So how many more of you would buy MacBook Air's



  • Reply 21 of 82
    messiahmessiah Posts: 1,689member
    Originally Posted by Bergermeister View Post

    You obviously don't have the same job and needs as I do.


    ...sitting back in an easy chair in a nice hotel, leaning forward to pick the MBA up off the table with one hand and very little effort (a MB takes two hands to toss around), then relaxing with the MBA on your lap and settling into a work hour...

    Yeah that kind of says it all.
  • Reply 22 of 82
    Waiting for 64GB SSD at the 80GB HD price, I'd love a 1400x900 screen too
  • Reply 23 of 82
    bergermeisterbergermeister Posts: 6,784member
    The ambient sensor does adjust the level of brightness, but these are manual overrides to allow for personal preference. As I suggested in my other post, I often use my notebooks in hotel rooms while at conferences, etc., rooms that tend to have rather less lighting than my desk at work. I like to have the keyboard set to intensity 1, just enough for the lighting to be seen, almost as if the labels on the keys were florescent.
  • Reply 24 of 82
    bergermeisterbergermeister Posts: 6,784member
    Originally Posted by Messiah View Post

    Yeah that kind of says it all.

    I'm a teacher and an educational materials developer who spends a lot time at conferences, meeting clients and simply doing research, all of which take place well away from my home and office... not to mention writing scripts and storyboards. If I have free time, I tend to go on a working holiday. The lighter my bags and gear, the easier it is to move around and get stuff done. Before the MBA came out, I had a Palm with a separate keyboard. Not great, but it worked for a while. The MBA has changed the way I get stuff done and has already paid for itself.
  • Reply 25 of 82
    chuckerchucker Posts: 5,089member
    Originally Posted by looksthatkill View Post

    Waiting for 64GB SSD at the 80GB HD price, I'd love a 1400x900 screen too

    The latter I'm hoping for as well; the former isn't going to happen for years to come. A 128 GB SSD at the current price of the 64 GB one, however, will probably happen within about a year from now.
  • Reply 26 of 82
    Originally Posted by Bergermeister View Post

    I'm a teacher and an educational materials developer who spends a lot time at conferences, meeting clients and simply doing research, all of which take place well away from my home and office... not to mention writing scripts and storyboards. If I have free time, I tend to go on a working holiday. The lighter my bags and gear, the easier it is to move around and get stuff done. Before the MBA came out, I had a Palm with a separate keyboard. Not great, but it worked for a while. The MBA has changed the way I get stuff done and has already paid for itself.

    Couldn't agree more. I travel a great deal and the MBA is easier to carry down incredibly long airport terminal hallways. It is easy to use in the hotels I stay in, because they all have wireless Internet. I can chat with my wife/kids when I want. Up to now (about a month of daily use), I've never had problems with running out of power; all the airlines I use have power plugs in business/first class and I don't do heavy duty Photoshop on the road. I would like a bigger SSD, but other than that, there's not much more I need from a laptop-the way I use it. Your needs may be different.
  • Reply 27 of 82
    john.bjohn.b Posts: 2,742member
    A faster or larger drive would be nice, and I'm sure as the skinniest 1.8" drives begin to get larger capacities and faster spin rates we'll see that happen. I doubt that we will have to wait for the second generation to see that happen, my guess is that it will be a speed bump in the near future.

    Regardless of the meager HDD or expensive SSD, I'd own an Air today if it came with a single FW400 port. (Sigh...)

    Originally Posted by krispie View Post

    Air's what?

    Where would we be without Internet grammarians? (Honestly, I'm just bitter because you beat me to it!).

    Originally Posted by Messiah View Post

    I still don't get how anyone can think it's worth that amount of money?

    Value means different things to different people. One person will think an Accord is a ripoff compared to a Kia, another person will think the Lexus is a ripoff compared to an Accord, yet another person will just pick out a Mercedes they like at any cost. :shrug:
  • Reply 28 of 82
    irelandireland Posts: 17,798member
    There are many reasons not to buy that computer. If you want a light Mac and desperately want to kneel at the alter of Steve Jobs then I say go ahead, he's guaranteed not to pray for you
  • Reply 29 of 82
    bergermeisterbergermeister Posts: 6,784member
    Why are you so intent upon insulting not only the MBA but now also those of us who have purchased it or may consider it? I have already put my MBA to very good use and continue to do so every day; a professional user, I believe the MBA was a very wise investment. The MBA is perfect for my needs, as well as those of many others. If it doesn't suit your personal needs or you can't put it to productive use, that's life; get over it. Neither a Cray nor an Asus web surfer suit my needs, but that doesn't make them any better or worse. This constant bashing is getting rather tiresome, especially now that it has started getting personal.

    As I have said before: it would be very interesting to revisit the MBA in a year or two to see what the users accomplished with their machines; I suspect lots of business deals, books and even movies will be created on MBAs. We won't hear much from those who are suing the machines and putting them to good use, but we will hear a heck of a lot from those who cannot find the good in the MBA. Tom Clancy wrote several novels on a MacPlus, a computer many bashed as under-powered; he got rather wealthy and famous, but the bashers probably still run around looking for things to bash with little change in their lives.

    A friend of mine is a chef. We went to visit another friend (let's call him Joe Average) and eventually ended up staying to dinner time. The second friend offered to cook, but said there was nothing in the kitchen and suggested a few bits and pieces. My friend the chef asked if he could have a peek in the pantry and help out. An hour later, we had a delicious meal. Point of the story: there is a major difference between what a pro and Joe Average can do with the same tools and supplies. The MBA may seem stripped down to some, but those who know how to use it, or have uses that fit it, will be able to make the most of it. Those who don't know how to use it will complain until the end of time that somebody didn't give them everything they wanted.
  • Reply 30 of 82
    irelandireland Posts: 17,798member
    Get over yourself, I never insulted anyone, it was merely a bit of sarcasm.
  • Reply 31 of 82
    mzaslovemzaslove Posts: 519member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Get over yourself, I never insulted anyone, it was merely a bit of sarcasm.

    You ought to look closer at the meaning of "sarcasm:" "A form of verbal irony, expressing sneering, personal disapproval in the guise of praise."

    Basically, sarcasm always has a snideness to it, though most people tend to forget that, thinking it's simply humor. It has its edge that's a bit insulting.

    Yet another definition: "witty language used to convey insults or scorn"

    You may not mean it, but your posts do tend to "put-down" and "belittle" those who have created or bought MBA's. I know seven people who have them and love them. You know one person who is unhappy, but even then, I'd asked a few days ago about why your friend bought his MBA and what his expectations for it were, and you never answered. I'll go with my seven.
  • Reply 32 of 82
    irelandireland Posts: 17,798member
    Originally Posted by mzaslove View Post

    You ought to look closer at the meaning of "sarcasm:" "A form of verbal irony, expressing sneering, personal disapproval in the guise of praise."

    Basically, sarcasm always has a snideness to it, though most people tend to forget that, thinking it's simply humor. It has its edge that's a bit insulting.

    Yet another definition: "witty language used to convey insults or scorn"

    You may not mean it, but your posts do tend to "put-down" and "belittle" those who have created or bought MBA's. I know seven people who have them and love them. You know one person who is unhappy, but even then, I'd asked a few days ago about why your friend bought his MBA and what his expectations for it were, and you never answered. I'll go with my seven.

    Oh gawd.
  • Reply 33 of 82
    mzaslovemzaslove Posts: 519member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Oh gawd.

    Yup. Just that.
  • Reply 34 of 82
    wheelhotwheelhot Posts: 465member
    Aargh, this is getting redicilous, a few weeks after MacWorld and people is complaing bout MBA specs is okay, but it has been 2 months and people are still complaining bout it specs.

    Lets make it simple, if you are a person who use your laptop to do typing and website design (assuming you only work on text based, CSS, HTML, PHP, JavaScript, Java and etc) then the MBA is okay for you. But if you do any photo editing or video editing then the MBA is not for you.

    Also if you are a student who dont know much about computer and mostlikely not goin to use all its features except to do school work (no watching movies either), then the MBA will also suit you.
  • Reply 35 of 82
    mzaslovemzaslove Posts: 519member
    Originally Posted by wheelhot View Post

    Aargh, this is getting redicilous, a few weeks after MacWorld and people is complaing bout MBA specs is okay, but it has been 2 months and people are still complaining bout it specs.

    Lets make it simple, if you are a person who use your laptop to do typing and website design (assuming you only work on text based, CSS, HTML, PHP, JavaScript, Java and etc) then the MBA is okay for you. But if you do any photo editing or video editing then the MBA is not for you.

    Also if you are a student who dont know much about computer and mostlikely not goin to use all its features except to do school work (no watching movies either), then the MBA will also suit you.

    Or if you are a network executive, a medical student, a producer, a novelist, CEO of a Fortune 500 company, a lawyer, a guitarist/composer for a multi-platinum band, and those are just the people I know. Don't be so quick to be simplistic and narrow in the options.
  • Reply 36 of 82
    kareliakarelia Posts: 525member
    Here's the skinny: For those of you who don't like the Air, you have every right to pretend it doesn't exist. You don't like the lack of ports, the price point, or whatever, don't buy it and leave it at that. But to continue to insult the machine and it's users (even unintentionally) is just plain childish.
  • Reply 37 of 82
    wheelhotwheelhot Posts: 465member

    Here's the skinny: For those of you who don't like the Air, you have every right to pretend it doesn't exist. You don't like the lack of ports, the price point, or whatever, don't buy it and leave it at that. But to continue to insult the machine and it's users (even unintentionally) is just plain childish.

    Thats why Im trying to point out
  • Reply 38 of 82
    splinemodelsplinemodel Posts: 7,311member
    Originally Posted by CoreyMac View Post

    ...if they simply put a 5400 RPM Hard Drive in the darn thing? Am I the only one that refuses to buy an Air not because of the missing optical or 1 USB port...but rather the 4200 RPM HD??? Thats the only thing killing that unit for me, as Im sure many others.

    A normal 2.5" disk wouldn't fit.

    The MacBook isn't a far cry from the Air. Many of you whiners should check it out, since it has basically all the features you bemoan are missing from the Air, in an enclosure that is as small as can be for accommodating these extra things. The Air is in an enclosure that is as small as can be to accommodate its features. If there were a way to get into the Air all of these extra features, don't you think they'd be options?

    Originally Posted by welcomb View Post

    actually APPL is catering it towards the upscale business class that has the expense accounts for 1st class airfare and 3000 dollar lappies

    cause it had an ad in the Economist (inside the front cover)

    And those people dont care for the best specs

    You win a cookie. Most people I know with salaries $1000/day and up are workaholics. The easier it is to stay connected, the easier it is to work, and the easier it is to justify a $3300 laptop. For this group it doesn't take a lot of hours of use for an Air to "pay for itself."
  • Reply 39 of 82
    mjteixmjteix Posts: 563member
    Today, there are a bunch of articles stating that the MBA is out of stock in many places.

    The MBA is #1 on the US Apple Store, #17 (HDD model) and #46 (SSD model) on the US Amazon store (notebooks bestsellers).

    This is quite an accomplishment, especially after the new MB and MBP have been announced and are shipping too.
  • Reply 40 of 82
    john.bjohn.b Posts: 2,742member
    Originally Posted by Splinemodel View Post

    The MacBook isn't a far cry from the Air. Many of you whiners should check it out, since it has basically all the features you bemoan are missing from the Air, in an enclosure that is as small as can be for accommodating these extra things. The Air is in an enclosure that is as small as can be to accommodate its features. If there were a way to get into the Air all of these extra features, don't you think they'd be options?

    Well, I, for one, don't consider myself a "whiner", just a tad disappointed. I mean, its not like I'm going to go back to a Windows laptop just because the MBA doesn't have a FW port, but I'm still hopeful to see one in a second gen Air.

    I agree about the MB, in fact I already have a blackbook which I've always thought has Teh Sexy™, but not nearly the kind of Teh Sexy™ that the Air has.
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