Apple announcements brewing for late October



  • Reply 41 of 84
    There's just no way in heck I'm installing Leopard for 6 months after release. I did the same thing last time, and by then most of the big bugs are crushed.
  • Reply 42 of 84
    irelandireland Posts: 17,798member
    I know it's not going to be a stable as I would like, so I'm waiting, eagerly until around February 2008. Don't get me wrong I'm looking forward to Leopard, it's just when you rely on your computer to do work I don't think it would be a good idea to jump on board right away. Still, Leopard is gonna rock the computer industry once more, some great functionality in there. Nothing crazy, which I like.
  • Reply 43 of 84
    mgkwhomgkwho Posts: 167member
    Top Secret Features I hope!

  • Reply 44 of 84
    on a-slighty-nother note: will updating to leopard mean you should reinstall everything afterwards (starting clean) or is it perfectly fine to really just update and not start all over? could i expect some bugs on my macbook (or only one annoying: after a superdrive update it now tells me everytime i reboot that no updates are necessary for the superdrive) to disappear or does it only make things worse? (bugs piling up?)


  • Reply 45 of 84
    Originally Posted by icedtea1996 View Post

    on a-slighty-nother note: will updating to leopard mean you should reinstall everything afterwards (starting clean) or is it perfectly fine to really just update and not start all over? could i expect some bugs on my macbook (or only one annoying: after a superdrive update it now tells me everytime i reboot that no updates are necessary for the superdrive) to disappear or does it only make things worse? (bugs piling up?)



    It should be fine to just update, but I would recommend a total Erase and Install. This is a great time to rid your system of all the bloat you've added on, and start anew. I just back up my Documents, Music, Movies, Pictures to a hard drive before Erase and Installing. It takes more time (plus having to reinstall all your apps, set preferences all over again, etc.), but I greatly prefer it.
  • Reply 46 of 84
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    When I say santa you say Rosa




    COME ON ALREADY, give us Macbooks with the super-speedy santa-rosa chipset including the x3100, which BLOWS AWAY the 945...

    the x3100 on new Dells can play Quicktime h.264 1080p (on a panel with a native res of 1900*1200) without dropping frames or even hesitating!...imagine that with a $1100 notebook...can you say AWSOME for anyone not running something like Motion...this would kick ass for ilife!
  • Reply 47 of 84
    icfireballicfireball Posts: 2,594member
    Originally Posted by kerryb View Post

    I am ready to get a new Mac Pro, using a G4 tower 933 vintage 2001. Really thought about the new iMac but I just can't get past that shiny screen. My iSight crapped out on me yesterday so I would love a new 24" display with built in iSight camera. I'll wait to 10.5 figuring the $100+ saved having it pre-loaded can go to adding RAM. Of course I don't really expect this set up and imagine MacWorld for the announcement of new Mac Pro's.

    Really, the glossy screens aren't as bad as they might sound. The glare with the glossy screens isn't that bad (the glossy screens do have some anti-glare coating). Also, beacuse it's a desktop, it will be in the same location in... you can place it to avoid glare.
  • Reply 48 of 84
    Originally Posted by icfireball View Post

    Really, the glossy screens aren't as bad as they might sound. The glare with the glossy screens isn't that bad (the glossy screens do have some anti-glare coating). Also, beacuse it's a desktop, it will be in the same location in... you can place it to avoid glare.

    Yes they are that bad.
  • Reply 49 of 84
    nevenneven Posts: 54member
    Originally Posted by icfireball View Post

    Really, the glossy screens aren't as bad as they might sound. The glare with the glossy screens isn't that bad (the glossy screens do have some anti-glare coating). Also, beacuse it's a desktop, it will be in the same location in... you can place it to avoid glare.

    If properly placed to avoid lighting directly reflected in the screen (something you should be doing anyway if you're concerned about color precision) the new iMacs look beautiful and the glare is not a problem.

    If you've only seen them at the Apple Store (which is shiny in the worst way for computer use) don't think you know how they will look in a properly set up office. My new 24" iMac's screen looks fantastic in my office.
  • Reply 50 of 84
    Originally Posted by Thataboy View Post

    You will get a free upgrade ONLY if Apple announces a Leopard "Up To Date" program (which they have not yet done). They may or may not do it at all. If they do it, it would likely coincide with the announcement of the Leopard release date. I think similar programs in the past have been $19.95 for "shipping and handling."


    I really hope they will do that as it will be very disappointing to find out that there is a new king just a week or two after I pay top $$$ for it.
  • Reply 51 of 84
    rot'napplerot'napple Posts: 1,839member
    Originally Posted by aegisdesign View Post

    Yes they are that bad.

    I concur!

    I went to my local CompUSA store where they have that wherehouse lighting so grant it, it's not your bedroom or office, but I noticed that you can avoid reflective glare when you are concentrating on what you are doing at the moment, but as soon as you "take a break" you start to notice all the reflections again.

    Also, while at CompUSA, they had a 20" white iMac and the new 20" AL iMac side by side and so I uploaded the same photo of a person's face to both iMacs. The white iMac showed color to the photo (flesh tones, rosy cheeks, etc.) while the AL iMac showed the same photo as pale, and like the person was void of blood in his face - he looked dead. Then while in front of the new AL iMac monitor, I stooped down to get the same feel as the set up I have at home and the photo changed colors from Pale to a Sunburn color. I went over to the white iMac and did the same thing and the photo pretty much held it's color or at least didn't change to the extremes I witnessed on the AL iMac when viewing it at the same angle.

    So I went out searching the web and found on ebay a new white 24" iMac customized with 2 GB RAM, 750 GB Harddrive, Nvidia 7600 Graphic Card with 256MB RAM for $2100, that the original orderer could not come up with the money. It is virtually the the same price I paid for my first gen 20" white Intel iMac I purchased in April of 2006. I will use that as a spare, because I need for business (printing trade - color accuracy needed). Hopefully, the two iMacs will last long enough over the years to where Apple will give BTO iMacs with matte screens. Also, for my needs, iMacs are plenty powerful enough so don't need or want PowerMac and ACD.

    The above is just my personal experience and may possibly help you out with iMac decision while there still are a few places to get older version iMac.

    PLUS no freezes!

    PS - Not that the new AL iMacs aren't beautiful machines, they are! And the color is great, but freaked me out when I noticed how it could change like it did and that a matte finish screen didn't provide the same results.

    PSS - UPS just delivered my new (old) 24" white Intel iMac - Happy Camper!
  • Reply 52 of 84
    Originally Posted by Vulcan1 View Post

    Oh man, finally! Can't wait for the leopard anymore

    Look, it's getting desperate here! I haven't got long to get my letter to Father Christmas - what do I ask him for? Leopard - well that's a given - but what else will Cupertino unveil?!

    OMG - I don't think I can wait much longer!!
  • Reply 53 of 84
    netdognetdog Posts: 244member
    Give us our Mac Pros NOW!!!!
  • Reply 54 of 84
    What's the story for upgrades with Macs?

    I ordered (my first) Mac on 2nd Sept and was told 7-10 days. It turned up on 1st October. Will I be contacted and offered a few version of Leopard? Will I have to contact them, or is it just tough luck?

    What have they done in the past for these sort of things?

    Many thanks
  • Reply 55 of 84
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member
    Originally Posted by a_greer View Post

    the x3100 on new Dells can play Quicktime h.264 1080p (on a panel with a native res of 1900*1200) without dropping frames or even hesitating!...imagine that with a $1100 notebook...can you say AWSOME for anyone not running something like Motion...this would kick ass for ilife!

    Now I don't mean to ruin your dream, but it seems that under Windows there is hardware acceleration for high definition video. Apple deliberately relies on CPU power for that under Mac OS X.

    For the moment I have not seen evidence that this is going to change with Leopard. But even so, the Macbook should be capable to handle 1080p without difficulty, at the expense of high CPU usage of course.
  • Reply 56 of 84
    Originally Posted by thechef72 View Post

    1-2 days maybe?... if you beat your child labor maybe less.

    I realize this is not funny but truth be told, I could not help laughing out loud!
  • Reply 57 of 84
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member
    Originally Posted by Rot'nApple View Post

    Also, while at CompUSA, they had a 20" white iMac and the new 20" AL iMac side by side and so I uploaded the same photo of a person's face to both iMacs. The white iMac showed color to the photo (flesh tones, rosy cheeks, etc.) while the AL iMac showed the same photo as pale, and like the person was void of blood in his face - he looked dead. Then while in front of the new AL iMac monitor, I stooped down to get the same feel as the set up I have at home and the photo changed colors from Pale to a Sunburn color. I went over to the white iMac and did the same thing and the photo pretty much held it's color or at least didn't change to the extremes I witnessed on the AL iMac when viewing it at the same angle.

    It is known for some time now that the display of the new 20" iMac is of inferior quality than the one it replaces. The 24" is at least as good as its predecessor with very good viewing angles in both directions.
  • Reply 58 of 84
    zanshinzanshin Posts: 350member
    I'm betting on Leopard, iTunes Store movie rentals & HD, new Cinema displays with iSight cameras built in, and 16gb iPhones for $599 (secret goodies revealed).

    From the accessories side: tiny wireless keyboards for iPhone and wired USB ones for iPod Touch, and maybe even matching wireless keypads to go with their new wireless keyboard.

    And maybe a new batch of color-coordinated pocket socks for the various sizes of new gen iPods.
  • Reply 59 of 84
    Originally Posted by zanshin View Post

    ...From the accessories side: tiny wireless keyboards for iPhone and wired USB ones for iPod Touch.....

    I don't see the logic for such a device.

    I cannot imagine how/where I would place such a keyboard when typing, given that the iPhone has to be at a sufficiently short distance from my eye so that I can see what I am typing!
  • Reply 60 of 84
    taskisstaskiss Posts: 1,212member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    I don't see the logic for such a device.

    I cannot imagine how/where I would place such a keyboard when typing, given that the iPhone has to be at a sufficiently short distance from my eye so that I can see what I am typing!

    $145.00 ... sheesh!
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