Apple exploring dual-sided translucent touch-screen panels

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
Yet another unique patent filing has surface on the part of iPhone maker Apple Inc., this time covering implementations of dual-sided, translucent touch-screens that could serve as the foundation for a flip-screen iPhone or hybrid notebook/tablet device.

The 47-page filing, published for the first time Thursday by the World Intellectual Property Organization, is titled "Dual-sided Track Pad" and incorporates references to over a dozen patent applications previously filed by Cupertino-based firm with the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

More specifically, the filing discusses several potential uses for a "capacitive array element [that] may be a dual-sided panel that is capable of sensing touch from either side and sending signals indicative of the touches to a host device (e.g., a desktop computer, a laptop computer, a digital music player or a mobile telephone unit)."

In some embodiments, Apple said the touch-based array element would be completely translucent, so that the display element of a handheld device and the array element may be configured with respect to each other, possibly including a configuration where the array element lies over a traditional display screen so that the display screen is viewable through the array element, in effect forming a touch screen.

The real world implementations of this concept become more apparent from the illustrations provided by Apple as part of the filling. For example, the company portrays a notebook-like device whose internals are tucked away behind a traditional LCD screen, and whose base/keyboard component has been replaced by a framed, dual-sided translucent touch-screen.

While in the "open" position, the side of the touch-screen facing upwards would serve as a sprawling multi-touch input surface capable of receiving input from a virtual keyboard, "finger or stylus." During this time, the opposite side of the translucent touch-screen (facing down) would be immune to input. When in the "closed" position, however, the active side of the touch-screen would be reversed, with the side previously facing downwards now serving as touch-based window to the notebook's traditional LCD component, effectively morphing the closed notebook into multi-touch tablet (see images below).

The same principles could also apply to a flip-based mobile handset, according to the filings, though the advantages in this case appear limited over Apple's existing iPhone design, save for the prospect of using both sides of the touch-screen simultaneously while in the "open" position. In the "closed" position, such a handset would function identically to today's iPhone.

Given that the touch-screen element would be completely translucent, Apple suggests several methods of displaying keyboards, number pads, and controls on panel while in the "open" position. These include using a "polarized light source so as to be slightly visible when lit" or displaying the controls through the use of minuscule LEDs embedded in the translucent touch-screen element.

AppleInsider is offering an unedited copy of the filing here: [3.1MB PDF].


  • Reply 1 of 72
    bageljoeybageljoey Posts: 2,008member

    ...will this do it for you?
  • Reply 2 of 72
    rogzillarogzilla Posts: 145member
    Well now, that is kinda sorta awesome.

    OK, release this, the desktop multitouch input device and the Apple TV DVR and Apple will be AWESOME!
  • Reply 3 of 72
    Looks like Apple is cooking up something great once again! They should do this with all of their stuff, including desktop computers. I could even see a customizable keyboard coming out of this!
  • Reply 4 of 72
    suhailsuhail Posts: 192member
    WOW! That's mostly practical too. Except the 'would be problem' with the multi-touch notebook when in the closed position, the distance between the users finger/stylus to the image would be way too far, this causes a visual alignment problem between the actual image and the position of the finger/stylus, especially when the user moves or when accessing items closer to the edges of the screen. Wacom overcame this problem in their Cintiq models by adhering the extra thin touch-screen mylar directly onto the display allowing for a minimum distance from the stylus to the image.
  • Reply 5 of 72
    Originally Posted by suhail View Post

    WOW! That's mostly practical too. Except the 'would be problem' with the multi-touch notebook when in the closed position, the distance between the users finger/stylus to the image would be way too far, this causes a visual alignment problem between the actual image and the position of the finger/stylus, especially when the user moves or when accessing items closer to the edges of the screen. Wacom overcame this problem in their Cintiq models by adhering the extra thin touch-screen mylar directly onto the display allowing for a minimum distance from the stylus to the image.

    Yes, but--

    Notice how Apple deliberately draws their "email" and other "UI" screens in these patents so they look totally generic and stupid?

    That's so they don't give anything away they dont have to via these applications, which they know are examined microscopically by the public.

    I would venture a guess that whatever these patents are intended for will look nothing like any of these pictures...and it's Apple, for pete's sake.

    They would not let a less than awesome User Experience within 100 feet of their creation.
  • Reply 6 of 72
    olternautolternaut Posts: 1,376member
    omg so u take the credit of posting about this article and convieniently moving mine out of the way??

    For shame.
  • Reply 7 of 72
    olternautolternaut Posts: 1,376member
    At least you could have provided the link from Here is the artist's concept:

    Would make a great iphone nano.

    And here is the rest of the article:

    I might as well abandon my thread on the subject and stick to here then. Read the article because there is mention how this technique might be used in other Apple devices including a possible itablet.
  • Reply 8 of 72
    zanshinzanshin Posts: 350member
    Originally Posted by echosonic View Post

    Yes, but--

    Notice how Apple deliberately draws their "email" and other "UI" screens in these patents so they look totally generic and stupid?

    Everybody I've worked for does the same thing in order to be more defensible when someone else claims it was their idea years before you filed it.

    The big difference is most companies then develop and announce a product that looks totally generic and stupid.
  • Reply 9 of 72
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Yet another unique patent filing has surface on the part of iPhone maker Apple Inc., this time covering implementations of dual-sided, translucent touch-screens that could serve as the foundation for a flip-screen iPhone or hybrid notebook/tablet device.

    [ Digg this story ][/c]

    Flip-screen phones are so 2005. The iPhone Nano should be a slider- less bulky, easier to handle, and fits easily in your pockets.
  • Reply 10 of 72
    olternautolternaut Posts: 1,376member
    Originally Posted by zanshin View Post

    Everybody I've worked for does the same thing in order to be more defensible when someone else claims it was their idea years before you filed it.

    The big difference is most companies then develop and announce a product that looks totally generic and stupid.

    Your right. Pretty smart really.
  • Reply 11 of 72
    Originally Posted by Olternaut View Post

    At least you could have provided the link from Here is the artist's concept:

    Would make a great iphone nano.

    And here is the rest of the article:

    I might as well abandon my thread on the subject and stick to here then. Read the article because there is mention how this technique might be used in other Apple devices including a possible itablet.

    If I hear the term "iPhone Nano" one more time I think I'll throw up.

    There's no such thing because it's a stupid idea.

    How long is it going to take for people to realize how dumb they sound using idiotic terminology.....
  • Reply 12 of 72
    brianusbrianus Posts: 169member
    Originally Posted by wbrasington View Post

    If I hear the term "iPhone Nano" one more time I think I'll throw up.

    There's no such thing because it's a stupid idea.

    How long is it going to take for people to realize how dumb they sound using idiotic terminology.....

    Heh.. tell that to the "xMac" people
  • Reply 13 of 72
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member
    Originally Posted by wbrasington View Post

    If I hear the term "iPhone Nano" one more time I think I'll throw up.

    There's no such thing because it's a stupid idea.

    How long is it going to take for people to realize how dumb they sound using idiotic terminology.....

    My, someone got up with a bug in their butt.

    I think iPhone Nano is perfectly fine, given a better name for a non-existent product. Got one?

    I also disagree with the poster who says flip is 'so 90s'. I think sliders are so '6th grade/Transformers'.
  • Reply 14 of 72
    Originally Posted by wbrasington View Post

    If I hear the term "iPhone Nano" one more time I think I'll throw up.

    There's no such thing because it's a stupid idea.

    How long is it going to take for people to realize how dumb they sound using idiotic terminology.....

    Well according to Ireland, he doesnt care if its called the iPod nano or the iPod Monkeybucket, My moneys on the Monkeybucket

    Where are you Brendan? or have you just changed your name?
  • Reply 15 of 72
    olternautolternaut Posts: 1,376member
    Originally Posted by Walter Slocombe View Post

    Well according to Ireland, he doesnt care if its called the iPod nano or the iPod Monkeybucket, My moneys on the Monkeybucket

    Where are you Brendan? or have you just changed your name?

    iPod MonkeyBucket FTW!!
  • Reply 16 of 72
    Originally Posted by GQB View Post

    I think iPhone Nano is perfectly fine, given a better name for a non-existent product. Got one?


    A better name than a nano phone would be the iDontCare because you'll never see it, nobody would want it, it would be horrible for Apple, and the only guy to come up with the original idea mistook the Touch for a smaller iPhone.

    People need to stop drinking the Kool-Aid and think for a second.

    There already is a smaller than iPhone, cheaper than iPhone, less capable than iPhone.... smart phone.

    It's called a Blackberry.

    It's a dumb idea, and Apple won't play down to it...... people on here should realize that.

  • Reply 17 of 72
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member
    Originally Posted by wbrasington View Post


    A better name than a nano phone would be the iDontCare because you'll never see it, nobody would want it, it would be horrible for Apple, and the only guy to come up with the original idea mistook the Touch for a smaller iPhone.

    People need to stop drinking the Kool-Aid and think for a second.

    There already is a smaller than iPhone, cheaper than iPhone, less capable than iPhone.... smart phone.

    It's called a Blackberry.

    It's a dumb idea, and Apple won't play down to it...... people on here should realize that.


    Ah... I was right.

    The ubiquitous "I hate Apple and Jobs" bug up the butt.

    Thanks for clarifying.
  • Reply 18 of 72
    olternautolternaut Posts: 1,376member
    Originally Posted by wbrasington View Post


    A better name than a nano phone would be the iDontCare because you'll never see it, nobody would want it, it would be horrible for Apple, and the only guy to come up with the original idea mistook the Touch for a smaller iPhone.

    People need to stop drinking the Kool-Aid and think for a second.

    There already is a smaller than iPhone, cheaper than iPhone, less capable than iPhone.... smart phone.

    It's called a Blackberry.

    It's a dumb idea, and Apple won't play down to it...... people on here should realize that.


    I'm sorry but I think your wrong. I (and many others) believe that Apple, in order to expand market share, is going to debut the iphone in various configurations including a simpler lower priced model to appeal to that segment of the market. They are going to try to follow the ipod model for the handsets (plural).

    Come toward the end of the year you will see. They want you to automatically think "iphone" when you think "cellphone".

    They can't do that 100 percent of course but they might just come close.
  • Reply 19 of 72
    Originally Posted by GQB View Post

    Ah... I was right.

    The ubiquitous "I hate Apple and Jobs" bug up the butt.

    Thanks for clarifying.

    You missed the point.

    The Blackberry is a dumb idea, and Apple will not play down to it.

    Apple's going to own the market. Doing something really stupid like a nano-phone, is not something Apple has shown any signs of doing.

    They may screw up, but not in the size or magnitude that going low-brow like the blackberry would be.

    Get off the nano-phone dumb idea, and focus on keeping the lead.

    Remember, Apple will never do anything in the phone business because leaders like Motoroloa will kill them.....
  • Reply 20 of 72
    olternautolternaut Posts: 1,376member
    Originally Posted by wbrasington View Post

    You missed the point.

    The Blackberry is a dumb idea, and Apple will not play down to it.

    Apple's going to own the market. Doing something really stupid like a nano-phone, is not something Apple has shown any signs of doing.

    They may screw up, but not in the size or magnitude that going low-brow like the blackberry would be.

    Get off the nano-phone dumb idea, and focus on keeping the lead.

    Remember, Apple will never do anything in the phone business because leaders like Motoroloa will kill them.....

    Umm....I get what you mean but using motorola as a "leader" is a bad example. lol

    They are longer a leader. They will be lucky if their mobile handset business even exists this time next year.
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