Apple contributes $100,000 to fight California's No on 8 battle



  • Reply 881 of 1351
    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    And your source for that is? Actually, you have no source, as the majority of American people have already voted against gay marriage. Check out the states that ban it, and don't forget to add California and Arizona, come next Tuesday.

    Congratulations,I hope you and frugality have twins,one boy and one other boy.You might be one of the lucky ones,remember if one of them turns out gay,there's a fifty percent chance the other will be gay too.
  • Reply 882 of 1351
    Originally Posted by Hands Sandon View Post

    Congratulations,I hope you and frugality have twins,one boy and one other boy.You might be one of the lucky ones,remember if one of them turns out gay,there's a fifty percent chance the other will be gay too.

    Rave on, I'm near 70, and my kids are probably older than you are. No gays in the lot. What you really hope is to turn around our society, and your plans are falling flat on their face.

    I don't care if you want to be gay, but you aren't going to sully the word marriage by including same sex partners in the contract. Got AIDS yet?
  • Reply 883 of 1351
    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    Rave on, I'm near 70, and my kids are probably older than you are. No gays in the lot. What you really hope is to turn around our society, and your plans are falling flat on their face.

    I don't care if you want to be gay, but you aren't going to sully the word marriage by including same sex partners in the contract. Got AIDS yet?

    You should be asking the Praying Mantis frugality that question,not me.

    I look forward to reading the demographic reports of prop 8 relating to age.Your times numbered.
  • Reply 884 of 1351
    Originally Posted by Prince View Post

    Gay marriage is a legal right that relates to being able to do the same business as anyone else: insurance, hospital visitation rights, and other legal protections that married couples take for granted. The government does not clearly define the civil and religious aspects of marriage, so there's not some non-religious form of domestic partnership that gives gays the same legal rights as other people.

    Nobody is forcing gays into your religion, the issue is whether religions should force their dogma on the government. Prop 8 is an effort to rewrite the constitution to say that gays can't have the same legal rights as anyone else.

    It is not a matter of religion forcing itself on the government, but the other way around. if Gay /marriage is allowed, ministers won't have the rite to refuse to marry a homosexual couple
  • Reply 885 of 1351
    londorlondor Posts: 263member
    Originally Posted by Meteorfreak View Post

    It is not a matter of religion forcing itself on the government, but the other way around. if Gay /marriage is allowed, ministers won't have the rite to refuse to marry a homosexual couple

    Seriously, are you so thick you do not realise that by using blatant lies to push your views onto others the only thing you manage to do is to discredit yourself and your cause?
  • Reply 886 of 1351
    Originally Posted by Meteorfreak View Post

    It is not a matter of religion forcing itself on the government, but the other way around. if Gay /marriage is allowed, ministers won't have the rite to refuse to marry a homosexual couple

    That's 100% wrong.The law in California made it clear that gay marriage does not force any churches to marry anybody that they don't want to marry.

    "no religion will be required to change its religious policies or practices with regard to same-sex couples,and no religious officiant will be required to solemnize a marriage in contravention of his or her religious beliefs." 183 P.2d. 384, 451-52 (2008)

    article 1 ,section 4 already guarantees this in California.
  • Reply 887 of 1351
    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    Got AIDS yet?

    Are your kids or grandkids amongst the 1/3 of all new AIDS cases in America last year which spread through male-female contact?
  • Reply 888 of 1351
    For christians, a lot of them sure don't have a problem bearing false witness to support their bigotry.
  • Reply 889 of 1351
    This is good in a way, because yes enabling gay people to marry gives them more rights to benefits, tax, insurance deals together than say two single men just living in a house together...

    however, why have Apple got involved? Is this to win some more people over to their company?

    I thought it was standard practise for companies to stand neutral to political events as such.
  • Reply 890 of 1351
    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    Rave on, I'm near 70, and my kids are probably older than you are.

    Hmm, nearly 70, that explains a lot. It must be very difficult for you to accept all the changes in society since WW2. Civil rights for black Americans, the legalisation of interracial marriage, abortion, homosexuality, and civil partnerships. It's a lot to take in, as, judging by your comments on here, you would have opposed a fair few, if not all, of these changes.

    Proposition 8 may well pass on Tuesday, but one day soon it will be overturned and will be added to the list of advancements that make the world a fairer, more equal place.

    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    No gays in the lot.

    You cannot possibly know this.

    As you perceive homosexuals to be perverts they wouldn't be most unlikely to tell you if they were gay.

    If there are more than 20 members in your family, then there is a high probability that at least one is gay, and sadly, they will feel that they have to hide this fact from you.

    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    What you really hope is to turn around our society, and your plans are falling flat on their face.

    Too late; society has already been turned around since you were a boy back in the 1940s.

    Gay marriage is just one of the few remaining steps on the road to full equality

    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    I don't care if you want to be gay, but you aren't going to sully the word marriage by including same sex partners in the contract.

    Nobody wants to be gay, just as nobody wants to be straight. We are what we are; what we want to be doesn't come into it.

    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    Got AIDS yet?

    No, and nor have the vast majority of homosexuals.

    Got Alzheimer's yet?

    OT Spell checking this post suggests the word 'sinful' for your username
  • Reply 891 of 1351
    Originally Posted by el-star View Post

    This is good in a way, because yes enabling gay people to marry gives them more rights to benefits, tax, insurance deals together than say two single men just living in a house together...

    however, why have Apple got involved? Is this to win some more people over to their company?

    I thought it was standard practise for companies to stand neutral to political events as such.

    While not illegal, it's highly unethical, just as General Electric using it's power and money to elect Obama.
  • Reply 892 of 1351
    Who was the moron that said this issue would not affect citizens?

  • Reply 893 of 1351
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    Who was the moron that this issue would not affect citizens?,2933,445865,00.html

    Hmm... On top of it being from Fox News, there is something fishy about that article.

    PS: While I don't agree with your stance on gay rights, I do respect your decision. However, one thing I will not tolerate is the lack of hyperlinking of websites.
  • Reply 894 of 1351
    londorlondor Posts: 263member
    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    Who was the moron that this issue would not affect citizens?


    Hahaha, because teaching kids tolerance is bad, really bad. Who is the moron, you idiot?

    Also as usual Fox News and its fair and balanced news. What a surprise!!
  • Reply 895 of 1351
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Londor View Post

    Hahaha, because teaching kids tolerance is bad, really bad. Who is the moron, you idiot?

    Also as usual Fox News and its fair and balance news. What a surprise!!

    Tolerance is certainly a good thing?which does seems to be an alien concept to most people who follow an organized religion?but the specifics of the article are well beyond the abilities of the average 5yo.

    Beyond that, Zinfella shouldn't be taking this article as proof of anything (even if it is real), as there are plenty of rogue, extremist acts on the right and the left that make one's campaign look bad. To say no to Prop 8 will not alter heterosexual marriage or alter the way state supported schools teach children.
  • Reply 896 of 1351
    londorlondor Posts: 263member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Tolerance is certainly a good thing—which does seems to be an alien concept to most people who follow an organized religion—but the specifics of the article are well beyond the abilities of the average 5yo.

    I guess you are aware of some kids using the word gay as synonymous of something bad but without the intent of being homophobic. Teaching them that the use of the word gay in that context is offensive to many people is not inappropriate even if they are just 5 years old.

    This is the pledge card that kids were asked to sing.

    How the person who wrote the article makes the connection that by asking kids to sign the cards they are supporting gays is beyond me but it is no surprise since it comes from Fox News. Tolerance is not the same as support.
  • Reply 897 of 1351
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Londor View Post

    I guess you are aware of some kids using the word gay as synonymous of something bad but without the intent of being homophobic.

    That is my point. Having a 5yo sign a card that states things like anti-LGBT, transgender, and bisexual on it when they aren't using the term in a homophobic way is, well...... gay. There is nothing wrong with having homonyms in our language, which ironically seems to be the biggest factor with many people that support Prop 8; they don't mind gay rights, they just don't want it being called 'marriage'.

    Schools shouldn't tolerate homophobia but this concept, as presented by Fox News (which is speculative in itself), doesn't seem healthy and I'm sure it's not shared by most people who oppose homosexual rights.
  • Reply 898 of 1351
    Originally Posted by Londor View Post

    I guess you are aware of some kids using the word gay as synonymous of something bad but without the intent of being homophobic. Teaching them that the use of the word gay in that context is offensive to many people is not inappropriate even if they are just 5 years old.

    This is the pledge card that kids were ask to sing.

    How the person who wrote the article makes the connection that by asking kids to sign the cards they are supporting gays is beyond me but it is no surprise since it comes from Fox News. Tolerance is not the same as support.

    Agreed.The cards were intended for middle school and high school graders and were never meant to be given to kindergartners.

    Personally,I don't think schools should play any role in sex education for kids (except in biology class) That should be up to the parents.It gives lazy or pathetic parents an excuse for not educating their kids,which is far too common already.Certainly provide training for teachers who could offer advice for those students who seek it though.

    I have no problem with children being taught about descrimination of all kinds,but only when they're old enough and in history or modern or social studies not signing some retarded pledge!

    Trust Fox News to try and use this misleading news story,how appropriate! No wonder zinfella has the brains of a kindergartner.
  • Reply 899 of 1351
    4metta4metta Posts: 365member
    Good on Apple for helping fight the religious freaks that keep trying to mess in other people's relationships.
  • Reply 900 of 1351
    Who is the moron who uses a link to Fox News as evidence of ANYTHING?

    As an old man, you do recall when news wasn't simply meant to shock and entertain, don't you? Can't blame you though. American news is pretty much an oxymoron nowadays.

    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    Who was the moron that said this issue would not affect citizens?


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