Microsoft's 'I'm a PC' campaign created with Macs



  • Reply 141 of 193
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    I'll tell you what the difference is between this ad being made on a Mac and your other analogies is. MS senior management have stated for the record that they are sick to death of the Apple ads and are going to fight back. Then they are discovered to have (unknowingly or knowingly) used Macs in the fight back against Macs. That's where the humor is. No previous ad by MS, had there been Macs involved, would have garnered this attention (and all your comments would be totally correct) but when you have gone out and stated that this is 'war' it changes the stakes.

    You are trying to put a spin on this as if this were just any old MS ad. It isn't, it is an admitted direct response to Apple, not my words, Microsoft senior management's words. If you still try to spin this as anything else there is a job for you in the Republican ad campaign HQ where they are marketing that they are not really running for years 9 through 12 ...

    Why oh why do you make things so easy for me?

    Let's see... please provide a source and quote of these "Microsoft senior management words" where they state that they are "sick to death of the Apple ads" and "are going to fight back," and also that "it is an admitted direct response to Apple."

    Since you're FLAT OUT LYING our of your teeth, you have a much better chance at fitting in with the Republican campaign!

    Let me give it a shot since I want to be like you when I grow up:

    Apple's senior management has directly stated and admitted that they are sick of having such a tiny insignificant marketshare in the computer industry as compared to Microsoft, because Macs are so much better and can do everything a PC can. Then they go and design all of their Macs using PCs with CAD/CAM software. Ha ha ha so hillarious!
  • Reply 142 of 193
    Originally Posted by Rot'nApple View Post

    Non Story?!

    Okay, let me see if I have this straight. To combat Mac's "I'm a Mac" commercial, MS hires an ad agency to create an "I'm a PC" ad about all the "uses" "PC users" are getting from "using their PC", yet to accomplish this MS commercial, this ad agency utilizes non PC, non MS software (Mac, Adobe CS3)?!

    Still priceless!

    Another Mac zealot liar. The ads are about "al the uses PC users are getting from using their PC?" WTF? Were you watching completely different ads altogether? You gotta stop smocking that stuff bro!

    Again, Apple advertises Macs are so much better than PCs, yet they use PCs to design and create Macs? Isn't that a hundred times more ironic? You guys have to get your heads out of your @sses.
  • Reply 143 of 193
  • Reply 144 of 193
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by jpellino View Post

    It's like getting to the Toyota HQ and finding a parking lot full of Hondas.

    I was looking under the hood of a new Nissan hybrid and there, prominently stamped on the motor controller, was the name Toyota.

    We use some PC's in our mostly Mac design studio. You definitely need to to have some fully configured Windows machines around for certain jobs. Since almost all of our clients are PC based, they send us a lot of Windows files, some of which can't be imported directly to Mac. I think it goes both ways. And yes, we use PCs for accounting as well.
  • Reply 145 of 193
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by henrymonroe View Post

    Why oh why do you make things so easy for me?

    Let's see... please provide a source and quote of these "Microsoft senior management words" where they state that they are "sick to death of the Apple ads" and "are going to fight back," and also that "it is an admitted direct response to Apple."

    Since you're FLAT OUT LYING our of your teeth, you have a much better chance at fitting in with the Republican campaign!

    Let me give it a shot since I want to be like you when I grow up:

    Apple's senior management has directly stated and admitted that they are sick of having such a tiny insignificant marketshare in the computer industry as compared to Microsoft, because Macs are so much better and can do everything a PC can. Then they go and design all of their Macs using PCs with CAD/CAM software. Ha ha ha so hillarious!

    You're funny for sure. There were so many articles I was completely overloaded with options: Here is just one as you seem to live on Mars and don't have Google for yourself. Note the very first line, mentioning 'Fight'. I assume Kevin McLaughlin is a 'Liar' too. I will not be replying to anything you write since you use such unpleasant phrases and bad language (see this gentleman's earlier posts).

    Ballmer Says Microsoft Ready To Fight Apple

    By Kevin McLaughlin, ChannelWeb

    5:50 PM EDT Thu. Jul. 24, 2008 Microsoft (NSDQ:MSFT) CEO Steve Ballmer on Wednesday acknowledged the threat Microsoft faces from Apple and offered some hints as to how Microsoft plans to fight back against its steadily strengthening nemesis. However, some channel partners were confused by the message.

    In an email sent to Microsoft employees Wednesday, which first appeared in, Ballmer says Apple (NSDQ:AAPL)'s success stems from its ability to deliver a complete user experience within the relatively narrow scope of its offerings, and suggests Microsoft could learn from this example.

    "In the competition between PCs and Macs, we outsell Apple 30-to-1. But there is no doubt that Apple is thriving. Why? Because they are good at providing an experience that is narrow but complete, while our commitment to choice often comes with some compromises to the end-to-end experience," Ballmer wrote.

    In the memo, and also in his Thursday keynote speech at Microsoft's annual financial analyst meeting, Ballmer suggested that Microsoft will change the way it works with its hardware partners. These comments are already generating buzz -- and some confusion -- within Microsoft's channel partner community.

    Microsoft's battle plan is to provide users with "complete experiences with absolutely no compromises," according to Ballmer. "We'll do the same with phones -- providing choice as we work to create great end-to-end experiences," Ballmer wrote in the email.

    "We're kind of being attacked from a single competitor with a point of view that is more closed and offers much less choice, that is much more narrow," Ballmer said in the keynote. "And yet, we have to tell our story, and you'll hear more about that versus where Apple is coming from, and [we'll] make sure that the Windows PC doesn't just offer more choice, but it offers every choice that you can get on a Mac, or other machine."

    Dave Sobel, CEO of Evolve Technologies, a Fairfax, Va.-based Microsoft Gold partner, was somewhat perplexed by Ballmer's comments.

    "My interpretation is that he's talking about hardware choice. Microsoft has always provided hardware choice, while Apple locks in the entire platform," said Sobel. "But is he implying that Microsoft is going to talk about a standardized platform? [The comment] implies many things that sound different from what Microsoft has said in the past."

    Todd Swank, vice president of marketing at Nor-Tech, a Burnsville, Minn.-based system builder, sees Ballmer's statements as a sign of Microsoft's desire to figure out how to provide the Apple experience, and to get its partners to provide that same experience to customers.

    "This is something they recognize that Apple is doing well; i.e. the cleaner, more user friendly end-to-end experience," Swank said.

    The Apple statements represent a refreshing change of course for Microsoft, and are a promising sign, says Vlad Mazek, a Microsoft Exchange MVP and CEO of Own Web Now, an Orlando, Fla.-based solution provider.

    "It's nice to see that they actually recognize this now. For years Microsoft's stance was: 'Apple is not really our competition. IBM is'," Mazek wrote in a Thursday blog post.
  • Reply 146 of 193
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by henrymonroe View Post

    you have a much better chance at fitting in with the Republican campaign!

    Please leave politics out of this.
  • Reply 147 of 193
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    Please leave politics out of this.

    Jeff, my bad, I introduced the concept I guess earlier but in an apolitical way referring to spin. This gentleman's take was in line with all is 8 or 9 posts so far, venomous and foul mouthed throughout.
  • Reply 148 of 193
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Metadata found on Microsoft's creative copy used in its 'I'm a PC' ad reveals that the graphics were actually produced using Macs running Adobe Creative Suite 3. After the details were published on the Flickr photo sharing site, Microsoft scrambled to polish off the embarrassing details last night.

    I'm sure other posters have mentioned this point but it bears repeating. A screen capture or output from the original design files was opened/edited/saved on a Mac then distributed to the world for review. That doesn't mean that the actual graphics were created on a Mac (although the ad agency is a Mac shop, this is beside the point).

    The fact is that the original ads were probably created with Adobe InDesign or QuarkXpress (both available on PCs and Macs), the commercials could have been made with Final Cut or Avid, and the point is, the original file formats are completely unreadable to the story publishers. So saying a TIF, PDF or JPG image distributed to the media proves the platform used to create them is total nonsense. As another discussion board post eloquently put it, saying the ads were made on Macs based on this evidence is like saying that Ford cars use GM parts because they are delivered via Chevy trucks. No causal relationship there.

    From a committed but realistic Mac user...
  • Reply 149 of 193
    Originally Posted by mac_dog View Post

    apple's new ad: show the current ms ad full screen. at the end, pan out to show that it's being created on the mac.


    the bottom line is that microsoft can make any demands they want regarding their ad(s), even that they be made on windows machines. it's called a legally binding contract. i worked for an ad agency that had coca-cola as a client. they looked in our kitchen and stipulated in our agreement that we have no pepsi products in our fridge. big account, big feather in our cap, big money. of course we signed it.

    what a huge blunder on the part of ms.

    I don't think it is the same thing to say "don't drink an optional beverage in the kitchen" vs. "don't use the multi-million dollar workflow production system the entire enterprise is built on." That's a stupid analogy. It's like saying to American Airlines, don't use Boeing airplanes, use Sikorski helicopters in all your flights or don't use our products. Obviously that wouldn't fly, and no large agency would do it. Sure they fight for the business, but the clients go to agencies for the quality of their products not to restrict the creatives.
  • Reply 150 of 193
  • Reply 151 of 193
    In my opinion (which matters to me, since I'm the only person who buys me thousands of dollars of software and hardware every year) -- it works out like this:

    The idea that market-share Goliath Microsoft relies on Apple's tools (directly or indirectly though contractors) to attempt to stimulate sales of Microsoft software is like Coca-Cola relying on a Pepsi-swilling spokesperson to tell people that lots of people think Coke tastes better. They are validating at least a portion of their competitor's claims.

    I think this is funniest to those of us who have heard for years (and still to this day) from PC fanatics that Macs are "toy" computers, and that "no one uses a Mac."

    No, this "fanboy" war started with DOS path-typing users loudly proclaiming that anyone who would use an input device other than a keyboard wasn't a true computer user at all, and they've boosted their claims of superiority with every version of Windows to come out, despite experts largely agreeing that Windows frequently runs like crap for the average computer owner.

    If Apple uses CAD/CAM or modeling software for industrial design and production, it's likely because the software developer doesn't make if for Mac, not because Apple or it's sub-contractors think it runs better on Windows. Can't very well blame someone for not using what isn't made, unlike an ad created in Adobe CS deliberately being run on OS X rather than Vista.

    And I personally find it humorous.
  • Reply 152 of 193
    Originally Posted by mpertz View Post

    That would be the funniest thing in the world. I would honestly pay to see that. I hope Apple see these postings and does it.

    Or maybe a commercial where someone beats the shit out of Steve ballmer. That would be fun

    That youtube video is by far the funniest video I have ever seen in my life, mostly because I feel bad for Microsoft having that tard run the company

    Like I said in a earlier post, the guy is Microsoft's version of Matt Foley. All that video needed was Ballmer saying "if you don't fix Vista soon, you'll be living in a VAN down by the RIVER!"

  • Reply 153 of 193
    Originally Posted by henrymonroe View Post

    I disagree. Just because you're outsourcing your work and didn't assign someone to triple check that there is no metadata mentioning Mac anything doesn't mean your products aren't detail oriented. You're SUPER reaching. Yes, Apple is better at designing UI's and detail oriented there. MS is better at building development platforms and frameworks and detail oriented there. That's why one is hugely successful in business and as a platform for millions of applications, and the other is successful at meeting an end user's basic needs. Different strokes for different folks. Business sense? MS is not going to lose anyone's business over this.

    The ads are a copy of the Think Different ads? Wow... now with all due respect, that's just crazy talk. What the heck does everybody around the world saying "I'm a PC" have to do with celebrating Picasso and Ghandi and Einstein and saying they're rebels and crazy ones? Sorry but in this case you're not just reaching, you're hallucinating!

    Details (and Microsoft, and Obama) don't think details matter, but they do. It is about professionlism, and MS shows the lack of it. Personally I don't care a bit (and you don't), but the fact is some people care and make a big deal of it, and that's why they SHOULD have checked the meta data, or require all ad video to be run through Windows Media Encoder.

    And the ad style is exactly the same as "Think Different". The message is different, but I was talking about style - a series of people doing different things sliced together.

    And when you are using personal attack, you know you are losing. There are two dozens auto manufacturers, 80% of the auto ads are the same style, with different messages, but come on, when a commercial for an auto comes up on TV, everyone knows it is an auto commercial, before any brand or message is shown. It is about the style.

    I bet you don't think MS's recycle bin copied Mac's trash can.
  • Reply 154 of 193
    Originally Posted by rdstrayer View Post

    Do you do this for a living? Or is this just a hobby?

    Years ago I was involved in advertising. Mostly I like to write and have a visual imagination... Thanks for the comments.
  • Reply 155 of 193
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by johnqh View Post

    Details (and Microsoft, and Obama) don't think details matter, but they do. It is about professionlism, and MS shows the lack of it. Personally I don't care a bit (and you don't), but the fact is some people care and make a big deal of it, and that's why they SHOULD have checked the meta data, or require all ad video to be run through Windows Media Encoder.

    And the ad style is exactly the same as "Think Different". The message is different, but I was talking about style - a series of people doing different things sliced together.

    And when you are using personal attack, you know you are losing. There are two dozens auto manufacturers, 80% of the auto ads are the same style, with different messages, but come on, when a commercial for an auto comes up on TV, everyone knows it is an auto commercial, before any brand or message is shown. It is about the style.

    I bet you don't think MS's recycle bin copied Mac's trash can.

    I agree with you but please enough of the politics.
  • Reply 156 of 193
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by johnqh View Post

    Details (and Microsoft, and Obama)

    Maybe you missed it, but henry agreed to back off on the political comments, I would appreciate it if you followed that lead.
  • Reply 157 of 193
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    Maybe you missed it, but henry agreed to back off on the political comments, I would appreciate it if you followed that lead.

    I missed it too, where does henry agree to this? Thanks.
  • Reply 158 of 193
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    I missed it too, where does henry agree to this? Thanks.

    Whoops, sorry, I guess I was confused. I mistook one of your statements for henry's.
  • Reply 159 of 193
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by jeffdm View Post

    whoops, sorry, i guess i was confused. I mistook one of your statements for henry's.

  • Reply 160 of 193
    rickagrickag Posts: 1,626member
    I didn't have time to read every post so I don't know if this has been posted, but I think this you tube spoof will kill the Microsoft "I'm a PC ads".

    Some one remembered this Apple ad from 2006.
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