iPhone 3G owners report hairline cracks in their phone's casing



  • Reply 41 of 109
    Just looked my white iPhone over... not even a hint of a scratch.

    I'm sure if something noteworthy ever developed I wouldn't have trouble getting it replaced.

    This sort of thing almost always seems much bigger when you read about it on the internet. Poor Apple, they do have a vocal lot! But that's a good thing in a sense... makes for much better products. Other companies can roll out entire shipments with flaws without even a hint of complaint on the internet.

    My chargers have no cracks too... all who-knows-how-many of them.

    Originally Posted by Hutcho View Post

    Honestly, it serves them right for buying a white iPhone, which is clearly the ugliest thing since Kate Moss. In fact, I think the cracks make the white ones look better.

    My condolences in regard to your lack of personality!
  • Reply 42 of 109
    Originally Posted by Hutcho View Post

    Hey, slow down. It wasn't meant as an insult. I have nothing against people who are gay, my brother is gay. He also likes the white iPhone.

    I'm married and have an eleven year old daughter, and until now believed I was pretty much in touch with my sexuality as a fifty year old heterosexual male, but guess what????? I like the white iPhone too. Now, this is just too much. I mean, judging from your post, I'm sure this must mean something, I'm just not sure what.

    Oh my God, I just realized that I also really liked my first iPod, and yes.... it was WHITE! Please Abby, I mean Hutcho, help me see the light here.


    In the Dark,

    Lusting for a White iPhone
  • Reply 43 of 109
    Just say no to crack.

    Older iBooks often have hairline cracks on their corners.
  • Reply 44 of 109
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by JustBrady View Post

    Don't get me wrong I will never go buy a dell or hp, but come on Apple why do you keep using inferior plastics. This is the same exact problem we had with the MacBooks keyboard surface. Both my wife, sister, and sister in law all have the same problem with their computers.

    If Apple truly wants to set themselves apart they cannot afford stupid errors like this. They need to switch to a better grade of plastic or just stick to aluminum. I am hoping this is just a mistake and not intentional.

    Below are two pictures of my sister and wife's computers. Keep in mind these are taken after the plastic plate has already been replaced once.

    Dude, place ridiculously high-res pictures on photobucket, Flickr or similar site and link to it or scale it down to something smaller than the res of consumer computers. Embedding huge pictures is just rude and makes thread navigation a bit more tedious.
  • Reply 45 of 109
    Originally Posted by Hutcho View Post

    Maybe I was too harsh.. if you're a girl, or you want people to know you are gay from a far, before they start talking to you, then I guess the white iPhone is ok..

    you need a few hundred years social evolution ... until then go back to your cave
  • Reply 46 of 109
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Originally Posted by JustBrady View Post

    Below are two pictures of my sister and wife's computers. Keep in mind these are taken after the plastic plate has already been replaced once.

    Dude, you need a lesson in photo manipulation. In iPhoto it is very easy, you just export to a given size. In Photoshop you choose Image / Image Size. Reducing you images by at least 50% would make them easier to read. When those two photos loaded they nearly knocked out the side off my 20" iMac. My doc (vertical) got all squished.
  • Reply 47 of 109
    rot'napplerot'napple Posts: 1,839member
    Originally Posted by Hutcho View Post

    Honestly, it serves them right for buying a white iPhone, which is clearly the ugliest thing since Kate Moss. In fact, I think the cracks make the white ones look better.

    Apple should just change the casing to the iPhone from Black or White to a Marble Black or White version. That way, tiny stress cracks will blend in naturally with the faux marble cracks.

    That said, it gives me more reasons to hold off purchasing an iPhone for now. What with MobileMe, the App Store apps crashing (are they still doing that?) and now these small imperfections in product design. I wonder during the "test" phase of the new plastic casing of the iPhone if any cracks were reported, what was Apples discussion with R&D - 'Grin and Bare It'?! How many peeved customers does Apple consider within the realm of acceptability.
  • Reply 48 of 109
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    OK, I have a white iPhone and doesn't have any cracks so far.

    And no, I don't think it's indicative of homosexuality, haven't most of you owned white iPods before? iBooks? G5 or G4 iMacs? The MacBook is most commonly sold in white unless you want to pay the extra $50.

    I chose white mainly because AI's pictures suggested faint scratching only after its first wipe with a lint cloth. I do wish they'd completed the theme though, with a white front and a white home page background so it's more consistent.
  • Reply 49 of 109
    Originally Posted by Mr Underhill View Post

    For a brief moment there i thought your iPhone had cracks in it.

    That's because you have poor reading comprehension.
  • Reply 50 of 109
    Originally Posted by DanaCameron View Post

    Micro-cracks in the plastic casings of iPhone 3Gs aren't likely to cause physical harm to the owners of the devices, so your analogy is something of a stretch. And picketing, as you threaten, may be a bit of an overreaction. Great movie though!

    All the cracks do is make the device look used (as all iPhones most certainly are), though the massive crack around the headphone jack definitely looks like user abuse/carelessness to me. iPhones, like all mobile phones, are going to take something of a pounding. It's unrealistic for people to expect them to look pristine forever.

    Caveat venditor? Could Apple have constructed the iPhone 3G out of different materials to better guard against early wear and tear? Perhaps. I don't know what all they did in R&D on the new iPhone 3G, but I'm sure they arrived at what they deemed the best possible combination of form and function that would still be affordable and marketable. Is it a bit early for the new iPhone 3Gs to be showing signs of structural fatigue? Again, perhaps. But like other posters have noted, such signs may have more to do with individual owners' treatment of their iPhone 3Gs than with possible flaws in the design or lack of durability of the materials used.

    My iPhone 3G had its anti-glare screen protector affixed and was inserted into its Contour iSee hard shell case before I even turned it on! The case and screen protector, in concert with my diligence to protect my investment, have thus far kept my iPhone scratch- and crack-free (at least to my eyes).

    You apologists are out of your minds and are in a tiny minority. Good luck with that slave mentality.
  • Reply 51 of 109
    wolwol Posts: 5member
    Originally Posted by JustBrady View Post

    Don't get me wrong I will never go buy a dell or hp, but come on Apple why do you keep using inferior plastics. This is the same exact problem we had with the MacBooks keyboard surface. Both my wife, sister, and sister in law all have the same problem with their computers.

    If Apple truly wants to set themselves apart they cannot afford stupid errors like this. They need to switch to a better grade of plastic or just stick to aluminum. I am hoping this is just a mistake and not intentional.

    Below are two pictures of my sister and wife's computers. Keep in mind these are taken after the plastic plate has already been replaced once.


    Same here - 10 months old white MacBook developed these cracks on the top panel around the keyboard. A closer inspection of the white plastic revealed semi-translucent regions near the edges, where the plastic was obviously too thin (manufacturing defect?). The panel was replaced on warranty. Of the ~20 white MacBooks used by people at our company, at least 3 developed these cracks. A quick web search indicates that this must be a rather common problem with white MacBooks.

    Seems like Apple is experiencing serious quality issues with the casing manufacturers in Asia (China?). This could also explain the rumors that Apple is moving the MacBook line to metal enclosures.
  • Reply 52 of 109
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    I chose white mainly because AI's pictures suggested faint scratching only after its first wipe with a lint cloth. I do wish they'd completed the theme though, with a white front and a white home page background so it's more consistent.

    The fingerprints sealed the deal for me...

    But once I unpackaged it I was very impressed. The white model is a work of art.

    Originally Posted by Rot'nApple View Post

    What with MobileMe, the App Store apps crashing (are they still doing that?) and now these small imperfections in product design.

    AppStore is rock solid for me. Always has been.

    Don't get too caught up in what you read. Even an extremely rare problem seems common place on an internet forum when you're talking about Apple. The stuff which is reproducible, like occasional lag loading contacts, you can see for yourself at the AT&T stores (where those iPhones have probably been used for all sorts of nonsense without being rebooted). Those matters are trivial and easy to weigh for yourself.

    And if you get a major problem, return it.
  • Reply 53 of 109
    eriamjheriamjh Posts: 1,716member
    I like my iPhone 1G even more now.

    Metal > plastic
  • Reply 54 of 109
    Originally Posted by 8CoreWhore View Post

    You apologists are out of your minds and are in a tiny minority. Good luck with that slave mentality.

    I'm not an apologist nor out of my mind nor suffering from a slave mentality. I do think these micro-cracks aren't such a widespread big deal that anyone should threaten to picket Apple. Talk about "tiny minority." Good luck with your protest.
  • Reply 55 of 109
    post bigger pictures please.
  • Reply 56 of 109
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    crack attack

    Applewhiteplastic + summer heat + 3G+ heat generated from thighs = crack

    Oh well - back to the drawing board!
  • Reply 57 of 109
    Originally Posted by 8CoreWhore View Post

    That's because you have poor reading comprehension.

    Oh lighten up where's your sense of humor i was joking
  • Reply 58 of 109
    icfireballicfireball Posts: 2,594member
    Originally Posted by Hutcho View Post

    Honestly, it serves them right for buying a white iPhone, which is clearly the ugliest thing since Kate Moss. In fact, I think the cracks make the white ones look better.

    I got the white one so it would not show finger prints and smudges, and I don't regret that decision at all. If my iPhone cracks, I'll have Apple replace it.
  • Reply 59 of 109
    messiahmessiah Posts: 1,689member
    Another story with the terms 'Kate Moss' and 'Crack'?
  • Reply 60 of 109
    Hutcho, if you have nothing better to do than be rude and homophobic, hit the road or resist the temptation to speak in public unless it's about the topic.

    As a Mac-loving, gay guy in the communications field I take offence by your remark. The colour of one's iPhone says no more about a person's sexuality than the colour of their MacBook (mine's black, not that it matters).

    I don't expect you to necessarily give a damn, but at least have the common decency to have a civil disussion. Otherwise, please shut your yap and enjoy AppleInsider by quietly lurking.

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