An Introductory Mac OS X Leopard Review: Meet Your New Desktop



  • Reply 21 of 73
    Originally Posted by shanmugam View Post

    peace - today is Leopard DAY!

    I agree!
  • Reply 22 of 73
    Originally Posted by durandal View Post

    "AtEase" - in fact, Apple once had a similar software with the same name back in the good old (or not so good old) days... http://en.wikipedia.orf/wiki/At_Ease



    aahh, i miss At Ease, my school used it on our lab of LC III's
  • Reply 23 of 73
    Yeah, OK, I'll admit it. One feature I will l-o-v-e is the addition of the day of the week included in the clock on the menu. The kludge in Tiger never set well with me and I was always irked by its side effects.

    Yay for menu day/time. It's the little things, sometimes.
  • Reply 24 of 73
    Originally Posted by Quagga View Post

    Windows 95? Windows XP?

    Windows ME?
  • Reply 25 of 73
    Originally Posted by rieuwa View Post

    Being a regular reader of AI, I feel insulted by your remark.

    If you're not trolling, please accept my apologies.

    It just sounded a little weird, four first posts so soon after each other, all bashing AI for its (admittedly proforma, but somewhat tongue-in-cheek and not-unusual) bashing of MSFT.
  • Reply 26 of 73
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    If you're not trolling, please accept my apologies.

    It just sounded a little weird, four first posts so soon after each other, all bashing AI for its (admittedly proforma, but somewhat tongue-in-cheek and not-unusual) bashing of MSFT.

    Sorry if it sounded like trolling. AI's bashing of Vista is usually either justified or funny. In this case... it just went too far in my opinion.

    Anyway... enjoy Leopard!
  • Reply 27 of 73
    tednditedndi Posts: 1,921member
    Any issues yet with the install?
  • Reply 28 of 73
    Hi, I'm hoping you guys can answer a quick question for me. I'm looking to buy a MacBook Pro and have been waiting for what has felt like an eternity firstly for updates to the line and then for Leopard. I'm not a seasoned Mac user and I'd like to have a fresh Leopard install instead of upgrading the current OS. I was wondering should I wait until systems come with Leopard preinstalled (which I hear should be around mid-November) or is there really no difference in buying a system now and upgrading using the Leopard disc provided ?? Or is it possible to do a fresh install using the Leopard disc so that even if it comes with Tiger I can have my system setup as if it came with Leopard? If so, can someone point me to a resource detailing the process? Ok maybe more than a quick question there but thanks in advance for all replies.

    - rude
  • Reply 29 of 73
    Originally Posted by rudebwoy View Post

    Hi, I'm hoping you guys can answer a quick question for me. I'm looking to buy a MacBook Pro and have been waiting for what has felt like an eternity firstly for updates to the line and then for Leopard. I'm not a seasoned Mac user and I'd like to have a fresh Leopard install instead of upgrading the current OS. I was wondering should I wait until systems come with Leopard preinstalled (which I hear should be around mid-November) or is there really no difference in buying a system now and upgrading using the Leopard disc provided ?? Or is it possible to do a fresh install using the Leopard disc so that even if it comes with Tiger I can have my system setup as if it came with Leopard? If so, can someone point me to a resource detailing the process? Ok maybe more than a quick question there but thanks in advance for all replies.

    - rude

    As far as I know, there's no way to do a fresh install, if the system comes with Tiger. You'd have to install Leopard on Tiger. If I were you I wouldn't wait. I'm going to buy a macbook as soon as my pay comes in November.

    It shouldn't make any difference if you wait, unless they are planning to do some hardware upgrades, which I really doubt.

    As for your system setup - the only thing I've heard is different if you do an install on Tiger, is that the "download stack" on your dock doesn't really work, because Tiger just downloaded things to the desktop. But you can change that with a simple drag and drop. Don't know how though, because I've never owned a Mac... \

    Can't wait to get my hands on a MacBook/Leopard in November. Good luck!
  • Reply 30 of 73
    Originally Posted by Halenissen View Post

    As far as I know, there's no way to do a fresh install, if the system comes with Tiger. You'd have to install Leopard on Tiger. If I were you I wouldn't wait. I'm going to buy a macbook as soon as my pay comes in November.

    It shouldn't make any difference if you wait, unless they are planning to do some hardware upgrades, which I really doubt.

    As for your system setup - the only thing I've heard is different if you do an install on Tiger, is that the "download stack" on your dock doesn't really work, because Tiger just downloaded things to the desktop. But you can change that with a simple drag and drop. Don't know how though, because I've never owned a Mac... \

    Can't wait to get my hands on a MacBook/Leopard in November. Good luck!

    Thanks. I found a few articles on how to install including doing an erase and install such as I'm going to order my system in a few hours. Looks like it might actually be good to order now because I think Tiger comes with iLife08 on one of its Mac OS disks and I can use that to install it on Leopard. I'm excited, looking forward to being a switcher. Well not a complete switcher since I'll be running Vista on it using Parallels.

    - rude
  • Reply 31 of 73
    It's after 6:00pm on the East coast and the iMac is still spec'd with Tiger. I'll buy my first Mac when it comes with Leopard pre-installed! I don't want to fool with an upgrade.
  • Reply 32 of 73
    Originally Posted by ncpcguy View Post

    It's after 6:00pm on the East coast and the iMac is still spec'd with Tiger. I'll buy my first Mac when it comes with Leopard pre-installed! I don't want to fool with an upgrade.

    Don't us east coast folks have to wait until 9pm (6pm Cupertino time) ? I remember a whole discussion on this a while back and people asking if the store is smart enough to know where you are located and such but I forget the conclusion...

    - rude
  • Reply 33 of 73
    So how do you open all spaces at once? F8 is not doing it for me on my mbp.

    Also, can you put it on the dock? Any help is appreciated, and great article. Leopard rocks!
  • Reply 34 of 73
    ipeonipeon Posts: 1,122member
    Originally Posted by kpfeif View Post

    What is this? "[Vista] boots so slowly that Microsoft had to devise a hardware solution for laptop makers to allow users to navigate their files via a small mobile-like interface stuck on the bottom of the laptop"

    My wife has a $420 Acer laptop w/1gb RAM and Core Duo Processor. Vista boots in 15 seconds - to the desktop. Get rid of the hyperbole.

    Oh please, cry me a river. Vista has issues. Even pro-MS heads say so. Should AI be trashing it? Perhaps not, but so what, this is nothing compared to unwarranted trashing the Mac gets every day.
  • Reply 35 of 73
    sc_marktsc_markt Posts: 1,402member
    Some really unimportant questions on 10.5.

    1) Can you put the analog clock back in the dock like you could in (I think it was 10.3)?

    2) Is the analog clock easier to read in the menubar?
  • Reply 36 of 73
    Originally Posted by rudebwoy View Post

    Hi, I'm hoping you guys can answer a quick question for me. I'm looking to buy a MacBook Pro and have been waiting for what has felt like an eternity firstly for updates to the line and then for Leopard. I'm not a seasoned Mac user and I'd like to have a fresh Leopard install instead of upgrading the current OS. I was wondering should I wait until systems come with Leopard preinstalled (which I hear should be around mid-November) or is there really no difference in buying a system now and upgrading using the Leopard disc provided ?? Or is it possible to do a fresh install using the Leopard disc so that even if it comes with Tiger I can have my system setup as if it came with Leopard? If so, can someone point me to a resource detailing the process? Ok maybe more than a quick question there but thanks in advance for all replies.

    - rude

    Where did you hear that Leopard won't come pre-installed until mid-November?

    All Macs are now sold with Leopard installed.
  • Reply 37 of 73
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    I just want to say my family pack got installed on several types of Macs from recent models to older ones including what I am using now an ancient iBook G4 and it is running as fast if not faster than Tiger ... I am amazed!
  • Reply 38 of 73
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    Originally Posted by TednDi View Post

    Any issues yet with the install?

    Installed on an Intel MacBook, Dual 2 GIG G5, MacBook Pro and iBook G4 only an old tower G4 yet to try. All went flawlessly. I did have to finally update Parallels to 3.0, previous versions didn't work. Other than that totally painless and very fast too. The G5 was the only one that Spotlight started over on and that slowed it up till Spotlight was finished.

    Oh, I did have to reboot my Verizon FiOS Modem for some reason before the the G5's DHCP worked.

    One problem so far: My G5 has two internal drives and I have yet to find a way to tell Time Machine I do not care about the second one. It tried and failed to archive both as my external was not large enough for both.
  • Reply 39 of 73
    dcj001dcj001 Posts: 301member
    For anyone who doesn't like the 3D dock, here's your free solution:
  • Reply 40 of 73
    technotechno Posts: 737member
    Originally Posted by fabsgwu View Post

    I still want more info on stacks. For truncated lists, can you start typing the title of what you want to narrow the list?

    For folders with long lists and hierarchical folder structures, such as Documents and Applications, I think there should be a preference for 'right-clicking' to get a list instead of a stack. I hope a third party, or preferably Apple, addresses this Stacks problem soon.

    You probably already know, but you can right click the stack and get many options, including choosing between fan and grid.
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