I am sure you think you are sounding reasonable (and you do, compared to your earlier, profanity-laden diatribe that was somewhat difficult to understand). But you sound like a completely out-of-control moron when you make exaggerated statements such as those highlighted below.
(You've probably got some serious issues, dude. Including, some problems with people who live in the US. )
Originally Posted by MarcUK
They shafted themselves.
Ok, if you're a 15 year old kid who worked at mcdonalds all summer ... I might feel some sympathy .....[but] Get over it, shut your mouth and engage your brain in a bit of reflective contemplation. Learn something from it and get on with life, and dont repeat the experience again.
For everyone else... This boils down to nothing but Greed and lack of self control. No understanding of reality and no perspective. Its totally expected from a nation of self-gratifying shallow losers.
There are very few people who need a $600 phone. Probably no-one. You bought it because it was cool, and you wanted to buy into that coolness.
The reason we have been inundated with whiners, ......
They just lost a chunk off the bottom of the prop that holds up their shallow, insignificant lives, where the only measure of self-worth for them is an inflated price tag for a completely extravagant item.
Now that is gone, the feelings off worthless insignificance come creeping back and they default to being the whining losers they always were.
But dont blame them! Thats the state of the worthless society they live in.
Just when I thought you were off your rockers, the last para put it all into perspective! I hope you don't measure your own own self-worth by an inflated price tag for a completely extravagant item!
Originally Posted by MarcUK
Now does any one want to hear my story of buying a Q6600, only to have it drop by $300 a month later. No. And you wont hear me moaning about it either, because I paid for what I wanted, I knew the price, I knew price cuts were coming, BUT I decided it was worth it at the price I paid. So I handed over my money and got on with it.
I am sure you think you are sounding reasonable (and you do, compared to your earlier, profanity-laden diatribe that was somewhat difficult to understand). But you sound like a completely out-of-control moron when you make exaggerated statements such as those highlighted below.
You dont know how much editting I had to do to remove the profanity.
(You've probably got some serious issues, dude. Including, some problems with people who live in the US. )
No, the serious issue is having no responsibility for your actions and blaming someone else when your own actions from your own choices don't pan out. Greed is the only reason you would spend $600 on a phone, because you can get them for 10 times less than that.
You (in general terms - I don't mean you specifically, unless you are whining about spending $600 on a phone) bought that phone of your own free-will. That is your action and your responsibility if you later decide it was not worth it.
It is not Steve Job's fault that you bought it, you made that decision, it is your choice, it is your responsibility for your action.
If your choice subsequently seems misjudged, that is no-ones fault but your own. As i've said, if you really needed a phone you can get one for peanuts.
But you wanted a specific phone, and that phone had a price of $600. That was your choice. Live with the consequences.
And that is what is wrong with society. You're all so pumped up with needing the latest-coolest-most expensive fashion accessory to define yourself by, that when that crutch is taken away, - and in this case all thats really happened is that from now it costs $200 less - you all fall over, major life crisis, and claim you've been shafted. Thats Bullshit.
If youre feeling shafted, its because you were too greedy, had no self control, to ignorant, too stupid and have no perspective of reality.
Whats more laughable from my POV - is that you (and I mean you this time) dont realise that you have no-one to blame but yourself for your actions, and think it is the right thing to do to whine like a moron and claim some hand of God forces you to make purchases so that you need accept no responsibility for your actions, when things dont work out quite like you hoped.
Thats pretty funny in a forum. When the whole of society acts this way, its pretty sad and revolting.
Just when I thought you were off your rockers, the last para put it all into perspective! I hope you don't measure your own own self-worth by an inflated price tag for a completely extravagant item!
Seeing as I waited a very long time until I felt the asking price was a good deal no matter what the future (pricing) held and hav'nt mentioned a word about it except to illustrate a point, I think you probably dont understand points and principles too well.
The trouble with people who yell a lot is they don't listen a lot.
In your previous post, you specifically said <quote>...from a nation of self-gratifying shallow losers....<unquote>, and <quote>.....the state of the worthless society they live in.<unquote>. (Underlining mine). Which nation? Which "worthless society" do "they" live in?
Now, you are trying to weasel out of that by saying:
Originally Posted by MarcUK
And that is what is wrong with society...... and "When the whole of society acts this way".........
Notice a difference?
Look, you can slam early-iPhone-buyer-whiners all you want, but you are being really immature when you make a sweeping statement about a country as a whole. For instance, I would not remotely begin to judge the UK based on the silliness (and poor quality of English) revealed in your post.
It is just not nice to make these kinds of sweeping cultural generalizations. Also, if your goal is to make a point that you want to persuade people with, you've probably ended up doing the exact opposite.
Here's a simple piece of advice, and you can take it or leave it: Listen more, and yell less.
The trouble with people who yell a lot is they don't listen a lot.
In your previous post, you specifically said <quote>...from a nation of self-gratifying shallow losers....<unquote>, and <quote>.....the state of the worthless society they live in.<unquote>. (Underlining mine). Which nation? Which "worthless society" do "they" live in?
Now, you are trying to weasel out of that by saying:
Im talking about the US influenced western society, where a large majority of us must have everything yesterday, brag about its price and gloat over the big pile of worthless junk we have amassed for ourselves.
Now it seems the army of irresponsible whiners cannot even take responsibility for their actions, and have to blame someone else for their misjudgement, and/or claim they've been shafted.
Look, you can slam early-iPhone-buyer-whiners all you want, but you are being really immature when you make a sweeping statement about a country as a whole. For instance, I would not remotely begin to judge the UK based on the silliness (and poor quality of English) revealed in your post.
im assuming that as i'm typing pretty good English, that everyone bar you can understand, that you're either just yanking the chain, or you have reading difficulties, in which case i'll just or state that it really isn't your fault if you are born with learning difficulties.
It is just not nice to make these kinds of sweeping cultural generalizations. Also, if your goal is to make a point that you want to persuade people with, you've probably ended up doing the exact opposite.
Here's a simple piece of advice, and you can take it or leave it: Listen more, and yell less.
boo-hoo, its not nice! Just great coming from a person who's sided with the army of whiners who think it standard practise to blame others and whine incessantly when they fuck up. Oh look a profanity, oh no!
As for your advice, if one doesn't mind, i think i'll leave it all the same.
I am sure you think you are sounding reasonable (and you do, compared to your earlier, profanity-laden diatribe that was somewhat difficult to understand. But you sound like a completely out-of-control moron when you make exaggerated statements such as those highlighted below.
(You've probably got some serious issues, dude. Including, some problems with people who live in the US. )
"Ok, if you're a 15 year old kid who worked at mcdonalds all summer to buy the most expensive phone on the planet in order to be the coolest kid in class"
Tell me, has MarcUK hit the nail on the head here?
I can think of no other reason for your inability to understand his posts or to criticize his English and then write a sentence like this; " Also, if your goal is to make a point that you want to persuade people with, you've probably ended up doing the exact opposite." ( Oh! the irony)
And there is certainly no justification, other than being a minor, for using the word 'dude',
If you didn't value the phone at $600 when you bought it, that begs the question of why the hell did you buy it?
I value the phone at $600. I bought it because it does a bunch of things worth $600 to me.
Originally Posted by MarcUK
Fact. There are very few people who need a $600 phone.
I use it mostly for the other functions and it substitutes quite often for a laptop (which, btw, costs more).
Originally Posted by MarcUK
You bought it because it was cool, and you wanted to buy into that coolness. You got exactly what you wanted, what you knew you were getting and you handed over the money. You had two and a half months of flashing, gloating, feeling special, looking cool.
I have no interest in the iPhone for its coolness factor. This is why I'm glad the price went down. The lower price makes it that much less cool, and I prefer it that way. I like the iPhone only because I like the iPhone. With the new low price, hopefully it will become just as a common as a laptop, and people who use them will not attract gawkers.
Originally Posted by MarcUK
The reason we have been inundated with whiners, is that people bought the phone so that they can brag "Look at my $600 phone". Thats all there is to it, and that is why they are upset.
They just lost a chunk off the bottom of the prop that holds up their shallow, insignificant lives, where the only measure of self-worth for them is an inflated price tag for a completely extravagant item.
Now that is gone, the feelings off worthless insignificance come creeping back and they default to being the whining losers they always were.
Some people are just pissed that they paid $200 more to be first on line, and not because they got swallowed up in your existential fantasy club. Sometimes a cigar is... well, you know.
Originally Posted by MarcUK
But dont blame them! Thats the state of the worthless society they live in.
End of story. Shut up. Period.
While I am sure that there are people who fit your explanation, it sounds more like a confessional than anything else.
I was one of those calling people whiners, and I don't see how this changes anything. First they did not give a refund, they gave you a credit for a future sale. A future sale on which they will still make several hundred dollars from you.
Secondly, Apple's response to the overwhelming whine-fest that was on these boards yesterday does not change the fact that it was a whine-athon.
Wow! You really are cold. Why can't you accept that Apple reacted quickly and appropriately in acknowledging that early adopters do more to promote new products than expensive advertising can buy? Your reference to whining is condescending and inappropriate. If in fact the negative feedback was whining, I doubt Apple would have remedied the loss of goodwill. The fact is that early adopters are the most valuable customers a corporation can have--especially with technology.
I'll gladly take my $100 and buy v-modo's $100 pair of iPhone enabled earphones (actually wait for the 2nd generation since the first gen does not have full iPhone controls... expect improved earphones by the end of the month).. O.K., so the $100 will end up costing them less in out of pocket terms. But so what? It is still $100 in consumer dollars.
A purchase is a business deal, and there is always a contract. The contract clearly stated a 14 day period for the refund of a change in purchase price (this is standard so that if a product goes on sale prior purchasers cannot drink the soup). People agreed to it and then have the gall to whine like babies. Whinefest 2007 will go down in history as one of the worst displays of immaturity ever.
Wow! You really are cold. Why can't you accept that Apple reacted quickly and appropriately in acknowledging that early adopters do more to promote new products than expensive advertising can buy? Your reference to whining is condescending and inappropriate. If in fact the negative feedback was whining, I doubt Apple would have remedied the loss of goodwill. The fact is that early adopters are the most valuable customers a corporation can have--especially with technology.
I'll gladly take my $100 and buy v-modo's $100 pair of iPhone enabled earphones (actually wait for the 2nd generation since the first gen does not have full iPhone controls... expect improved earphones by the end of the month).. O.K., so the $100 will end up costing them less in out of pocket terms. But so what? It is still $100 in consumer dollars.
Whether Apple "reacted", or planned the entire thing is not quite clear.
Either way, they did the right thing as far as getting the good publicity out of it.
It's very amusing that the headline on one paper's front page was: Apple CEO apologizes for lowering prices.
If in fact the negative feedback was whining, I doubt Apple would have remedied the loss of goodwill. The fact is that early adopters are the most valuable customers a corporation can have...
But the negative feedback (i.e. whiners) is pretty much a vocal minority.
A couple percent, at best, of the early adopters have now made what could have been a great move by Apple, lowering the price, into a major problem for everyone.
Originally Posted by melgross:
It's very amusing that the headline on one paper's front page was: Apple CEO apologizes for lowering prices. That, itself, was worth all the outrage
Not really, the refund, credit or whatever, is bad for Apple's image, bad for the shareholders, bad for the Mac user base and even bad for the whiners because it just reenforces their immature behavior.
But the negative feedback (i.e. whiners) is pretty much a vocal minority.
A couple percent, at best, of the early adopters have now made what could have been a great move by Apple, lowering the price, into a major problem for everyone.
Not really, the refund, credit or whatever, is bad for Apple's image, bad for the shareholders, bad for the Mac user base and even bad for the whiners because it just reenforces their immature behavior.
That's not the opinion of any writers I've read in the papers, or on the web. They think it's a brilliant idea.
Apple drops prices significantly, which gets people who don't have the phone to praise the company, and say in much greater numbers that they will now buy the phone. The media says that the price drop before the holidays will convince many more people to buy it.
Some people complain loudly that Apple lowered the prices on a high tech item they recently purchased whose prices are always being lowered.
People who didn't buy the phone yet shake their heads at the lack of understanding of the phone business those early adopters have.
Apple announces that even though those people should know that something like that might happen, and even though all people who bought the phone 14 or less days before the price drop will get the difference back, it will go halfway, and give a $100 store credit to everyone else.
The media applauds Apple's move, and says that Apple understands what it had to do, that it won't cost the company too much money, and will draw people into the stores, or the website, where they will come backmany times.
That's the way this story has been playing out in the media.
Very positive for Apple except for the very few grumblers left.
Very positive for Apple except for the very few grumblers left.
Maybe, if you think that the refund was planned, which I don't, otherwise it looks like the whiners forced Apple's hand thus making them appear weak. The refund looks like damage control to me.
I believe many people in the industry look at the course of events as an indication that something has gone wrong and rightly so in my opinion. The price was too high. Lowering the price could have been genius except for the whiners and refund part. Now it just makes them look desperate.
But then the Apple spin doctors tell the story differently. So far Wall Street disagrees. The shareholders are more important than the users. I'd be curious to know how many of the whiners are shareholders.
Maybe, if you think that the refund was planned, which I don't, otherwise it looks like the whiners forced Apple's hand thus making them appear weak. The refund looks like damage control to me.
I believe many people in the industry look at the course of events as an indication that something has gone wrong and rightly so in my opinion. The price was too high. Lowering the price could have been genius except for the whiners and refund part. Now it just makes them look desperate.
But then the Apple spin doctors tell the story differently. So far Wall Street disagrees. The shareholders are more important than the users. I'd be curious to know how many of the whiners are shareholders.
I am a stock holder for the record, and as one I am happy to here Apple is going to provide the $100.00 credit in this case !!!!ONLY!!!!.
We all need to remember the iphone was going to be sold as the end all digital device. It is much more than just a cell phone. I also agree the price was to high and needed to come down just not this fast it sends the wrong message.
And he should of never done it at the same time as a new product release. Based on Steve's comments he made to the press. Should we all wait 60 days so we can buy a new iPod 33% cheaper or a new iMac?
One of the key concepts with this device as it relates to cell phone design is the fact it is software driven and did not need to have new hardware released everytime a new feature hit the smartphone market like all other smartphones on the market.
The ONLY reason I can think of that would justify a price cut this fast is that Apple can't update the software in the current models to meet the features the public wants and expects and that a new hardware model is going to be released very very soon to make up for the short falls of this model.
If this is the case Apple is going to be in big trouble based on what just happened.
Just something to think about because we have not seen any real feature updates to the iphone at this point and no real news about any from Apple. Just has to make you wonder.
(You've probably got some serious issues, dude. Including, some problems with people who live in the US.
They shafted themselves.
Ok, if you're a 15 year old kid who worked at mcdonalds all summer ... I might feel some sympathy .....[but] Get over it, shut your mouth and engage your brain in a bit of reflective contemplation. Learn something from it and get on with life, and dont repeat the experience again.
For everyone else... This boils down to nothing but Greed and lack of self control. No understanding of reality and no perspective. Its totally expected from a nation of self-gratifying shallow losers.
There are very few people who need a $600 phone. Probably no-one. You bought it because it was cool, and you wanted to buy into that coolness.
The reason we have been inundated with whiners, ......
They just lost a chunk off the bottom of the prop that holds up their shallow, insignificant lives, where the only measure of self-worth for them is an inflated price tag for a completely extravagant item.
Now that is gone, the feelings off worthless insignificance come creeping back and they default to being the whining losers they always were.
But dont blame them! Thats the state of the worthless society they live in.
Just when I thought you were off your rockers, the last para put it all into perspective! I hope you don't measure your own own self-worth by an inflated price tag for a completely extravagant item!
Now does any one want to hear my story of buying a Q6600, only to have it drop by $300 a month later. No. And you wont hear me moaning about it either, because I paid for what I wanted, I knew the price, I knew price cuts were coming, BUT I decided it was worth it at the price I paid. So I handed over my money and got on with it.
I am sure you think you are sounding reasonable (and you do, compared to your earlier, profanity-laden diatribe that was somewhat difficult to understand). But you sound like a completely out-of-control moron when you make exaggerated statements such as those highlighted below.
You dont know how much editting I had to do to remove the profanity.
(You've probably got some serious issues, dude. Including, some problems with people who live in the US.
No, the serious issue is having no responsibility for your actions and blaming someone else when your own actions from your own choices don't pan out. Greed is the only reason you would spend $600 on a phone, because you can get them for 10 times less than that.
You (in general terms - I don't mean you specifically, unless you are whining about spending $600 on a phone) bought that phone of your own free-will. That is your action and your responsibility if you later decide it was not worth it.
It is not Steve Job's fault that you bought it, you made that decision, it is your choice, it is your responsibility for your action.
If your choice subsequently seems misjudged, that is no-ones fault but your own. As i've said, if you really needed a phone you can get one for peanuts.
But you wanted a specific phone, and that phone had a price of $600. That was your choice. Live with the consequences.
And that is what is wrong with society. You're all so pumped up with needing the latest-coolest-most expensive fashion accessory to define yourself by, that when that crutch is taken away, - and in this case all thats really happened is that from now it costs $200 less - you all fall over, major life crisis, and claim you've been shafted. Thats Bullshit.
If youre feeling shafted, its because you were too greedy, had no self control, to ignorant, too stupid and have no perspective of reality.
Whats more laughable from my POV - is that you (and I mean you this time) dont realise that you have no-one to blame but yourself for your actions, and think it is the right thing to do to whine like a moron and claim some hand of God forces you to make purchases so that you need accept no responsibility for your actions, when things dont work out quite like you hoped.
Thats pretty funny in a forum. When the whole of society acts this way, its pretty sad and revolting.
Just when I thought you were off your rockers, the last para put it all into perspective! I hope you don't measure your own own self-worth by an inflated price tag for a completely extravagant item!
Seeing as I waited a very long time until I felt the asking price was a good deal no matter what the future (pricing) held and hav'nt mentioned a word about it except to illustrate a point, I think you probably dont understand points and principles too well.
"It's better to be thought a fool; then to open your mouth and remove all doubt".
In your previous post, you specifically said <quote>...from a nation of self-gratifying shallow losers....<unquote>, and <quote>.....the state of the worthless society they live in.<unquote>. (Underlining mine). Which nation? Which "worthless society" do "they" live in?
Now, you are trying to weasel out of that by saying:
And that is what is wrong with society...... and "When the whole of society acts this way".........
Notice a difference?
Look, you can slam early-iPhone-buyer-whiners all you want, but you are being really immature when you make a sweeping statement about a country as a whole. For instance, I would not remotely begin to judge the UK based on the silliness (and poor quality of English) revealed in your post.
It is just not nice to make these kinds of sweeping cultural generalizations. Also, if your goal is to make a point that you want to persuade people with, you've probably ended up doing the exact opposite.
Here's a simple piece of advice, and you can take it or leave it: Listen more, and yell less.
The trouble with people who yell a lot is they don't listen a lot.
In your previous post, you specifically said <quote>...from a nation of self-gratifying shallow losers....<unquote>, and <quote>.....the state of the worthless society they live in.<unquote>. (Underlining mine). Which nation? Which "worthless society" do "they" live in?
Now, you are trying to weasel out of that by saying:
Im talking about the US influenced western society, where a large majority of us must have everything yesterday, brag about its price and gloat over the big pile of worthless junk we have amassed for ourselves.
Now it seems the army of irresponsible whiners cannot even take responsibility for their actions, and have to blame someone else for their misjudgement, and/or claim they've been shafted.
Look, you can slam early-iPhone-buyer-whiners all you want, but you are being really immature when you make a sweeping statement about a country as a whole. For instance, I would not remotely begin to judge the UK based on the silliness (and poor quality of English) revealed in your post.
im assuming that as i'm typing pretty good English, that everyone bar you can understand, that you're either just yanking the chain, or you have reading difficulties, in which case i'll just
It is just not nice to make these kinds of sweeping cultural generalizations. Also, if your goal is to make a point that you want to persuade people with, you've probably ended up doing the exact opposite.
Here's a simple piece of advice, and you can take it or leave it: Listen more, and yell less.
As for your advice, if one doesn't mind, i think i'll leave it all the same.
There is an army of dimwit whiners to shout over.
I am sure you think you are sounding reasonable (and you do, compared to your earlier, profanity-laden diatribe that was somewhat difficult to understand. But you sound like a completely out-of-control moron when you make exaggerated statements such as those highlighted below.
(You've probably got some serious issues, dude. Including, some problems with people who live in the US.
"Ok, if you're a 15 year old kid who worked at mcdonalds all summer to buy the most expensive phone on the planet in order to be the coolest kid in class"
Tell me, has MarcUK hit the nail on the head here?
I can think of no other reason for your inability to understand his posts or to criticize his English and then write a sentence like this; " Also, if your goal is to make a point that you want to persuade people with, you've probably ended up doing the exact opposite." ( Oh! the irony)
And there is certainly no justification, other than being a minor, for using the word 'dude',
If you didn't value the phone at $600 when you bought it, that begs the question of why the hell did you buy it?
I value the phone at $600. I bought it because it does a bunch of things worth $600 to me.
Fact. There are very few people who need a $600 phone.
I use it mostly for the other functions and it substitutes quite often for a laptop (which, btw, costs more).
You bought it because it was cool, and you wanted to buy into that coolness. You got exactly what you wanted, what you knew you were getting and you handed over the money. You had two and a half months of flashing, gloating, feeling special, looking cool.
I have no interest in the iPhone for its coolness factor. This is why I'm glad the price went down. The lower price makes it that much less cool, and I prefer it that way. I like the iPhone only because I like the iPhone. With the new low price, hopefully it will become just as a common as a laptop, and people who use them will not attract gawkers.
The reason we have been inundated with whiners, is that people bought the phone so that they can brag "Look at my $600 phone". Thats all there is to it, and that is why they are upset.
They just lost a chunk off the bottom of the prop that holds up their shallow, insignificant lives, where the only measure of self-worth for them is an inflated price tag for a completely extravagant item.
Now that is gone, the feelings off worthless insignificance come creeping back and they default to being the whining losers they always were.
Some people are just pissed that they paid $200 more to be first on line, and not because they got swallowed up in your existential fantasy club. Sometimes a cigar is... well, you know.
But dont blame them! Thats the state of the worthless society they live in.
End of story. Shut up. Period.
While I am sure that there are people who fit your explanation, it sounds more like a confessional than anything else.
Tell me, has MarcUK hit the nail on the head here?
Really hard to tell through all the rage and swearing.
And there is certainly no justification, other than being a minor, for using the word 'dude',
Actually, there is one other loophole: Living in California (which I do).
Over here, 'dude' is as much a part of the language as "G'day" is in Australia. Been that way for at least 20 years now. It's not going away.
I was one of those calling people whiners, and I don't see how this changes anything. First they did not give a refund, they gave you a credit for a future sale. A future sale on which they will still make several hundred dollars from you.
Secondly, Apple's response to the overwhelming whine-fest that was on these boards yesterday does not change the fact that it was a whine-athon.
Wow! You really are cold. Why can't you accept that Apple reacted quickly and appropriately in acknowledging that early adopters do more to promote new products than expensive advertising can buy? Your reference to whining is condescending and inappropriate. If in fact the negative feedback was whining, I doubt Apple would have remedied the loss of goodwill. The fact is that early adopters are the most valuable customers a corporation can have--especially with technology.
I'll gladly take my $100 and buy v-modo's $100 pair of iPhone enabled earphones (actually wait for the 2nd generation since the first gen does not have full iPhone controls... expect improved earphones by the end of the month).. O.K., so the $100 will end up costing them less in out of pocket terms. But so what? It is still $100 in consumer dollars.
Wow! You really are cold. Why can't you accept that Apple reacted quickly and appropriately in acknowledging that early adopters do more to promote new products than expensive advertising can buy? Your reference to whining is condescending and inappropriate. If in fact the negative feedback was whining, I doubt Apple would have remedied the loss of goodwill. The fact is that early adopters are the most valuable customers a corporation can have--especially with technology.
I'll gladly take my $100 and buy v-modo's $100 pair of iPhone enabled earphones (actually wait for the 2nd generation since the first gen does not have full iPhone controls... expect improved earphones by the end of the month).. O.K., so the $100 will end up costing them less in out of pocket terms. But so what? It is still $100 in consumer dollars.
Whether Apple "reacted", or planned the entire thing is not quite clear.
Either way, they did the right thing as far as getting the good publicity out of it.
It's very amusing that the headline on one paper's front page was: Apple CEO apologizes for lowering prices.
That, itself, was worth all the outrage!
If in fact the negative feedback was whining, I doubt Apple would have remedied the loss of goodwill. The fact is that early adopters are the most valuable customers a corporation can have...
But the negative feedback (i.e. whiners) is pretty much a vocal minority.
A couple percent, at best, of the early adopters have now made what could have been a great move by Apple, lowering the price, into a major problem for everyone.
It's very amusing that the headline on one paper's front page was: Apple CEO apologizes for lowering prices. That, itself, was worth all the outrage
Not really, the refund, credit or whatever, is bad for Apple's image, bad for the shareholders, bad for the Mac user base and even bad for the whiners because it just reenforces their immature behavior.
But the negative feedback (i.e. whiners) is pretty much a vocal minority.
A couple percent, at best, of the early adopters have now made what could have been a great move by Apple, lowering the price, into a major problem for everyone.
Not really, the refund, credit or whatever, is bad for Apple's image, bad for the shareholders, bad for the Mac user base and even bad for the whiners because it just reenforces their immature behavior.
That's not the opinion of any writers I've read in the papers, or on the web. They think it's a brilliant idea.
Apple drops prices significantly, which gets people who don't have the phone to praise the company, and say in much greater numbers that they will now buy the phone. The media says that the price drop before the holidays will convince many more people to buy it.
Some people complain loudly that Apple lowered the prices on a high tech item they recently purchased whose prices are always being lowered.
People who didn't buy the phone yet shake their heads at the lack of understanding of the phone business those early adopters have.
Apple announces that even though those people should know that something like that might happen, and even though all people who bought the phone 14 or less days before the price drop will get the difference back, it will go halfway, and give a $100 store credit to everyone else.
The media applauds Apple's move, and says that Apple understands what it had to do, that it won't cost the company too much money, and will draw people into the stores, or the website, where they will come backmany times.
That's the way this story has been playing out in the media.
Very positive for Apple except for the very few grumblers left.
Very positive for Apple except for the very few grumblers left.
Maybe, if you think that the refund was planned, which I don't, otherwise it looks like the whiners forced Apple's hand thus making them appear weak. The refund looks like damage control to me.
I believe many people in the industry look at the course of events as an indication that something has gone wrong and rightly so in my opinion. The price was too high. Lowering the price could have been genius except for the whiners and refund part. Now it just makes them look desperate.
But then the Apple spin doctors tell the story differently. So far Wall Street disagrees. The shareholders are more important than the users. I'd be curious to know how many of the whiners are shareholders.
Maybe, if you think that the refund was planned, which I don't, otherwise it looks like the whiners forced Apple's hand thus making them appear weak. The refund looks like damage control to me.
I believe many people in the industry look at the course of events as an indication that something has gone wrong and rightly so in my opinion. The price was too high. Lowering the price could have been genius except for the whiners and refund part. Now it just makes them look desperate.
But then the Apple spin doctors tell the story differently. So far Wall Street disagrees. The shareholders are more important than the users. I'd be curious to know how many of the whiners are shareholders.
You think that, but it's not what I'm reading.
We all need to remember the iphone was going to be sold as the end all digital device. It is much more than just a cell phone. I also agree the price was to high and needed to come down just not this fast it sends the wrong message.
And he should of never done it at the same time as a new product release. Based on Steve's comments he made to the press. Should we all wait 60 days so we can buy a new iPod 33% cheaper or a new iMac?
One of the key concepts with this device as it relates to cell phone design is the fact it is software driven and did not need to have new hardware released everytime a new feature hit the smartphone market like all other smartphones on the market.
The ONLY reason I can think of that would justify a price cut this fast is that Apple can't update the software in the current models to meet the features the public wants and expects and that a new hardware model is going to be released very very soon to make up for the short falls of this model.
If this is the case Apple is going to be in big trouble based on what just happened.
Just something to think about because we have not seen any real feature updates to the iphone at this point and no real news about any from Apple. Just has to make you wonder.