There is no G5



  • Reply 121 of 456
    [quote]Originally posted by TigerWoods99:

    <strong>The first line where you tell us the G5s wont come out till 2003 at the earliest or what? I trust my gut, which happens to work in Motorola. Does that mean I know when the G5 is coming? no, but I sure as hell have a better idea of it.

    Look, it's Old Man River!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Dude, if you work for Motorola in any important capacity, then I'm the King of Spain. Go home, kid. Logic abounds here, and that ain't your game.

  • Reply 122 of 456
    uh, he didn't claim to be in a high posistion, he said that though he works for motorola he still doesn't know anything except he assumes the g5 is close, for all we know he could work for motorolas walkie-talkie division, so suckful I think your the one being childish, all that aside I am still confidant that we will see g5 towers and apollo tibooks[one of my reasons}, if the towers hit 1.6+ ghz with a g5 then the tibooks would look like shit, unless they have a 1.4 apollo in them
  • Reply 123 of 456
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    [quote]Originally posted by suckfuldotcom:


    Dude, if you work for Motorola in any important capacity, then I'm the King of Spain. Go home, kid. Logic abounds here, and that ain't your game.


    if logic abounds here why do you predict and swear by no G5 till 2003?

    logic would lead one to believe the G5 will be available definitely sometime this year if not very soon.
  • Reply 124 of 456
    if i were looking for the g5, i'd be looking towards ibm instead.
  • Reply 125 of 456
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by admactanium:

    <strong>if i were looking for the g5, i'd be looking towards ibm instead.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    hehe, is that some native indian chief spirit hint?

    "Look towards where the eagle lays in a nest and the grass flows green"

    Yes, I have heard that IBM is fabbing the G5s but I also heard they are having a cache problem preventing them front getting a high quantity of chips. So, not sure what to believe anymore.
  • Reply 126 of 456
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member
    What I've heard (just on the rumor boards, no direct inside info here) is that Motorola was having trouble with the cache/speed and Apple excercised an option in their contract to farm out the G5 production to IBM. To my knowledge IBM isn't having any problems with production, although I'd have to guess that they're behind whatever schedule Motorola was on.
  • Reply 127 of 456
    Its amazing how one site posts something (like a rumour about cache problems limiting speeds) and suddenly everybody is repeating it so frequently they all believe its true. Remarkable.
  • Reply 128 of 456
    Welcome to the AI telescoping truth effect. It's quite grand to behold.

  • Reply 129 of 456
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by Programmer:

    <strong>Its amazing how one site posts something (like a rumour about cache problems limiting speeds) and suddenly everybody is repeating it so frequently they all believe its true. Remarkable.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Actually, the cache problems were limiting chip yield not speed

    As for the one site...that's all we have to go on. How do we know it's not real?
  • Reply 130 of 456
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member
    That's why I clearly stated that I have no inside information and that I just read it on some board....
  • Reply 131 of 456
    [quote]Originally posted by KidRed:


    hehe, is that some native indian chief spirit hint?

    "Look towards where the eagle lays in a nest and the grass flows green"

    Yes, I have heard that IBM is fabbing the G5s but I also heard they are having a cache problem preventing them front getting a high quantity of chips. So, not sure what to believe anymore.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    well, i can't say much. but i'd say we shouldn't be watching moto for info on the g5. take it for what you will, i'm not trying to gain any credibility or "in the know" status. just might help glean more info if we're pointed in the right direction.

    [ 01-14-2002: Message edited by: admactanium ]</p>
  • Reply 132 of 456
    Dude, if you work for Motorola in any important capacity, then I'm the King of Spain.


    Dear King of Spain:

    Please come take Florida back for Spain. It is being overrun by idiotic tourists with rodent-like hats, ignorant yankees who cannot fill out a voting ballot and old ladies with blue hair.


    A Florida Native
  • Reply 133 of 456

    like i said, take it for what you will.

    [ 01-15-2002: Message edited by: admactanium ]</p>
  • Reply 134 of 456
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [off topic]

    [quote] Dear King of Spain:

    Please come take Florida back for Spain. It is being overrun by idiotic tourists with rodent-like hats, ignorant yankees who cannot fill out a voting ballot and old ladies with blue hair.


    A Florida Native <hr></blockquote>

    Hey Florida native guy, how long have you lived here? You got tourists in any hot post, old people are in every state and yankees are everywhere up north and you got the surfers out west. I happen to like it here and would never live anywhere else.

    [/off topic]
  • Reply 135 of 456
    slackerslacker Posts: 127member
    So who thinks I will win?

    And who thinks suckfuldotcom will win?

    And who doesn't care
  • Reply 136 of 456
    [quote]Originally posted by Slacker:

    <strong>So who thinks I will win?

    And who thinks suckfuldotcom will win?

    And who doesn't care </strong><hr></blockquote>

    You will win because the G5s are coming.
  • Reply 137 of 456
    G5's announced within a few weeks - maybe Seybold, maybe QT Conference, maybe Special Event.
  • Reply 138 of 456
    "Expect the next PowerMacs to retain the G4 processor and Quicksilver enclosure. Look for the PowerMac G5 this fall/winter with an all new enclosure. Say goodbye to the tower enclosure."
  • Reply 139 of 456
    I think Slacker will win--no, wait. I'm gonna win!

  • Reply 140 of 456

    You're gonna win, no doubt about it.

    There is zero, zip, nada in the realm of *credible* evidence that the G5 is on it's way any time soon. What there is is a bunch of MacHeads wishing and hoping against all odds that a G5 will be here in a month or so. Could someone please outline the *real* evidence that a G5 will be released really soon now....oh yeah, there isnt' any.

    On the other hand, relatively speaking, there are tomes of evidence that the Apollo G4 will next. I sure hope it is 1.4Ghz, but I'm seriously sceptical of even that.
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