I think the kids should get an award and a Security Consulting Job with Apple so they cold secure the iphone so won't get hacked...
Yeah and it should be the 'Blue Box Award' personally handed out by Jobs and Woz...
"Blue Boxes
In a television special produced by WGBH in Boston, Steve Jobs talked about how he and Steve Wozniak, the famous founders of Apple Computer, got their start. "Woz and I had known each other since I was about 12 or 13 years old," Jobs said. "And our first project together was, we built these little blue boxes to make free telephone calls, and we had the best blue box in the world. It was this all-digital little blue box.""
Its karma Steve, what goes around comes around...
On the bright side, you got your first native app...
Meanwhile, at the Apple store, a "Wanted!" poster just went up...
oh my.... why not throw them in prison, send them to a boot camp or let his holiness mr steve jobs I torture them personally... - in twenty years time they might become one of those famous examples: "thrown out by apple, employed by whoever - millionaires today"...
apple is going all nuts - as much as I love my iPod and Mac, I don't agree with Apples philosophy of doing business at all - they are becoming worse than Microsoft in more and more cases...
Wow. It's like every single thing you said is wrong. Which one of those kids are you?
As for all the other people who have already posted, let me say that it's nice to see people with an appropriate sense of right and wrong.
All of you defending this Apple store employee remind me just how many nutjobs there are in the world. The kids didn't "vandalize" anything you old stiffs. They simply visited a webpage that exploited a bug that then allowed them to download a 3rd party game. The manager is obviously some incompetent lunatic that completely *overreacted* for the situation. If he was one of my employees, he would have been fired on the spot. In fact, being so obviously devoid of judgment, he would have never been hired in the first place.
Let's get some perspective, here. There is ABSOLUTELY ZERO permanent consequences of what the kids were doing --- It's all a bunch of ones and zeros being moved about.
And it's not as if the kids set the phone to display explicit porno to other customers --- they downloaded a race-car game for god sakes. Should the kids be doing that on the iPhones in the store? Probably not. Does that mean they should be chased down the street and interrogated by police? Obviously, anyone with a functioning cerebrum wouldn't think so. If the apple store manager didn't want third party games on the iPhone, he could have restored the demo unit in about 3 minutes. I hope this idiot lost his job.
So you're basically saying kids should basically be discouraged from exploring? Restoring the iPhone means plugging it into a Mac and hitting Restore, then putting it back out on display, meanwhile the kids are banned for having a little fun, and hell, if that iPhone was left out on display, a lot more people might have had fun with the game they installed.
I couldn't agree more. I don't understand why Apple punished them like this. They banned them from all the Apple stores and publicly released their picture, that wound up on the internet? To tell you the truth (I'm under 18) if Apple did this to me. Well I'm not sure how to put it into words. They were just having fun! They should ban the kids that auto-BSOD a couple computers at the library by my house. hahah that was funny
All of you defending this Apple store employee remind me just how many nutjobs there are in the world. The kids didn't "vandalize" anything you old stiffs. They simply visited a webpage that exploited a bug that then allowed them to download a 3rd party game. The manager is obviously some incompetent lunatic that completely *overreacted* for the situation. If he was one of my employees, he would have been fired on the spot. In fact, being so obviously devoid of judgment, he would have never been hired in the first place.
Let's get some perspective, here. There is "ABSOLUTELY ZERO permanent consequences" from what the kids were doing --- It's all a bunch of ones and zeros being moved about.
And it's not as if the kids set the phone to display explicit porno to other customers --- they downloaded a race-car game for god sakes. Should the kids be doing that on the iPhones in the store? Probably not. Does that mean they should be chased down the street and interrogated by police? Obviously, anyone with a functioning cerebrum wouldn't think so. If the apple store manager didn't want third party games on the iPhone, he could have restored the demo unit in about 3 minutes. I hope this idiot lost his job.
I agree that the punishment seems disproportionate to the crime, but the excuse that they kids should be allowed to "explore" is bull. Such a hippy answer. It doesn't matter if there was ABSOLUTELY ZERO permanent consequences (they could have bricked it for all they knew). It is not their property, and so they have no right to disobey the owner's wishes with that property.
And I really disagree that the store manager should be fired, and the kids let off the hook. What kind of Bizarro world are we living in today? Perhaps they didn't deserve a police interrogation, but that is what you risk when you do things you aren't supposed to.
They shouldn't be banned for life.
But they shouldn't be messing with the store's property, and Apple has a right to protect its property.
End of story. Don't want to get banned? Don't mess with O.P.P.
PS And yes, they did vandalize the property. It doesn't matter if it only takes "3 minutes" to fix. Imagine if they had to do it to every iPhone every day? That is a lot of extra work. It doesn't matter how little time it takes to repair, it doesn't make it right because it is only "3 minutes." If they wanted to hack an iPhone, they should have bought it.
...the teens were photographed and told their pictures were being sent to all Apple stores so employees could be "on the lookout" for them in the future.
I bet the picture was taken in a hurry on the iPhone and shows the return of Mr. Blurrycam! LOL
I bet you those kids must have done it many times in the pass, possibly at different stores. And that is why when the manager chase out and shout "stop", they just stood there thinking "what seems to be the problem here?".
Seriously, back in the days if someone shouts stop, I will run like there's no tomorrow.
Errrrr..... shouldn't the cops be out arresting actual criminals rather than trying to scare some script kiddies? IMHO that is a terrible waste of taxpayer funded police time.
Next time they get bored, they rape a 13 year old girl just to explore their potential and have some fun!
Or come after you with a baseball bat to explore the thickness of your skull, take your MacBook from your cold hands, remove your account and put a new password on it... just for fun!
"...that director was said to be David Fincher, an avid Final Cut Pro user..." Well, which is it - avid or FCP? What's wrong with kids today. Sheesh! When I was growing up, we would've just ran!
Next time they get bored, they rape a 13 year old girl just to explore their potential and have some fun!
Or come after you with a baseball bat to explore the thickness of your skull, take your MacBook from your cold hands, remove your account and put a new password on it... just for fun!
It isn't fun, it is vandalism.
It isn't exploring, it is boredom
dump kids... bah
How is raping a 13 year old girl or mugging proportional to downloading something on a display item?
I hate to break this to you, but people do this to display computers all the time - change the backgrounds, set passwords, etc. Display units get reset a lot.
What you want in a security expert is intelligence, a clear idea of the difference between right and wrong and a keen sense of responsibility. Those kids have the opposite of all that.
Wouldn't be entirely sure about the correctness of your statement. People who have real passion for something are usually rule-breakers by default, and the notions of political-correctness - and, even more-so, corporate understanding of 'right' and 'wrong' - may escape them, especially given their age ...
Their only fault was actually in being caught - that just means they are yet to become real professionals in order to have a shot at working as security consultants for Apple!
I don't think tinkering with stuff on display is a bad thing, these macs and iphones are easily restored; however, if they actually break something or go to porn websites, well that's different. And yes Apple has always been big on schools, and incase you haven't read the latest news, Apple is planning it's largest back to school sale yet.
Let's see you go in and mess with a Mercedes, Porsche or Lamborghini before you take it for a test ride ? I don't think so.
It's not what they did it to, it's the fact that THEY FU%$CK around with some that DIDN'T belong to them.
Hey leave your MBP, iPhone, iPod around, that them pick it up and FU$%#*CK around with it, and then tell me you are ok with it ? NOT!
There are rules, laws for a reason. Which is also why some folks say "You know the difference between right and wrong, choose wrong, and pay the consequences.
Wrong is wrong, it's that simple.
Now let us not forgot, what they do in public, is a direct relation to how they are brought up!
It's all about accountablitity! If they are not taught the difference between right and wrong, someone else ALSO has to step up and take a hit too.
Apple ... are becoming worse than Microsoft in more and more cases...
Absolutely. The sickness of grandeur. Among few examples:
- Opening iTunes to .mp3 but not .avi - don't you see a paradox there as both are formats for 'stolen' playbacks?
- Quicktime - who the hell uses it anyway?
- Disgrace with not fully enabling all Bluetooth capabilities on iPhone - that could give so much more to a user (apart from the downside of being attacked by proximity advertising messages).
- Tying all their machines to Safari - which sucks more and more to compare with its counterparts (have switched to Firefox since 2 years now, and never going back).
- Their increasing distrust of all innovation by Adobe and Google (apart from allowing youtube on iPhone, ironically - since youtube is also by an large only a bazaar of 'illegal' uploads).
To use a photo of someone, or in which a person appears and is identifiable, for commercial purposes, don't you need a model release signed by the person/s in the photograph?
I am not a lawyer, but Apple engages in commercial enterprise and if it is using images of these two as part of furthering its commercial activities...
That's insane. I bet any kids you have are monstrous.
What you want in a security expert is intelligence, a clear idea of the difference between right and wrong and a keen sense of responsibility. Those kids have the opposite of all that.
They were dumb enough to get caught, had no idea that fooling with other peoples stuff was "wrong" and no sense of guilt or responsibility for their actions.
Additionally, to hack the iPhone that fast inside an Apple store they must have just cracked it by visiting that web page we all know about. In other words, they don't necessarily have any hacker skill at all.
Apparently you have no idea what you are talking about. Some of the best 'hackers' in the world have been caught, sentenced to jail and upon their release are hired by companies and sometimes the government in order to lead their cyber security groups. I'm not comparing these kids to some of the worlds best hackers, but to say that all security experts are clean, you're wrong.
I think the kids should get an award and a Security Consulting Job with Apple so they cold secure the iphone so won't get hacked...
Yeah and it should be the 'Blue Box Award' personally handed out by Jobs and Woz...
"Blue Boxes
In a television special produced by WGBH in Boston, Steve Jobs talked about how he and Steve Wozniak, the famous founders of Apple Computer, got their start. "Woz and I had known each other since I was about 12 or 13 years old," Jobs said. "And our first project together was, we built these little blue boxes to make free telephone calls, and we had the best blue box in the world. It was this all-digital little blue box.""
Its karma Steve, what goes around comes around...
On the bright side, you got your first native app...
Meanwhile, at the Apple store, a "Wanted!" poster just went up...
Have you seen this man???
apple is going all nuts - as much as I love my iPod and Mac, I don't agree with Apples philosophy of doing business at all - they are becoming worse than Microsoft in more and more cases...
Wow. It's like every single thing you said is wrong. Which one of those kids are you?
As for all the other people who have already posted, let me say that it's nice to see people with an appropriate sense of right and wrong.
All of you defending this Apple store employee remind me just how many nutjobs there are in the world. The kids didn't "vandalize" anything you old stiffs. They simply visited a webpage that exploited a bug that then allowed them to download a 3rd party game. The manager is obviously some incompetent lunatic that completely *overreacted* for the situation. If he was one of my employees, he would have been fired on the spot. In fact, being so obviously devoid of judgment, he would have never been hired in the first place.
Let's get some perspective, here. There is ABSOLUTELY ZERO permanent consequences of what the kids were doing --- It's all a bunch of ones and zeros being moved about.
And it's not as if the kids set the phone to display explicit porno to other customers --- they downloaded a race-car game for god sakes. Should the kids be doing that on the iPhones in the store? Probably not. Does that mean they should be chased down the street and interrogated by police? Obviously, anyone with a functioning cerebrum wouldn't think so. If the apple store manager didn't want third party games on the iPhone, he could have restored the demo unit in about 3 minutes. I hope this idiot lost his job.
So you're basically saying kids should basically be discouraged from exploring? Restoring the iPhone means plugging it into a Mac and hitting Restore, then putting it back out on display, meanwhile the kids are banned for having a little fun, and hell, if that iPhone was left out on display, a lot more people might have had fun with the game they installed.
I couldn't agree more. I don't understand why Apple punished them like this. They banned them from all the Apple stores and publicly released their picture, that wound up on the internet? To tell you the truth (I'm under 18) if Apple did this to me. Well I'm not sure how to put it into words. They were just having fun! They should ban the kids that auto-BSOD a couple computers at the library by my house. hahah that was funny
All of you defending this Apple store employee remind me just how many nutjobs there are in the world. The kids didn't "vandalize" anything you old stiffs. They simply visited a webpage that exploited a bug that then allowed them to download a 3rd party game. The manager is obviously some incompetent lunatic that completely *overreacted* for the situation. If he was one of my employees, he would have been fired on the spot. In fact, being so obviously devoid of judgment, he would have never been hired in the first place.
Let's get some perspective, here. There is "ABSOLUTELY ZERO permanent consequences" from what the kids were doing --- It's all a bunch of ones and zeros being moved about.
And it's not as if the kids set the phone to display explicit porno to other customers --- they downloaded a race-car game for god sakes. Should the kids be doing that on the iPhones in the store? Probably not. Does that mean they should be chased down the street and interrogated by police? Obviously, anyone with a functioning cerebrum wouldn't think so. If the apple store manager didn't want third party games on the iPhone, he could have restored the demo unit in about 3 minutes. I hope this idiot lost his job.
I agree that the punishment seems disproportionate to the crime, but the excuse that they kids should be allowed to "explore" is bull. Such a hippy answer. It doesn't matter if there was ABSOLUTELY ZERO permanent consequences (they could have bricked it for all they knew). It is not their property, and so they have no right to disobey the owner's wishes with that property.
And I really disagree that the store manager should be fired, and the kids let off the hook. What kind of Bizarro world are we living in today? Perhaps they didn't deserve a police interrogation, but that is what you risk when you do things you aren't supposed to.
They shouldn't be banned for life.
But they shouldn't be messing with the store's property, and Apple has a right to protect its property.
End of story. Don't want to get banned? Don't mess with O.P.P.
PS And yes, they did vandalize the property. It doesn't matter if it only takes "3 minutes" to fix. Imagine if they had to do it to every iPhone every day? That is a lot of extra work. It doesn't matter how little time it takes to repair, it doesn't make it right because it is only "3 minutes." If they wanted to hack an iPhone, they should have bought it.
...the teens were photographed and told their pictures were being sent to all Apple stores so employees could be "on the lookout" for them in the future.
I bet the picture was taken in a hurry on the iPhone and shows the return of Mr. Blurrycam! LOL
Seriously, back in the days if someone shouts stop, I will run like there's no tomorrow.
Next time they get bored, they rape a 13 year old girl just to explore their potential and have some fun!
Or come after you with a baseball bat to explore the thickness of your skull, take your MacBook from your cold hands, remove your account and put a new password on it... just for fun!
It isn't fun, it is vandalism.
It isn't exploring, it is boredom
dump kids... bah
"...that director was said to be David Fincher, an avid Final Cut Pro user..." Well, which is it - avid or FCP?
That's what I was thinking.
It's criminal behavior...
Next time they get bored, they rape a 13 year old girl just to explore their potential and have some fun!
Or come after you with a baseball bat to explore the thickness of your skull, take your MacBook from your cold hands, remove your account and put a new password on it... just for fun!
It isn't fun, it is vandalism.
It isn't exploring, it is boredom
dump kids... bah
How is raping a 13 year old girl or mugging proportional to downloading something on a display item?
I hate to break this to you, but people do this to display computers all the time - change the backgrounds, set passwords, etc. Display units get reset a lot.
If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine...
Acknowledge sources of your 'wisdom', man ...
What does not kill me, makes me stronger.
Friedrich Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols, 1888
Btw, for some reason, I empathise with those kids too ...
What you want in a security expert is intelligence, a clear idea of the difference between right and wrong and a keen sense of responsibility. Those kids have the opposite of all that.
Wouldn't be entirely sure about the correctness of your statement. People who have real passion for something are usually rule-breakers by default, and the notions of political-correctness - and, even more-so, corporate understanding of 'right' and 'wrong' - may escape them, especially given their age ...
Their only fault was actually in being caught - that just means they are yet to become real professionals in order to have a shot at working as security consultants for Apple!
I don't think tinkering with stuff on display is a bad thing, these macs and iphones are easily restored; however, if they actually break something or go to porn websites, well that's different. And yes Apple has always been big on schools, and incase you haven't read the latest news, Apple is planning it's largest back to school sale yet.
Let's see you go in and mess with a Mercedes, Porsche or Lamborghini before you take it for a test ride ? I don't think so.
It's not what they did it to, it's the fact that THEY FU%$CK around with some that DIDN'T belong to them.
Hey leave your MBP, iPhone, iPod around, that them pick it up and FU$%#*CK around with it, and then tell me you are ok with it ? NOT!
There are rules, laws for a reason. Which is also why some folks say "You know the difference between right and wrong, choose wrong, and pay the consequences.
Wrong is wrong, it's that simple.
Now let us not forgot, what they do in public, is a direct relation to how they are brought up!
It's all about accountablitity! If they are not taught the difference between right and wrong, someone else ALSO has to step up and take a hit too.
Apple ... are becoming worse than Microsoft in more and more cases...
Absolutely. The sickness of grandeur. Among few examples:
- Opening iTunes to .mp3 but not .avi - don't you see a paradox there as both are formats for 'stolen' playbacks?
- Quicktime - who the hell uses it anyway?
- Disgrace with not fully enabling all Bluetooth capabilities on iPhone - that could give so much more to a user (apart from the downside of being attacked by proximity advertising messages).
- Tying all their machines to Safari - which sucks more and more to compare with its counterparts (have switched to Firefox since 2 years now, and never going back).
- Their increasing distrust of all innovation by Adobe and Google (apart from allowing youtube on iPhone, ironically - since youtube is also by an large only a bazaar of 'illegal' uploads).
The list can go on and on.
I am not a lawyer, but Apple engages in commercial enterprise and if it is using images of these two as part of furthering its commercial activities...
That's insane. I bet any kids you have are monstrous.
What you want in a security expert is intelligence, a clear idea of the difference between right and wrong and a keen sense of responsibility. Those kids have the opposite of all that.
They were dumb enough to get caught, had no idea that fooling with other peoples stuff was "wrong" and no sense of guilt or responsibility for their actions.
Additionally, to hack the iPhone that fast inside an Apple store they must have just cracked it by visiting that web page we all know about. In other words, they don't necessarily have any hacker skill at all.
Apparently you have no idea what you are talking about. Some of the best 'hackers' in the world have been caught, sentenced to jail and upon their release are hired by companies and sometimes the government in order to lead their cyber security groups. I'm not comparing these kids to some of the worlds best hackers, but to say that all security experts are clean, you're wrong.