New and old AT&T iPhone plans compared, cost increases detailed



  • Reply 81 of 138
    callaway7callaway7 Posts: 22member
    Currently have a family plan, ATT Tilt and Blackberry 8310. Paying $143 for 550 minutes of talk plus $5 per phone for 200 text messages. My plan for the Tilt is $59.99 (w/ unlimited data) so going to $69.99 for just the pleasure of using an iPhone does suck imho. Tilt already has 3g, has GPS, and does it all except it's not an iPhone. So having to pay an extra $10 a month just because it's an iPhone stinks.

    I blame Apple for not having the O.O to make it non-carrier elusive and I blame ATT for charging $10 so people can use hardware that Apple created.
  • Reply 82 of 138
    callaway7callaway7 Posts: 22member
    For those posting about the $69.99 price....

    Any smart phone from ATT (Edge or 3G)
    • Tilt

    • Blackberry

    • Treo

    • etc

    is going to require you pay $39.99 for voice, $5 for 200 messages, and $30 for unlimited data. Again, it's the same as any phone from ATT.

    Now for those of you with an existing plan that happened to get in at $20 for unlimited data, good for you! Keep it. Rest of us are f@cked.
  • Reply 83 of 138
    jack macjack mac Posts: 92member
    We, a family of four, were in the market for a move from Verizon ( great coverage) to ATT because of the iPhone. Our two year contract is over.

    After reading ATT's charges and nickel and dime approach we concluded that although the iPhone is just awesome, the tacky ATT service coverage combined with what we consider abusive cost, that we will pass for another 2 years. Maybe at some time in the future Apple will be able to work with other carriers and we will enjoy their product.
  • Reply 84 of 138
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by elearn View Post

    Yes, that's exactly right. I'm glad to see we both agree. Something is overpriced when it is priced at a level above what I want to pay. This is how the market works. Apple couldn't [literally] sell enough iPhones the first two times it priced them..

    Your explanation of overpriced is a very subjective one. But for the market in general its much more collective. People will pay.

    Apple made just over a billion dollars in revenue from 6 million phones. That's a very good first year.
  • Reply 85 of 138
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by elearn View Post

    The price of mobile data??? I've been using a Macbook Air for a couple of months now; I've been using it with a Verizon USB720 modem. Verizon sells it for $29; Verizon has deals with a lot of companies: I got mine free thanks to a deal Verizon had with my employer. How's that for utility of service: a free phone and $59 a month for 3G internet access anywhere there's a nearby tower.

    You are sighting a specific situation here that few people have access to. This is not a valid comparison with general mobile broadband rates.


    Where's this going? I can do anything with my Air that I can do with the iPhone except use the iPhone to get my Air to connect to the internet. Why doesn't AT&T offer this service?

    Because AT&T wants to sell its own mobile broadband service. The iPhone is also clocking heavy bandwidth loads. I doubt the carriers want to add to it.
  • Reply 86 of 138
    elearnelearn Posts: 18member
    Originally Posted by Foo2 View Post

    Apple certainly did run out. Calculated? Of course. And I give them top marks for excellent sales combined with excellent profit margins.

    There are those of us out there [you know who you are] that can recall a time when Apple Computer dumped many a product into a landfill in Texas when it was advantageous for them to do so.
  • Reply 87 of 138
    elearnelearn Posts: 18member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    You are sighting a specific situation here that few people have access to. This is not a valid comparison with general mobile broadband rates.

    Because AT&T wants to sell its own mobile broadband service. The iPhone is also clocking heavy bandwidth loads. I doubt the carriers want to add to it.

    Have you tried sticking AT&T's mobile broadband service into Apple's current mobile hardware? It doesn't fit.
  • Reply 88 of 138
    elearnelearn Posts: 18member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    Your explanation of overpriced is a very subjective one. But for the market in general its much more collective. People will pay.

    Apple made just over a billion dollars in revenue from 6 million phones. That's a very good first year.

    D--- straight my opinion is very subjective. That's because it's mine.

    Here's how I thing it will shake out:

    a. some people will pay

    b. some people will not pay

    c. some of the people who do pay will wish they hadn't

    d. some of the people who do pay will be glad they did

    Any way it shakes out Apple stockholders [like me] will be laughing our a---- off.
  • Reply 89 of 138
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by elearn View Post

    Have you tried sticking AT&T's mobile broadband service into Apple's current mobile hardware? It doesn't fit.

    That could only be the Air. Apple did not make the Air with a standard size USB port.
  • Reply 90 of 138
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member

    Not that I would, because a 3g iPhone is irrelevent. It is slower than WiFi so I'll be mad anytime that I am not on WiFi. 2g is slower than hell and 3g is still slow, so I don't see what the big deal is. Plus, who wants a plastic ass phone that is thicker?

    This isn't entirely accurate. Apple found 3G to be twice as fast as EDGE, but only a slightly slower than WiFi. To some degree it doesn't matter how fast the speed, the iPhone cannot use the full WiFi bandwidth because of hardware limitations.

    The plastic back does interfere with signal strength the way aluminum does.
  • Reply 91 of 138
    lienaulienau Posts: 1member
    As one who recently switched from Verizon, on the advice of an AT&T rep, in anticipation of the IPhone release, join the others in getting screwed by AT&T as we are not eligible for an upgrade for some time and are being penalized $200. I think I'll go back to Verizon until I decide to switch back once the lines and the hysteria dwindle. Good thing AT&T gave us a 30-day return policy on the phone and the service.
  • Reply 92 of 138
    ipeonipeon Posts: 1,122member
    Originally Posted by mark2005 View Post

    If iPeon already got a subsidized phone with his 2-year contract, then he shouldn't expect another subsidized phone until he's nearing the end of his contract (when he becomes qualified for a subsidized phone).

    You know, I would have had no problem paying $500.00 or even $600.00 for the 3G iPhone. What tics me off is that we were told by Apple that a 16 G 3G iPhone was being sold for $299.00.

    What tics me off even further is ATT's bullshit plan and it's history with me as far as customer service is concerned. I will refrain from saying what I really think about ATT. It really is sad that the iPhone will take a step backwards because of ATT.
  • Reply 93 of 138
    agnuke1707agnuke1707 Posts: 487member
    <SIGH> I don't understand the difficulty a lot of people are having here, I really and truly don't. I've been an AT&T customer for 6 years now. Been with them through the AT&T / Cingular identity crisis, and I'll be the first to admit, they have their flaws. That being said, I think a lot of people out there cried FOUL without looking a little deeper into what went down...

    The first thing that's been dispelled MANY times before this is AT&T is gouging their iPhone 3G customers on the plan. That's not the case. AT&T's standard UNLIMITED DATA for PDA/SmartPhone is $30 / month, with NO text messages. Guess what - they sell a PDA Personal Bundle that includes unlimited data and messaging for ... $50 / month. Holy shit. That's the same price as the $30 unlimited data and $20 unlimited text that they're pushing for the iPhone. Guess what - they also sell 3 different messaging plans 200 for $5, 1500 for $15 and unlimited for $20. Those are not iPhone specific, that's AT&T's going rate as of 10 minutes ago. Look it up on their website...

    Here's what really kills me for everyone saying they "raised the price" - The AT&T MEdia Max unlimited plan is $15. It includes unlimited data for non-PDA/non-SmartPhone handhelds (read EDGE data based...). If we do some very advanced math, we see that $15, adding in $5 for 200 texts is ... $20 But wait ... isn't that the price of the original iPhone data plan? You are in fact, correct. So, basically, AT&T is now considering iPhone a Smart/Phone with respect to their rate plans this time around as opposed to the regular MEdia Max bundle they pushed last year. I'd be more pissed about the regular iPhone plan, since they "hid" the cost of the messages by calling it IPHONE DATA + X SMS. There was NOTHING SPECIAL about the iPhone 2G data plan. Nothing at all - other than AT&T did NOT consider it a SmartPhone. Now that it has 3G capability, AT&T is moving it in line with the rest of its 3G product line (read, BlackBerry, BlackJack, etc...).

    [Tangent] To all the "no tethering sux people out there - keep in mind that AT&T charges $60 / month for tethering with 5GB of data. So it's not unlimited and you still don't get your SMS. Just saying ... tethering isn't free, so if you're one of the people complaining about no tethering, I hope you realize that you're going to be shelling out even more money for that ability. [/Tangent]

    No we move on to the price of the phone itself. If you've EVER had a mobile phone carrier that subsidized your phone, you understand that you sign a contract at the time of purchase that gives you a lower price on the handset with the condition that you'll stay tied to their service for the set amount of time, or pay an early termination fee. This keeps AT&T from losing shit loads of money on their subsidy of the phone. They pay Apple $X for each iPhone sold. Hence their desire to make sure you have it activated on THEIR network. They don't want to pay whatever Apple's cost is so you can take it home, unlock it and use it with whoever. I know there's a good analogy right now ... but I'm on too much of a roll to stop and think about one....

    If you're currently an iPhone customer, you're home free. Go to the store, plop down your $199 or $299, tell them how many SMS you want included, then go home. You'll get an $18 upgrade charge tacked on to your next bill, along with the new data and SMS plans. The upgrade fee is standard AT&T practice for ANY upgrade FROM any phone TO any phone. It is NOT iPhone specific.

    If you're with AT&T but DON'T have an iPhone, then your eligibility is determined by the amount of time you've been in your current contract, as well as your payment history. If your account has missed a few payments, you're probably not in good standing, and they're probably not going to let you upgrade for nothing even if you are eligible time-wise. If you sold your iPhone and bought a phone to tide you over until iPhone 3G hit the street, you fucked yourself unless you took your SIM with you. The good thing about a GSM carrier is everything is tied to the SIM card. If you had an iPhone, sold it and then put the SIM in an unlocked POS from eBay, you're probably still good. If you switched to AT&T a few months in anticipation of the new iPhone, then that's almost as ridiculous. You should have stayed month-to-month on your old carrier until the iPhone release date. You got bit in the ass. Take it as a life lesson and move on. Wait until you can upgrade or pay the difference.

    If you're not with AT&T, then you're golden too. Join the party (if you dare) on July 11th. The only difference is you pay $36 to establish your account as opposed to the $18 upgrade fee.

    Before I get blasted, I'd like to state that I work for neither Apple or AT&T. I'm simply a consumer trying to pass along correct information in a debate in which there is TOO much emotion. If you don't like AT&T's prices, don't pay them. It's a free market, you have other cell carriers that would love your business. I want a Beamer, sadly, I can only afford a Dodge. It's one of life's bitter pills to swallow, but I'll live. Is the extra cost worth the upgrade? You're the only judge of that. Is 3G and GPS and better battery and (possibly) better reception worth it? I think it is, so I'll be in line.

    See you there...

    P.S. - Sorry for the length of the post, but you know how it is when you get on a rant!
  • Reply 94 of 138
    cory bauercory bauer Posts: 1,286member
    Originally Posted by AgNuke1707 View Post

    <SIGH> I don't understand the difficulty a lot of people are having here, I really and truly don't. I've been an AT&T customer for 6 years now. Been with them through the AT&T / Cingular identity crisis, and I'll be the first to admit, they have their flaws. That being said, I think a lot of people out there cried FOUL without looking a little deeper into what went down...

    The first thing that's been dispelled MANY times before this is AT&T is gouging their iPhone 3G customers on the plan. That's not the case. AT&T's standard UNLIMITED DATA for PDA/SmartPhone is $30 / month, with NO text messages. Guess what - they sell a PDA Personal Bundle that includes unlimited data and messaging for ... $50 / month. Holy shit. That's the same price as the $30 unlimited data and $20 unlimited text that they're pushing for the iPhone. Guess what - they also sell 3 different messaging plans 200 for $5, 1500 for $15 and unlimited for $20. Those are not iPhone specific, that's AT&T's going rate as of 10 minutes ago. Look it up on their website...

    Here's what really kills me for everyone saying they "raised the price" - The AT&T MEdia Max unlimited plan is $15. It includes unlimited data for non-PDA/non-SmartPhone handhelds. If we do some very advanced math, we see that $15, adding in $5 for 200 texts is ... $20 But wait ... isn't that the price of the original iPhone data plan? You are in fact, correct. So, basically, AT&T is now considering iPhone a Smart/Phone with respect to their rate plans this time around as opposed to the regular MEdia Max bundle they pushed last year. I'd be more pissed about the regular iPhone plan, since they "hid" the cost of the messages by calling it IPHONE DATA + X SMS. There was NOTHING SPECIAL about the iPhone 2G data plan. Nothing at all - other than AT&T did NOT consider it a SmartPhone. Now that it has 3G capability, AT&T is moving it in line with the rest of its 3G product line (read, BlackBerry, BlackJack, etc...)

    As slicedbread pointed out, the bigger issue is that the $30/mo data plan is mandatory for the iPhone, but not for Blackberry & other smartphones. That's the real crime here. Lots of people would love a great phone, but few want or need internet on their phone that costs almost as much as it does for their whole house.
  • Reply 95 of 138
    jcsjcs Posts: 1member
    With these prices, my iPod Touch seems better and better everyday!
  • Reply 96 of 138
    agnuke1707agnuke1707 Posts: 487member
    Originally Posted by Cory Bauer View Post

    As slicedbread pointed out, the bigger issue is that the $30/mo data plan is mandatory for the iPhone, but not for Blackberry & other smartphones. That's the real crime here. Lots of people would love a great phone, but few want or need internet on their phone that costs almost as much as it does for their whole house.

    Normally, I'd agree with you. If you buy a phone, it should be your choice of whether or not you want to purchase a data plan for it. However, Apple built the iPhone from the ground-up as more than just a phone / iPod. The intro keynote from last year shows that it's also an "internet communications device." Meaning, Apple wanted the internet to play a central role in the phone. If you're not using the internet with a Blackberry or an iPhone, I'd almost ask, why buy the phone then? The appeal is the connectivity. At least for me ... but hey, maybe I'm in the minority...
  • Reply 97 of 138
    Originally Posted by maCar View Post

    Really weird reasoning...

    do you work for ATT? Now i know what/how ATT executives are thinking when they decide to change a plan... As long as all of their clients are suffering, it's fair...

    I mean, did it occur to you that maybe the other plans are also overpriced and those are the ones that need to be adjusted?

    As far as Sprint, Verizon and T-Mobile goes, as long as there are people out there thinking like you and not willing to complain about it, they will never try to offer competitive and realistic pricing.

    excellent. i was always waiting for socialism to overcome the cell phone industry.

    the pricing, sadly enough, is competitive if everyone is overpriced. and it is realistic if people are still paying it. simple supply and demand.
  • Reply 98 of 138
    freakboyfreakboy Posts: 138member
    Originally Posted by robert808 View Post

    As an iPhone owner who never uses text messaging, I am quite happy to see that AT&T has separated out this cost from the monthly plan. I really have no desire to subsidize those users who use this feature.

    just wait until some kid on a facebook(insert stupid website here) account mistypes their phone # and you start getting 50 messages a day. Good luck with them dropping the charges.
  • Reply 99 of 138
    freakboyfreakboy Posts: 138member
    Originally Posted by iPeon View Post

    You know, I would have had no problem paying $500.00 or even $600.00 for the 3G iPhone. What tics me off is that we were told by Apple that a 16 G 3G iPhone was being sold for $299.00.

    What tics me off even further is ATT's bullshit plan and it's history with me as far as customer service is concerned. I will refrain from saying what I really think about ATT. It really is sad that the iPhone will take a step backwards because of ATT.

    You know, I don't see an asterisk or subtitle. Maybe this is suable? They're really doing a bait and switch on the pricing.
  • Reply 100 of 138
    freakboyfreakboy Posts: 138member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    This isn't entirely accurate. Apple found 3G to be twice as fast as EDGE, but only a slightly slower than WiFi. To some degree it doesn't matter how fast the speed, the iPhone cannot use the full WiFi bandwidth because of hardware limitations.

    The plastic back does interfere with signal strength the way aluminum does.

    Unless it's using the lowest possible wireless network speed possible and dragging down everyone else who i using it, a wi-fi connection is about 50-1000x faster than 3G. Maybe you mean the internet connection that the Wi-FI is using stinks.
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