Blu-ray vs. HD DVD (2008)



  • Reply 1701 of 2639
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    While I understand bandwidth is an issue, we went from 2400 modems to 56k to cable fairly quick.

    Reading that article gave me a sense of deja vu. I remember the record industry being confident that "music enthusiasts" wouldn't stop buying CDs because they wanted the artwork and lyrics.

    That worked out really well for them, didn't it?

    It's a much bigger jump to everyone downloading HD movies. Also the movie studios are a much tougher bunch than the record companies.

    I'd give it 15 maybe 20 years before anyone legally has that kind of buying experience. And as I've said before ( reasons I've already listed earlier ) just renting won't cut it for it to become mainstream and knock out physical media. People need to own it in some fashion and it needs to have portability. Otherwise it will always be the alternative.
  • Reply 1702 of 2639
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    First, it is not an agreed supposition that they must do ALL of Bill Hunt's suggestions to be viable. Nor is there agreement on what they "must" do which you say they are doing nothing and therefore signalling the failure of BR because you choose to discount the postive aspects of BR's position.

    That is is a "fact" that you consider The Bit's opinion are important really is immaterial.

    The anvil is hot through December 2008 at the least.

    Yes, I read it but I do not have to agree that it is absolutely crucial that it occurs in March.

    Because if there is no visibile public activity it means zero is occurring and no progress is being made. Again, other than price, I do not see any of those other suggestions as absolutely required. The trade space is rather large.

    No, its saying don't say they are going to fail because they simply choose not to slavishly adopt every suggestion from every pundit. Were that the case Apple would be out of business by now because there is no xMac.

    Again, the trade space is large and there are many potential paths to success.

    Because, of course, game consoles are not mainstream and the PS3 has zero sales. If nothing else, BR is assured more of a market share than LD ever achieved simply because of that strategic position adopted by Sony.

    And I suspect that we will see some BR players at $199 this Christmas.

    Again, whine about the failure of BR after this Christmas. Not in March 2008.

    Yes, the BR manufactures are simply sitting still and doing nothing. Its not burying your head when you reject alarmist FUD.

    No need to put words in your mouth. You're claiming the sky is falling with zero evidence beyond the fact that some suggestions were not instantly acted upon.

    Got it?

    " That is is a "fact" that you consider The Bit's opinion are important really is immaterial "

    I value it much more than yours. And I imagine so do many others.

    " Because if there is no visibile public activity it means zero is occurring and no progress is being made. Again, other than price, I do not see any of those other suggestions as absolutely required. The trade space is rather large. "

    A lot of people don't really feel good about the fact that there's been so much playing favorites with studios on both sides of the war. No " The Bits " is right if they want these people as customers they need to put a positive spin on this now and show a freindly face ( especially Paramount ).

    " Again, the trade space is large and there are many potential paths to success. "

    Yes but with this it's a much tighter path since there's an incumbant that many are already satisfied with ( and in their eyes not mine only a " slight difference " ).

    " No need to put words in your mouth. You're claiming the sky is falling with zero evidence beyond the fact that some suggestions were not instantly acted upon. "

    No I'm not saying that ( and there you go again ). I'm saying that they can insure their success by showing some good business common sense.

    While I was typing my reply I ran across this :

    Like I was saying.

    I'm just looking at the potential possibilities that I've seen in similar instances many times in my life.

    DVD is already here, well established, and not that old. The buying public needs to be motivated toward BR. Got it?
  • Reply 1703 of 2639
    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    Microsoft stated they won't include Blu-Ray as an option.

    Are they sticking with 8 track?
  • Reply 1704 of 2639
    Originally Posted by jimmac View Post

    It's a much bigger jump to everyone downloading HD movies. Also the movie studios are a much tougher bunch than the record companies.

    I'd give it 15 maybe 20 years before anyone legally has that kind of buying experience. And as I've said before ( reasons I've already listed earlier ) just renting won't cut it for it to become mainstream and knock out physical media. People need to own it in some fashion and it needs to have portability. Otherwise it will always be the alternative.

    Have you heard of this company called, I believe, Apple? they do legal downloads.

    The more I read from you the more I think you are Murch. just wrong on so many levels.
  • Reply 1705 of 2639
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    Have you heard of this company called, I believe, Apple? they do legal downloads.

    The more I read from you the more I think you are Murch. just wrong on so many levels.

    Do they do HD downloads to own? I believe I used both those words in my previous statements. Also you need to have portability ( just like we have now with physical media ) for this to be relevant to the previous conversation. Which was about the possible death of physical media. So you could watch this on your computer, ipod, or TV that's hooked to Apple TV. What are you going to do if you want to loan it to a friend ( just like you can to do now With PM )? The idea of carting your Apple TV to your friend's house after unplugging it from your TV just isn't as user friendly as handing him/her the disc.

    You see the movie companies don't like the idea of you being able to transfer media ( especially HD ) to another form for transport ( that'll play on anything ) because if you could do that you might be able to copy it. Sure you can copy it to an ipod but then how do you watch it on your friend's TV that doesn't have Apple TV?

    In order to become the trend that will break PM you'd have to be able to do this.

    If I'm so wrong and you're so smart ( and by the way I don't have another handle ) get around this one.
  • Reply 1706 of 2639
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    Damn beat me to it!

    hey Jim, go pester an xbox site or 3 will ya? its apparent that only you think the sky is falling, so, like, umm, maybe your W R O N G.

    got it.

    So like maybe you don't have an answer to my question in the post above this one? Show me a viable way around it if I'm so wrong.

    I'm not trying to pester. I'm just asking obvious questions you should be asking on your own instead of thinking everything's just hunky dory ( in your little bubble ) with the video scene.

    Like I've said I want BR to succeed! I really don't think there's a big mainstream future for Downloading HD content that will do away with PM anytime soon.

    I'm a big fan of Apple and have owned many of their computer's over the years.

    Why is this pestering? Unless I've struck some kind of sensitive nerv or something.

    However you must know I'm not the only one asking these questions.
  • Reply 1707 of 2639
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    Have you heard of this company called, I believe, Apple? they do legal downloads.

    The more I read from you the more I think you are Murch. just wrong on so many levels.

    Doesn't the 360 do movie downloads yet? I know that Sony's "Home" for the PS3, and probably other devices, is going to have movie downloads.
  • Reply 1708 of 2639
    cam'roncam'ron Posts: 503member
    You know how they can get me to download movies (to buy or rent, but not as my main source for now). It is to add that PVR functionality to the AppleTV that is being patented. Then, since there is more to it and I love my PVR but know Apple would do it better, I would certainly be on-board. Too bad it will probably take half a decade to get to Canada. Bastards.
  • Reply 1709 of 2639
    Originally Posted by onlooker View Post

    Doesn't the 360 do movie downloads yet? I know that Sony's "Home" for the PS3, and probably other devices, is going to have movie downloads.

    Yeah, sure M$ do downloads, and of course there are persistent/obvious rumours about Sony offering them as well, although I think they have largely gone away since Sony signed on to the Apple TV take 2.


    Seriously Jim, you must be eaten up inside with worry FEAR and DOUBT, you kept mentioning you apparent extreme age, so maybe you should worry that all this stuff isnt happening yesterday, but you actually sound like an impatient teenager.

    CHILL OUT! the studios have been in business WAAAY longer than even you have been around, and while I agree they do some pretty stupid things, they are still in business, and they will for the foreseeable future. I honestly don't think they are going to go away any time soon because they don't implement every little squeak and squawk that you type on this thread. I mean If you actually have that much faith in what you say, FFS go and pester THEM, pretty much everyone else thinks your worrying about stuff over which you have no control, that even IF followed like as much would make little difference anyway.

    at this point you just look like you like to argue, every time a solution or explanation is offered to yo, its STILL not enough.

    I hear lenses are a good thing to get into

    I personally don't give a monkeys what fearful horror you can dream up about the film/video industry my "little bubble" is perfectly adequately satisfied at the moment, and for the foreseeable future, perhaps you should stop arguing the points you think are so important, actually SUPPORT, with the thing called the money, the BD format, that you now apparently WANT to succeed and buy a player, if not why are you here? to spread fear? uncertainty? doubt?

    if we are all of the opinion that "I'll buy it when its popular" then how is it going to get popular in the first place? answer it won't thus leading to what you appear to be trying to peddle, a self fulfilling prophesy of doom where everything fails .. just as you said! hazza!

    jump in, the waters lovely, buy your self a player, move into the future, rent some Hi-Def BDs and CHILL OUT!

    I can understand you being once bitten twice shy, but man that doesnt mean i actually want to hear it or read it.

    You strike me as a lone voice lost in the wilderness, bitter about the silence rather than enjoying whats around you, even corey has seen the writing on the wall, taken the plunge and will be ...(heres the catch).. E N J O Y I N G some hi-def BD.


    right, I've said enough for now.
  • Reply 1710 of 2639
    marzetta7marzetta7 Posts: 1,323member
    Nielsen/VideoScan Numbers ending March 9th

    WE: BD-65% HDD-35% YTD: BD-75% HDD-25% SI: BD-66% HDD-34%

  • Reply 1711 of 2639
    northgatenorthgate Posts: 4,461member
    Originally Posted by Cam'ron View Post

    They aren't obsolete, you just can't watch all the extras. Oooolala. I can't watch PiP extras ohnoz.

    Don't be an apologist. It's unbecoming.
  • Reply 1712 of 2639
    northgatenorthgate Posts: 4,461member
    Originally Posted by Frank777 View Post

    True, I will probably never watch those extras, but you don't understand marketing.

    When J6P finds out his new player can't do what the Joneses' player can, there will be blood on the floor.

    We're talking less than a year. Why not do the post-war launch correctly?

    I agree with you. I'm a PS3 owner so it won't affect me. But I've been telling all my co-workers who want to buy set top boxes to wait as there will be no interactive layer until 2.0 is released and today's current line up will NEVER support 2.0 or beyond.

    Just imagine if Toshiba pulled this crap.
  • Reply 1713 of 2639
    cam'roncam'ron Posts: 503member
    Originally Posted by Northgate View Post

    Don't be an apologist. It's unbecoming.

    Don't be a douche bag, it is unbecoming. Who honestly cares that much about the extras? I'm not an apologist, people know what they get into when they are on the bleeding edge and I am sure most of those people won't worry that they don't have those extras.
  • Reply 1714 of 2639
    guarthoguartho Posts: 1,208member
    As a Mac user I have lots of DVDs with "Special DVD-ROM Features!" that I can't use. I really don't notice. There's never been blood on the floor because the Joneses can play with special features that I can't. I've never even wrung my hands in frustration over it.
  • Reply 1715 of 2639
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    "Now that HD DVD is dead and Sony's Blu-ray has apparently won the HD media war, why aren't we seeing Blu-ray drives available as a factory option, at least, for Macintosh computers? I think Steve Jobs is deliberately holding back in a high-stakes gamble for control of HD video distribution.

  • Reply 1716 of 2639
    guarthoguartho Posts: 1,208member
    Quoted from solipsism's linked article...


    What Steve doesn't own and what is definitely at risk is the event video business, which is to say weddings. Here's where the numbers take an interesting turn. There are more copies of Final Cut being used today to edit wedding videos than are being used for broadcast and cable TV and movies -- a LOT more copies. Wedding videos are a $4 billion business in the U.S. alone and, unlike Hollywood, this is a business where the editing system typically also burns the DVDs that are distributed.

    Wedding video makers are hot for HD, too, because it is a way to differentiate their work and charge a little more. Nearly all of them are Mac users. ALL of them want to move to HD distribution. And moving to HD is important enough that they just might switch from Apple if a compelling alternative is available.

    amen amen amen. This is exactly the boat I am in.
  • Reply 1717 of 2639
    northgatenorthgate Posts: 4,461member
    Originally Posted by Cam'ron View Post

    Don't be a douche bag, it is unbecoming. Who honestly cares that much about the extras? I'm not an apologist, people know what they get into when they are on the bleeding edge and I am sure most of those people won't worry that they don't have those extras.

    I care about them. I know others who care about them. That's what real collectors do. By your logic, why bother with extra features at all?

    Oh, and watch your tongue. You're mother would be ashamed.
  • Reply 1718 of 2639
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    Yeah, sure M$ do downloads, and of course there are persistent/obvious rumours about Sony offering them as well, although I think they have largely gone away since Sony signed on to the Apple TV take 2.


    Seriously Jim, you must be eaten up inside with worry FEAR and DOUBT, you kept mentioning you apparent extreme age, so maybe you should worry that all this stuff isnt happening yesterday, but you actually sound like an impatient teenager.

    CHILL OUT! the studios have been in business WAAAY longer than even you have been around, and while I agree they do some pretty stupid things, they are still in business, and they will for the foreseeable future. I honestly don't think they are going to go away any time soon because they don't implement every little squeak and squawk that you type on this thread. I mean If you actually have that much faith in what you say, FFS go and pester THEM, pretty much everyone else thinks your worrying about stuff over which you have no control, that even IF followed like as much would make little difference anyway.

    at this point you just look like you like to argue, every time a solution or explanation is offered to yo, its STILL not enough.

    I hear lenses are a good thing to get into

    I personally don't give a monkeys what fearful horror you can dream up about the film/video industry my "little bubble" is perfectly adequately satisfied at the moment, and for the foreseeable future, perhaps you should stop arguing the points you think are so important, actually SUPPORT, with the thing called the money, the BD format, that you now apparently WANT to succeed and buy a player, if not why are you here? to spread fear? uncertainty? doubt?

    if we are all of the opinion that "I'll buy it when its popular" then how is it going to get popular in the first place? answer it won't thus leading to what you appear to be trying to peddle, a self fulfilling prophesy of doom where everything fails .. just as you said! hazza!

    jump in, the waters lovely, buy your self a player, move into the future, rent some Hi-Def BDs and CHILL OUT!

    I can understand you being once bitten twice shy, but man that doesnt mean i actually want to hear it or read it.

    You strike me as a lone voice lost in the wilderness, bitter about the silence rather than enjoying whats around you, even corey has seen the writing on the wall, taken the plunge and will be ...(heres the catch).. E N J O Y I N G some hi-def BD.


    right, I've said enough for now.

    I'm not worried at all as I know ST and the other titles are big money makers for those studios. I just want BR to succeed.

    If they're going to make bad or good decisions I won't have any bearing on it one way or another. So rest easy little boy.

    " at this point you just look like you like to argue, every time a solution or explanation is offered to yo, its STILL not enough. "

    This could apply to you as well.

    And by the way I'm still enjoying some HD as always. I just bought " Beowulf " And " A Clockwork Orange " ( I love Kubrick ) on HD DVD. It's not like my machine is broken or anything. Plus there's all the stuff on cable.
  • Reply 1719 of 2639
    guarthoguartho Posts: 1,208member
    Originally Posted by Northgate View Post

    I care about them. I know others who care about them. That's what real collectors do. By your logic, why bother with extra features at all?

    I have a feeling that people that care about extras as much as you say they do will wait for profile 2, or buy an additional profile 2 player later. That's what real collectors do. The vast majority of us are ignorant of profiles or apathetic towards them. Personally, I'm much more interested in faster load times and universal BD-R support, but I don't berate those that aren't.
  • Reply 1720 of 2639
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by jimmac View Post

    " That is is a "fact" that you consider The Bit's opinion are important really is immaterial "

    I value it much more than yours. And I imagine so do many others.

    So what? A "fact" about your opinion of someone else's opinion is a of zero value in terms of concrete information about a point. Got it?


    "Because if there is no visibile public activity it means zero is occurring and no progress is being made. Again, other than price, I do not see any of those other suggestions as absolutely required. The trade space is rather large. "

    A lot of people don't really feel good about the fact that there's been so much playing favorites with studios on both sides of the war.

    Quantify "a lot of people". Show your sources for this number.


    No " The Bits " is right if they want these people as customers they need to put a positive spin on this now and show a freindly face ( especially Paramount ).

    Repeated assertion does not make a "fact" or an opinion "right". Got it?

    Also, it is clearly obvious that Paramount is not the key to the success of BR or it would have failed already. The movies will come. There is no barrier to announcing new releases closer to Christmas and the movie catalog continues to expand.

    Folks that purchased into a format war clearly understood that it was very likely that one would end up the loser. If the BR studios and CE manufacturers do something nice, great. Is it required? Doubtful.

    Why is a "positive" spin required for winning a format war anyway?


    " Again, the trade space is large and there are many potential paths to success. "

    Yes but with this it's a much tighter path since there's an incumbant that many are already satisfied with ( and in their eyes not mine only a " slight difference " ).

    Ancedotal evidence is not compelling. Especially if we assume that prices continue to drop and there is going to be increased marketing by both CE manufacturers and movie studios to promote BR. This is NOT going to occur in March. Or April. Or May. It will happen closer to XMas.

    Why is the future for HD any bleaker than it was pre-victory? It isn't. Got it?


    " No need to put words in your mouth. You're claiming the sky is falling with zero evidence beyond the fact that some suggestions were not instantly acted upon. "

    No I'm not saying that ( and there you go again ). I'm saying that they can insure their success by showing some good business common sense.

    That's a different position than questioning "if BR is a viable format" or suggesting it will become a niche format like LD. That's not me putting words in your mouth but a direct quote. One is FUD, the other is not. Got it?


    I'm just looking at the potential possibilities that I've seen in similar instances many times in my life.

    DVD is already here, well established, and not that old. The buying public needs to be motivated toward BR. Got it?

    VHS hadn't won the format war until the mid 80s and was equally well established when DVD appeared in 1996. About 10-12 years between VHS dominance and introduction of a new format. DVD is about 12 years old.

    HD-DVD and BR is in the general ballpark for a replacement technology given the relative few data point to form a trend for consumer video formats. There aren't THAT many relevant similar instances in your lifetime. Got it?

    It has been argued by some folks that the buying public has a two christmas window for accepting new technology (ignoring the multi-year VHS vs Beta war where VHS eventually gained dominance) and even if you accept that pessimistic view BR has at LEAST one XMas more in which to gain acceptance and possibly two depending on if you count this as the first XMas in the window (post format war). Bill Hunt might have even mentioned that (although I haven't hunted for a reference) since you seem to accept his word as law.

    Oh, and just because you're older does not give you any greater insight into technology. There is likely a negative correlation between technology prognostication and age. Got it?

    I could claim to be 25, 45 or 65 vs your 55 and you wouldn't know the reality and frankly it makes zero difference. Got it?

    And saying "Got it?" even with a lame smiley is still annoying. Got it?

    It's like saying "I think you're too stupid to get it so I'm going to ask. Oh just's a smiley ". Got it?

    I read what you write and even read what you link. That I disagree doesn't mean I don't get it. It means I disagree. Got it?
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