Microsoft parks "I'm a PC" recording booth outside Apple Store



  • Reply 21 of 209
    I can't imagine most malls or landlords would allow this.

    Seriously, can you imagine having something set up in front of a store trying to convince people to not go in?
  • Reply 22 of 209
    Is it just me or does anyone else find it odd that MS thinks that the best place to find their dedicated users is in front of an Apple Store??
  • Reply 23 of 209
    Desperate. That's my first impression.

    PC users could give less than a shi* about commercials telling them to use something they already use.

    Now PC users can upload their own "I'm a PC" video to Microsoft. W O W. And the guy in front of his web cam saying "I'm a PC, and I love peanut butter" - who in the living fuc* cares?
  • Reply 24 of 209
    Maybe it wasn't such a great idea for Microsoft to hire the same people running McCain's campaign.

    Sarah Palin in the nude couldn't convince me to switch to a PC.

    The last of my family has finally switched to Mac. One at a time, one at a time. Like a tiny tick that causes Lyme disease, MS is worried
  • Reply 25 of 209
    It's $300 million. They gotta spend in on *something*.

    But to "record your own I'm a PC ad"? I don't even know what that is.
  • Reply 26 of 209
    mactelmactel Posts: 1,275member
    Coke vs Pepsi. The taste tests are on. Good luck Steve (er Ballmer I mean).
  • Reply 27 of 209
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    "Life Without Walls" slogan after the Windows flag logo is bizarre. If you don't have walls, why do you need Windows?

    That is a very astute observation!

    You know you could turn this around into an Apple ad:

    "Photos, video, music. No walls, no windows, just life. iLife"
  • Reply 28 of 209
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    "Life Without Walls" slogan after the Windows flag logo is bizarre. If you don't have walls, why do you need Windows?

    Originally Posted by Doxxic View Post

    This is precisely the kind of thing that PC does in Apple's ads!!!

    Good points!
  • Reply 29 of 209
    pxtpxt Posts: 683member
    The reason why the Microsoft staffers are in a group of three is the same reason why the East German border guards used to be in twos. It's so that there are always two others to stop the one from trying to escape into the Apple Store.

    Given what I've seen on this forum from switchers, I'd say that any of these staffers that try to start a conversation are going to get an education. I reckon there will soon be a new type of queue forming at the Birmingham Apple Store. These guys are going to need counseling.

    Just lucky they didn't do this in Liverpool. They would probably end up locked inside and hoisted up a crane !
  • Reply 30 of 209
    renren Posts: 6member
    Go up and ask them "Is this where we go to help fix Vista?"

    OMG, LOL!
  • Reply 31 of 209
    Looking at the picture, I think it may fail simply because people will read the banner and say to themselves... "Oh yeah, those Mac commercials.. I'm a PC ... he he he... .. ok now time to go into the mac store"

    What cracks me up is that Microsoft hasn't been in the advertising business in so many years that they don't even know HOW to run an ad campaign against the underdog. They *were* the underdog back when they had to advertise ( vs. IBM )

    It's sad actually.
  • Reply 32 of 209
    Pretty ridiculous....

    I'm thinking some Apple fanboys are going to go give those poor Microsoft PR people a REALLY hard time too.... heh...

    I wonder how wide-spread MS plans to try and make this. The people who are running Microsoft continue to show me what complete MORONS they are. I wish someone would do something about Steve Balmer... that guy annoys the heck out of me.
  • Reply 33 of 209
    buckbuck Posts: 293member
    "eat me, I'm a delicious pizza"
  • Reply 34 of 209
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by sandro View Post

    Maybe it wasn't such a great idea for Microsoft to hire the same people running McCain's campaign.

    Originally Posted by OldMacGuy View Post

    Sarah Palin in the nude couldn't convince me to switch to a PC.

    I hope people don't carry these leads any farther than that. Politics is one of those things that generate heated responses and derails threads, so anyone that responds, please keep it civil.
  • Reply 35 of 209
    Ironically, the poster on the booth reads "Life without walls"... on the outside of a wall.

    Maybe they meant "Firewalls", refering to their security track record... I don't know.

  • Reply 36 of 209
    people should go in there and say "i'm a mac"'d be funny if there were more of these than "i'm a pc"
  • Reply 37 of 209
    adjeiadjei Posts: 738member
    Seems Microsoft is scared of Apple, according to some Microsoft doesn't give a damn about Apple, I mean with only 3 % marketshare why should they, Microsoft is shivering.
  • Reply 38 of 209
    I was with Microsoft up until this one, who on earth wants to sit in a booth and go "Im a PC"

    If they wanted to get back at Apple they could have just reversed the Apple ads back on them with all the problems Apple are having, by that I mean they could do the following ads:

    - Macs now have viruses (Even Apple admit this as they've taken the virus free stat off their switch to mac part of the site)

    - Macs now crash

    - Official Vista now more secure and Mac

    - Mobile me not working. Could do a great comparison of the free hotmail working and Apple handing out free trial extensions for there paid for service not

    - iPhone signal problems vs Windows based phone without signal probs

    As Apple keeps screwing up on things it seems stupid of Microsoft not to take advantage rather than this current lame attempt.
  • Reply 39 of 209
    slapppyslapppy Posts: 331member
    Tacky and stupid.
  • Reply 40 of 209
    allblueallblue Posts: 393member
    Right. And what word isn't there? Begins with a 'V'...
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