I use it quite a bit, but if I really want to get stuff done, I have to boot back into OS 9.2. 10.1 is still a little too laggy for me, but it's coming along great!
I am using OS X exclusively on my iMac (1999) and iBook (2001). I was only using Classic for support of my Epson printer. Well, now that Epson has come around, I don't even need Classic!
I'm even considering Office v.X, but AppleWorks is fine for now.
JWPepper if the Epson SCSI scanner you have is a perfection 1200S it looks like its never going to be supported in OSX,that is what I have.The drivers are actually written by Adaptec and Epson is blaming them.Needless to say I am pissed at Epson and I am looking at other companies to supply my next scanner
Been using OS 10 exclusively since the Public Beta came out-- when I reinstalled 10.1 back in October I didn't even load a copy of Classic onto my machine!
I'll be getting it for Christmas. The true of sign of the young geek.
At home, must still use Office, but that shall change in a matter of days.
- no SCSI CDR support
- no RCA video capture or output support (ATi XClaim 128VR card)
- Final Cut Pro
other than rebooting for those few functions, I'm X-all-the-way.[edit]forgot about FCP
[ 11-12-2001: Message edited by: starfleetX ]</p>
<strong>What's your experience?</strong><hr></blockquote>
Have 10.1 running on my iBook a WallStreet PB and the two PMG4s we use for web design.
The webserver (until I get Lasso 5/Apache all figured out) our FileMaker servers and our two "print" design machines are still running 9.1 - 9.2.1
I couldn't be happier, really, with 10.1
Stable, fast and beautiful.
Much more usable than 9.x was at its prime already.
Even on my puny 128 meg iBook it's usable, though I would like more ram.
I love it.
- Outlook Express
- Adobe Photoshop/ImageReady/Illustrator
- Dreamweaver
- Other gizmos (drop?rename, personal droplets, etc.)
BUT at home, i'm using exclusively Mac OS X... too bad for thoses classic apps I was used to.[ 11-13-2001: Message edited by: Zal ]</p>
<strong>The funny thing is that my younger brother has a DP G4/500 with 2GB RAM and LIVES in 9.2.1. I can't understand it!</strong><hr></blockquote>
What's the point of having 2 GB RAM then? Mac OS 9.x doesn't recognize it!
Yes - I'm in OS X full time, using classic for such app as NTK, of course!
Final Cut Pro
After Effects is okay under Classic but of course if the native version comes I will get it anyway
I'm even considering Office v.X, but AppleWorks is fine for now.