Customizing the Leopard Dock



  • Reply 61 of 64
    Originally Posted by smee View Post

    Can you post the png???

    I really like that!

  • Reply 62 of 64
    smeesmee Posts: 195member
    Originally Posted by Bonsai1214 View Post

    that is excellent. thanks so much. i really need to get photoshop on this comp. cause i found a nice tutorial on how to make it.. haha

    much more noticeable than the light blue ones.

    Where did you find the png's for the see-through dock?


    Nevermind, lol I figured it out. All I have to do is take out scurve png's in the dock contents
  • Reply 63 of 64
    I finally loaded Leopard onto my MacBookPro and have had no luck customizing my dock no matter what I do. Have followed all the standard procedures to the tee and even tried the "Pimpmydock" app which makes customizing a no-brainer -- still nothing but the original Leopard dock.

    I am using DockMover which pins my dock to the bottom left, but even after I moved it to a standard Apple bottom center position, nothing changed. My dock even began showing random app icons when I dragged totally unrelated folders onto it, which leads me to believe that my dock has managed to become corrupted from the gitgo? I simply have no idea.

    Does anyone here have a copy of all the items in the original dock Resources folder so I can do a side-by-side comparison to see if anything weird copied over into the Leopard one from my old Tiger system (I used SynchronizationPro to create a bootable backup of my original Tiger drive so some hidden files may have transfered into the new system and are tweaking with Leopard in a way it doesn't like!)

    Any other things I can do to troubleshoot this? I want to have fun customizing the dock along with everyone else!
  • Reply 64 of 64
    Originally Posted by Universe View Post

    i used an application called Acorn to put a black to blue gradient on the dock. works well with the backgrounds with earth behind them and some cool ones like the one i have as my background. I'm going to experiment with some other concepts.

    *drools* I want that desktop wallpaper... I've been looking all over deviantART and the likes for a wallpaper just like that for YEARS!
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