Apple releases iPhone Software v2.1



  • Reply 81 of 314
    Originally Posted by onceuponamac View Post

    my caps lock hasn't worked since i got the 2nd gen iphone...

    You have to turn it on in Settings » General » Keyboard.
  • Reply 82 of 314
    lafelafe Posts: 252member
    Originally Posted by onceuponamac View Post

    my caps lock hasn't worked since i got the 2nd gen iphone...

    You do know that it's an option that has to be enabled by you? (Default is "off", out of the box.)

    Settings | General | Keyboard | Enable Caps Lock

    If enabled, a double-tap on the "Shift" arrow turns the button blue, meaning caps lock is on.
  • Reply 83 of 314
    Originally Posted by dfiler View Post

    A bit of clarification for others reading this...

    Apps are just files as well. They never become "part of the operating system". In fact, the operating system is in a completely separate directory structure that doesn't intermix with app data at all. There is certainly more going on than file copying. But that other stuff isn't accurately described as becoming part of the OS.

    Some of the sluggishness is from apps being made up of many files, sometimes thousands of files per app. These are all contained in the application bundle. Copying a thousand files totallying 10MB will take much longer than copying a single 10MB file.

    The rest of the sluggishness... I'm unsure about. Perhaps the apps are busy finding links to the appropriate versions of installed frameworks.

    Thank you for clarifying for me, I obviously misunderstood how the process worked. Your explanation does make more sense when I actually sit down to think about it.
  • Reply 84 of 314
    Is it just me or are the ringtones louder? Maybe a fluke, but they seem significantly louder!

  • Reply 85 of 314
    lafelafe Posts: 252member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    You have to turn it on in Settings » General » Keyboard.

    Great minds . . .
  • Reply 86 of 314
    lafelafe Posts: 252member
    Originally Posted by Maury Markowitz View Post

    Battery life? Battery life? Battery life?


    After this morning's update, my battery lasted until next Tuesday on

    a single charge!

    But seriously, folks, where's my cut, copy, and paste????
  • Reply 87 of 314
    I have just noticed that the iPhone 2.1 software now lets me switch the 24 hour clock off and revert back to good old AM/PM. The 12 hour clock has not been available if the time zone was set to London.
  • Reply 88 of 314
    2.1 iTunes makes some of my album artwork (Sublime - Santeria) only appear on horizontal cover flow and blank in the vertical position. \
  • Reply 89 of 314
    lafelafe Posts: 252member
    Originally Posted by antonypg View Post

    I have just noticed that the iPhone 2.1 software now lets me switch the 24 hour clock off and revert back to good old AM/PM. The 12 hour clock has not been available if the time zone was set to London.

    I prefer the 24-hour clock myself.

    And I like my dates like this: Friday, 12 September 2008

    And I like my phone numbers like this: 888.555.1212

    I wonder why we can't set those formats individually?

    None of the delivered profiles fits me exactly.

    I'm not officially complaining, though. I love my iPhone and could

    not live without it!
  • Reply 90 of 314
    The number format can be set up in preference in Address Book.
  • Reply 91 of 314
    Originally Posted by walshbj View Post

    Can I pile on? Remember when the only word used to describe decent software was robust? And PLEASE - can we stop saying that Application B is like Application A on steroids? The first time I heard that it was in reference to Scandisk, in 1995. ARRRGGGH !!

    I started working with "PCs" in 1981 (Atari 400) and started hearing that by 1984.

    No reference meant pertaining to George Orwell or to Apple's Superbowl ad.
  • Reply 92 of 314
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    I would count that as a blessing.

    Do you really need something to "recommend" music to you and make up bogus playlists? -take all your information and "know" your likes and dislikes?

    Isn't shuffle good enough?

    Do you like when Amazon or Ebay "recommends" crap to you because you bought something vaguely like it? Do you need someone to "recommend" a pair of socks or a shirt to go with your pants you're buying when you shop?

    I personally like the Genius feature, at least for selecting songs (rather than the iTunes store). It's more guided than the shuffle function. If I'm in a certain mood, or I'm digging a particular song, it's really neat for the iPhone/iPod to be able to create an on-the-fly playlist of similar songs and artists.

    I've only had it on my iTunes for a day or two, and it's helped me rediscover a handful of songs I haven't listened to in quite some time It's especially helpful for those tracks for which I haven't given a star rating.
  • Reply 93 of 314
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    I would count that as a blessing.

    Do you really need something to "recommend" music to you and make up bogus playlists? -take all your information and "know" your likes and dislikes?

    Isn't shuffle good enough?

    Do you like when Amazon or Ebay "recommends" crap to you because you bought something vaguely like it? Do you need someone to "recommend" a pair of socks or a shirt to go with your pants you're buying when you shop?

    I tend to be an optimist with Genius.

    Genius asks: "Maybe you'll like some of these?"

    rather than telling me: "Listen to these."

    The glass is half full.
  • Reply 94 of 314
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Duh- that's why we create playlists and shuffle within the playlist.

    DO you also own a mood ring?

    Do you have your Biorhythms checked regularly?

    Well, for one thing the playlist doesn't start up where you left off. So you ALWAYS here the first x number of songs every time you play that play list but not the ones at the end of the play list. That's why.
  • Reply 95 of 314
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    I would count that as a blessing.

    Do you really need something to "recommend" music to you and make up bogus playlists? -take all your information and "know" your likes and dislikes?

    Isn't shuffle good enough?

    Do you like when Amazon or Ebay "recommends" crap to you because you bought something vaguely like it? Do you need someone to "recommend" a pair of socks or a shirt to go with your pants you're buying when you shop?

    PS - It's also great for quickly creating CDs of a certain genre/mood.
  • Reply 96 of 314
    Originally Posted by Lafe View Post

    You do know that it's an option that has to be enabled by you? (Default is "off", out of the box.)

    Settings | General | Keyboard | Enable Caps Lock

    If enabled, a double-tap on the "Shift" arrow turns the button blue, meaning caps lock is on.

    I had no idea it had become an option... thanks much!!
  • Reply 97 of 314
    Enjoy reading the forums and decided to sign up..

    My update is downloading now and hopefuly it will sort out some of the iPod probems I have!

    When you use Genius, how important is the genre? I'm going to guess it's pretty important! I ask because at the moment I don't pay ANY attention to the genre and think it may stop me getting good results.

  • Reply 98 of 314
    I hope it's OK to ask this question:

    Some had suggested that we might see a 64GB iPod and 32GB iPhone announced, but that clearly didn't happen.

    I'm still really new to the Mac word (Mac Pro back in late May), so, do any of you know if this is a "reasonable rumor" and might still happen in the "near" future, or if it seems unlikely, that if it happens, it will likely be a year or so away?

    Going Mac caught me by surprise, and I bought a new phone in March. So, I'm going to take a huge hit because of the subsidy thing. I'm willing to pay the money today to get a 16GB if the 32GB model is unlikely, but I would die if I bought one after work today and then in October or December (or January?), one was released.

    Since I'm going to pay that penalty, I'm OK waiting a little longer if there's any chance, but I hate not synching my phone to my new computer. I've seen a couple utilities (Missing Sync) but they don't appear to sync mail, and I'd prefer going all Mac (I'm now saving for the new Macbook Pros coming out! WOO HOO!!).

    I'd love it if some of you who are more used to Apple's product cycles and such could offer any advice on this.

    Sincerest thanks,

  • Reply 99 of 314
    Some people are really misunderstanding what Genius is. There is the Genius playlist maker, which only makes a playlist of your own music; no recommendations from the iTunes Store.

    There is also the Genius Sidebar, which makes recommendations based on what other users have. If you don't want this, close the sidebar and it is gone; no annoying recommendations.

    They are seperate from eachother, so don't say that Genius is just another "Buy me! Buy me!" add-on, please.

    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Duh- that's why we create playlists and shuffle within the playlist.

    DO you also own a mood ring?

    Do you have your Biorhythms checked regularly?

    Some of us don't like to predict what our mood is and have to make 30 playlists ahead of time. I guess we all aren't as talented as you...

    Also, why not make it easier on myself and let Genius do it? It seems to be pretty accurate for me.
  • Reply 100 of 314
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    Originally Posted by stevetim View Post

    Interesting ... but what is the .ipa ... it looks like one file going out. Is that unpackaged somehow when it hits the iphone. I really want to understand because maybe I will hate apple less if i do

    I dread hooking an iphone to itunes now because of the time it takes and I have never been patient enough to wait over an hour for a sync.

    .ipa files are similar to .app files. Actually, neither are files at all. They are completely normal directories in the file system. The finder simply pretends that they aren't in order to make life simpler on the user. When you double click on a directory ending in .app, the finder launches an executable file contained in the .app directory.

    .ipa and .app files (directories) are used to indicate that the contents of that directory follow an apple standard. The directory must contain certain files and those files must be named properly in order for the OS to find them in a standardized location. .ipa refers to iphone app.

    Hopefully I haven't butchered the explanation too much. I'm a developer but not an OS X or iPhone developer.
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