Apple to usher in era of Mac OS X-based iPods

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in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
Apple Inc. will use a media event next month to unveil a new breed of iPod digital music players that have been injected with the company's most vital asset -- the Mac OS.

The move will culminate a multi-year effort on the part of the Cupertino-based electronics giant to form a new platform of digital devices around the common core of its legendary operating system software and expertise in industrial design.

Three of Apple's four business segments -- the Mac, iPhone and Apple TV -- already rely on derivatives of the Mac OS. In surgically replacing the iPod's Pixo-influenced OS with a modern-day variant of its homebred software, the company will have effectively scaled the Mac OS across its entire product matrix.

Internally, Apple is much further along, according to sources, who say the company will again tap an embedded version of the Mac OS to form the foundation of yet another business segment and digital device family in 2008. In the meantime, however, the company's efforts will reportedly focus on maturing its already established product families.

People familiar with this year's plans say Apple's iPod roadmap for the fall now calls for as many as four new models -- most, if not all, will employ NAND flash -- including major evolutions of both the flagship video iPod and iPod nano lines. It's these two iPod product families which are expected to receive the Mac OS treatment, though to varying degrees.

Sources in the Far East -- where Apple manufacturers its digital music players -- have recently vouched for sightings of a "full screen" iPod, which they believe will finally make its debut ahead of this year's holiday shopping season. The players are said to run a derivative of the Mac OS-based iPod software introduced as part of the company's iPhone handset back in June.

What's interesting, however, is that the Apple has also been working on Mac OS-based iPod software for models that will retain their click-wheels -- such as third-generation iPod nanos. Interface concept videos recently published and then pulled from MacRumors consisted of genuine Apple material to this effect, AppleInsider can confirm.

The videos illustrated intentions on the part of the gadget maker to carry over software design aspects from the iPhone, in addition to tying in features of its just-released iLife '08 digital lifestyle suite. In particular, they demonstrated widespread use of vibrant album art, Leopard-style interface overlays, a world clock widget similar to the iPhone's, and a new photo feature that would allow iPod nano users to browse their iLife '08 photo "Events" via a CoverFlow interface controlled by a physical click-wheel.

Exactly what may be in store for the remaining iPod models is admittedly unclear. However, one could simply represent modest improvements to the entry-level iPod shuffle, while the other could be one-in-the-same with much-rumored second iteration of iPhone.

Those people familiar with Apple's digital media player plans say an official unveiling of this year's offerings is on tap for mid-to-late September.


  • Reply 1 of 104
    Now that's what I'm talkin' about.

    This talk of yet another product family is intriguing. I know apple has done it in the past but, a digital camera or video camera would be awesome. I'm pathetic, well looks like the hype train has left the station, way to put on a show apple.
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  • Reply 2 of 104
    aries 1baries 1b Posts: 1,009member
    From the Days of Kormac77:

    "...i****v2 use Intel chip because Intel has chips which it have CPU + Graphic + Wifi capability"

    i****v1 was foretold and came unto us iPhone.

    All hail the impending i****v2! Whatever it is!

    DNA was the operating system.

    Needum sleep


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  • Reply 3 of 104
    gugygugy Posts: 794member
    man, I hope so.

    it's about time for the new iPod.

    Bring it on. I want to end my debate of either waiting for the iPod 6g or getting the iPhone.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 4 of 104
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,661member
    I hope this is true.

    It would be cool if it also had a camera. Perhaps a better one than currently on the iPhone, thought tat would probably be untenable. Video would be good though. It's been assumed that video on the iPhone is possible electronically, but not implemented in software.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 5 of 104
    dh87dh87 Posts: 73member
    Why would OS X be useful on an iPod, especially a nano? iPods don't do that much, and the things that they do are already written in the current iPod OS.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 6 of 104
    Originally Posted by dh87 View Post

    Why would OS X be useful on an iPod, especially a nano? iPods don't do that much, and the things that they do are already written in the current iPod OS.

    Who said the Nano would even exist with these upcoming versions?

    It sure took them long enough to consolidate their OS plan.
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  • Reply 7 of 104
    dh87dh87 Posts: 73member
    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    Who said the Nano would even exist with these upcoming versions?

    Paragraph 5 of the article.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 8 of 104
    deanbardeanbar Posts: 113member
    [QUOTE=AppleInsider;1131135]Apple Inc. will use a media event next month to unveil a new breed of iPod digital music players that have been injected with the company's most vital asset -- the Mac OS.

    Yaaay, go Apple, hurry up and give us the 6G iPod, I want one, Way to go........
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 9 of 104
    Originally Posted by dh87 View Post

    Why would OS X be useful on an iPod, especially a nano? iPods don't do that much, and the things that they do are already written in the current iPod OS.

    Doesn't this give you a clue that the next iPods might do a whole lot more?
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 10 of 104
    dh87dh87 Posts: 73member
    Originally Posted by GamoGuy View Post

    Doesn't this give you a clue that the next iPods might do a whole lot more?

    Like what, without becoming an iPhone? Personally, I want my iPod to play music, and that's it. Other people may want a few videos and photos, a calendar, and contacts, all of which exist, but I think that the next level up from this is an iPhone. With OS X, the interface could be similar to the iPhone's.
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  • Reply 11 of 104
    noahjnoahj Posts: 4,503member
    Originally Posted by dh87 View Post

    Why would OS X be useful on an iPod, especially a nano? iPods don't do that much, and the things that they do are already written in the current iPod OS.

    I am not sure, but if Apple has to pay a licensing cost for its Current OS on the iPod this would eliminate that and increase their profit on the new iPods.
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  • Reply 12 of 104
    quillzquillz Posts: 209member
    Adding OS X to the iPod, for one thing, will make it much more stable. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's had an iPod freeze on them, especially when they intend to put it to sleep. Let's also keep in mind that sometimes after syncing an iPod with iTunes, the iPod actually loses all album art, or displays incorrect info. OS X is very matured and secure, and having, say, the iMac and iPod use the same OS is certainly the way forward.
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  • Reply 13 of 104
    donlphidonlphi Posts: 214member
    I have to say I'm pretty pumped up about a smaller video iPOD. I think the click wheel is here to stay, at least for a little while longer. I can't see them just shutting down the games that currently exist (granted only about 12). Perhaps this stubby iPOD with the click wheel (that keeps resurfacing) will be the last of the click wheel iPODs - sort of consolidating the current video iPOD and iPOD nano.

    I still see them offering a touch screen option for people that want larger screens.

    The capacity issue is slightly overrated. I have the 60gb Video iPOD and it holds more music and movies than you could watch or listen to in a month.

    The iPhone with it's wifi has made my listening and watching options limitless because I can stream from my home computer if I run out of things to listen to. Listening to music on the Edge network is even doable.

    I'd like to see a full/touch screen video iPOD with wi-fi capability. Possibly a phoneless iPhone.
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  • Reply 14 of 104
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,661member
    Originally Posted by Quillz View Post

    Adding OS X to the iPod, for one thing, will make it much more stable. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's had an iPod freeze on them, especially when they intend to put it to sleep. Let's also keep in mind that sometimes after syncing an iPod with iTunes, the iPod actually loses all album art, or displays incorrect info. OS X is very matured and secure, and having, say, the iMac and iPod use the same OS is certainly the way forward.

    Likely less stable.

    The current OS is pretty simple, with few API's or other touches OS X has, even in a cut down state.
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  • Reply 15 of 104
    mactelmactel Posts: 1,275member
    Well, I'm hopeful that Apple will flip the lid on the watch industry. We already have armbands for our iPods and the iPods can display time. Why not a watch that can play music, display photos, and play video but with bluetooth headsets?
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  • Reply 16 of 104
    palegolaspalegolas Posts: 1,362member
    I think the revolution with OSX on pocket gadgets is SOFTWARE. Soon I expect Apple to start selling software through iTunes, and eventually, in the end, let certain 3d party developers make software or widgets for OS X.
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  • Reply 17 of 104
    The leaked interface concept videos clearly shows more animations and transition that the current video iPod. It certainly an hint that OS X could be into these things.

    And for the remaining fourth iPod model, I hope that they will split the line of full screen iPod in two models: one with a smaller storage capacity (be it flash or hard drive based) and one with a bigger storage capacity (thicker due to the bigger hard drive), a bigger battery and wifi.

    It would be so cool!
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  • Reply 18 of 104
    My ideal iPod would basically be the iPhone with the phone part taken out and a HD installed. Wireless would be the final feature to get em reaching for my wallet. Otherwise I might go with the iPhone after MWSF - justin case a 2nd iPhone is announced.

    The HD would be great for me as I would use it as a backup for data and files, making business travel a bit safer. The iPhone on the larger screen would motivate me to clean up my 6,000+ pics in iPhoto - I've been thinking about that for about a year now.

    But it is the large screen that will blow iPod sales out of the water.
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  • Reply 19 of 104
    the OS that apple currently has on the ipods has a ton of capabilities that apple doesn't use... just look at linux for ipod...

    i agree that the new os for ipod will be a lot of eye candy

    i agree that apple will eventually sells software digitally via itunes... something it already does as far as ipod games are concerned. the problem is that the infastructure requirements for a full-fledged digital software purchase and transfer system are pretty severe... there are a ton of startup costs

    microsoft recently hired digital river to deliver software for them... it was just cheaper than if they tried to do it themselves. so maybe look for apple to partner with digital river... or do it themselves.

    i think this is why apple wants to keep a closed system on the iPhone (like the iPod) -- everyone has to play by their rules and they get to squeeze more profit from software sales etc...
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  • Reply 20 of 104
    zunxzunx Posts: 620member
    Apple, please, BRING BACK FIREWIRE to the iPods.

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