Paper: 3G iPhone smaller, lighter than existing model



  • Reply 21 of 138
    The leaked image with the black plastic back is ugly.
  • Reply 22 of 138
    I agree with everyone above, surely they must be describing the iPhone nano.

    Don't really care for the screen size that much, so long it can fit in my pocket.

    Now please Apple price the 8GB model at $299 and make it available on any network provider and I'm sure it will sell like crazy.

    Any idea on a catchy name, don't really like iphone nano or iphone mini, maybe iphone air
  • Reply 23 of 138
    Waiting for the 20" fold out 8 bit screen version of the iPhone so I can do Final Cut on the iPhone. Joking.

    No way the screen will be smaller, no way it will be plastic, I see a non-metal material, but not plastic.
  • Reply 24 of 138
    bageljoeybageljoey Posts: 2,007member
    Originally Posted by MacVicta View Post

    Sounds like the "iPhone nano."

    Nobody's expecting that until next year. Would be killer if Apple rolled it out in June.

    There were reports that the 1stGen iPhone would stay on the market with a redesign. Maybe this is it.

    2.8 inches is still bigger than your average smartphone.

    It staggers the mind. If Apple could release 2 new iPhone models in two months (the Nano and the Pro?) without people catching on before now--that would be amazing considering how much interest and speculation there is.

    It would be quite a coup.

    But, like another poster mentioned, it might annoy developers--they should know if there is going to be screen shrinkage before it happens...

    Also, it seems strange that they would transition away from plastics on all of their computers and iPods only to bring it into the iPhone... Maybe it is that zirconium that has been bandied about--would that look like/be plastic?
  • Reply 25 of 138
    nofeernofeer Posts: 2,427member
    Originally Posted by schmidm77 View Post

    The virtual keyboard is already small enough at the screen's current size that they needed to implement some clever tricks to improve accuracy; no way they make it smaller.

    I agree, this is the "nano" version if it all. i don't want a smaller screen and plastic ???it's got tobe a cheaper phone, just like the ipod, different price points, i think they will have:




    each at a market growing price point, or the "plastic iphone" cmes in the fall

    apple won't downgrade quality of its premier product.
  • Reply 26 of 138
    Originally Posted by Bageljoey View Post

    Also, it seems strange that they would transition away from plastics on all of their computers and iPods only to bring it into the iPhone... Maybe it is that zirconium that has been bandied about--would that look like/be plastic?

    I agree. It seems much more likely that the phone would stay metal to help maintain the "green" image.
  • Reply 27 of 138
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    "LCD screen on the phone measures 2.8 inches diagonally, a downsize from first generation`s 3.5 inches."

    Thats it then, the iPhone Monkey Bucket!

    all w00t and WTF!11!! in the appropriate directions
  • Reply 28 of 138
    monstrositymonstrosity Posts: 2,234member
    I seriously doubt the screen is getting any smaller. Screen will stay the same size IMO.

    I think we might see two iphones, at least thats what i would do if i were in charge. the current 2.5g iphone still caters well for it's intended market, maybe make it a bit thinner for aesthetics.

    The other iphone would have obviously have 3g.

    i would also ad a proximity sensor to both phones.

    The only way apple could make a decent iphone with a smaller screen is to use my UI invention, but countless attempt to contact them have fallen on deaf ears! Apple's and my loss.
  • Reply 29 of 138
    bageljoeybageljoey Posts: 2,007member
    Originally Posted by NOFEER View Post

    Apple won't downgrade quality of its premier product.

    I agree.

    If they start introducing cheeper models, they have to keep at least one "flagship" model that blows away everything else in terms of appearance and price (and hopefully performance). It is the Apple way.
  • Reply 30 of 138
    This rumor is a sham. Apple is all about going green. It is not going to take a huge step back by producing 24 million plastic phones. As for the screen being smaller - there is already enough hand wringing over the lack of tactile feel, they aren't going to make it worse by making the keyboard smaller. Somone needs to get the hook out of their mouth....
  • Reply 31 of 138
    icarbonicarbon Posts: 196member
    I gotta say, I like the idea of a smaller screen size -- the current form factor doesn't fit well into my pocket... and that really sucks, its my one great hold-out (that and my stupid sprint contract... june cannot come soon enough).

    Frankly, I would trade typing speed for pocket comfort -- especially if they added a proximity sensor that zoomed in on keys as your finger approached, so that you could type in comfort (is that even possible?).
  • Reply 32 of 138
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member
    Originally Posted by EagerDragon View Post

    Waiting for the 20" fold out 8 bit screen version of the iPhone so I can do Final Cut on the iPhone. Joking.

    No way the screen will be smaller, no way it will be plastic, I see a non-metal material, but not plastic.


    What? Bamboo?
  • Reply 33 of 138
    bdkennedy1bdkennedy1 Posts: 1,459member
    There's no way.

    Apple just moved to metals. They are not going to cheapen the iPhone experience by using plastic. Apple is trying to be as "green" as possible and they're not going to start depending on oil again to make the plastic they need.

    One of the selling points is the screen. They will not make it smaller.

    Steve would NEVER let the iPhone be thicker. They spent years designing the iPhone and they're not going to allow it to be thinker just because 3G or the battery needs a little more space. They will have found a way to cram it in there.
  • Reply 34 of 138
    haggarhaggar Posts: 1,568member
    Originally Posted by federmoose View Post

    if enough analysts put ideas in the field, one of them is gonna be right I guess...

    I say we make it game-show style: those who get it wrong have to eat a bug or something. Would really limit the number of these annoying reports.

    Maybe it could also limit the number of Apple fanboy statements like:

    "There will be no video iPod. Nobody wants to watch video on an iPod."

    "Apple will never enter the cell phone market."

    "Apple will never switch to Intel processors."
  • Reply 35 of 138
    hattighattig Posts: 860member
    Originally Posted by StainedGlassPoet View Post

    Smaller screen? Plastic instead of aluminum? That doesn't sound good...

    iPhone cheapo ... i mean, nano?

    Lighter good. Plastic understandable for the antennae. Smaller screen - no, I don't get that.
  • Reply 36 of 138
    The tenor of a lot of the comments sounds to me like the "no way that Apple will come out with the iPod phatty" (which, of course, they did, and coincided with a phlattening of iPod sales....).

    Much as one would hope this rumor is not true, it could just be, sigh, Apple being Apple.
  • Reply 37 of 138
    wheelhotwheelhot Posts: 465member
    Hmm honestly, after reading that article, I think its a new iPhone, as in iPhone nano or whatever and not the rumored iPhone 3G, maybe iPhone nano will have 3G? but from the facts written, Im sure Apple wont be stupid enough to replace the current iPhone which has aluminum and glass to plastic. Oh yeah and don't forget the smaller screen isn't what Apple would do unless its a totally new model.

    I found it odd that the next iPhone (update or a new model) will has plastic as the casing, its certainly contradicts Apple plan into going green, cause if you look at it, Apple has been slowly phasing out their products to become more green, the 17" MBP is now offered in LED, the Shuffle is now aluminum, the iPhone screen uses glass instead of plastic. So Im not sure if this post is true or not, but part of me is saying its a fake.
  • Reply 38 of 138
    fraklincfraklinc Posts: 244member
    I don't see apple going from aluminum back to plastic. Why would they even think about a smaller screen??? is the paper forgetting that the iphone a virtual Keyboard?? LOL, this claim makes no sense at all Is the iphone LED backlit??? anyone know if it is??
  • Reply 39 of 138
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    Originally Posted by Bageljoey View Post

    It staggers the mind. If Apple could release 2 new iPhone models in two months (the Nano and the Pro?) without people catching on before now--that would be amazing considering how much interest and speculation there is.

    Plus, if a new model was released, it probably would need a new FCC review, rather than

    the quickie revision review people have been posting about for just updating to 3G.
  • Reply 40 of 138
    fraklincfraklinc Posts: 244member
    Apple has been also known to be experimenting with carbon fiber for some time now, but i still doubt they will go with a smaller screen
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