AT&T chief lays out futuristic vision for the iPhone



  • Reply 21 of 101
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Steve Jobs must have been frk'n livid when he heard this goon speakin on behalf of the iPhone.

    I pity the fool who thought he could speak on behalf of Steve and Jonathan's baby.
  • Reply 22 of 101
    nagrommenagromme Posts: 2,834member
    My iPhone already wakes me up, downloads news feeds, and controls my TV.

    I guess the future is coffee, then!
  • Reply 23 of 101
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by bdkennedy1 View Post

    It's likely Apple and AT&T won't even be doing business with each other by then.

    Until then, AT&T's got Apple by the balls- OUCH!
  • Reply 24 of 101
    Originally Posted by GT500Shlby View Post

    What about:


    Video Recording?

    COPY and PASTE!

    This new technology of the future stuff is great, but how about some CURRENT technology NOW!

    Seriously!! All those future ideas are well and good, but how about fixing the remaining annoyances of the device like you mentioned. Going to a website (which doesn't work from my iPhone) for picture messages?? Seriously Apple? You haven't figured out a better solution?
  • Reply 25 of 101
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member
    I want my flying car!!!
  • Reply 26 of 101
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Big difference. AppleTV was sold (and I bought it ) with promises of integrating and simplifying music and video files to the living room and it has done neither. It's been turned into an iTunes digi$al jukebox. It is harder to find music on it than one's own computer. It's a joke.

    If you know what's not featured on the iPhone yet is on all other phones -yet you buy? And then complain?

    OK, I get the distinction now. If a person buys something based upon advertising,

    without reading any reviews of it or doing any research into its capabilities,

    and it does not live up to their hopes, they are entitled to complain ad nauseam.

    On the other hand, if a person does read reviews and understand capabilities and

    the item does not fulfill their wishes, they must remain silent.

    Thank you for clearing that up.
  • Reply 27 of 101
    For what these guys charge, I want my iPhone plan to include my being able to summon a butler serving cappuccino at my bedside.

    OK...... maybe just twice a week.
  • Reply 28 of 101
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by quinney View Post

    OK, I get the distinction now. If a person buys something based upon advertising,

    without reading any reviews of it or doing any research into its capabilities,

    and it does not live up to their hopes, they are entitled to complain ad nauseam.

    On the other hand, if a person does read reviews and understand capabilities and

    the item does not fulfill their wishes, they must remain silent.

    Thank you for clearing that up.

    You still don't get it:

    How many phones already existed when the iPhone arrived?

    How many digital home entertainment options were there when AppleTV arrived?

    You do the math- if you can.
  • Reply 29 of 101
    I just want flash! Can't someone give me flash? Flash!!!!!!! Pleaseeeeeeee!!!!!
  • Reply 30 of 101

    a future version of Apple's iPhone wakes you up in the morning, it will have downloaded the morning's news feeds and sent a message to your coffee maker to begin brewing a fresh pot, says AT&T Mobile chief Ralph de la Vega.

    Very impressed *NOT* Does this Mobile Chief actually know something about tech? It sounds like a tech prediction from the 80's. If the iPhone can't do that right now it's a piece of shit. Oh wait the iPhone wakes me up in the morning and it downloads te latest newsfeed, just waiting for a senseo coffeemaker app to come out!
  • Reply 31 of 101
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by Bobo Decosta View Post

    Very impressed *NOT* Does this Mobile Chief actually know something about tech? It sounds like a tech prediction from the 80's. If the iPhone can't do that right now it's a piece of shit. Oh wait the iPhone wakes me up in the morning and it downloads te latest newsfeed, just waiting for a senseo coffeemaker app to come out!

    It's the new "Wake Up N Smell the Coffee" App- coming soon from your favorite Java/Cocoa development team.
  • Reply 32 of 101
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by freethinker View Post

    I just want flash! Can't someone give me flash? Flash!!!!!!! Pleaseeeeeeee!!!!!

    Nope- Steve says so.

    Bogs you down, makes you fat.

  • Reply 33 of 101
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by mowenbrown View Post

    Coffee? I have a good idea: how about delivering the F@&king picture messages my relatives send? Before we enter the 22nd century, can we enter the 21st? I know they are low tech, but so are a lot of the people I have to communicate with....

    It won't do MMS, but it can handle pictures sent by email. Why can't your relatives' phones send pictures using email? Sending email isn't something that's hard to program a device to do, it's more flexible.
  • Reply 34 of 101
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    You still don't get it:

    How many phones already existed when the iPhone arrived?

    How many digital home entertainment options were there when AppleTV arrived?

    You do the math- if you can.

    You're right.

    I don't get it. I don't see how the number of products available has

    anything to do with making informed purchases or with whimpering about

    one's mistakes afterwards. Remember that I first responded to your statement

    that you could not understand how anyone could buy something that didn't

    meet their needs "in the first place". That is precisely what you did when you

    bought your AppleTV. You just won't own up to the mistake you made, preferring

    to blame someone else and subjecting this forum to your tiresome, repetitive

  • Reply 35 of 101
    Originally Posted by ByronVanArsdale View Post

    Lots of research shows the pitfalls of multi-tasking on productivity and safety. Better watch out in the future as you listen to your messages and take your mind off of driving the car!

    Having lead a teleclass for a group of coaches in Japan where I went through a translator - it was the most nerve wracking experience I've had in leading ANY conference call or face-to-face presentation (small group to Emcee with 600 people). Being able to translate on the fly like that would revolutionize how small business and solopreneurs conduct global business.

    I can live without the coffee yet the translation on the fly would be amazing.

    Hey, cut and paste is overrate and only gets you into trouble

    I had a similar experience in a two way teleconference with a Japanese client. The client became so frustrated with the translation issues that he started to slam his hands on his desk. Talk about unnerving... we never did business with them again.
  • Reply 36 of 101
    Originally Posted by Hattig View Post

    Before a future version of Apple's iPhone wakes you up in the morning, it will have downloaded the morning's news feeds and sent a message to your coffee maker to begin brewing a fresh pot. Sadly, you went on holiday 4 days ago, but forgot to disable this function on the iPhone, which has been texting the 'brew' instructions whilst you are sunning yourself on the beach. When you come home, the kitchen is 3 inches deep in coffee that has spilled over the top of the jug.

    Or the house has burned down.
  • Reply 37 of 101
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,588member
    Originally Posted by rune66 View Post

    Another marketing guy not understanding technology.

    * Why talk about downloading news, as it was something that would be necesary to do in advance in the future (or even now). News are available right away and doesn't have to be downloaded.

    * Many people actually prefer making their own coffe ...

    The rest of the predictions - well translationen, remote controlling or whatever isn't just something that would be unique for an iPhone. And those "predictions" - I think we have heard them around 1 million times before

    For someone who is not conversent in the terms of technology, you're complaining too much.

    I'll explain.

    Downloading doesn't always mean having a copy on your machine. When you click on a link, you download that link. That'w what you did when you want to AI. You downloaded the page.

    That's all that's required.

    But, in order to have the device read the news back afterwards, it must then save that page to internal memory.

    So, you lose both ways.
  • Reply 38 of 101
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by quinney View Post

    You're right.

    I don't get it. I don't see how the number of products available has

    anything to do with making informed purchases or with whimpering about

    one's mistakes afterwards. Remember that I first responded to your statement

    that you could not understand how anyone could buy something that didn't

    meet their needs "in the first place". That is precisely what you did when you

    bought your AppleTV. You just won't own up to the mistake you made, preferring

    to blame someone else and subjecting this forum to your tiresome, repetitive


    Man what made you so bitter?

    Bad formulation in your Kool-Aid obviously.

    And I have owned up to the mistake I made in purchasing ATV. I have previously stated that I should have bought a MacMini instead.

    However when I bought into AppleTV there was a potential to be something big factor there which Steve mentioned. I never would have bought it if I knew that that potential was for it to be an iTune di$ital jukebox. If I'd know I was buying into a future rental /purchasing machine it would have been a dead deal.

    OK_ GOT IT?
  • Reply 39 of 101
    I still lose 3G about half the time sitting on Interstate 5 going into Portland OR for work. There's not going to be any real-time translations or any nifty stuff till ATT get's their friggin network fixed!!!
  • Reply 40 of 101
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,588member
    Originally Posted by mrsteveman1 View Post

    I don't want to hear about the iPhone from AT&T, it is not their product, they simply provide the dumb pipes and the phone network to service it. That's all i want them to do.

    Second, since when it is ok for AT&T to dictate what i can use my service for? Can we say "network neutrality" anyone? Doesn't matter that its a mobile network, i don't care. It's internet service, and they are restricting what i can do with it until they feel like allowing me to tether my laptop to the thing.

    That's not true. That was 20 years ago.

    Many of these functions require cooperation from the networks software.

    We already know this is true, because as Apple itself said, AT&T had to rewrite their software to bring us visual voicemail.

    There are some things the phone manufacturers simply can't do on their own.
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