Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2008)



  • Reply 2161 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by Northgate View Post

    I'm a PS3 fan and bought into Blu full tilt. But, that Best Buy player is too expensive and doesn't hit the sweet spot of $299. $349 is just not an attractive marketing number. I'm sure Best Buy ran the numbers and concluded this was the most profitable for them, but I still think it's $50 too expensive.

    It's like saying the gaming option of the PS3 is worth only $50. Doesn't it strike anyone else as odd that a full-tilt home entertainment gaming console is only $50 more expensive than a stand-alone Blu-Ray box? Or you can look at it in the reverse -- for only $50 more I get a Blu-Ray player AND EVERYTHING ELSE.

    I don't get these pricing models at all. I think the PS3 pricing is spot on. But the stand-alone-I-only-play-movies units should be significantly cheaper.

    OR -- maybe Sony's licensing fees with other manufacturer's is designed to protect the PS3 for as long as possible. Perhaps Sony wants everyone to buy a PS3 instead of a stand alone and has structured its licensing deals accordingly. Or Sony has a monopoly on blue laser diods and is keeping them out of other manufacturer's hands, cornering the market.

    Sony is obviously protecting their gaming machine. pricing a bluray player at around $199-$299 right now would sink the PS3.
  • Reply 2162 of 2639
    fishyesquefishyesque Posts: 725member
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    Sony is obviously protecting their gaming machine.


  • Reply 2163 of 2639
    northgatenorthgate Posts: 4,461member
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    Sony is obviously protecting their gaming machine. pricing a bluray player at around $199-$299 right now would sink the PS3.

    When you bet the farm on one product, yup.

    Here's a good analogy. When Canon introduced their high-end pro HD camera they did not include many features you would expect from such a camera. A lot of us scratched our heads as to why Canon would do such a silly thing. Turns out Canon provides components and lenses to Sony and Panasonic's pro divisions. And because Canon was introducing a pro camera that would compete with Sony and Panasonic, Canon didn't want to upset it's licensees. So they disabled a lot of features.

    I'm sure other manufacturer's wanting to build Blu-Ray players who need to license technology from Sony is in the same situation Canon was. Their licensing deals either force them into high fees or price point guarantees so Sony can protect the PS3 for as long as possible.
  • Reply 2164 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by Northgate View Post

    When you bet the farm on one product, yup.

    Here's a good analogy. When Canon introduced their high-end pro HD camera they did not include many features you would expect from such a camera. A lot of us scratched our heads as to why Canon would do such a silly thing. Turns out Canon provides components and lenses to Sony and Panasonic's pro divisions. And because Canon was introducing a pro camera that would compete with Sony and Panasonic, Canon didn't want to upset it's licensees. So they disabled a lot of features.

    I'm sure other manufacturer's wanting to build Blu-Ray players who need to license technology from Sony is in the same situation Canon was. Their licensing deals either force them into high fees or price point guarantees so Sony can protect the PS3 for as long as possible.

    yeah, exactly. the thing is sony wouldn't really have to worry about the PS3 if it was actually a decent gaming machine, which it currently is not.

    they do have strong brand loyalty though, just look at some of the people in this forum... either brand loyalty or real anti-microsoft. sony is very fortunate to have such a following. in the last generation alone (not including the ridiculous amounts of crap peed out to tank the dreamcast, a superior gaming machine at that time to) sony has fed so much garbage to it's audience and the media...

    3 years ago sony came out blazing by showing a fully CGI'd video of Killzone 2. four years later the game will finally (hopefully) be released. still, the fanboys wait. during launch that loud mouth kutagari promised "true" HD gaming with bluray, yet no game (waiting for mgs4) has used bluray's capacity, nor has it resulted in a 1080p gamign experience which sony swore would compile the entire PS3 gaming library... no popular game has even been able to run native 720p lol.

    2 years ago sony promised to pull ahead with Home, with little buzz, Home is still touted by fanboys as superior to xbox live. currently PS3's online network has no unified friends list, gamer tag, or even voice chat integration but it's FREE! SHOUT THE FANBOYS.

    yeah, when will the days of brand loyalty disappear? for sony i'm sure they hope it's never. Cell was supposed to be this grand amazing chip, has anyone besides sony even picked it up??? you're damn right they bet the farm on technologies presented in that system, damn right they did.
  • Reply 2165 of 2639
    fishyesquefishyesque Posts: 725member

    MGS4 is the first PS3 game to use a 50GB dual-layer disc.

    That is all. As you were.
  • Reply 2166 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by Fishyesque View Post

    MGS4 is the first PS3 game to use a 50GB dual-layer disc.

    That is all. As you were.

    your time is approaching fishy.

  • Reply 2167 of 2639
    fishyesquefishyesque Posts: 725member
    And probably the last!

  • Reply 2168 of 2639
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by Fishyesque View Post

    MGS4 is the first PS3 game to use a 50GB dual-layer disc.

    That is all. As you were.

    That game will sell over 2 million on the first day if there is that many disks available.

    50GB worth of maps, textures, and code is amazing. Even 25 is incredible. Game of the year honors come to mind.
  • Reply 2169 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by onlooker View Post

    That game will sell over 2 million on the first day if there is that many disks available.

    50GB worth of maps, textures, and code is amazing. Even 25 is incredible. Game of the year honors come to mind.

    why because it's filling up space you dont even know with what yet? the entire game can be one big cut scene.. game of the year? doubtful. all the other games were good, but never game of the year.

    i'm sure it will be a good game, but we'll see what they filled that disk up with.
  • Reply 2170 of 2639
    fishyesquefishyesque Posts: 725member
    I bet they're filling it up with multiples of this

  • Reply 2171 of 2639
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Here's a link regarding Blu-ray Audio if it hasn't been already posted...

    ...the only reservation I have is...make it 7.1 for crying out loud! You got the room!

    As long as they come out with some 311 and Linkin Park on Blu-ray Audio...I'll be just peachy...
  • Reply 2172 of 2639
    glossgloss Posts: 506member
    Originally Posted by onlooker View Post

    That game will sell over 2 million on the first day if there is that many disks available.

    50GB worth of maps, textures, and code is amazing. Even 25 is incredible. Game of the year honors come to mind.

    It's mostly due to Kojima's insistence on using uncompressed audio.
  • Reply 2173 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by gloss View Post

    It's mostly due to Kojima's insistence on using uncompressed audio.

    that's what's been going around.. get ready to dance fishy by the barrel of my gun
  • Reply 2174 of 2639
    fishyesquefishyesque Posts: 725member

    I've never seen a Blu-ray movie go for $15 before!
  • Reply 2175 of 2639
    Originally Posted by Fishyesque View Post

    I've never seen a Blu-ray movie go for $15 before!

    DAMN! good deals!! wish those were the prices over here theres a few films I wouldnt mind in that lot.
  • Reply 2176 of 2639
    glossgloss Posts: 506member
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    that's what's been going around.. get ready to dance fishy by the barrel of my gun

    I don't mind, personally. I've got a nice surround system and if all the reports are true, it's the best-sounding game of all time - sounds good to me.

    But yeah, not quite vital stuff.
  • Reply 2177 of 2639
    bitemymacbitemymac Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by gloss View Post

    I don't mind, personally. I've got a nice surround system and if all the reports are true, it's the best-sounding game of all time - sounds good to me.

    But yeah, not quite vital stuff.

    So... are they using lossless audio on gaming?

    If so, hope you have a system that will sing through 20Hz that can be felt. Most people will not likely notice/care for the improvements other than being able to play it louder and having it coming out of more than two speakers.

    These newer audio technologies are not built for gamers because most gamers are not equipped to hear the difference, but it is still cool to play lossless. Actually, even majority of home theather folks do not have the system to make the lossless audio shine.

    It will be interesting to see if the mutlichannel lossless audio option will sell games or even the nextgen gaming console.
  • Reply 2178 of 2639
    elixirelixir Posts: 782member
    Originally Posted by bitemymac View Post

    So... are they using lossless audio on gaming?

    If so, hope you have a system that will sing through 20Hz that can be felt. Most people will not likely notice/care for the improvements other than being able to play it louder and having it coming out of more than two speakers.

    These newer audio technologies are not built for gamers because most gamers are not equipped to hear the difference, but it is still cool to play lossless. Actually, even majority of home theather folks do not have the system to make the lossless audio shine.

    It will be interesting to see if the mutlichannel lossless audio option will sell games or even the nextgen gaming console.

    yet watch the fanboys sing the praises of ignorance.
  • Reply 2179 of 2639
    cam'roncam'ron Posts: 503member
    Originally Posted by Elixir View Post

    yet watch the fanboys sing the praises of ignorance.

    Uh, you are the ignorant one. You don't think uncompressed audio is important? Good for you! I do and so do many others. I said it before and I'll say it again; if every person/company thought like you there would be no progression. If compressed DVD audio and video is good enough for you, why are you in a Blu-Ray thread? A year from now HDMI receivers will be the standard, they have already dropped in price considerably. Please. Stop. Trolling.
  • Reply 2180 of 2639
    fishyesquefishyesque Posts: 725member
    I'm so glad I can pick up Cloverfield this week.
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