There is no G5

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
Well, there is, but it's the 8500, and it's a ways off (2003).

What's coming next is the Apollo 7460 G4. It will be in Apple computers within the next 45 days.

Bookmark this thread, and come back to it. Take it to the bank, bet the farm, Katie bar the door, the chickens have come home to roost.

I guarantee it.



  • Reply 1 of 456
    jjjj Posts: 48member
    The G5 exists in near-production form.

    We'll see it by summer.
  • Reply 2 of 456
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member
    Well, glad to see we can all agree on things then!

  • Reply 3 of 456
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member

    I'm not saying you are wrong but, you can't gurantee something you don't know that well. Do you work for Apple? Do you work for Motorola? If not then you don't know anymore than the rest of us so knock it off.
  • Reply 4 of 456
    slackerslacker Posts: 127member
    How about this Suckfuldotcom....

    I guarantee a G5 Macintosh before 2003. If I am right you buy me one when it is released. If I am wrong I buy you one in 2003 when it is released.

    What say you?
  • Reply 5 of 456
    [quote]Originally posted by jj:

    <strong>The G5 exists in near-production form.

    We'll see it by summer.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    JJ, you're making the definitive statements in more than one topic here. Do you care to back that up at all, or are you just stating your guess as fact?
  • Reply 6 of 456
    x704x704 Posts: 276member
    +?*?¿triginally posted by suckfuldotcom:

    <strong>Well, there is, but it's the 8500, and it's a ways off (2003).

    What's coming next is the Apollo 7460 G4. It will be in Apple computers within the next 45 days.

    Bookmark this thread, and come back to it. Take it to the bank, bet the farm, Katie bar the door, the chickens have come home to roost.

    I guarantee it.


    Is this inside info? Since you "guarantee" it sounds like it is. Assuming this is the case, got anymore info?
  • Reply 7 of 456
    spotbugspotbug Posts: 361member
    We'll have G4's in iMacs by February.

    I gar-un-tee!!!

    And, they'll have flat screens too!!! :eek:

  • Reply 8 of 456
    [quote]Originally posted by Slacker:

    <strong>How about this Suckfuldotcom....

    I guarantee a G5 Macintosh before 2003. If I am right you buy me one when it is released. If I am wrong I buy you one in 2003 when it is released.

    What say you?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    You really wanna take that bet?

    If so, I've been known to make a wager now and then.

    Just to define the proposed terms:

    I am using the model number of the PPC fabbed by Motorola.



    anything else=null and void.

    I'm not about to take a flyer on Apple's marketing folks (they may choose to call a G4 generation chip a G5, even if it's not).

    Let me know if you really wanna take this bet.

    For the rest of you; show me one non-rumor site source that says the G5 is anywhere NEAR ready.

    Because I'm using The Register, Motorola, the Microprocessor Forum, and other reputable sources to assert my claim that Apollo is coming.

  • Reply 9 of 456
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    Yea, the Apollo is coming full speed ahead!

    To the portables and iMac.
  • Reply 10 of 456
    orb24orb24 Posts: 41member
    no one ever said it wasn't. The contention wether or not it will end up in towers or all in one's and pb's. I don't think that towers are where a low power, low heat chip would be needed.
  • Reply 11 of 456
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    That's pretty much what I was saying
  • Reply 12 of 456
    The low power and low heat part of the Apollo design is due to the fact that moto chips serve two masters: the computer market (Apple) and the embeeded market (routers, switches, other stuff, etc.).

    Motorola makes design choices that sacrifice raw computer performance so that they can sell the chip over a wide range of uses.

    Would I like Motorola to design a chip for maximum speed in the computer? Yes. Are they going to do it? Not until they can get economies of scale like AMD and Intel.

    The 8500 will also be a low power, low heat chip.

    And so will future Motorola semiconductor products.

    Face it, folks. There is no giant Intel killer waiting in the wings. Get used to it, until Apple finally puts out it's G6 design with IBM as the fab contractor (which is just a guess on my part).

  • Reply 13 of 456
    wrong robotwrong robot Posts: 3,907member
    it seems like EVERYONE here is SO anti moto and PRO IBM when it comes to who is making Apples chips, I'd assume its all becasue of the fiascos involving the g4, but it seems that moto is picking up their act, slowly but thats a start, personally I believe that we're getting a g5 either REALLY soon or at least soon enough , How long was the g4 in production? the g5 has been in production(well design production sorts) for 3+ years, thats a long time, I'd assume the g4 was similar (3 or so years)

    also about the apollo, it seems that its especially designed to be smaller, cooler, and less power hungry, sure it COULD be put in towers, but it would be more logical to put it in the Pbooks and new iMac(maybe) then put the next thing in the towers, but then if hte apollo is whats about to come around the corner, they should put it in the towers because otherwise apple users worldwide will be getting SUPER pissed(not that it matters, we'll all still buy macs again <img src="graemlins/hmmm.gif" border="0" alt="[Hmmm]" />
  • Reply 14 of 456
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    [quote]Originally posted by suckfuldotcom:

    <strong>The low power and low heat part of the Apollo design is due to the fact that moto chips serve two masters: the computer market (Apple) and the embeeded market (routers, switches, other stuff, etc.).</strong><hr></blockquote>

    And Apple doesn't mind this one little tiny bit because it means they can put their professional CPUs into 5 pound notebooks and diminutive hemispheres without requiring 130 decibels' worth of cooling fans. At this point, the only thing Apple makes that couldn't be argued to be an embedded application is the Power Mac.

    [quote]<strong>Would I like Motorola to design a chip for maximum speed in the computer? Yes. Are they going to do it? Not until they can get economies of scale like AMD and Intel.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Which they won't as long as the only PC application is Apple's third best selling line. On the other hand, Cisco is building some rather powerful routers now. Embedded does not mean wimpy.

    [quote]<strong>Face it, folks. There is no giant Intel killer waiting in the wings. Get used to it, until Apple finally puts out it's G6 design with IBM as the fab contractor (which is just a guess on my part).</strong><hr></blockquote>

    IBM is even less interested in the PC space than Motorola is. At this point, their interest in the PowerPC, up to this point, has focused on the G3, which has much less of a chance of becoming an Intel killer than anything Motorola has in the pipe.

    [ 01-08-2002: Message edited by: Amorph ]</p>
  • Reply 15 of 456
    programmerprogrammer Posts: 3,467member
    Just because IBM's only current PowerPC chip is a G3 doesn't mean they couldn't turn around and design something on a much grander scale. Look at the POWER4 series machines.

    Just because Motorola has been scratching its way upward 33 MHz at a time doesn't mean they can't introduce a completely new design (G5) at a much higher clock rate. The G4 is limited by its design choices (some of which were changed in the 7450), and fab problems Moto had (and has largely fixed).

    There are also lots of other fab companies out there to which designs can be outsourced -- the business model of the future seems to be seperating the design companies from the fab companies. This is good for Apple, which really doesn't want to own any fabs (they are a huge capital investment). Look at nVidia: they have some really advanced chips and have never owned a fab of their own.
  • Reply 16 of 456
    [quote]Originally posted by Programmer:

    <strong>There are also lots of other fab companies out there to which designs can be outsourced -- the business model of the future seems to be seperating the design companies from the fab companies. This is good for Apple, which really doesn't want to own any fabs (they are a huge capital investment). Look at nVidia: they have some really advanced chips and have never owned a fab of their own.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    What if Apple were to do their own design?

    Now it gets interesting.
  • Reply 17 of 456
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member

    You don't mine if I use your first name do you?

    You have no concrete proof ether way . I don't ether. However, I'm telling the truth. I don't know if the G5 is coming. I do know Apple had better do something soon to fix this situation. I do know for sure that it would make sense for them to come up with more in the Powermac area quickly or they will loose more credibiltity. Not with me but, with the consumer. By the way the rumor sites know less than any other time since I've been reading them. So what you're passing as fact is only speculation. This is by Apple's ( and SJ ) design. So unless you work for one of those companies I would modify your statement if I were you.

    [ 01-09-2002: Message edited by: jimmac ]</p>
  • Reply 18 of 456
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    Just something I read on and just wanted to share it for what it's worth.

    [quote] G5 very soon!!!

    Mac user is RIGHT!!!!

    I don't know about Tokyo, but new G5 will come

    before june this year at the latest!!

    It will be in the BLACK housing, similar to G4, with silver "apples" on both sides, non-transparent black oval "handles" and chrome front end, housing three (3) front slots (unknown purpose) without speaker hole...

    It will be delivered with 1 GB of RAM, 160 GB HD, Super Drive, 2 FireWire connectors, and processor speeds will be 1.2; 1.4; and 1.6 ghz

    Source is anonymous...

    (lives outside U.S)

  • Reply 19 of 456
    rickagrickag Posts: 1,626member

    Is that a quote from a reliable source?

    As far as Motorola's main focus for cpu's used by Apple being embedded chips, go to their web site.

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    below is a list of the products produced by their semiconductor division.

    Design Resources

    .-Explore design resources for select products and solutions:

    32-Bit Embedded Processors

    .- 68K / ColdFire®

    .- DragonBall?

    .- PowerPC ISA

    Digital Signal Processors


    Network and Communications Processors

    .- C-Port?

    .- PowerQUICC?

    RF and IF


    .- Image Sensors and Co-Processors

    Software and Development Tools

    .- J2ME?

    Timing and Interconnect Solutions

    .- Advanced Clock Drivers

    .- Gigabit SERDES Transceivers

    Wireless Local Connectivity

    .- Bluetooth?

    Does any one see desktop cpu's?

    Under what catagory are the Power PC's listed?

    Motorola makes the best embedded processors, but this should make it quite clear that they DO NOT GIVE ONE WHIT ABOUT DESKTOP CPU'S.
  • Reply 20 of 456
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member
    It's probably a safe bet the G5 will be in a black case...just look at the packaging for Final Cut Pro 3!
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