Apple releases iPhone Software v2.1



  • Reply 301 of 314
    pmjoepmjoe Posts: 565member
    Well, POP e-mail appears to still be buggy. It'll get into these states where you have to reset the device just to receive mail.

    Battery life appears to have diminished significantly as well. I had my iPhone charged yesterday morning, barely used it yesterday, and now the battery level is so low that I can't even turn it on. I'd noticed it was low the day before, but I'd been using it more than usual that day.
  • Reply 302 of 314
    New registration here.

    I upgraded to 2.1 on Saturday, and have a few observations.

    1) It takes a long time to find service after loosing it. ie, after the gym today, I was half way back to the office before I got service again. I have no problem losing service when its in a locker in a great big concrete building, but it should find the cell again in a second or two after walking outside. This was never a problem with 2.0.2

    2) the battery life doesnt seem any beter. At first I thought it was, but I think it just stays in the top 1/3 for longer. Once I got under half battery its been dropping very fast. Down to about 10-15% after 2 days of light usage.

    3) Contacts are a lot faster, but still not instant. I dont see why this is so hard.

    4) Applications load a lot faster. Example is the free 'Bubbles' application my daughter loves so much. It use to take 1 to 2 seconds to start, now its instant. Im 'pretty' sure the other applications start faster also, but can say for sure.

    5) I never had a problem with 3G so I wont comment on that. Still have it 99% of the time.

    6) Suggestion rather than a complaint. I get email at all hours. I would like to be able to have an audible alarm during the day, but not from say 2300 through to 0600. My wife would like it more that way!

    Hope this helps someone. (although I guess number 6 wont).
  • Reply 303 of 314
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by asneddon View Post

    6) Suggestion rather than a complaint. I get email at all hours. I would like to be able to have an audible alarm during the day, but not from say 2300 through to 0600. My wife would like it more that way!

    There is a switch on the left-side of the phone. At 2300 flip it down. At 0600 flip it up. Welcome to AI! Unfortunately there are no profiles for the iPhone that will do that.
  • Reply 304 of 314
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    There is a switch on the left-side of the phone. At 2300 flip it down. At 0600 flip it up. Welcome to AI! Unfortunately there are no profiles for the iPhone that will do that.

    Damn, never thought of that. I guess the brain isnt at 100% when I go to bed
  • Reply 305 of 314
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by asneddon View Post

    Damn, never thought of that. I guess the brain isnt at 100% when I go to bed

    LOL I was being a smart ass. I thought you were looking for automated method.
  • Reply 306 of 314
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    LOL I was being a smart ass. I thought you were looking for automated method.

    Well, automated would be good, seeing as I'm lazy and obviously not at full capacity when in bed. I'm sure I would turn it to silent, then forget for the rest of the day.

    Actualy, a better solution would to be to have a LED on the outside somewhere. Possibly behide the square on the home button. Pulse every 5 seconds if you have a mail, sms, missed call, etc. Then you wouldnt have to turn the screen on all the time and waste precious battery life.

    This is probably the wrong thread though. We could start talking about MMS to get back on track.
  • Reply 307 of 314
    I have noticed my iphone wont end calls. just displays ending call and if i get stuck in a voice mail or similar call the only way i can end is by turning the device off.

  • Reply 308 of 314
    Apple corrected an annoying bug regarding the address book, regarding pauses in number dialing ("," character). For example, calling an extension like (123) 555-1212,3435

    Prior 2.1, entries like these would not call when pressed in the address book, but was working through the phone application (in which you selected address book). In the phone application it was working, but directly in the address book from the home screen it did nothing when selected (it would not call).

    So, thanks Apple for that bugfix.
  • Reply 309 of 314
    oups, double post
  • Reply 310 of 314
    Looks like Safari now support SVG on the iPhone

    For a few SVG examples to test out:
  • Reply 311 of 314
    Originally Posted by ajmas View Post

    Looks like Safari now support SVG on the iPhone

    For a few SVG examples to test out:

    Then it has supported it since v2.0 as the WebKit build hasn't changed. I'm not sure about 1.x, though. Perhaps I can deduce by finding out what Acid3 tests it didn't pass.
  • Reply 312 of 314
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    I don't remember anyone pointing out that AT&T sent out SMS notices that there is a phone update. Maybe that got buried.

    Incidentally, the default SMS sound reminds me of a kitchen cooking timer. I had a "cookies are ready" reflex, though I don't bake cookies.

    This update seems to do a lot better with updating smart playlists than 2.0.2 did. I have one for unplayed files, mostly for new podcasts, it's better at removing items from the list that have been played, without requiring a sync to clear them. A few times with 2.0.2, the play count and last played date simply were not updated and the playlist didn't update either.
  • Reply 313 of 314
    ajmasajmas Posts: 601member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Then it has supported it since v2.0 as the WebKit build hasn't changed. I'm not sure about 1.x, though. Perhaps I can deduce by finding out what Acid3 tests it didn't pass.

    While the desktop version (MacOS X, MS-Windows) of Safari has supported SVG for a while, my tests with 2.0.1 version of the iPhone software revealed a lego-brick type icon for any SVG content. This has now been replaced with the actual content with the latest released.
  • Reply 314 of 314
    Can I ask anyone on O2 UK to feed back if they are finding the same?

    Prior to upgrading to 2.1, the signal was good on my iPhone all the time and now I have found data very patchy and the Signal Lost message comes up which I have to dismiss about 10-15 times a day.

    Travelling to and from our head offer pre 2.1, I had hardly ever seen this message now I am getting it ALL the time and as far as I can see, there is no way to disable it??

    Great that it tells me when I have lost signal but when it comes up about 15 times a day it's annoying!

    Anyone else?
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