Apple announcements brewing for late October



  • Reply 21 of 84
    Originally Posted by 11thIndian View Post

    Wasn't there talk during one of Job's keynotes that there would be AppleTV news later in the year?

    I'm sure that this October event will either be Leopard dominated or at least will open it. But really, what more is there to say? We already got a full demo and price breakdown a couple months ago. Other than, "Leopard. It's here, shipping on all new Mac's starting today and available for purchase today." what can he talk about?

    And if Apple is looking to make a holiday sales push for AppleTV, the sub-Macbook, etc.- they're going to have to do it soon. End of October is only 6 weeks to Christmas...

    I doubt Apple's concerned about a "holiday sales push for Apple TV".

    My guess, though, is that this is a Leopard-only event. There are some integration features Jobs will tout for the iPhone users (another way to get another cycle of iPhone news). As for new hardware, that's intriguing. . . I would almost bet that you can see one announcment . . . a speed bump at least. A new form factor might be too much with this high profile of a deadline to meet.
  • Reply 22 of 84
    Over here in the UK mac retailers have begun to offer significant discounts on the Mac Pro. Significant?
  • Reply 23 of 84
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by mcnaugha View Post

    I heard that there could be new MacBook (and or Pro) very soon. Not just a speed bump!

    New MacBooks would be VERY welcome.

    I have this dream where Apple wakes up and actually has a notebook with a 15" screen that (OMG!) costs significantly less than $2000 (especially since PC notebooks at less than half that price now have 15" screens).

    But then I wake up and realize that Apple is so desperately afraid of cannibalizing MacBook Pro sales that they want to "hobble the naughty MacBookses forever and EVER, my precioussssssssssss!!!"


    Then again, it could just be the iPhone Extreme. 3G anyone?

    That'd be awesome, but unlikely. I'd put my money on the iPhone not going 3G 'til the Asian launch in mid-2008. Even though I think that's going to hurt them some in Europe, and also a bit in the US now that the iPhone clones are starting to show up (such as the LG Voyager).

  • Reply 24 of 84
    netdognetdog Posts: 244member
    Originally Posted by Andy Howell View Post

    Over here in the UK mac retailers have begun to offer significant discounts on the Mac Pro. Significant?

    Which retailers? Certainly not at the Apple Store on Regent Street.
  • Reply 25 of 84
    Originally Posted by John the Geek View Post

    Have you reported these bugs?

    There will be other known issues with the release, but they don't list them in the release notes because they divide bugs up based on time it takes to complete them. Many known bugs were pushed back for a 10.5.1 update because they were labeled as "not serious" enough to halt the release of Leopard. I expect we'll get 10.5.1 not too long after the discs for 10.5.0 arrive.

    The current build isn't bad though. I haven't experienced any of the bugs you mentioned, so perhaps you need to contact Apple and report them.

    Anyway he is true that there are a lot of serious bugs unlisted on the release note. Many people (and I underline many) cannot even download from Safari. I had various kernel panics related to mdworker, once or twice a day (without any 3rd party metadata plugin installed). And so on... definetely these need to be fixed before final, even for a .0 release.
  • Reply 26 of 84
    Maybe they'll pull the usual trick of releasing it, then shortly after releasing 10.5.1 straight after with lots of the bugs fixed like they did with Tiger
  • Reply 27 of 84
    Sweet lord, just ANNOUNCE it so I can buy an iMac with the Leopard-up-to-date upgrade that I assume will be available???

    Or don't announce the date, but announce an up-to-date program anyway. Come on, WHO in their right mind would buy a Mac now without it??
  • Reply 28 of 84
    Originally Posted by orangetbear View Post

    Maybe they'll pull the usual trick of releasing it, then shortly after releasing 10.5.1 straight after with lots of the bugs fixed like they did with Tiger

    Maybe, but before they have to at least fix the Software Update that is not working for many developers as well
  • Reply 29 of 84
    cdong4cdong4 Posts: 194member
    Originally Posted by mcnaugha View Post

    At Yovo84: Yeah it could be. With a SSD and multi-touch screen? Expensive, but light. My 17-inch MBP is a beast to carry.

    A multi-touch input device won't do you any good if your OS and Software are not capable of understanding multiple point recognition / multiple point "mouse clicks". I think we're going to have to wait until 10.6 before we see any sort of implementation.
  • Reply 30 of 84
    sc_marktsc_markt Posts: 1,402member
    Originally Posted by baygbm View Post

    I can beat that! My G4 is from 1999 and I am the laughing stock of all my macfriends. I am so ready for a new MacPro. I just hope they offer BluRay as a BTO option!


    I just replaced a sawtooth 450MHz single processor Powermac (I think it was also made in 1999) with a new MBP. What a freaking difference! You will definitely be pleased with the response and speed of the new machine you get.
  • Reply 31 of 84
    sc_marktsc_markt Posts: 1,402member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Apple Inc. has begun preparatory measures for significant announcements to take place during the last full week of October, AppleInsider has been told.

    While sources have requested that we not go into detail regarding the specific measures being put into place, they say the announcements are likely to arrive any time between the 22nd and 27th of the month.

    Obviously, such a timeframe would coincide with Apple's self-imposed release schedule for Mac OS X Leopard, which the company -- after having delayed the software once -- has promised for "October."

    As of Wednesday evening, the source code to Leopard had not yet been frozen and a Gold Master had not yet been declared. However, the operating system in recent weeks has inched closer to this status with the last full builds including only one known issue.

    Historically, Apple has tapped the final Friday of the month to roll out its major operating system overhauls. For instance, it launched Mac OS X Tiger on the eve of Friday, April 29, 2005.

    Sources have yet to rule out the possibility that Leopard would be accompanied by additional announcements from the Cupertino-based company.

    Update: We are receiving additional tips from industry sources who indicate that October 26 is currently the estimated ship date for Mac OS X Leopard.

    For those readers who don't plan to run out to an Apple store the day Leopard hits the streets, is currently taking pre-orders with a price guarantee of $129 for the single license edition and $199 for the 5-license family edition.

    So we should see those secret features that Jobs talked about.
  • Reply 32 of 84
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    How long does it take to press & package a few million discs? The predicted release is about three weeks away now, that just doesn't seem like a lot of time to do that.
  • Reply 33 of 84
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    How long does it take to press & package a few million discs? The predicted release is about three weeks away now, that just doesn't seem like a lot of time to do that.

    1-2 days maybe?... if you beat your child labor maybe less.
  • Reply 34 of 84
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    Originally Posted by CDonG4 View Post

    A multi-touch input device won't do you any good if your OS and Software are not capable of understanding multiple point recognition / multiple point "mouse clicks". I think we're going to have to wait until 10.6 before we see any sort of implementation.

    Um... I've been using MultiTouch on my Mac since 10.3. That's with a FingerWorks iGesture tablet. It's not the huge problem you think it is.
  • Reply 35 of 84
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    How long does it take to press & package a few million discs? The predicted release is about three weeks away now, that just doesn't seem like a lot of time to do that.

    I think that 1 week will be enough.
  • Reply 36 of 84
    Originally Posted by JeffDM;

    How long does it take to press & package a few million discs? The predicted release is about three weeks away now, that just doesn't seem like a lot of time to do that.

    I wonder why apple doesn't allow for online purchase&download of leopard. With Broadband Speeds reaching up to 50Mbps such a download could be done very quick. Burn your own DVD for Backup.
  • Reply 37 of 84
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Leopard...complete 64-bit OS, now with native Blu-ray burning capabilities, and now updated hardware with Blu-ray drives available.

    C'mon I can dream can't I...probably won't happen until January though.
  • Reply 38 of 84
    Hi guys.

    I will be in the US and plan to purchase a MacBook Pro on the 14th of Oct.

    Could anyone tell me what is apples policy if they issue the Leopard within two weeks after I purchase the MBP (which will come with Tiger)?

    Will they issue a free (or for a small amount) upgrade (like it was with Windows before issuing the Vista)?

    Please let me know from your experience.

  • Reply 39 of 84
    Originally Posted by FreqTraveller View Post

    Hi guys.

    I will be in the US and plan to purchase a MacBook Pro on the 14th of Oct.

    Could anyone tell me what is apples policy if they issue the Leopard within two weeks after I purchase the MBP (which will come with Tiger)?

    Will they issue a free (or for a small amount) upgrade (like it was with Windows before issuing the Vista)?

    Please let me know from your experience.


    You will get a free upgrade ONLY if Apple announces a Leopard "Up To Date" program (which they have not yet done). They may or may not do it at all. If they do it, it would likely coincide with the announcement of the Leopard release date. I think similar programs in the past have been $19.95 for "shipping and handling."
  • Reply 40 of 84
    cdong4cdong4 Posts: 194member
    Originally Posted by Kolchak View Post

    Um... I've been using MultiTouch on my Mac since 10.3. That's with a FingerWorks iGesture tablet. It's not the huge problem you think it is.

    I wouldn't call gestural recognition (based on multiple point inputs) a real multitouch experience.

    The OS and its Applications aren't designed in anyway to accomodate for multitouch... say to manipulate the four corners of a rectalinear vector shape simultaneously with four finger inputs. This requires signficant overhauling.

    A huge problem with adapting a (true) multitouch interface to our current machines is defining a language for gestures, as you can see with the remnants of the iGesture website, this is something they probably got tangled in solidifying. Even with gestures for Photoshop and Maya, its a predefinied library of gesture recognitions which then get translated into manipulating your document in the respective program based on existing commands. Having the user define all of their own gestures will not really be useful, nor will having to refer to a webpage of predefined gestures.

    If its not Jeff Han's / Perceptive Pixel sorta stuff (I hardly qualify the iPhone)... its not really multitouch in my opinion.
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