Apple's iPhone 3G guided tour reveals extra details



  • Reply 41 of 62
    8corewhore8corewhore Posts: 833member
    It seems reasonable that removing those two screws will allow the back to snap off. What better reason than to change the battery? As such, you'll find the battery is no longer soldered on. They may now be viewing this differently because the phone is a critical device, unlike the iPod... it must be usable. Whereas before, they considered design aesthetics more important, they made a "concession" here for a higher purpose. I've had this post reviewed by Schlepsky, flunkerstilipop, and bloopintrank for anything that might upset *someone* and they basically said don't worry about it.
  • Reply 42 of 62
    nothowienothowie Posts: 23member
    When I travel to Europe I can now take my iphone with me and use it as my computer.

    I was afraid before that if I turned it on not in airplane mode, even within a wi-fi zone,

    that the edge network would kick on for awhile before the wi-fi kicked in, resulting in

    huge charges over the life of a vacation. I have heard of this happening. Now I can turn

    on the wi-fi only, pick up my email and cruise the internet without being charged.
  • Reply 43 of 62
    Originally Posted by 8CoreWhore View Post

    Can anyone comment on using Google SMS from the iPhone? Would it be the same or "good enough" as having it from at&t? Pro's/Con's??

    "Google SMS" doesn't mean you get a SMS service from Google, it means you can get information from Google using your existing SMS service from your cellular carrier.
  • Reply 44 of 62
    peteropetero Posts: 94member
    Originally Posted by 8CoreWhore View Post

    It seems reasonable that removing those two screws will allow the back to snap off. What better reason than to change the battery? As such, you'll find the battery is no longer soldered on....

    Originally Posted by wanchaiman View Post

    Yes.... that' what I thought

    It'll be interesting to watch/monitor the working life expectancy of the battery over the course of 3G iPhone ownership. With all its chockablock features --- voice, video, iPod, email, aGPS, WiFi, etc --- a heavy user could really work a battery into the ground...

    A few of many possible scenarios:

    .... work a battery into the ground,

    a: before the 1 year warranty expires

    b: just after the 1 year warranty expires (gotta luv planned obsolescence

    c: before a 2-year contract expires, thereby precluding a user from the customary new contract incentive, like an iPhone upgrade

    d: and for our fellow Canadians, before a **3-year contract** expires (the lone option for an iPhone)

    Having an easy(ier) battery access might be beneficial all 'round.

  • Reply 45 of 62
    tomkarltomkarl Posts: 239member
    Originally Posted by merdhead View Post

    There's no need for you to be an arse, calling me an ass. The statement isn't supported by the facts. Apple don't care about screws, they care about design. Screws are neither here nor there. What other companies do with respect to their screws is irrelevant.

    AI has a long history of delivering the most appalling analysis. Only ongoing, harsh criticism will make them stop.

    so don't read the site. Easy solution.
  • Reply 46 of 62
    idleidle Posts: 49member
    Originally Posted by rg_spb View Post

    They mention speaker (singular) and microphone. Which means only one of those is a speaker (the one on the left per the demo) and the other is the microphone.

    They probably didn't point that out because it's no different than the current iPhone.
  • Reply 47 of 62
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    Originally Posted by bostocked View Post

    One detail is missing is how the AT&T rep will activate iphone? If he's going be holding it, his hands better be clean.

    METhinks that the att reps will not need to touch the screens at all, they should be able to plug them into their terminals and\\or cashwrap stations and activate them using a special tool.
  • Reply 48 of 62
    haggarhaggar Posts: 1,568member
    Originally Posted by merdhead View Post

    There is no evidence that Apple "pride themselves" on having no screws.

    Depends on where the screws are. Apple has no problem requiring 30 internal screws to be removed before replacing basic components in a Mac. But when it comes to screws on the outside, Steve Jobs brags about how the outside of the aluminum iMac has only 2 screws for the memory door. Hence the need for idiotic tools like putty knives and suction cups to open up certain Macs. The original iMac G5 had 3 screws on the bottom, allowing the entire back panel to be easily removed for easy access to internal components. But never mind all that, as long as Apple gets to save 1 screw on the outside.
  • Reply 49 of 62
    abster2coreabster2core Posts: 2,501member
    Originally Posted by merdhead View Post

    There's no need for you to be an arse, calling me an ass. The statement isn't supported by the facts. Apple don't care about screws, they care about design. Screws are neither here nor there. What other companies do with respect to their screws is irrelevant.

    AI has a long history of delivering the most appalling analysis. Only ongoing, harsh criticism will make them stop.

    OMG. I got a feeling that is how you treated your parents before they tossed you out.
  • Reply 50 of 62
    Originally Posted by nothowie View Post

    When I travel to Europe I can now take my iphone with me and use it as my computer.

    I was afraid before that if I turned it on not in airplane mode, even within a wi-fi zone,

    that the edge network would kick on for awhile before the wi-fi kicked in, resulting in

    huge charges over the life of a vacation. I have heard of this happening. Now I can turn

    on the wi-fi only, pick up my email and cruise the internet without being charged.

    Your fears were well founded. Sitting in a coffee shop in Amsterdam last year - getting several days of email - suddenly the wifi 'died' (someone sat too close?) - nice $115 charge to At&t. At least they made a change so that you could turn data services OFF if you were 'roaming' this already helped prevent this problem.

    BTW the $115 was for the whole 4 day trip - so it probably happened several times
  • Reply 51 of 62
    Originally Posted by merdhead View Post

    Your reading the fairy tales seems to be a bit off.

    Give the kid a break, guys ... He's obviously got nothing else to do...
  • Reply 52 of 62
    spindriftspindrift Posts: 674member
    Originally Posted by merdhead View Post

    Yeah, like the seven screws on my MacBook, including two on one side that are purely cosmetic.

    Thank you again for your thoughtful analysis, AI.

    No, thank you for your thoughtful analysis French swear word head.
  • Reply 53 of 62
    lonestar1lonestar1 Posts: 100member
    Originally Posted by bostocked View Post

    One detail is missing is how the AT&T rep will activate iphone? If he's going be holding it, his hands better be clean.

    Adrian Monk, I presume?
  • Reply 54 of 62
    merdheadmerdhead Posts: 587member
    Originally Posted by Abster2core View Post

    OMG. I got a feeling that is how you treated your parents before they tossed you out.

    Wow, you analysis is even better than AI's. Congrats.
  • Reply 55 of 62
    Has nobody noticed the new 'Two Finger Tap' to zoom out? Pretty cool I think, oh and why is everyone arguing about a couple of little screws, blimey!
  • Reply 56 of 62
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    Originally Posted by Claude427 View Post

    I am totally surprised by the dearth of comments about the possible mitigation of the fees proposed by AT&T for SMS, give the overwhelm debate in an earlier post. That, to me, is the biggest news in this article.

    i suspect this app is part of why no one at Apple seems to care about the lack of included SMS messages. they knew this was coming.

    and even if there is a charge, I imagine most folks would be willing to play a one time $5-10 than the same every month. although I'd have thought that apple would have made an ichat for the iphone by now.
  • Reply 57 of 62
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    Originally Posted by Animal Farm View Post

    Any word if AT&T's text charges are for outbound only, or both inbound and outbound messages? Regardless, it'll cut at least half the cost if you care to deal with the hassle... and if this works.

    i do it on my regular phone. it is both ways. so every message regardless of original costs you money.
  • Reply 58 of 62
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by merdhead View Post

    Yeah that was a bit of a joke, but it obviously went over your head.

    Find a current forum member that agrees with you that it's a joke and I'll concede that.

    My current impression is that you decided to backtrack and try to call it a joke when shenanigans were called.
  • Reply 59 of 62
    physguyphysguy Posts: 920member
    Originally Posted by nothowie View Post

    When I travel to Europe I can now take my iphone with me and use it as my computer.

    I was afraid before that if I turned it on not in airplane mode, even within a wi-fi zone,

    that the edge network would kick on for awhile before the wi-fi kicked in, resulting in

    huge charges over the life of a vacation. I have heard of this happening. Now I can turn

    on the wi-fi only, pick up my email and cruise the internet without being charged.

    This works with the current iPhone, I have done it for a year (at least after 1.1 release). If Data Roaming is off then egde data won't be used.
  • Reply 60 of 62
    physguyphysguy Posts: 920member
    Originally Posted by charlituna View Post

    i do it on my regular phone. it is both ways. so every message regardless of original costs you money.

    ATT does not charge for incoming calls on the current iPhone plans. Check your bill, I just did. Total minutes this month so far 88. 56 outgoing, 32 incoming. 56 charged against my minutes limit.
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