumping on apple. The AT&T report is only for 1.5 days and its viewed as a negative???? ~140,000 new signups in 36 hours!!!!!
  • Reply 60 of 103
    drjjonesdrjjones Posts: 162member
    I think it's funny it went down today. I also believe that they sold over 500,000 the first two days and 2 million buy end of today and Steve is getting a bid kick out all the talk. They get 1 second feedback on how many they sell. ONE second,,they can kick on their iphone at the beginning of the conference and tell how many are sold to that second .2 million ..... not a small number. I'm chillin my champagne at 4:00 pm..
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