Why do you want a minitower?



  • Reply 221 of 240
    snoopysnoopy Posts: 1,901member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    You may retire from this discussion at any time if you are too tired to continue.

    I discovered a while back that it takes too much time and energy to disagree with you for long.

  • Reply 222 of 240
    The best things come in pairs. I'd want:

    * Dual monitors support - the mini can't do it, though an iMac can.

    * Dual HDD - SATA, easily swappable like the Pro

    * Dual Core CPU - with a CTO option for Quad. Easily swappable, for future upgrades

    * Dual PCI slots - graphics card + 1 other

    * Single optical drive - this is the exception. I don't think most people need 2

    * up to 8GB of RAM (4GB is too little for the lifetime of this machine)

    Sell if for £700-£800 and I'd buy one tomorrow.
  • Reply 223 of 240
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by snoopy View Post

    I discovered a while back that it takes too much time and energy to disagree with you for long.

    Well then don't argue with me but take charge. I will happily step aside for anyone else in the mini tower development thingy.

    Although in reality its more of a "whomever does the work gets to decide" kinda thing as in most open development. I'm not "in charge" as much I just happened to have the first post...
  • Reply 224 of 240
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by Gee4orce View Post

    * Dual monitors support - the mini can't do it, though an iMac can.

    * Dual HDD - SATA, easily swappable like the Pro

    * Dual Core CPU - with a CTO option for Quad. Easily swappable, for future upgrades

    * Dual PCI slots - graphics card + 1 other

    * Single optical drive - this is the exception. I don't think most people need 2

    * up to 8GB of RAM (4GB is too little for the lifetime of this machine)

    That's an attractive base configuration for a person looking for something not as huge as the Mac Pro.
  • Reply 225 of 240
    sequitursequitur Posts: 1,910member
    I'm still thinking about a cube. Has anyone checked out the NewerTechnology miniStack v3.


    Prices: http://eshop.macsales.com/search/ministack+v3

    I know that stacking still doesn't make a cube, but since Apple doesn't seem to want to field a cube, maybe something like this could be a do it yourself project. NewerTech also has an "add your own", but unfortunately, only for a HDD. Too bad there's no way to add other stuff you would want in a cube into third party equipment. Prices range from $160 for 160 GB to $500 for a 1TB miniStack v3. Not bad for a neat hub and storage.

    I'd like to hear some opinions about this product. My technical ignorance has been noted in these threads, so please drag me back from the edge if this is NOT a viable choice for a do it yourself cube (Mac Mini & miniStack[s]).
  • Reply 226 of 240
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by sequitur View Post

    I'm still thinking about a cube. Has anyone checked out the NewerTechnology miniStack v3.


    Prices: http://eshop.macsales.com/search/ministack+v3

    I know that stacking still doesn't make a cube, but since Apple doesn't seem to want to field a cube, maybe something like this could be a do it yourself project. NewerTech also has an "add your own", but unfortunately, only for a HDD. Too bad there's no way to add other stuff you would want in a cube into third party equipment. Prices range from $160 for 160 GB to $500 for a 1TB miniStack v3. Not bad for a neat hub and storage.

    I'd like to hear some opinions about this product. My technical ignorance has been noted in these threads, so please drag me back from the edge if this is NOT a viable choice for a do it yourself cube (Mac Mini & miniStack[s]).

    Yes it should work except that a mini is limited to the 400 Mbps FW400 connection.

    But its kinda a far cry from a real cube. It seems like we can modify a mini into a semi-real DIY cube but more research needs to be done.
  • Reply 228 of 240
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by Joe_the_dragon View Post



    A disturbing trend seems to be emerging recently in the computer retail marketplace: the abandonment of the midrange customer. Tom's Hardware Guide noticed this trend earlier this summer among both ATI and Nvidia offerings in Darren Polkowski's July 24 article "HD 2600 & GeForce 8600: No Mid-Range?." Apple seems to be making a similar move in this direction.

    Similar move. Industry trend. Blah blah. Why no mid range? Probably because the low end stuff is powerful enough for mid range users these days. The jump between a casual 3D game like WoW to the high-end FPS is pretty large these days.

    Still the article was poorly researched. He castigates Apple for only offering 1GB of RAM when Dell does the exact same thing on thier workstations. He says the 7300GT is slow, which it is but fails to point out you can get a Quadro FX 4500 or a X1900XT both of which are a lot faster (if overpriced from Apple).

    He says he's going to do a homebuilt instead but doesn't price out his upgraded Mac Pro with Crucial memory and 3rd party drives.

    For $2500 he should have compared it to the Dell Precision and see what he could have bought. Less as it turns out.

  • Reply 229 of 240
    will mass hacking of 10.5 to run on any system force apple to make a mid-end system or drop the price of the mac pro?
  • Reply 230 of 240
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by Joe_the_dragon View Post

    will mass hacking of 10.5 to run on any system force apple to make a mid-end system or drop the price of the mac pro?

    Because Apple clearly needs to pursue the "thief" demographic?
  • Reply 231 of 240
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    Because Apple clearly needs to pursue the "thief" demographic?

    If I buy 10.5 at the apple store and hack it on to my system I'm not a thief and there are laws in some ares saying that you can't not lock stuff to your hardware.
  • Reply 232 of 240
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by Joe_the_dragon View Post

    If buy 10.5 at the apple store and hack it on to my system I'm not a thief and there are laws in some ares saying that you can't not lock stuff to your hardware.

    Debating the enforcability of EULAs when neither one of us a lawyer is silly. However, if you choose to steal Apple's IP whether in a legal or illegal manner it is still unethical.

    It's their stuff. Abide by their license terms or go without. If you want to hurt Apple then don't buy their stuff. Picket their stores (legally) if it makes you happy.

    Advocating what might be theft depending on which circuit court you end up in is bogus.
  • Reply 233 of 240
    stealing Apple's IP when I am buying it at full price at a store?

    vender lock in is even more unethical.

    M$ would not be able to get away with doing the same thing
  • Reply 234 of 240
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by Joe_the_dragon View Post

    stealing Apple's IP when I am buying it at full price at a store?

    vender lock in is even more unethical.

    M$ would not be able to get away with doing the same thing

    Microsoft "gets away" with it all the time. Never heard of Office?

    As I said, I think arguing about the enforcebility of the EULA is silly but the EULA states you're buying a license to the software and you only own the media. By using the software in ways not allowed by the license you no longer have the right to use it.

    Whether that clause is enforcable in your juristiction is up to your court to decide. If you are in the US you will also likely run afoul of the DMCA.

    Vendor lock in is in no way unethical. Even if it were there's that old saying that two wrongs don't make a right.
  • Reply 235 of 240
    mjteixmjteix Posts: 563member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    Microsoft "gets away" with it all the time. Never heard of Office?

    As I said, I think arguing about the enforcebility of the EULA is silly but the EULA states you're buying a license to the software and you only own the media. By using the software in ways not allowed by the license you no longer have the right to use it.

    Whether that clause is enforcable in your juristiction is up to your court to decide. If you are in the US you will also likely run afoul of the DMCA.

    Vendor lock in is in no way unethical. Even if it were there's that old saying that two wrongs don't make a right.

    In response of the thread title: I want a minitower so this thread will end.

    No more Vinea, Joe the dragon and al.

    I swear, if Apple releases a minitower in my price/specs range, I'll stop writing about it!
  • Reply 236 of 240
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Good answer. There are far too many people in these threads telling you that you don't want a mid tower and you want an iMac, or a Cube, or a Mini. If you wanted an iMac, Cube, or MIni chances are you would have bought one. It's not up to these people to tell you what you want. It's your decision.
  • Reply 237 of 240
    rickagrickag Posts: 1,626member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    Rickag. Someone doth readth poorly methinks...you don't recall whom you quoted?

    Now to be fair, I have compared Apple to Porsche in the past. Some do buy Apple products for mere branding/status but like Porsche, Apple combines engineering and design excellence for a powerful but refined driving/computing experience.

    The "status" is derived from excellence, not from empty marketing or "style over substance" as Ben implies.

    And lets be honest here...the addition of PCIe slots is a real can of worms for consumer machines. The lack of drivers coupled with the physical compatibility of PCIe would not make for a very nice computing experience.


    Just curious, what did I read poorly? And which quote did I make? Sorry but I'm confused.
  • Reply 238 of 240
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by mjteix View Post

    In response of the thread title: I want a minitower so this thread will end.

    No more Vinea, Joe the dragon and al.

    I swear, if Apple releases a minitower in my price/specs range, I'll stop writing about it!

    Does a 1.83 Ghz Merom, single PCIe x16 (running at x1 speeds) with 2 3.5" HDDs Minitower for $1400 meet the price/spec range? 1 yr warranty, no possibility for AppleCare.

    How many folks would buy this? Seriously. The base machine costs $600. The new enclosure and electronics at least $600 more. It would be like a ModBook.
  • Reply 239 of 240
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by rickag View Post

    Just curious, what did I read poorly? And which quote did I make? Sorry but I'm confused.

    You didn't read poorly. FOXPotog did.
  • Reply 240 of 240
    sequitursequitur Posts: 1,910member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    Does a 1.83 Ghz Merom, single PCIe x16 (running at x1 speeds) with 2 3.5" HDDs Minitower for $1400 meet the price/spec range? 1 yr warranty, no possibility for AppleCare.

    How many folks would buy this? Seriously. The base machine costs $600. The new enclosure and electronics at least $600 more. It would be like a ModBook.

    Where do I sign? BUT, does that take into consideration your time and effort?
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