Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2008)



  • Reply 2101 of 2639
    fishyesquefishyesque Posts: 725member
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post


    Resistance 2, even though it's not on my top priorities, will be epic. No game has 30v30 online. That's insane.

    Have you heard of LittleBigPlanet? Look it up. Ohhhh SOCOM. So many things, I'm going to be broke. I love owning a PS3. Because of the games. You can like whatever, but I'm insanely pleased with my PS3s.

    So congrats with whatever, I just know that these next few months are going to be insane.
  • Reply 2102 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    please try to not feed the irrelevant troll. it always supplys zero evidence, and all its own self gratifying opinion.

    this isn't a research paper, i dont need to cite you anything. stop with this typical internet blogging crap where people feel get gratification from doing quick google/wikipedia searches to prove things online.

    i clearly said "look", meaning GO LOOK IT UP YOURSELF. what normal people do when trying to find something out for themselves they GO LOOK FOR THEMSELVES.

    and i have heard of little big planet, and about a dozen other titles sony threw mention to way before the console launch. like i said before, look at what just happened to one of those key titles- Haze.

    like lair, and other potential system sellers for the system the game fell flat on it's face. so you keep on touting unreleased, unproven games. oh, and resistance was a 7, maybe maybe an 8 since it was on a console not known for shooters. don't come in here talking about it being some kind of marvelous shooter.
  • Reply 2103 of 2639
    cam'roncam'ron Posts: 503member
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    this isn't a research paper, i dont need to cite you anything. stop with this typical internet blogging crap where people feel get gratification from doing quick google/wikipedia searches to prove things online.

    i clearly said "look", meaning GO LOOK IT UP YOURSELF. what normal people do when trying to find something out for themselves they GO LOOK FOR THEMSELVES.

    and i have heard of little big planet, and about a dozen other titles sony threw mention to way before the console launch. like i said before, look at what just happened to one of those key titles- Haze.

    like lair, and other potential system sellers for the system the game fell flat on it's face. so you keep on touting unreleased, unproven games. oh, and resistance was a 7, maybe maybe an 8 since it was on a console not known for shooters. don't come in here talking about it being some kind of marvelous shooter.

    You are shit and so is Microsoft. I know you were caught gobbling Bill Gates cock, just go look it up!
  • Reply 2104 of 2639
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by OldCodger73 View Post

    Can anyone explain the difference between large-screen TV and HD TV?

    The older EDTV Plasma and RPTV (4:3) or progressive 16:9 format TV's came at large screen size.

    I remember that almost everyone I knew had the Sony 40"+ RPTV and many still have/use them.

    Nowadays, one can't even donate these old TV's at goodwill.
  • Reply 2105 of 2639
    oldcodger73oldcodger73 Posts: 707member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    The older EDTV Plasma and RPTV (4:3) or progressive 16:9 format TV's came at large screen size.

    I remember that almost everyone I knew had the Sony 40"+ RPTV and many still have/use them.

    Nowadays, one can't even donate these old TV's at goodwill.

    I remember back in 2006 when I bought our plasma I felt fortunate to sell our 36" HD ready Sony CRT on CraigsList even though it was at a fraction of what we had paid for it. Here in Washington state you must recycle old TVs, for a fee of course, which leads some people to illegally dumping them in the countryside
  • Reply 2106 of 2639
    glossgloss Posts: 506member
    Originally Posted by Cam'ron View Post

    You are shit and so is Microsoft. I know you were caught gobbling Bill Gates cock, just go look it up!

    I agree with the sentiment, but surely this is in violation of the forum TOS.
  • Reply 2107 of 2639
    fishyesquefishyesque Posts: 725member
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post


    Hey man. I'm doing my best to leave my opinion out of it. The editors who are reviewing these games (SOCOM, LBP, Resistance 2, MGS4) say they are looking great. They don't say that for every preview. They never said Haze was going to be great. Haze got mixed revews, it varied between 8 and 4.5. The people I've talked to who have actually bought it have enjoyed it so far. Let's be honest, Haze is nothing more than something to try and hold you over until the better stuff comes along. It's a shame, Free Radical is such a good company.

    LittleBigPlanet has FLOORED the people previewing it. Every (that I can think of) time new content is shown of LBP it keeps exceeding editors expectations. LBP is out in November.

    Oh dude! The fact that we can't stand each other aside, have you seen the video of Mirror's Edge? MAN! I've waited so long for a Parkour type game. It looks so sweet.
  • Reply 2108 of 2639
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Originally Posted by Cam'ron View Post

    You are shit and so is Microsoft. I know you were caught gobbling Bill Gates cock, just go look it up!

    Oh my gosh...almost awoke the kids laughing so loud on this one...
  • Reply 2109 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by Cam'ron View Post

    You are shit and so is Microsoft. I know you were caught gobbling Bill Gates cock, just go look it up!

    aw, you're adorable. take claim to being an anti-microsoft everything, it's expected. i know it is hard for you to see beyond your deep resenting hate towards M$ to realize the PS3 is sh/t compared to the 360 in terms of gaming. just dont cry about it k?

    FIshy- Haze was at the very top of the PS3 exclusive must haves not too long ago (many editors reviewing the title have echoed the reminder). Along with Lair and Heavenly Sword, to some extent, Haze is another example of an exclusive PS3 title not living up to it's billing as a system seller.

    I'll make a prediction now that the highly anticipated and "previewed" title Killzone 2 will fall far below it's lofty expectations. Soon the question will arise if the PS3 just may be too hard to program for, and if the return for developing companies is worth the resources and time put into the console.

    but hey, this is an apple forum, we all hate microsoft here, so lets just be patient and say the PS3 has a lot of "potential" and it's time will eventually come.

    hopefully before this generation is over
  • Reply 2110 of 2639
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    No Funeral for Blu-ray,00.asp


    The high def disc format war is over. We all know that. After the format war ended, and Toshiba gracefully bowed-out, a funny thing happened: Prices of consumer Blu-ray players started to climb.

    So when NPD Group (National Purchase Diary) announced that the unit sales of dedicated Blu-ray players dropped 40% from January to February, pundits everywhere were taken by surprise. Based on that one month sales figure, analysts and editors everywhere sharpened their editorial knives and began predicting the end of Blu-ray. Even my boss, PC Magazine editor Lance Ulanoff , believes that Sony has lost the war.

    The thinking goes like this:

    Blu-ray player prices are way too high. Where's the $99 players?

    DVD is good enough. After all, you can't really tell the difference, particularly with upscaling DVD players.

    The content just isn't there, and what is there isn't good enough.

    The Internet means we'll all be watching high-def movies streamed over IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) anyway.

    I think all these people need to take a chill pill.

    Let's take a look at some history. DVD emerged on the scene in 1997, when the first consumer players shipped. But DVD players were incredibly expensive?even as late as 1999.

    The first consumer DVD players shipped in the US in March of 1997. As late as mid-1999, relatively mainstream DVD players were costing over $500. At the time, DVD had little or no real competition. VCR prices were dropping, but the convenience of disc, plus the pristine image quality (compared to tape) swayed users.

    The lack of substantial competition allowed DVD to ride the technology curve in a relatively normal way. Prices trended downward gradually as technology improved, and today we have upscaling DVD players for $50.

    DVD media prices, on the other hand, stayed relatively high for years. It's only in the past two years that prices regularly dipped under $20?maybe because of the arrival of the high definition formats. Now, of course, we see new, mainstream DVD releases at $15, and many older discs for well under $10.

    Alas, Blu-ray wasn't able to ride the technology curve as simply as DVD. When Toshiba threw the wrench into the works with HD DVD, Blu-ray players were rushed out the door. As Lance Ulanoff noted, many of these devices use cut-down PC technology, since the dedicated, high definition video chipsets aren't really available yet.

    After the first year, Toshiba began slashing prices of HD DVD players, with the lowest cost unit regularly available for under $200, with spot sales at close to that magic $99 price point occasionally happening. Blu-ray technology, being somewhat more complex, couldn't play the price game as aggressively, but I bought a Sony BDP-S300 for under $350 last year.

    Now, HD DVD is gone, and we're seeing the first and second generation players priced more appropriately, given their bill of materials. Even so, 2.7 million Blu-ray players were sold in the US in 2007, not counting Playstation 3 sales.

    Which brings up another point: Anyone buying PS3 gets a Blu-ray player. So you can safely assume that most PS3 buyers won't buy a standalone player. PS3 sales have been steadily increasing over the past six months. No one really knows the impact of the PS3 on Blu-ray media sales, but the indicators are that Blu-ray content sales are up substantially this year, with Blu-ray disc sales up 351% the first three months of this year.

    Now let's throw in one more wrinkle: the economy. Whether you believe we're in a recession or not, it's clear that people are being more cautious than usual about their disposable income. With gasoline at $4 per-gallon, the sub-prime mortgage crisis hammering stock prices and job growth at anemic or negative levels, most people would consider paying $400 or more for a high def disc player something of a expendable luxury.

    As for using the Internet to download high def content?that's well and good for some things. But like many people, I both subscribe to Netflix and also own a bunch of DVDs on my own (and a burgeoning Blu-ray collection as well.) People like to collect stuff, view extras, and have their favorite movies, shows, and content right at their fingertips.

    Meanwhile, the technology curve is marching on. It's likely we'll see sub-$200 Blu-ray players by the end of 2008, with those magic $99 players maybe making their appearance at the 2009 Consumer Electronics Show. Certainly we'll see $150 players on the show floor then.

    So let's not plan the funeral for Blu-ray quite yet. Certainly Neil Young believes it's going to only get better, announcing in early May that he would release his entire music archive on Blu-ray (According to MSNBC, Young was quoted as saying, "Previous technology required unacceptable quality compromises. I am glad we waited and got it right."

    Who am I to argue?

    My thoughts exactly...chill people...chill.
  • Reply 2111 of 2639
    fishyesquefishyesque Posts: 725member
    Those games were never considered system sellers. Lair is a good game. People who own it will tell you that. I personally love the sixaxis controls, and was confused by reviews, but that's me.

    There's a preview for KZ2. What are you basing your claim of it failing on?

    I want to point something out. Just a snippet from the review.

    OH SHOOT!! He edited it! He initially typed:


    "Just then, I noticed a teammate named Garza near a wall, and I was instructed to press the B button when I approached him."

    The B button?

    Made me smile.

    Also, I have to point out that a good few months ago you said that the PS3 wouldn't ever need all the space of Blu-ray, and that even though it had all this potential, it wouldn't be needed.

    MGS4 filled up an entire dual-sided Blu-ray disc.

    Also, people had asked, "Could Haze be the 'system seller' for the PS3?"

    Then never said that it could be, during any of the previews. Same for Lair and Heavenly Sword.

    I want to say the LBP is almost more of a system seller than MGS4.

    Oh, and Walter, are you getting MGS4? I took part in MGO beta.

    It was amazing. It is what got me hyped for MGS4.


    Ok, I really have to say something about this.

    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    see beyond your deep resenting hate towards M$ to realize the PS3 is sh/t compared to the 360 in terms of gaming.

    Take a look. I really do think you're being too harsh.
  • Reply 2112 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by Fishyesque View Post

    Those games were never considered system sellers. Lair is a good game. People who own it will tell you that. I personally love the sixaxis controls, and was confused by reviews, but that's me.

    There's a preview for KZ2. What are you basing your claim of it failing on?

    I want to point something out. Just a snippet from the review.

    OH SHOOT!! He edited it! He initially typed:

    The B button?

    Made me smile.

    Also, I have to point out that a good few months ago you said that the PS3 wouldn't ever need all the space of Blu-ray, and that even though it had all this potential, it wouldn't be needed.

    MGS4 filled up an entire dual-sided Blu-ray disc.

    Also, people had asked, "Could Haze be the 'system seller' for the PS3?"

    Then never said that it could be, during any of the previews. Same for Lair and Heavenly Sword.

    I want to say the LBP is almost more of a system seller than MGS4.

    Oh, and Walter, are you getting MGS4? I took part in MGO beta.

    It was amazing. It is what got me hyped for MGS4.


    Ok, I really have to say something about this.

    Take a look. I really do think you're being too harsh.

    lair, heavenly sword, killzone 2, haze, resistance, MGS4

    have been marquee titles for the franchise since before launch, why are you denying this?

    i base my killzone 2 predictions on gameplay vids like this

    and the sheer fact that the developer has yet to prove a damn thing. killzone 1 was horrible, it was touted as the "halo killer"" for the ps2 and it turned into a bargain bin game on release. only the playstation can show nothing but graphical highlights of a game and get their entire community up in arms praising the lord. this has to do with their brand loyalty, obviously. i will not argue that sony has great brand recognition, after all they did dominate the last generation.

    this is what is appalling to me, sony will lie and over promise again and again, but never deliver and yet a lot of people will turn a blind eye. listen, i hate microsoft just as much as some of you do, im a mac user that despises windows but i have to call it like i see it- xbox360 is just a better gaming console.
  • Reply 2113 of 2639
    fishyesquefishyesque Posts: 725member
    Did you really have to quote everything I said? :P

    I still want to hear you say something about what you said with Blu-ray and the capacity.

    You can base what you think off of just videos, but I'm taking things from people who have played the build, and all of their thoughts and opinions. I haven't heard people say things in other reviews like Haze that they have been in KZ2. First of all, I hope they stop once KZ2 is out. Sheesh, where are the RPGs? There are way to many shooters out there.

    And everyone deep down knows that the 360 is a better gaming console. And by that I simply mean it has better games. It has been out longer, and is familiar to devs.

    There have been certain cases though, where the PS3 version of a game is being held back due to the 360. They want the games to be identical, so they can't do everything they wanted with the PS3 since the 360 doesn't have as much power. Something like that, I can find the link if you'd like.

    For the record (fanboyism yay) I'm glad the PS3 can run for 108 straight hours in over 100 F degree


    Sorry, I just think it's cool, sue me. I'm more than willing to agree that the 360 has more/better games out.

    Again, I do think you're being a little harsh.
  • Reply 2114 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by Fishyesque View Post

    I still want to hear you say something about what you said with Blu-ray and the capacity.

    There have been certain cases though, where the PS3 version of a game is being held back due to the 360. They want the games to be identical, so they can't do everything they wanted with the PS3 since the 360 doesn't have as much power. Something like that, I can find the link if you'd like.


    I've addressed that a few months back when that was revealed. like i said then, lets wait and see what all that space is filled up with first, cool?

    oh, and are you referring to this article (ghostbuster dev)


    VG247: Why choose to lead on the PS3?

    Mark Randell : Very simple reason: Ghostbusters is the property of Sony Pictures.

    VG247: Right. But the game will be coming out on the 360, it?s a simultaneous release. Did Sony insist it was lead?

    MR : Personally, I want to show off our PS3 technology. We?re one of the few developers who love the PS3 and have a great time with it. We have great technology for the PS3 and we want to show it off.

    afterwards he goes on to state utter fud about how the seven processors allow him to do more. right.

    we have that up against rockstar, and countless other first class developers saying the exact opposite, as well as multi-platform games usually performing better on the 360. you pick. \
  • Reply 2115 of 2639
    fishyesquefishyesque Posts: 725member
    And then you look at Infinity Ward with COD4, who said it was a joy working on the PS3, and it wasn't as difficult as everyone made it out to be.

    And sure it might be FUD, but there's still truth to it.
  • Reply 2116 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Fishyesque View Post

    Oh, and Walter, are you getting MGS4? I took part in MGO beta.

    It was amazing. It is what got me hyped for MGS4.

    {Must resist the urge to be REALLY sarcastic }

    Of COURSE I'm getting MGS4 been playing them since the "best" one on PS1

    have been busy not gaming and only recently sat down to GTA4 and lost a few days I've been playing those for a number of year as well, and maybe its my age, but they feel kinda samey as did GTA4 initially, but then I started looking "into" the game and the level of detail is amazing! I was also put off by the vehicle handling (maybe thats just cos I havent played a GTA title in a while) but got the hang of it after a while and was pulling INTENTIONAL spins and flips a cool cool game.

    MGS4 should have the stupidly high quality that we expect and in fact usually spoils us, MGS is in some ways like if Apple made ONLY computer games, they would be THIS good, they continually set the bar.

    Like I say, maybe I'm getting older, but I can wait for it, because I'm going to loose DAYS and I could do without that, but it ABSOLUTELY WILL be bought!!
  • Reply 2117 of 2639
    fishyesquefishyesque Posts: 725member
    That's definitely good to know. I'm surprised Kojima was able to fill up a Blu-ray disc. They even had to cut corners. Shame we don't have 200gb Blu-ray discs yet. :P

    Ahhh, MGS4...

    I can't wait.

    Fortunately I have plenty of great PS3 games to tide me over.
  • Reply 2118 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by Fishyesque View Post

    That's definitely good to know. I'm surprised Kojima was able to fill up a Blu-ray disc. They even had to cut corners. Shame we don't have 200gb Blu-ray discs yet. :P

    Ahhh, MGS4...

    I can't wait.

    Fortunately I have plenty of great PS3 games to tide me over.

    yeah? like hot shots golf?

    i kid, i kid. lets wait and see what they filled that MGS4 disk up with shall we?. i'm going to take a stab at it and say a lot of uncompressed sound.
  • Reply 2119 of 2639
    fishyesquefishyesque Posts: 725member
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    say a lot of uncompressed sound.

    HECK YEAH!!!!!!!!

    I hope so!! I love having insane audio quality.

    Besides, what's so bad about that?

    HEY! You never said anything about Infinity Ward!

    And if the PS3 'doesn't have good games,' they can always just take the 360s exclusives.

    Like how Bioshock is coming to PS3.
  • Reply 2120 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by Fishyesque View Post

    HECK YEAH!!!!!!!!

    I hope so!! I love having insane audio quality.

    Besides, what's so bad about that?

    HEY! You never said anything about Infinity Ward!

    And if the PS3 'doesn't have good games,' they can always just take the 360s exclusives.

    Like how Bioshock is coming to PS3.

    if the entire disk is filled with uncompressed sound that'd be like offering music in .wave formate. which is uhh almost absolutely pointless considering most people do not have the sound system capable of enjoying such high fidelity. if that is the case, sorry, it will hold no weight in the "ps3 games need bluray space" argument.

    Infinity Ward did create a really good multi-platform game that is nearly identical to each other, yes. they are a very talented bunch over there and should be applauded for their efforts. reality is, not many companies will have the resources and time to spend on both systems. the return that most devs get on the ps3 are minimal, only a few gaming companies have made any significant money on the ps3 as of late. that's just reality man.

    yes, if bioshock comes to the ps3 good for you guys that haven't played it,it's an amazing game. you should hope that it isn't a complete wash out like a lot of other late arrivals to the system.
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