iPhone 3G and 2.0 affected by buggy software, sensors, wireless



  • Reply 121 of 187
    sapporobabysapporobaby Posts: 1,079member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I thought he was being sarcastic with that comment.

    Just to be clear, I wrote a laundry list of issues I have with v2.0 and how I think Apple could have managed their tri-wreckta launch of MM, v2.0 and 3G. While I'm unsatisfied with the issues I have I'm not unsatisfied with my purchase and certainly considerably more satisfied than with any other cellphone I've ever owned. Plus knowing that firmware updates are already being tested I am not worried.

    Hi solipsism,

    DId you post the list somewhere or is it embedded in posts. It might be good to have a consolidation point.
  • Reply 122 of 187
    Unable to use iPhone 3G to open/lock in CITIBANK bank account, when my first iPod Touch works fine using WiFi?
  • Reply 123 of 187
    steviet02steviet02 Posts: 594member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    You have to keep it in context. We are in version 1 of everything. The iPhone 2.0, the App Store and all of its apps are all version 1. Developers did not have much time before Apple's deadline. Its not that big of a deal that there are some bugs to resolve.

    Sure, I understand that, but the fact that it appears that some apps can cause that type of instability to the core is alarming to me considering the way Apple had presented the apps and app store. My impression was it was going to be convenient because they were all in one store but also that they were running memory leak tests etc on them before they were accepted to the store. I realize they didn't come out and explicitly say they were going to do that, but that was my impression.
  • Reply 124 of 187
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    OS 9 was problematic because there was no easy way of adding needed functionality such as real time process based multitasking. Apple would not be able to be where it is today with out dumping OS 9.

    iPhone OS X is the same it will need time to mature.

    Stop being a history revisionist. The original G3 iMacs were a smashing success and turned the company around- OS9 and all. OS9 was actually fun to work with-It actually made you do some thinking while using it.

    That iMac is more responsible for where Apple is today rather then the "dumping of OS9" as you claim.
  • Reply 125 of 187
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by TenoBell View Post

    You have to keep it in context. We are in version 1 of everything. The iPhone 2.0, the App Store and all of its apps are all version 1. Developers did not have much time before Apple's deadline. Its not that big of a deal that there are some bugs to resolve.

    One shouldn't be releasing buggy products with such hoopla in 2008.

    If the product get known as being "buggy" -that could be a problem.

    Would you make the same excuses for Vista?
  • Reply 126 of 187
    mazda 3smazda 3s Posts: 1,613member
    Originally Posted by iphoneuser View Post

    Anyone else experiencing reduced battery life on V2 software running on the first generation iPhone? For a while I thought it was increased screen usage due to all of my experimenting with the new applications, but now that I am traveling and back to my normal usage patterns I am experiencing a noticeable reduction in battery life.

    My iPod touch seems to have about half the battery life from before with the 2.0 firmware -- and this is with fetch set to thirty minutes.

    We did a road trip from Raleigh NC to Winston Salem and back with Wifi off, a fully charged battery and a Kensington FM transmitter. After about five hours of total in-car music listening only, the battery was at ten percent when we got home last night.
  • Reply 127 of 187
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by sapporobaby View Post

    This wins the award for the most ridiculous emotional post of this forum. The entire forum. I do not know if you are in the States or somewhere else but the worlds leading phone manufacturer, Nokia, released a phone called the N95. It was a disaster. Shorter battery life than the iPhone, manufacturing defects, etc.... They then released the E90. Same thing. Plenty of blogs, and dissatisfied users as well. Nokia did the smart thing. They fixed them. Period and they both went on to lead the market in sales and satisfied customers. Point of this story. Don't speak unless you are 100% sure of your facts because you are lacking in them. Apple will fix these software problems while Nokia's were also hardware related.

    Sorry dude but your post was OTT, and emotional.

    Sorry- but your response seems much more emotional than his post- ease up!

    What are you - the Apple disciplinarian?
  • Reply 128 of 187
    Rather than folks focusing on issues they're seeing with their iPhone(both old and new) and iPod touch with the new 2.0 firmware folks are ranting and bashing Apple. The only Apple products I own are a few iPods and the iPhone 3G (I passed my 1st gen iPhone on to a friend). I enjoy the variety and selection I get in the Linux and Windows worlds so I don't own a Mac. Frankly, I'm not all that impressed with the Mac platform and don't get me started on the "genius bar" flunkies. A bit pretentious on Apple's part if you ask me.

    Back to my original point-

    Guys and gals, these issues are typical of a company enjoying rapid success. The iPhone isn't popular solely due to Apple's marketing and image... it's popular because it's an awesome phone. A phone that's only been in existence for a year-ish. It's a new arena for Apple, there will be growing pains. If you want bug free/fewer bugs I'd suggest waiting a while, like a year or two, for the rest of us trailblazers to suffer through the inconveniences so Apple can apply more spit and polish to the phone. Look back at the evolution of the iPod... find a 1st gen iPod and compare it to the iPod video... The platform works and Apple has been fairly speedy in addressing major issues and taking care of their customers... let's hope they don't lose their customer-friendly approach.

    The test now is how Apple handles all this growth. One challenge I'm most interested in watching unfold is 3G. The marketing around the 3G iPhone is that it's "twice as fast" as the 1st gen iPhone. For those that haven't purchased a 3G iPhone yet, check ATT's 3G coverage area. If you're not in the coverage area or you're toward the edge of it, expect little to no 3G action. I already knew that 3G wasn't available at my house, however, it is where I work. My home is in the coverage zone according to ATT, but I'm able to get EDGE only. Same with the ATT mobile broadband card for my work laptop. I don't think 3G is necessarily "there" yet either. My experience with 3G in the Wash D.C. area and in Las Vegas (The two occasions I've had to use it for mobile broadband on my laptop) were spotty at best. Speeds varied greatly... usually starting out really fast, but then (within a few minutes) dropping down to about EDGE speeds while remaining on the 3G network.

    The 3G piece is going to be a challenge for Apple to "resolve" since they have no control over it. They're stuck dealing with ATT and how quickly/slowly they get things rolled out. I expect to see more complaints from folks about 3G coverage as ATT beefs up their infrastructure.

    My point - you have a right to be disgruntled as a customer since the marketing lead you to a level of expectation from this product and the product isn't necessarily living up to those expectations... but keep it in perspective. It's technology and it's fairly young technology - expect issues. With that said - we're all entitled to our opinion and thanks to the internet - we can share that opinion with a large audience.

    My experience with 2.0 and iPhone 3G vs 1st gen iPhone.

    There are definitely bugs - I've noticed them on both the 1st gen iPhone and now on my 3G iPhone... same issues.

    Safari -

    Safari continues to be flaky - even under firmware 1.1.4 if I was surfing a lot I would find Safari crashing back to the "desktop"... happened frequently if I was listening to music while surfing. However, upgrading to 2.0 on both the 1st Gen iPhone and the new 3G I've actually had Safari trigger reset of the iPhone - the app simply freezes and if you wait for about a minute, the screen goes black and then the apple logo appears as it reboots.

    3rd Party apps -

    They're buggy - Is it Apple's fault? I'd have to lean toward no, but there is a possibility of a bug in the firmware that contributes to some of the bugginess. The bulk of the blame would go to lack of testing and QA on the app before it's launched. I'd expect it to be easier to work the bugs out of your software on the iPhone because it's a controlled environment. Unlike say a Windows or Linux environment where their are nearly limitless possibilities with hardware and software configurations.

    Battery life (iPhone 3G)-

    Honestly, I've noticed shorter battery life over the 1st gen iphone... I chalk most of that up to the fact that I'm constantly messing with the phone though.... As well as the fact that the Monster FM transmitter I use in my jeep to play audio books/music from the iphone no longer charges my iphone to and from work. A bit annoying that apple made the hardware change since I've had the car adapter for less than 6 months.

    Side-by-Side however - the iPhone 3G vs the 1st Gen iPhone surfing, emailing and playing with apps over Wi-Fi - battery life appears to be equal.

    User Interface -

    The UI on both the 1st Gen and 3G tends to be a bit sluggish compared with 1.1.4. I'm not using MobileMe or syncing with MS Exchange. Contacts and phone app seem to be the most laggy when bringing them up. The camera app is also extremely slow to bring up.

    Keyboard -

    Both models now have an increased level of randomness in performance. Sometimes it's quick to come up, other times it takes a good while. Typing an email sometimes the keyboard lags. I definitely type slower with two thumbs on the iPhone than on the blackberry, but when the keyboard is lagging I can get a couple words typed before the iPhone has had a chance to put them on the screen. Other times it keeps pace. I assume the lag is due to something happening in the background. Which leads to my next item on the list: Security.

    Security -

    A lot of the 3rd party apps I've tested require some sort of access to the internet- aka "the cloud". Why? What are they doing? There's no visibility into what the apps are really doing. How do I know that an app I just used to isn't still running? How do I know that the app is "clean" and not sending data (keylogger) that I type into a website off to somewhere it shouldn't?

    If the app requires a subscription I could see it requiring access to the web. But not games. Gaming should be stand alone, self-contained UNLESS I want to engage in multi-player... then I should have the option to do turn that piece on/off.

    As for the rest of the complaints that folks have - call quality, bluetooth support, etc... I've seen a few references to the 1st gen iphone not having the "echo" issue while in a call that the 3G iphone has had. Sorry, but on more than one occasion while using my 1st gen iphone (firmware 1.1.4) I've had the caller tell me that there was a terrible echo like I was in a tunnel... this isn't necessarily the iPhone - it could be the cellular network as I've had it happen with other models/brands of cellphone on the ATT network.

    Well I feel better, I've posted my two cents worth...adjusted for inflation.

    One last comment before I'm done.

    Will the "experts" out there writing reviews on the 3G iPhone PLEASE STOP touting the 2.0 firmware as 3G iPhone features??? Yes, there are features there, but to those that are unfamiliar with the iPhone those statements come across as 3G iPhone-specific features... usually no mention of the fact that those same features are available on the 1st gen iPhone.

    Ok, now I'm done.
  • Reply 129 of 187
    nceencee Posts: 858member
    3. Battery Life- I left the house yesterday at 6:30am with a fully charged iphone. I flew to a meeting in Las Vegas (1 hour flight) and by noon, my phone was already needing a recharge. Keep in mind, this was simply due to checking email (no Fetch was activated), no wifi searching, etc. THIS WAS NOT 5 hours of constant talk time, but simply having the phone "on".

    Let us know how the battery life is on the phone, when used JUST as a phone please.

    No games

    No emailing stuff

    No GPS

    No listening to music

    How is it just as a (i)Phone?

    I realize apple is marketing it as a wonderful do all phone, but really folks. If it's (going) to be the do-all of "Phones", we're likely to have to give it some slack while they work out the kinks.

    Should they sell it, before it's ready ? no (but I'll bet many of you are glad they did).

    Maybe they shouldn't have opened up the phone to 3rd party folks. Why you ask, because MANY of us, and the writers of magazines, and wall street, WILL blame Apple for shit they aren't really responsible for. Hell the folks who LOVE to pick on Apple are going to have a field day with this


  • Reply 130 of 187
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by sapporobaby View Post

    Hi solipsism,

    DId you post the list somewhere or is it embedded in posts. It might be good to have a consolidation point.

    My diatribe is on post 19.
  • Reply 131 of 187
    hillstoneshillstones Posts: 1,490member
    The only problem I have with my iPhone 2G and the 2.0 software is the annoying lag time in Contacts, Mail, etc. I am sure that will be resolved quickly.
  • Reply 132 of 187
    s10s10 Posts: 107member
    On both new 3G iPhones we have, we noticed some signal drops (and cal drops) when the 3G signal is low, while the edge signal is strong.

    Some apps do crash, sometimes the app itself, sometimes the whole phone.

    Haven't had any lags or other issues.
  • Reply 133 of 187
    imacfpimacfp Posts: 750member
    I've not had anything that I would

    consider a real problem with 2.0 on my

    1st Gen iphone. The contacts app is slow

    but since it's new I have nothing

    to compare it to. I've not been very

    impressed with the app store selectons

    or the quality of most apps. It's not that

    they crash as much as the ones I've tried or

    looked at (to do lists mostly) do nothing special or

    use the phones special interface. Many seem linked to a

    desktop app the company sells rather then ical or mail.

    Hopefully things will improve.
  • Reply 134 of 187
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    I'm still of the opinion that there are to many people here whinnig about rather minor problems. Yes there are bugs but so does Mac OS on my MBP.

    It's not a question of bugs but what will Apple do about them. They have already proven themselves there with version 1 of iphone OS which had a lot of bugs. Has everyone forgotten about that? More so reports are coming in that 1.1.5 or whatever the latest version of Touch software is, is greatly improved; does that automatically make the previous version crap?

    Considering that there is already evidence of a software up date in test should people even be worried. I look at it this way Apple will continue as they have in the past and that is simply making each release better than the on before it. Even now the iphone is pretty impressive, alittle bit of tweaking and bug killing will lead to an even more desirable hand held machine.

  • Reply 135 of 187
    justflybobjustflybob Posts: 1,337member
    I guess I should sit back and count my blessings.

    To this point, I have not experienced even 1/10th the problems people are reporting here and elsewhere.

    * I have downloaded dozens of Apps and used them with no real issues

    * I have successfully synced with MobileMe - even on the first attempt

    * I have successfully linked to my WiFi setups at both home and office

    * I have successfully used Maps within and without WiFI, including 3G in some instances.

    My only real complaint is 3G itself. Very inconsistent no matter where I travel to around town.

    However, since I do most of my work at home or my office, I'm pretty good to go and thoroughly enjoying my iPhone 3G experience.

    I'm truly sorry that many of you are not having the same experience. Perhaps you will in time.

    One thing I will say is that just like so many new products, people are panicking over the most simple problems - many of which could be resolved by RTFM, you know?
  • Reply 136 of 187
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by steviet02 View Post

    Sure, I understand that, but the fact that it appears that some apps can cause that type of instability to the core is alarming to me considering the way Apple had presented the apps and app store. My impression was it was going to be convenient because they were all in one store but also that they were running memory leak tests etc on them before they were accepted to the store. I realize they didn't come out and explicitly say they were going to do that, but that was my impression.

    The apps just crash within themselves and the phone goes back to the home screen. They don't cause any harm to the OS itself. You can try to relaunch the app or open a different app.
  • Reply 137 of 187
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Stop being a history revisionist. The original G3 iMacs were a smashing success and turned the company around- OS9 and all. OS9 was actually fun to work with-It actually made you do some thinking while using it.

    That iMac is more responsible for where Apple is today rather then the "dumping of OS9" as you claim.

    How am I rewritting history? Yes the iMac was successful. My point is that at that point was also a stop gap until they could ship OS X. Apple could not have continued success with OS 9.
  • Reply 138 of 187
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by NasserAE View Post

    The only complaint I have is related to how easy is it to get scratched all other the new iPhone. After one day in my pocket, mine is already showing scratched on the back!! All 3G iPhone cases and screen protectors were sold out when I bought my iPhone

    I really hope someone comes up with a product to remove those scratches (Which I am sure will happen).

    Try looking into some of the high-end automotive detailing suppliers. I'm pretty sure there are some plastic scratch repair fluids that will shine it back up.
  • Reply 139 of 187
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    One shouldn't be releasing buggy products with such hoopla in 2008.

    If the product get known as being "buggy" -that could be a problem.

    Would you make the same excuses for Vista?

    Pretty much all software is released with bugs. Why do you think they have updates. It's impossible to find everything. Often bugs cannot be found until it's in the wild and widely used.
  • Reply 140 of 187
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by shokk View Post

    You say these issues are absent with Apple's own apps, but I experience the most trouble with Safari. It crashes way too often and the keyboard input lagging usually precedes the crash. Very disappointing, but I'm holding out on the hopes that they'll fix things soon.

    How is it they get away with this crap and Microsoft gets royally reamed for Vista? Just saying that it seems like a double-standard.

    Guess you'll be leaving us to buy a Windows CE enabled phone any minute now? Right?
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