I'm using it 95% of the time. My two remaining holdouts are VPC and SPSS. I'm moving to R for my statistical needs (I think; the learning curve is pretty steep) and once I do, I won't need VPC except to transfer docs to and from my Psion (VPC test drive doesn't support USB).
Now if I could stop using classic all together I'd be ecstatic. I swear it takes about 5 minutes to launch on my ibook 500 (384 megs). I don't know what the problem is. I reformatted my 9.2 partition all to no avail. Maybe I need to tweak some extensions? Any suggestions?
X exclusively on my iBook 500, installed without classic and it runs very well. I'm having great fun discovering neat shareware/freeware apps for doing day to day stuff.
If you are going the X only route then go the whole hog and do without classic, it means you HAVE to work around not having the big apps (photoshop, office e.t.c)
I have been using 10.1 on my iMac DV 400 with 384MB RAM since it came out, and haven't rebooted except for the updates from Apple that required it.
It has been working pretty well for me, and although it still shows some shortcomings, and is not as fast as one might like on this machine, I have been pleased with my experience. The cable modem works fine, as does my Epson printer, so there are no peripheral problems, and I use Word 98 without any problems for word processing.
What I would like to see though is a better email client. I have been using Mozilla .95, which works great, except that it is very sluggish on this machine. Mail.app always crashes on this machine (seems to work fine on some, not on others - weird), so I would like to see a client with IMAP functionality that is a little more responsive than Mozilla.
I'm using OS X 99% of the time, and look forward to zotting OS 9 ASAP (I'm using a Rev. A Tangerine iBook, and I haven't upgraded the drive from its measely 3GB default) to make way for more room on my system. If only my Que! USB burner was supported under OS X, then I'd really be in business...
I use OS X.1 about 90% pf the time. The only thing hlolding me back are a couple of games. Like...Elite Force (which is carbonzed but the patch isn't out yet), Rogue Spear and Total Annhilation. Also I prefer to use my soundblaster under 9 and photoshop.
I've been using OS X nearly 100% since DP4. I messed up my OS 9 partition when I installed DP4, and being lazy I could never be bothered to reinstall it until OS X 1.0 came out.
I have OS 9 installed on my iBook, but have never used it - except for when it booted into OS 9 when it first started up.
Good to be back!! and the new design is brilliant!!!
Been using OSX since Beta and have booted less and less into OS9 with each passing week. Now the only time that I boot into OS9 is to clear out trash whenever I can't get rid of it in OSX due to permissions issues
Is it just me or does OS9 feel somewhat 'fragile' when you are running it instead of OSX? Anytime I run it I feel like it is going to lock up on me at any time.
I only boot 9 to play Diablo II and Deus Ex, the first is getting carbonized so that will be fixed soon [along with StarCraft] and the second never will be but I'll get over it. OS X rules, to be productive I boot into it, to play two games I use 9.
Been using X since DP 3. But switched to it full time at OS X final. X.1 was when I really appreciated my resolve to use X full time (and when I loaded it to my iMac).
I got a digital audio g4 466 with 640mb of ram and used os x.1 ever since it arrived (and betas) i only do casual downloading of mp3s n such also browsing. I really wish Photoshop was carbonized though and dreamweaver, i guess that is the only thing that stoped me from trying to learn to use photoshop more. Also X.1 crashed only once on me for i have no idea reason. Other than that i havent had to restart because of crash or wahtever, only installing itunes 2, new HD, updates..
This morning I did a clean install of OS X, sans OS 9, and I am currently running X-native apps only.
But, that's only because for the next three months I will only be surfing the Net, and using Office X. And hopefully, if occasion arises, I will not need to manipulate images beyond the capabilities of GraphicConverter ( or that Photoshop will be out by late January)...
I'm thrilled to have not-installed Classic, but if it wasn't for a busy, law-school addled schedule, I would still use 9.2.1 occasionally.
I use it as much as I can but I need sometimes to go back on 9.2.1 for Photoshop, Quark use... also Toast can't burn with my QPS QUE! 12x10x32x firewire so I need OS 9.
I forgot, games like Unreal Tournament and Diablo2LoD require me to use 9.2.1
90% of time on 10.1.1 and I will probably use MacOS X server soon too. (all at home)
Been using it exclusively since it was released march 24th. I use w2k and nt all day at work and get really sick of dealing with all the issues when I'm home. Still have my xp box for games, but that's about it. just bumped my pismo memory to 640 and it hums...
Now if I could stop using classic all together I'd be ecstatic. I swear it takes about 5 minutes to launch on my ibook 500 (384 megs). I don't know what the problem is. I reformatted my 9.2 partition all to no avail. Maybe I need to tweak some extensions? Any suggestions?
If you are going the X only route then go the whole hog and do without classic, it means you HAVE to work around not having the big apps (photoshop, office e.t.c)
It has been working pretty well for me, and although it still shows some shortcomings, and is not as fast as one might like on this machine, I have been pleased with my experience. The cable modem works fine, as does my Epson printer, so there are no peripheral problems, and I use Word 98 without any problems for word processing.
What I would like to see though is a better email client. I have been using Mozilla .95, which works great, except that it is very sluggish on this machine. Mail.app always crashes on this machine (seems to work fine on some, not on others - weird), so I would like to see a client with IMAP functionality that is a little more responsive than Mozilla.
I have OS 9 installed on my iBook, but have never used it - except for when it booted into OS 9 when it first started up.
Good to be back!! and the new design is brilliant!!!
Is it just me or does OS9 feel somewhat 'fragile' when you are running it instead of OSX? Anytime I run it I feel like it is going to lock up on me at any time.
* excluding UT.
10.0.1 %85
10.0.2 %90
10.0.4 %99
10.1 %100
But I need my Photoshop! Classic sucks.
But, that's only because for the next three months I will only be surfing the Net, and using Office X. And hopefully, if occasion arises, I will not need to manipulate images beyond the capabilities of GraphicConverter ( or that Photoshop will be out by late January)...
I'm thrilled to have not-installed Classic, but if it wasn't for a busy, law-school addled schedule, I would still use 9.2.1 occasionally.
I forgot, games like Unreal Tournament and Diablo2LoD require me to use 9.2.1
90% of time on 10.1.1 and I will probably use MacOS X server soon too. (all at home)
<strong>I only have to start Classic for AGFA ScanWise, and I'm looking forward to eliminating that.</strong><hr></blockquote>
The current beta of ScanWise X works fine for me.
Why don't you use it Amorph?