Apple contributes $100,000 to fight California's No on 8 battle



  • Reply 901 of 1351
    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    I'm near 70


    Got AIDS yet?

    This explains A LOT! Wouldn't you rather be out there living a happy life instead of here, displaying your bitterness and intolerance? Not much time left, you know.

    BTW, suggesting that all gay people are on their path to contracting AIDS is like saying all old people are senile, bitter, croggedy farts who've lost their bladder control. However, since we're stereotyping, yours seems to fit quite well.
  • Reply 902 of 1351
    Originally Posted by offroadering View Post

    Californians already voted to ban gay marriage, years ago. So hear we are again wasting more money on an issue that the people of california have already voted on, just because some lame SF judges feel the need to define marriage.

    And every state in the South voted to allow slavery. Why did we revisit that issue, then?

    Because it was discriminatory.

    We could have a federal constitutional amendment to allow slavery... why don't you push for that?

    Forbidding one consenting loving couple from sharing the same benefits, in name and in law, as another consenting loving couple is discriminatory.

    If there is an amendment now, it will be overturned soon, as the old farts die off.

    Why? Because discrimination is discrimination, and we are advancing as a society.

    It was religious conservatives (yes, some of them were democrats) who wanted slavery to be legal.

    It was religious conservatives who wanted segregation to be legal.

    It was religious conservatives who wanted interracial marriage to be illegal.

    It was religious conservatives who want same-sex marriage to be illegal.

    It is the religious conservatives who are always behind the curve in terms of equal rights.
  • Reply 903 of 1351
    Originally Posted by Londor View Post

    I guess you are aware of some kids using the word gay as synonymous of something bad but without the intent of being homophobic. Teaching them that the use of the word gay in that context is offensive to many people is not inappropriate even if they are just 5 years old.

    A quick look through some YouTube comments, as well as comments on this board, will show that ignorance and naiveté isn't only the preserve of 5 year olds.

    The oh-so-typically-American use of "fag" (plus numerous variants involving, for example the word "butt") as an insult says a lot about how closed-minded, unlearned and prejudiced those in the Land of the Free* can be.

    * Terms and conditions apply.
  • Reply 905 of 1351
    Originally Posted by Londor View Post

    Hahaha, because teaching kids tolerance is bad, really bad. Who is the moron, you idiot?

    Also as usual Fox News and its fair and balance news. What a surprise!!

    You're embarrassing yourself. Fox News is more fair and balanced than any other network, as shown by independent audits. I'm sure you prefer the far left media anyway, as that's where the fringe left loves to hangout, and where lies trump truth.
  • Reply 906 of 1351
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member

    1) Why would you purposely try to prevent the forum from parsing your links?

    2) Associating NAMBLA's rape with a normal homosexual male, is like associating the rape of a female child with a normal heterosexual male.

    3) Don't be so daft to think 'being born gay" is a term that means that genes are the only way to be born gay. We are considerably more complex organisms than that. The term is really just colloquial to infer that it's not a choice one makes, but one that is part of that person's natural biological makeup, perhaps even just a normal variation in the way 'God' created us to teach us about tolerance. If you aren't tolerant you may need to pay Charon for your ferryboat ride across the river Styx.

    4) I'd like to know at what age you choose NOT to be gay. What is a hard choice for you to make? Did you struggle with your sexuality for awhile? Did you visit bath houses in your younger days until you got your fill... literally?
  • Reply 907 of 1351
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    1) Why would you purposely try to prevent the forum from parsing your links?

    2) Associating NAMBLA's rape with the normal homosexual male, is like associating the rape of a female child as the same as the normal heterosexual male.

    3) Don't be so daft to think 'being born gay" is a term that means that genes are the only way to be born gay. We are considerably more complex organisms than that. The term is really just colloquial to infer that it's not a choice one makes, but one that is part of that person's natural biological makeup, perhaps even just a normal variation in the way 'God' created us to teach us about tolerance. If you aren't tolerance you mean need to pay Charon for your ferryboat ride across the river Styx.

    4) I'd like to know at what age you choose NOT to be gay. What is a hard choice for you to make? Did you struggle with your sexuality for awhile? Did you visit bath houses in your younger days until you got your fill... literally?

    The attempt here was to shoot the messenger, Fox News, instead of the message. Here's my source for using Fox New as a source.


    As I said above, it's an independent audit of the media.

    Now to your rhetoric above. It's not even worth a response, and I'm pretty sure that you know that.
  • Reply 908 of 1351
    Isn't it clear? Zinfella believes it's a choice because at one point, he chose to be straight, against his natural urges. It's become obvious his homophobia is the result of years of repressed homosexual tendencies, like when a gay basher is acting out because of his own self hatred. It's sad that he's almost 70 and never got a chance to deal with it and it's an example of why Californians should fight against Prop 8.

    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    1) 4) I'd like to know at what age you choose NOT to be gay. What is a hard choice for you to make? Did you struggle with your sexuality for awhile? Did you visit bath houses in your younger days until you got your fill... literally?

  • Reply 909 of 1351
    londorlondor Posts: 263member
    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    You're embarrassing yourself. Fox News is more fair and balanced than any other network, as shown by independent audits. I'm sure you prefer the far left media anyway, as that's where the fringe left loves to hangout, and where lies trump truth.

    Of course, I'm embarrassing myself for thinking that Fox News is anything but fair and balanced or for thinking that every human being should have the same rights and obligations. You may fool yourself but that is as far as it goes. The rest of the people can see you for what you really are, a bigoted homophobic miserable man.
  • Reply 910 of 1351
    Oh, you blasphemous heathens! How dare you fail to bow down in acquiescence to Fox News' diktat! Don't you know that Bill O'Reilly is proof that there's a God? You will all fry in Hell!
  • Reply 911 of 1351
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Mac-sochist View Post

    Oh, you blasphemous heathens! How dare you fail to bow down in acquiescence to Fox News' diktat! Don't you know that Bill O'Reilly is proof that there's a God? You will all fry in Hell!

    Speaking of O'Reilly, this video always makes me laugh...
  • Reply 912 of 1351
    Originally Posted by Londor View Post

    Of course, I'm embarrassing myself for thinking that Fox News is anything but fair and balanced or for thinking that every human being should have the same rights and obligations. You may fool yourself but that is as far as it goes. The rest of the people can see you for what you really are, a bigoted homophobic miserable man.

    It takes chutzpah to call someone that does not support deviates a bigot. You, and the rest of the gay community, are in the decided minority in this country, but you're just to self absorbed to know it.
  • Reply 913 of 1351
    londorlondor Posts: 263member
    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    It takes chutzpah to call someone that does not support deviates a bigot.

    No, it only takes reading your posts.
  • Reply 914 of 1351
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member

    Speaking of NAMBLA and your dislike for Obama, here is pic that might help fuel some fire for you.

  • Reply 915 of 1351
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Speaking of NAMBLA and your dislike for Obama, here is pic that might help fuel some fire for you.

    Just remember, in 2000 and 2004, the polls were wrong. Typically, just like Obama, you guys are counting your chickens before they're hatched. I've already voted for McCain, not because particularly like him, but because Obama is a Marxist. Maybe you guys haven't been around long enough to know what that means, but you can bet your a$$ that I have. Obama is 100% platitudes, and no substance, he has not track record of doing what he promises to do. Indeed he has been THE most partisan, left wing Senator in the US Senate. He has NO record of crossing the isle as he claims. Not that I think you guys care anything about facts.
  • Reply 916 of 1351
    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    Just remember, in 2000 and 2004, the polls were wrong. Typically, just like Obama, you guys are counting your chickens before they're hatched. I've already voted for McCain, not because particularly like him, but because Obama is a Marxist. Maybe you guys haven't been around long enough to know what that means, but you can bet your a$$ that I have. Obama is 100% platitudes, and no substance, he has not track record of doing what he promises to do. Indeed he has been THE most partisan, left wing Senator in the US Senate. He has NO record of crossing the isle as he claims. Not that I think you guys care anything about facts.

    1% of the US population owns 40% of it's wealth.The top 5% of the US population own 80% of it's wealth. Bush and McCain want to give that 1%, 43% of their multi trillion dollar tax cuts whilst 40% of the population,who are the least wealthy get almost nothing,an average of just $115 each annually (just more screwed) Barack Obama wants to give a bigger tax break to those who have less.And John McCain originally voted against Bush's tax cut, saying it was unfair to expect the burden on the poorer 50% of the population to pay more in taxes whilst the top 1% save on average annually approximately $46,000 on an income of $700,000 a year and there considered poor in that group.That means that through Bush/McCain the top 1% get 36% (43% withoutht any estate taxes) of the tax cut even though they only pay 20% of the total taxes.This doesn't even factor in that a quarter of the tax cut is in estate tax which it is estimated that the top 1% income earners pay 91% of.Only 2 in a hundred estates qualify to pay any taxes at all.

    Joe the plumber,filed earnings of $48,000 and would pay less in taxes through Obama than McCain. If he bought that business and filed earnings of $250,000 he would pay $300 more than he currently would have to pay,but that's hardly Marxist!

    Remember also that Europe has a GDP of $16 trillion to America's $14 trillion.I suspect Marxism is to blame for that.America's debt is about 40% higher than Europe and to make it worse the US has just had a month of negative growth,which will continue,and get worse making that debt even harder to pay off.You can thank Bush/McCain for that.
  • Reply 917 of 1351
    It's amazing how these idiots can be brainwashed into using these Fox News buzzwords like "Marxism" in a public forum while simultaneously revealing that they don't have a single idea in Hell what it means!

    If by that they mean someone is not a doctrinaire Smithist, and doesn't advocate the blind following of laissez-faire, dog-eat-dog, let-them-eat-cake, Robber-Baron-capitalist dogma right off a cliff (as the Rethuglicans have had us doing since that venomous pustule Reagan got in), then he's a "Marxist."

    Get off of Fox News and join us in the real world, where words have meanings and nothing "trickles down;" it's all sucked UP!
  • Reply 918 of 1351
    Isn't age supposed to bring wisdom? Evidently not if Fox News has any say.


    How can our education system and media fail so miserably?
  • Reply 919 of 1351
    Guys I have to upset you: actually many religions ban homosexualism (catholicism and other christians, judaism and i suppose islam. in case of christianity it's stated clearly in bible). So apple says it isn't religious issue, but they are wrong. So discussing this topic has no sense at all, since these religions constitute over 2/3.

    Of course it seems that homosexual fraction is very aggressive

    and unfortunatelly they insult other mac users in this forum . I think that AppleInsider Admins should do something with this.

    Again it's very bad for apple.
  • Reply 920 of 1351
    To Apple and Mr Jobs,

    I have been a supporter of apple for about 3 or 4 years now, like the operating system, the product design and it's innovative improvements to both aspects of it's output. I've recently spent the most I ever have on computer hardware after a successful period, purchasing a 30 inch display for the MBP I use, a macbook air and an iphone. I had become almost intoxicated with the company, and was not disappointed with the new products.

    However, what I was disheartened and disappointed at one morning was one of the news feeds delivered to my inbox. Apparently Apple are now actively supporting homosexual "marriage" and are using funds they have made to advance this cause. I believe that marriage is a sacred union between a man and a woman, for the purpose of bringing children, naturally into the world. It is a Holy covenant ordained by God and affirmed biologically for this purpose. Those who engage in same sex relationships are violating our natural and sacred design, which is clearly the union of male and female organs in a sexual nature. Anything outside of that is sodomy, which is essentially a violation of another body, regardless of their willing submission, for ones own pleasure and abuse.

    The fact that you Mr Jobs and Apple, are now towing the line of this popular morally blind crusade of deceitful "equality" seeking, should I suppose, be of no real surprise. It seems the value of respect, decency and sex has been reduced and almost erased from western culture. I have no problem with people who label themselves gay, but if they practice what their lust entails, then they are violating natural and sacred laws and orders. To do this willfully, without any regret or conscience, actually in pride, brings great social and spiritual degeneration. The fact that you seem so blind to this amazes me.

    I object to any funds from products I purchase going towards a cause I disagree with and think is morally corrupt and perverted. The promotion of illicit sodomy relationships as decent and right under the banner of marriage, is really appalling in my view. It is essentially thumbing your nose at the great system programmer of this universe, and saying "we know you created an awesome system of architecture here, but we think this virus should have equal status and merit"

    Yes I would compare God to the Master programmer of these myriad genetic and bio-mechanical systems we have and are, the originator of that intangible and unknown consciousness/spirit within. And I would compare degenerate practices to a virus upon our society. We do not heal a virus by funding and encouraging it, we have to recognize the correct way the system should function and rewrite the code.

    Which analogously would be repentance of abusive lusts and violence, and a return in humility to holiness, purity, and goodness.

    What should two same sex who are consenting do if they desire each other?

    They should recognize that not every desire or thought we have merits or justifies expression. Many thoughts that come can be depraved and violent, it is our choice whether to act upon them, perpetuate them, or reject them as not right and harmful.

    We were not designed by God or nature to conduct ourselves sexually with the same gender. The acts which ensue from such desires are counter to what is natural, holy, and respectful in our own better judgment and conscience.

    The argument is usually put forth, if you are not harming anyone its OK, but the reality is a great deal of harm is occurring under the surface and is not recognized.

    Not only on a Spiritual level for those who believe, but also on a social cultural level. Family breakdown, promiscuity, thoughts, lifestyles spread throughout society like wildfire, and in a liberal society that loses all sense of balance and proportion, an "anything goes alternative lifestyle" becomes normal.

    As soon as you devalue sex and marriage, remove God from the equation, then anything goes, and the "alternative community" is at the forefront of this social motion, it has intertwined with heterosexuals also and now the programming system of order "marriage" has been essentially broken as all respect has gone.

    The purpose of marriage is the covenant commitment and bond between the male and the female to further life, creation and human beings. We are designed biologically for that function and it is essential that we respect our design. Respect is a central part of love, if we do not respect our design, and seek to violate it, in order to fulfill base lusts then it is not love. We are to love our fellow man, and woman are to love their fellow sisters, but as soon as lust arises in these cases, all respect and love is gone. It becomes purely a love for the flesh and not a love for the soul, personality and being. Why? Because if there was LOVE between the same sex, they would respect each-others natural design and order and not want to violate and sodomize each-other, regardless of the willingness of the person.

    Trying to dress up sodomy relationships as legitimate and right by honoring them with the term "marriage" is very misguided and shameful.

    I might have know that the bitten apple logo was an atheistic reference to the tree of knowledge and satan.

    I won't be buying another apple product again. I wish that you wake up to holiness and Spirituality and what is right and true. The earthly physical life is but a blip, what matters is the destiny of our eternal Soul and Spirit, and that choice is in our own hands. We need to repent, humble ourselves, turn from our degenerate ways and sincerely walk in a new light of goodness, holiness and love.

    I no longer am happy to be associated with Apple and I would encourage anyone else with decency to take a stand against Apples active support of "gay marriage" and boycott any further product purchases.
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