Slow Release of iPhone Updates



  • Reply 61 of 120
    Ok heres one thing you cant argue that the iphone needs - A2DP

    With music being one of the iphones main points I find it silly that wireless music isnt supported yet.
  • Reply 62 of 120
    Haha, bavlondon2, once again you have absolutely no idea what you?re talking about. You?re the one that said you have ?inside info? about the upcoming iPhone model(s) so why don?t you know some of the most basic things about the current iPhone and it?s software ? let alone bother to waste time reciting links and text about demographics and sales figure? Who on this planet would care to give you inside info about the iPhone when you spend 98% of your time doing nothing but complaining or berating the iPhone?s features and saying how you want them to market it?

    But, just for everyone?s amusement, to further show you?re clueless about the iPhone, exactly what do you mean by saying
    Originally Posted by bavlondon2 View Post


    With music being one of the iphones main points I find it silly that wireless music isnt supported yet.

  • Reply 63 of 120
    Originally Posted by aegisdesign View Post

    They're running exactly the same rendering engine and javascript library. Nokia's S60 Webkit build is a fork of Apples. Don't confuse the engine with the whole browser and the UI. I wasn't contesting Mobile Safari's superior UI, just that the actual pages will render pretty much identically.

    Webkit is a framework - it does not "render" anything. It builds a layout. The actual rasterization is performed by different software. Which is why web pages on the iPhone look like web pages, and on the N95 they look like ass. Ass on a slow ... tiny window.

    Adopting Webkit is a good start, but i'll take Nokia years to catch-up with this class of software.

  • Reply 64 of 120
    Originally Posted by Kephisto View Post

    But, just for everyone?s amusement, to further show you?re clueless about the iPhone, exactly what do you mean by saying

    I think its pretty obvious he meant that stereo bluetooth headphones are not support.
  • Reply 65 of 120
    Originally Posted by darngooddesign View Post

    I think its pretty obvious he meant that stereo bluetooth headphones are not support.

    That's possible, darngooddesign, but he could be talking about something else.

    Since the iPhone was released many companies had a blast marketing that the iPhone can only get their purchased music/content directly through a computer and not wirelessly. I'm just curious exactly what he means rather than, as can be guessed, he's just reading what other people say about certain technologies and features and then immediately assumes it means something else.
  • Reply 66 of 120
    So your telling me youve never heard of Bluetooth support for A2DP? Wireless headphones? I forgot you like things slow and old as they "look and feel nice" lol

    Maybe I should dumb it down for you. I want to listen to music from my phone but dont want wires coming out of the headphones. The headphones lock up wiht my phone using Bluetooth. Comprende? Or do I need to draw pictures aswell lol?
  • Reply 67 of 120
    Originally Posted by bavlondon2 View Post

    So your telling me youve never heard of Bluetooth support for A2DP? Wireless headphones? I forgot you like things slow and old as they "look and feel nice" lol

    Maybe I should dumb it down for you. I want to listen to music from my phone but dont want wires coming out of the headphones. The headphones lock up wiht my phone using Bluetooth. Comprende? Or do I need to draw pictures aswell lol?

    Hey, everyone, it’s the “2007 Greatest Know-it-all that in fact knows-nothing” – bavlondon2! At it again, huh bavlondon2? Starting early to win the 2008 award?

    Bavlondon2, perhaps I would ask you to draw pictures for me but you can't even spell check your posts and use proper grammer. Just to show more intelligence, try typing in something like "you're" instead of "your", and then "you've" instead of "youve", which goes likewise for your 3rd grade impression of "dont", "wiht" (you should say "with"). If you try taking a breath between trying to type then you won't mash words together like "aswell" instead of "as well".

    Notice that many of us, me included, will misspell words every once in a while, but not several words out of every post. You, on the other hand, try to impress us with how smart you think you are, when you're not. By all means, it's rather amusing.
  • Reply 68 of 120
    So is that how you draw attention away from the fact that you cant admit you didnt even have a clue what A2DP stood for? lol
  • Reply 69 of 120
    Originally Posted by Carniphage View Post

    Webkit is a framework - it does not "render" anything. It builds a layout. The actual rasterization is performed by different software. Which is why web pages on the iPhone look like web pages, and on the N95 they look like ass. Ass on a slow ... tiny window.

    Adopting Webkit is a good start, but i'll take Nokia years to catch-up with this class of software.



    Simply not true. Webkit's WebCore framework is a "rendering engine" used by Nokia.

    Sure, the Nokia's screen is smaller, it's graphics API different and more primitive than OSX (who's isn't!!!) and it's CPU/GPU may not be as fast but that changes nothing about the code that takes html, css and javascript and converts it into a bitmap you see on your screen. It should be essentially the same as Safari, Mobile Safari, Konquror and others - there's apparently a Windows Mobile version in the works. That's the point in using a common rendering engine - it looks the same regardless of platform.
  • Reply 70 of 120
    Originally Posted by Kephisto View Post

    Hey, everyone, it?s the ?2007 Greatest Know-it-all that in fact knows-nothing? ? bavlondon2! At it again, huh bavlondon2? Starting early to win the 2008 award

    Hey Kephisto, thought I'd let you in on a little wager between Bav and myself. Check out the "When will there be a new iPhone?" thread. You'll enjoy the wager that we have laid out. He may even have the name that fits your award in 16 days.
  • Reply 71 of 120
    Actually hes trying to get you to weasel out of the bet.
  • Reply 72 of 120
    Originally Posted by LaEsperanza View Post

    Hey Kephisto, thought I'd let you in on a little wager between Bav and myself. Check out the "When will there be a new iPhone?" thread. You'll enjoy the wager that we have laid out. He may even have the name that fits your award in 16 days.

    Thanks for the update, LaEsperanza, haha. To me he's already earned that title. I made sure to update that topic as well. That way we can ask specific questions and get Bav to give all of us specific answers. Since he keeps restating he has "inside info" then he should as well tell us now.

    Here's an idea, what kind of image should we create for the award?
  • Reply 73 of 120
    Get a life mate. Your going to look just as silly as La Es......come the 15th. Just wait and see. And do you really think anyone is going to leak specific info on the phones this close to macworld? You obviously have no clue about phones whatsoever.
  • Reply 74 of 120
    Originally Posted by bavlondon2 View Post

    Get a life mate. Your going to look just as silly as La Es......come the 15th. Just wait and see. And do you really think anyone is going to leak specific info on the phones this close to macworld? You obviously have no clue about phones whatsoever.

    Haha! Bav, you really are the "2007 Greatest Know-it-all that in fact knows-nothing". Smarts and success have absolutely nothing to do with reading what's on a website and then going around on forums and pretending to know something. If you're still trying to impress us you're in way above your head because there plenty of people here that know far more about software, telecommunications, and all related technologies, than you can pretend to have, in the next ten years.

    The same people you've called names to or otherwise insulted, including me, just might be attorneys, software designers, police officers, doctors, or maybe just unemployeed teenagers - but in the end we're here to have fun. You, on the other hand, clearly just want to play the child's game "I know something you don't know" and then whine and complain when someone calls you out on your bluffs.

    The more nonsense you post just makes your 2007 title more fitting.

    As for the 2008 MacWorld - bring it on! Regardless of what news is released, my opinion of you won't change a bit. You can't even spell most of your words right, so why on earth would I remotely consider you seriously worth betting on? You're like the teenagers that predicted what would happen in the last Harry Potter book - but overall, that doesn't make the ones making the prediction a genius.

    The real winners here are the rest of us, bav. We're the ones that actually own an iPhone or at least soon plan to. Should MacWorld release new and improved iPhones - we win, not you. Depending on the features, I just might buy another one.
  • Reply 75 of 120
    "Plan to own one?" Ha ha, even I plan to own one soon.

  • Reply 76 of 120
    thttht Posts: 5,609member
    Originally Posted by aegisdesign View Post

    Yup. See Amoya's post. The only difference is in the UI although if you're lucky/unlucky enough to hit a page with a Flash-lite compatible flash element or a bit of Java, the N95 will render that too whereas the iPhone won't.

    You forgot that the iPhone has a 3.5" 480x320 screen while the N95 only has a 2.6/2.8" 320x240 screen. That's double the pixels and nearly double the screen area. I'd think the difference is little bit bigger than intimated.

    I'm sorry. I couldn't resist.
  • Reply 77 of 120
    Originally Posted by THT View Post

    You forgot that the iPhone has a 3.5" 480x320 screen while the N95 only has a 2.6/2.8" 320x240 screen. That's double the pixels and nearly double the screen area. I'd think the difference is little bit bigger than intimated.

    I'm sorry. I couldn't resist.

    I agree, THT. Just about everyone I show the iPhone to is impressed how clear, crisp, and detailed the screen is compared to other phones. That's above and beyond how quick and easy it is to use the iPhone's onscreen controls.
  • Reply 78 of 120
    Well duh of course it is. Thanks for stating the obvious.
  • Reply 79 of 120
    The next software update should be a blast. The latest article about 1.1.3 (or whatever version they name it) looks promising. Perhaps they'll release it at the same time as the new version of iTunes. Maybe that way they can combine an online movie rental feature along with new updates for the iPhone.

    I don't know. It's certainly worth waiting for though.
  • Reply 80 of 120
    Originally Posted by THT View Post

    You forgot that the iPhone has a 3.5" 480x320 screen while the N95 only has a 2.6/2.8" 320x240 screen. That's double the pixels and nearly double the screen area. I'd think the difference is little bit bigger than intimated.

    No I didn't forget. It has nothing to do with how accurately the page is rendered, just how much of it you see at once.

    To some, a smaller handset is also a positive thing in the same way people prefer iPod Nanos to big iPods. I'm not saying the N95 is a small phone though - it's a brick - but it is over a year old now.
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