One of the key concepts with this device as it relates to cell phone design is the fact it is software driven and did not need to have new hardware released everytime a new feature hit the smartphone market like all other smartphones on the market.
The ONLY reason I can think of that would justify a price cut this fast is that Apple can't update the software in the current models to meet the features the public wants and expects and that a new hardware model is going to be released very very soon to make up for the short falls of this model.
If this is the case Apple is going to be in big trouble based on what just happened.
Are you joking? You must be. You can't seriously be suggesting that Apple would never come out with a new model? There's two things we know can't be added by software update: 3G and more capacity.
Some people are even speculating that we'll see a 3G version before Christmas.
Unsafe at any speed? How about obsolete in two months? Don't I feel like a idiot for
buying the (now discontinued) 4Gig model. Can you imagine the Apple execs hyping
up sales in June, knowing full well in September it would be obsolete? What shocking
treatment to give Apple customers.
Obsolete doesn't mean "discontinued". If your iPhone is now incompatable with software upgrades, or it no longer works with the network you bought it to work with, then, indeed, it would be obsolete.
But, if it does work with all of that, then it is NOT obsolete.
It functions every bit as well today as when you first bought it.
Are you joking? You must be. You can't seriously be suggesting that Apple would never come out with a new model? There's two things we know can't be added by software update: 3G and more capacity.
Some people are even speculating that we'll see a 3G version before Christmas.
Of course I know they are going to put out another model. It is the speed at which they are going to do it that is going to hurt Apple in some ways. They stopped making the 4Gig iphone when they should of never even made it to begin with. The customers that have them must feel like they have been left out in the cold.
Now my guess is before the holiday the 3G model will be released with a new AT&T rate plan that cost even more per month. Then soon after this hardware model is released before the 2008 X-mas rush we will see a 32-100gig unit with GPS hardware built in.
The point I am making is as long as they do this SOME people are not going to be very happy with the company and overall sales are going to be effected.
Case in point if by Dec 1st 2007 Apple sell's 2million iphone and then on Dec 2nd releases a new 3G version what do you think these customers are going to do?
Many of these current customers will continue to feel like they have been used by Apple. If Apple is planing this type of move I hope they will at least make a software release for the current models that fix many of it's short comings to help reduce the blow. Just for the sake of it stock price.
Do you not now still have the same iPhone you bought a couple of months ago?
I agree. Daring Fireball put it best when he said many people bought iPhones just to be assholes. Meaning they bought them as status symbols to show off. And you were shortsighted if you really did not think your new shiny toy could be discounted or supplanted by something new.
I bought my iPhone for connectivity and communication. When the price goes down or they come out with a new one. The one I bought still does what I bought it for so it doesn't effect me what Apple does with newer sales or models.
Of course I know they are going to put out another model. It is the speed at which they are going to do it that is going to hurt Apple in some ways. They stopped making the 4Gig iphone when they should of never even made it to begin with. The customers that have them must feel like they have been left out in the cold.
I don't understand your remark at all. Why would the 4GB customers be left out in the cold? It no longer works? It does less now than it did when they bought it?
Now my guess is before the holiday the 3G model will be released with a new AT&T rate plan that cost even more per month. Then soon after this hardware model is released before the 2008 X-mas rush we will see a 32-100gig unit with GPS hardware built in.
The point I am making is as long as they do this SOME people are not going to be very happy with the company and overall sales are going to be effected.
Case in point if by Dec 1st 2007 Apple sell's 2million iphone and then on Dec 2nd releases a new 3G version what do you think these customers are going to do?
Many of these current customers will continue to feel like they have been used by Apple. If Apple is planing this type of move I hope they will at least make a software release for the current models that fix many of it's short comings to help reduce the blow. Just for the sake of it stock price.
These are not good reasons. Anytime Apple upgrades, or otherwise comes out with new models is not a good idea according to your philosophy.
Exactly when should Apple come out with a new model then? In March, June? Perhaps they should wait for the holiday season 2008?
6 months is plenty of time for new models, even models that have 3G and replace the current one.
If people can't understand how this works, too bad. At some point they will have to look around them and see that every other company does the same thing.
I actually like my 4GB model. I guess I'm the only one who doesn't mind syncing once in awhile. I mean, shit, it holds 14 full albums, and 3 full length movies, and I have room to spare.
If you're spending so much time on your iPhone where that's not good enough, complaining about an extra 4GB are the least of your problems.
Oh yeah, I also bought my iPhone just to be an asshole. It's the only way women will talk to me...
I have received hundreds of emails from iPhone customers who are upset about Apple dropping the price of iPhone by $200 two months after it went on sale...
What are the chances that Steve would listen to all the technicians and IT staff who are frustrated by Apple's desire to make iMacs and laptops as difficult to service as possible? Would he do something to make these Macs actually repairable in a reasonable amount of time?
Good move but certainly not planned! If Apple planned to offer this coupon to existing iPhone owners, the details would pretty much be available on how to get your $100 coupon. This was a reaction and a good one at that.
All the talk here is funny. I bought an iphone on day 2 (no waiting and only had to suffer 1 day without it ) and I in no way feel "ripped off" by the price drop. However, unlike many of the "stop whining crowd", it will say that for the most part they are wrong in that having this large of a price drop so soon after release is the big issue here. Had they announced this on Thanksgiving, the hue and cry wouldn't be nearly as loud. Only a few weeks after release is quite aggressive.
Speaking of aggressive, how anyone can read this as anything other than Apple saying "we had the element of surprise and our toe in the water revealed that not only can we compete, we can succeed and all these damn clones are coming out so we have to strike hard and fast" I just can't fathom. This is a brilliant stroke by Apple , they play it conservative, see opportunity knocking and they react. Bravo. Apple has learned just how valuable market share and "hearts and minds" is to a market through the ipod. If Apple wants to be a long term player in the phone industry (and keep any leaching of potential ipod buyers by the phone industry) then they need to establish a beach head (done) and then strike (in progress).
The $100 credit is also brilliant. Keeps people coming in the door. I'll use mine to buy my wife an iphone. More marketshare for Apple. Keep it coming I say.
All the talk here is funny. I bought an iphone on day 2 (no waiting and only had to suffer 1 day without it ) and I in no way feel "ripped off" by the price drop. However, unlike many of the "stop whining crowd", it will say that for the most part they are wrong in that having this large of a price drop so soon after release is the big issue here. Had they announced this on Thanksgiving, the hue and cry wouldn't be nearly as loud. Only a few weeks after release is quite aggressive.
Speaking of aggressive, how anyone can read this as anything other than Apple saying "we had the element of surprise and our toe in the water revealed that not only can we compete, we can succeed and all these damn clones are coming out so we have to strike hard and fast" I just can't fathom. This is a brilliant stroke by Apple , they play it conservative, see opportunity knocking and they react. Bravo. Apple has learned just how valuable market share and "hearts and minds" is to a market through the ipod. If Apple wants to be a long term player in the phone industry (and keep any leaching of potential ipod buyers by the phone industry) then they need to establish a beach head (done) and then strike (in progress).
The $100 credit is also brilliant. Keeps people coming in the door. I'll use mine to buy my wife an iphone. More marketshare for Apple. Keep it coming I say.
It wasn't a "few" weeks, it was a good two months.
I've just given a reason I think might be a major cause for the timing, and possibly for the drop itself. Post number 17.
The only people who have been doing the shafting, are the consumers who bought a $600 mobile phone.
They shafted themselves.
Clearly reading through these posts, we do see some level headed iPhone purchasers who realise that they paid a $200 exclusivity fee, which they judge to be worth it. Thats fine.
Ok, if you're a 15 year old kid who worked at mcdonalds all summer to buy the most expensive phone on the planet in order to be the coolest kid in class, I might feel some sympathy for you because you do not have the life experience to realise that there is a high price penalty for being cool. If this experience is the first time this has happened to you. Im sorry you wasted your summer, but that is the way the world works. Get over it, shut your mouth and engage your brain in a bit of reflective contemplation. Learn something from it and get on with life, and dont repeat the experience again.
For everyone else... This boils down to nothing but Greed and lack of self control. No understanding of reality and no perspective. Its totally expected from a nation of self-gratifying shallow losers.
If you didn't value the phone at $600 when you bought it, that begs the question of why the hell did you buy it?
Fact. There are very few people who need a $600 phone. Probably no-one. You bought it because it was cool, and you wanted to buy into that coolness. You got exactly what you wanted, what you knew you were getting and you handed over the money. You had two and a half months of flashing, gloating, feeling special, looking cool.
And when the truth comes out, you can still do all of those things and your phone still does all of the things it did when you bought it.
But the real issue here is that what the phone is, or what it does is irrelavent. The reason we have been inundated with whiners, is that people bought the phone so that they can brag "Look at my $600 phone". Thats all there is to it, and that is why they are upset.
They just lost a chunk off the bottom of the prop that holds up their shallow, insignificant lives, where the only measure of self-worth for them is an inflated price tag for a completely extravagant item.
Now that is gone, the feelings off worthless insignificance come creeping back and they default to being the whining losers they always were.
But dont blame them! Thats the state of the worthless society they live in.
End of story. Shut up. Period.
Now does any one want to hear my story of buying a Q6600, only to have it drop by $300 a month later. No. And you wont hear me moaning about it either, because I paid for what I wanted, I knew the price, I knew price cuts were coming, BUT I decided it was worth it at the price I paid. So I handed over my money and got on with it - after sitting out the first 6 months of its release waiting and showing self control for the price to drop to a level where I thought it was worth it.
Wow... you really put alot of thought into us worthless folks.
buying the (now discontinued) 4Gig model. Can you imagine the Apple execs hyping
up sales in June, knowing full well in September it would be obsolete? What shocking
treatment to give Apple customers.
One of the key concepts with this device as it relates to cell phone design is the fact it is software driven and did not need to have new hardware released everytime a new feature hit the smartphone market like all other smartphones on the market.
The ONLY reason I can think of that would justify a price cut this fast is that Apple can't update the software in the current models to meet the features the public wants and expects and that a new hardware model is going to be released very very soon to make up for the short falls of this model.
If this is the case Apple is going to be in big trouble based on what just happened.
Are you joking? You must be. You can't seriously be suggesting that Apple would never come out with a new model? There's two things we know can't be added by software update: 3G and more capacity.
Some people are even speculating that we'll see a 3G version before Christmas.
Unsafe at any speed? How about obsolete in two months? Don't I feel like a idiot for
buying the (now discontinued) 4Gig model. Can you imagine the Apple execs hyping
up sales in June, knowing full well in September it would be obsolete? What shocking
treatment to give Apple customers.
Why does it matter that it's discontinued? Do you not now still have the same iPhone you bought a couple of months ago?
Unsafe at any speed? How about obsolete in two months? Don't I feel like a idiot for
buying the (now discontinued) 4Gig model. Can you imagine the Apple execs hyping
up sales in June, knowing full well in September it would be obsolete? What shocking
treatment to give Apple customers.
Obsolete doesn't mean "discontinued". If your iPhone is now incompatable with software upgrades, or it no longer works with the network you bought it to work with, then, indeed, it would be obsolete.
But, if it does work with all of that, then it is NOT obsolete.
It functions every bit as well today as when you first bought it.
Don't go around feeling sorry for yourself.
Are you joking? You must be. You can't seriously be suggesting that Apple would never come out with a new model? There's two things we know can't be added by software update: 3G and more capacity.
Some people are even speculating that we'll see a 3G version before Christmas.
Of course I know they are going to put out another model. It is the speed at which they are going to do it that is going to hurt Apple in some ways. They stopped making the 4Gig iphone when they should of never even made it to begin with. The customers that have them must feel like they have been left out in the cold.
Now my guess is before the holiday the 3G model will be released with a new AT&T rate plan that cost even more per month. Then soon after this hardware model is released before the 2008 X-mas rush we will see a 32-100gig unit with GPS hardware built in.
The point I am making is as long as they do this SOME people are not going to be very happy with the company and overall sales are going to be effected.
Case in point if by Dec 1st 2007 Apple sell's 2million iphone and then on Dec 2nd releases a new 3G version what do you think these customers are going to do?
Many of these current customers will continue to feel like they have been used by Apple. If Apple is planing this type of move I hope they will at least make a software release for the current models that fix many of it's short comings to help reduce the blow. Just for the sake of it stock price.
Do you not now still have the same iPhone you bought a couple of months ago?
I agree. Daring Fireball put it best when he said many people bought iPhones just to be assholes. Meaning they bought them as status symbols to show off. And you were shortsighted if you really did not think your new shiny toy could be discounted or supplanted by something new.
I bought my iPhone for connectivity and communication. When the price goes down or they come out with a new one. The one I bought still does what I bought it for so it doesn't effect me what Apple does with newer sales or models.
Of course I know they are going to put out another model. It is the speed at which they are going to do it that is going to hurt Apple in some ways. They stopped making the 4Gig iphone when they should of never even made it to begin with. The customers that have them must feel like they have been left out in the cold.
I don't understand your remark at all. Why would the 4GB customers be left out in the cold? It no longer works? It does less now than it did when they bought it?
Now my guess is before the holiday the 3G model will be released with a new AT&T rate plan that cost even more per month. Then soon after this hardware model is released before the 2008 X-mas rush we will see a 32-100gig unit with GPS hardware built in.
The point I am making is as long as they do this SOME people are not going to be very happy with the company and overall sales are going to be effected.
Case in point if by Dec 1st 2007 Apple sell's 2million iphone and then on Dec 2nd releases a new 3G version what do you think these customers are going to do?
Many of these current customers will continue to feel like they have been used by Apple. If Apple is planing this type of move I hope they will at least make a software release for the current models that fix many of it's short comings to help reduce the blow. Just for the sake of it stock price.
These are not good reasons. Anytime Apple upgrades, or otherwise comes out with new models is not a good idea according to your philosophy.
Exactly when should Apple come out with a new model then? In March, June? Perhaps they should wait for the holiday season 2008?
6 months is plenty of time for new models, even models that have 3G and replace the current one.
If people can't understand how this works, too bad. At some point they will have to look around them and see that every other company does the same thing.
If you're spending so much time on your iPhone where that's not good enough, complaining about an extra 4GB are the least of your problems.
Oh yeah, I also bought my iPhone just to be an asshole. It's the only way women will talk to me...
I have received hundreds of emails from iPhone customers who are upset about Apple dropping the price of iPhone by $200 two months after it went on sale...
What are the chances that Steve would listen to all the technicians and IT staff who are frustrated by Apple's desire to make iMacs and laptops as difficult to service as possible? Would he do something to make these Macs actually repairable in a reasonable amount of time?
Speaking of aggressive, how anyone can read this as anything other than Apple saying "we had the element of surprise and our toe in the water revealed that not only can we compete, we can succeed and all these damn clones are coming out so we have to strike hard and fast" I just can't fathom. This is a brilliant stroke by Apple , they play it conservative, see opportunity knocking and they react. Bravo. Apple has learned just how valuable market share and "hearts and minds" is to a market through the ipod. If Apple wants to be a long term player in the phone industry (and keep any leaching of potential ipod buyers by the phone industry) then they need to establish a beach head (done) and then strike (in progress).
The $100 credit is also brilliant. Keeps people coming in the door. I'll use mine to buy my wife an iphone. More marketshare for Apple. Keep it coming I say.
logic pro upgrade is calling my name!
All the talk here is funny. I bought an iphone on day 2 (no waiting and only had to suffer 1 day without it
Speaking of aggressive, how anyone can read this as anything other than Apple saying "we had the element of surprise and our toe in the water revealed that not only can we compete, we can succeed and all these damn clones are coming out so we have to strike hard and fast" I just can't fathom. This is a brilliant stroke by Apple , they play it conservative, see opportunity knocking and they react. Bravo. Apple has learned just how valuable market share and "hearts and minds" is to a market through the ipod. If Apple wants to be a long term player in the phone industry (and keep any leaching of potential ipod buyers by the phone industry) then they need to establish a beach head (done) and then strike (in progress).
The $100 credit is also brilliant. Keeps people coming in the door. I'll use mine to buy my wife an iphone. More marketshare for Apple. Keep it coming I say.
It wasn't a "few" weeks, it was a good two months.
I've just given a reason I think might be a major cause for the timing, and possibly for the drop itself. Post number 17.
The only people who have been doing the shafting, are the consumers who bought a $600 mobile phone.
They shafted themselves.
Clearly reading through these posts, we do see some level headed iPhone purchasers who realise that they paid a $200 exclusivity fee, which they judge to be worth it. Thats fine.
Ok, if you're a 15 year old kid who worked at mcdonalds all summer to buy the most expensive phone on the planet in order to be the coolest kid in class, I might feel some sympathy for you because you do not have the life experience to realise that there is a high price penalty for being cool. If this experience is the first time this has happened to you. Im sorry you wasted your summer, but that is the way the world works. Get over it, shut your mouth and engage your brain in a bit of reflective contemplation. Learn something from it and get on with life, and dont repeat the experience again.
For everyone else... This boils down to nothing but Greed and lack of self control. No understanding of reality and no perspective. Its totally expected from a nation of self-gratifying shallow losers.
If you didn't value the phone at $600 when you bought it, that begs the question of why the hell did you buy it?
Fact. There are very few people who need a $600 phone. Probably no-one. You bought it because it was cool, and you wanted to buy into that coolness. You got exactly what you wanted, what you knew you were getting and you handed over the money. You had two and a half months of flashing, gloating, feeling special, looking cool.
And when the truth comes out, you can still do all of those things and your phone still does all of the things it did when you bought it.
But the real issue here is that what the phone is, or what it does is irrelavent. The reason we have been inundated with whiners, is that people bought the phone so that they can brag "Look at my $600 phone". Thats all there is to it, and that is why they are upset.
They just lost a chunk off the bottom of the prop that holds up their shallow, insignificant lives, where the only measure of self-worth for them is an inflated price tag for a completely extravagant item.
Now that is gone, the feelings off worthless insignificance come creeping back and they default to being the whining losers they always were.
But dont blame them! Thats the state of the worthless society they live in.
End of story. Shut up. Period.
Now does any one want to hear my story of buying a Q6600, only to have it drop by $300 a month later. No. And you wont hear me moaning about it either, because I paid for what I wanted, I knew the price, I knew price cuts were coming, BUT I decided it was worth it at the price I paid. So I handed over my money and got on with it - after sitting out the first 6 months of its release waiting and showing self control for the price to drop to a level where I thought it was worth it.
Wow... you really put alot of thought into us worthless folks.