we're going to pay for jaguar it seems.



  • Reply 61 of 65
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    Printing: The question is... do you want the bugs worked out of the current system in that free upgrade, or a whole new architecture that looks to be much more robust, scalable and functional?

    If the former, then sure. That seems definitely like something that should be in a free upgrade. The latter however... this isn't an upgrade, it's a wholesale replacement of the printing system, and in my mind is something that I can't say should be free. You could try and argue of course that the current system is just too broken, and should never have shipped, but it was what was needed to get basic functionality out the door.

    CUPS goes far beyond what even 9 had for a printing architecture, IMHO.
  • Reply 62 of 65
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    And, as I mentioned, we're used to paying for basic functionality. I forked out at least $200 to get an OS that didn't crash when I looked at it the wrong way, and that was before Apple had even previewed OS X.

    As for printing, well, my 740i has worked since at least 10.0.0, although it didn't work well until one of the later updates. So I have no complaints there. I do sympathize with people who haven't been that lucky, though.
  • Reply 63 of 65
    kcmackcmac Posts: 1,051member
    Someone here said that the early versions of OS X we have been paying for were and are flawed. Face it, with that simplistic attitude, every OS we have been using has been a work in progress and therefore flawed.

    I don't look at it that way. Even in it's original 10.0 state, OS X was the most exciting OS I had seen. You could quickly see and feel the potential. Sure it was frustrating, but most of that for me was the unknown. It was new territory. It was putting me out of my comfort zone.

    Now that I haven't used OS 9 for almost a year now, the unknown has worn off and I am held completely captive waiting for every single new update. Jaguar is the most exciting to date. No crashes, beautiful apps and I can run many things at once. Now I have a new comfort zone and it is OS X.

    Will they charge for the upgrade or won't they? I could care less because I will get it either way for my iMac DVSE and iBook. And most likely I will also get it with a new iMac which will only have OS X running on it. Now that should be snappy!
  • Reply 64 of 65
    steve666steve666 Posts: 2,600member
    According to MacWorld:

    "That's an important clue that "Jaguar" -- OS X 10.2, 10.5, 11.0,

    whatever they end up calling it -- will be a for-pay update. Mac

    OS X 10.1 was given away free (although it wasn't always easy to

    get), but OS X pioneers will need to pony up for this next

    feature update."

    This was in reference to those purchasing the new Mac Servers, so that means that anyone buying a Mac from now till jaruars release will have to pay for jaguar. How ridiculous! I'm definitely not going to buy a new machine until jaguar is installed on it, unless Apple changes its mind and says something different. In fact, nobody should buy a new machine unless Jobs' clarifies his position on this, IMHO...................................
  • Reply 65 of 65
    falconfalcon Posts: 458member
    [quote] If Microsoft release Longhorn, and it has the kind of performance issues that OS X suffers, then Microsoft charge customers to fix them, we'll be laughing our collective asses off.<hr></blockquote>

    Yes, but Microsoft will charge $89.99 for the upgrade while Apple will charge $15 measly bucks.

    There have been more changes between OS X 10.0.4 -&gt; 10.1, than Win 95-98 and Apple charged much less. It was free if you got to a reseller. I suspect Apple will more or less do the same thing it did with 10.1. Charge a $15 'shipping' fee. Or have it be free if you get to a reseller.

    Oh, and if one more person says that "I cant run QuartzGL so I cant run Jaguar." Im gonna go bald from pulling my hair out because of their ill-informed ignorance.

    [ 05-27-2002: Message edited by: Falcon ]</p>
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