AT&T chief lays out futuristic vision for the iPhone



  • Reply 81 of 101
    boss1boss1 Posts: 40member
    While this article implies that AT&T is not known to state things they don't actually plan on accomplishing... I think some one might have spiked his drink before he got on stage or something. Maybe he was replying to an interviewer question "What are some of the most unrealistically features we might see in a future iPhone?"

    Many of these futuristic ideas sound great until you actually think them through, which apparently he has not.

    * Unlock doors with your phone? what if your phone battery dies and your charger is in the house

    * If your coffee maker has the technology built in to it to receive data from your iPhone wouldn't a coffee maker have a automatic timed start function like most $20 pots?

    * Fling news feeds at your TV? I could understand if your feeds are very specific like "only interested in news about alaskan fishing" but for all practical purposes , if you happen to be watching Morning Joe or Fox & Friends and you kill the video and audio so you can throw text on your screen there's something wrong with you.

    * Listen to your voicemails on TV? :::::sigh:::::: ummm why? They must have edited out the part where he elaborated by saying this feature will include an animated talking head displayed on your TV while you listen to your voicemails. You pick the Avatar or make your own!
  • Reply 82 of 101
    Originally Posted by pixelcruncher View Post

    You're dreaming for now. Neither MMS nor SMS is going to die off anytime soon. MMS is up 60% over a year ago - 25% of cell users sent or received photos by MMS in April 2008. From 57 billion SMS messages in 2005 to 600 billion in 2008, the popularity of text messaging is higher than ever. The average US mobile subscriber sends and receives 357 SMS messages a month.

    While we're dreaming, I'd like Apple to allow iTunes to create my own ringtones.

    Good for MMS. When people eventually get tired of walking around with their little digital extensions of their labidos they'll realize that they'd have had a better time going to a strip club and getting a lap dance than sending the same through text and visual photos of "check out this ass!" or "Don't my tits look hot!" crap.
  • Reply 83 of 101
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    You're kidding- aren't you? You can send any MMS pic to your Mac wirelessly via bluetooth. Or if need be -email it to your own address. I'm so sorry your so misinformed.

    1) If your phone does Bluetooth, and has a file transfer protocol enabled (see Verizon for an example of a company that likes to disable this). Not ubiquitous, but getting better.

    2) If you phone does email. In which case why would you use MMS and get reamed on the data charge? Bizarre.

    Information. I has it.

    Originally Posted by pixelcruncher View Post

    You're dreaming for now. Neither MMS nor SMS is going to die off anytime soon. MMS is up 60% over a year ago - 25% of cell users sent or received photos by MMS in April 2008. From 57 billion SMS messages in 2005 to 600 billion in 2008, the popularity of text messaging is higher than ever. The average US mobile subscriber sends and receives 357 SMS messages a month.

    CompuServe and AOL once handled much more mail than the rest of the internet put together... but eventually open standards won out. The closer phones get to desktops and laptops of just a few years ago in power and capabilities, the more they will adopt the behaviors and protocols of the rest of the internet. As long as there are backwards-compatible gateways for older, more limited phones, this trend will continue, IMO.

    Phones and the rest of the internet will need to work more closely together, and I don't see email being replaced by SMS or MMS.
  • Reply 84 of 101
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    I didn't realize you were here in NYC.

    Yeah, the store is always busy. I bought incase silicone skins for our phones. Then I bought an incase leather case for mine (they don't wear theirs). Unfortunately, even though I was told the phonewith skin would work withe the leather case, it's too tight.

    Strangely enough, my old Treo 700p leather case works perfectly. I send incase a note about that.

    Cool. That Agent 18 case I bought is amazing- like nothing is on the thing, totally transparent. And a clear thin protector for the screen as well.

    Seriously now- do you have connection problems n the city? 2 friends of mine are always losing their calls. I think it really is messed up that AT&T can't get it together with their signal strength in NYC.
  • Reply 85 of 101
    Originally Posted by Imagine Engine View Post

    How about Apple get the following (see below) working first before having the iPhone make our coffee?

    1. Tethering (already available on jailbroken iPhones).

    2. A2DP.

    3. MMS (already available on jailbroken iPhones).

    4. Ability to record both video and audio in MPEG4 to send as a podcast. (already available on

    jailbroken iPhones).

    5. Ability to change light settings, digital zoom and have a timer for the camera. (already available on jailbroken iPhones)

    6. Ability to type in landscape mode even when using SMS or mobile chat application.

    7. Turn by Turn GPS Navigation.

    8. Voice Command and Voice Dial with out needing a third party solution.

    9. Ability to remote wipe data for MobileMe subscribers.

    10. Ability to run apps in the background. (already available on jailbroken iPhones)

    11. Ability to theme the iPhone. (already available on jailbroken iPhones)

    12. Ability to edit documents, not just read them.

    Thank you.. I mean really, how come Apple still cannot get some basics which have been available on jail-broken iPhones for almost a year now by people who didn't even have SDK.
  • Reply 86 of 101
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,588member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Cool. That Agent 18 case I bought is amazing- like nothing is on the thing, totally transparent. And a clear thin protector for the screen as well.

    Seriously now- do you have connection problems n the city? 2 friends of mine are always losing their calls. I think it really is messed up that AT&T can't get it together with their signal strength in NYC.

    This is interesting. My friend bought the same case you have. He spends most of his time out in the midwest these days taking pictures and selling them through a couple of galleries, so I can't say if where he is is the reason, but he has an odd problem.

    After he finishes a call, the phone doesn't light up the display. Only after he removes the silicone skin does it come back on. Strange. I haven't heard of this problem before.

    As to my dropping calls, I haven't had that happen, but a few times the call wouldn't go through for a short while. It would be calling, but the other phone wouldn't ring. Then about after 30 seconds, or so, it would, and the call would be fine. That's when the signal was very weak.

    But, I'm still having some of the signal up and down problems, with it switching between 3G and EDGE.

    But there is an even odder problem.

    The first I can understand, if the problem about the towers being overwhelmed sometimes is the cause.

    But this one makes me think.

    I have a Gateway to Covad, my ISP. It's a Netopia. It has four 100 MHz ports. I use an eight port GB switch from Netgear. It's plugged into one of the ports in the Netopia. This works great. It also has an 11 MHz WiFi section, but I didn't want to use it.

    We have a Wii, and a PS3, which use faster versions, plus three 3G iPhones.

    So I bought a Linksys router with "n".

    This is boring enough, I know, so I won't give you all the rest of the odd problems except the one that pertains to the iPhone.

    When I turn the iPhone on with the home button and the swipe, I get the WiFi indicator. So far, so good. But, sometimes it will go away after a while, and 3G will come up.

    This can happen even when I'm sitting at my desk right in front of the router!!!

    The WiFi indicator on the Linksys stays on during this.

    At other times, I can be either there, or elsewhere in the house, and the indicator in the phone is on, but as soon as I go to Safari, or another function that would access WiFi, the indicator goes off!

    Figure that one out!

    I read that having RealPlayer installed could cause some Macs to drop off the WiFi network. The solution for that is either to remove Realplayer, or update it to the newest one. I tried both, to no avail.

    I just tried the phone while I'm posting. Same thing. Wifi is on. A couple of seconds after Safari tried to access AI, it dropped to 3G, where it remains.

    I don't know if it's the phone, or the Linksys. We haven't tried the Wii or the PS3 yet, so I don't know from them.
  • Reply 87 of 101
    bulk001bulk001 Posts: 771member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Some of those things are coming, as we know.

    Some of those things Apple itself doesn't have to supply, whether you like that or not,

    and some of them are never going to come, thank heavens.

    Thank heavens? What exactly in this list would be so bad to have. And even if there was something you didn't like you don't have to use that feature.
  • Reply 88 of 101
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Some of those things are coming, as we know.

    Several of those I listed Apple could of easily provided or allowed developers to provide several months ago. Snapture, iPhone Video Recorder, Cycorder, PDANet, iPhone Modem, etc are all good examples.

    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Some of those things Apple itself doesn't have to supply, whether you like that or not,

    Agreed but that's why they opened the iPhone SDK for third party developers to help with providing solutions to both enhance the device as well lower R&D cost to Apple. Problem is they are censoring apps sometimes with out really thinking of the consequences for their actions. If Apple continues to block apps that provide useful features and are available for free with a competitor device such as RIM's Blackberry Bold and upcoming Thunder then they will damage the business both in reputation as well financially. As a Mac user it's frustrating to see the way the App Store is being run internally by Apple. Let the market decide what is and what is not wanted in the App Store. If an app isn't downloaded for 12 months then Apple could then remove it from their server.

    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    some of them are never going to come, thank heavens.

    Due to the vague response I have no idea which one you're referring to. If it's tethering this is something several international licensed iPhone 3G carriers already allow for their iPhone 3G data plans. Not all iPhone 3G customers are AT&T customers and not all carriers are as restrictive as AT&T. Last I checked Apple is not owned by AT&T so Apple shouldn't be checking with them what is best for Apple's customers. Also the list summarizes what is possible with the iPhone 3G if Apple would not only put more time into releasing worthwhile updates but also work more openly with developers. Being more open would be more beneficial to both Apple and their customers instead of blocking apps which customers have been asking for since the iPhone EDGE model was released over a year ago.
  • Reply 89 of 101
    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    When people eventually get tired of walking around with their little digital extensions of their labidos they'll realize that they'd have had a better time going to a strip club and getting a lap dance than sending the same through text and visual photos of "check out this ass!" or "Don't my tits look hot!" crap.

    Wow. The rest of the world thought you weren't aware that we were constantly texting lascivious messages to one another, but you have somehow figured it out. 600 billion messages a year. Nothing but libidinous drivel. Yep. You have a very interesting view of the average person. Maybe you should meet some more people.
  • Reply 90 of 101
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,588member
    Originally Posted by bulk001 View Post

    Thank heavens? What exactly in this list would be so bad to have. And even if there was something you didn't like you don't have to use that feature.

    MMS, good riddance!

    Background apps, slows other phones to a crawl.
  • Reply 91 of 101
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Before a future version of Apple's iPhone wakes you up in the morning, it will have downloaded the morning's news feeds and sent a message to your coffee maker to begin brewing a fresh pot, says AT&T Mobile chief Ralph de la Vega.

    Wow, the innovative Mr. de la Vega must have watched Back to the Future part 1 lately and gotten some ideas from Doc's morning setup....

    Seriously, it's already possible to have your computer download news feeds automatically and start the coffee machine, and many coffee machines have had alarms on them since the 80's, so what's the big deal? LG has also had a full range of internet appliances (dishwasher, coffee machine, refrigerator) for about 5 years now, that can be set up with computer alarms and contacted remotely anyways.

    If the future of the iPhone is to be a universal remote control/super alarm clock with mid-'90s PC newsreader functionality, Apple/AT&T are in trouble. And should probably develop a better battery.
  • Reply 92 of 101
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,588member
    Originally Posted by Imagine Engine View Post

    Several of those I listed Apple could of easily provided or allowed developers to provide several months ago. Snapture, iPhone Video Recorder, Cycorder, PDANet, iPhone Modem, etc are all good examples.

    You might note that Android only offers a few things as well, out of "box".

    There's only so much that can be done.

    When Apple offers features, often there is the complaint that they should have let others do it, and when they don't do it themselves, the complaint goes the other way.

    I'm willing to give Apple time to come up with a newer model for some of those features.

    For others, Apple's OS is likely not ready yet to have it done properly.

    I'm not enamored of "broken" apps. The reports that come in is that many are more trouble than they are worth.


    Agreed but that's why they opened the iPhone SDK for third party developers to help with providing solutions to both enhance the device as well lower R&D cost to Apple. Problem is they are censoring apps sometimes with out really thinking of the consequences for their actions. If Apple continues to block apps that provide useful features and are available for free with a competitor device such as RIM's Blackberry Bold and upcoming Thunder then they will damage the business both in reputation as well financially. As a Mac user it's frustrating to see the way the App Store is being run internally by Apple. Let the market decide what is and what is not wanted in the App Store. If an app isn't downloaded for 12 months then Apple could then remove it from their server.

    Again, give Apple some time. I think they've done an amazing job so far. I don't want them rushing into every feature in the book, and every API they can cram in there for others.

    I, and I'm sure you as well, want to see them do things steadily, carefully, and with concern for the future well-being of the platform.

    We can look to MS to see what happens when every feature under the Sun is added. I don't want that, do you?

    As for them not allowing some apps, well, I understand why that is so .

    Some are restricted by their contracts with the carriers, some conflict with Apple's way they want to see things done, for consistency, and some are plain stupid in some way.

    I'm not worried about RIM. The few apps that have been denied won't affect more than a few individuals. This is always the case with something like this. A few people howl, but 99.9 percent of the rest don't care one whit.


    Due to the vague response I have no idea which one you're referring to. If it's tethering this is something several international licensed iPhone 3G carriers already allow for their iPhone 3G data plans. Not all iPhone 3G customers are AT&T customers and not all carriers are as restrictive as AT&T. Last I checked Apple is not owned by AT&T so Apple shouldn't be checking with them what is best for Apple's customers. Also the list summarizes what is possible with the iPhone 3G if Apple would not only put more time into releasing worthwhile updates but also work more openly with developers. Being more open would be more beneficial to both Apple and their customers instead of blocking apps which customers have been asking for since the iPhone EDGE model was released over a year ago.

    The same response I gave in my last post.

    MMS, and background apps.

    MMS is part of the past generation of phones, and will disappear in the next few years.

    Background apps cause nothing but problems and much of what they do can be done in other ways.
  • Reply 93 of 101
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,588member
    I just love the way some complain that there aren't enough features, and others, and even the same people complain that AT&T wants to add even more.

    Features that most of don't care about is fine for those who seem to want them, but the other features that THEY don't seem to want aren't ok.

    This shows why Apple and its partners will never satisfy every techno nut.

    I'm happy to leave older requirements fall to the dustbin, but newer features should be welcomed, even if we won't use them all.
  • Reply 94 of 101
    bulk001bulk001 Posts: 771member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    MMS, good riddance!

    Background apps, slows other phones to a crawl.

    Then don't use MMS (if it ever arrives) and don't download any apps. Your problem is solved and those of us that want the rest can have them without it bothering you.
  • Reply 95 of 101
    pxtpxt Posts: 683member
    Originally Posted by Imagine Engine View Post

    How about Apple get the following (see below) working first before having the iPhone make our coffee?

    1. Tethering (already available on jailbroken iPhones).

    2. A2DP.

    3. MMS (already available on jailbroken iPhones).

    4. Ability to record both video and audio in MPEG4 to send as a podcast. (already available on

    jailbroken iPhones).

    5. Ability to change light settings, digital zoom and have a timer for the camera. (already available on jailbroken iPhones)

    6. Ability to type in landscape mode even when using SMS or mobile chat application.

    7. Turn by Turn GPS Navigation.

    8. Voice Command and Voice Dial with out needing a third party solution.

    9. Ability to remote wipe data for MobileMe subscribers.

    10. Ability to run apps in the background. (already available on jailbroken iPhones)

    11. Ability to theme the iPhone. (already available on jailbroken iPhones)

    12. Ability to edit documents, not just read them.

    Number 9. is the feature that interests me. I want, in iTunes:

    - To be able to remote lock my iPhone.

    - To be able to remote wipe my iPhone.

    - To be able to remote LOCATE my iPhone.

    In fact, it would be amazing to put the iPhone into 'Stolen' mode, where it emails me where it is, records voice and any attempts to call, maybe even takes photos, etc. (Wasn't there a story where a woman found the people that stole her Macbook via iSight images?)

    Apple could advertise the phone as the world's most un-stealable smartphone.

    Then maybe I wouldn't have to wonder why some scumbag is watching me while I use my iPhone in the street.
  • Reply 96 of 101
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,588member
    Originally Posted by bulk001 View Post

    Then don't use MMS (if it ever arrives) and don't download any apps. Your problem is solved and those of us that want the rest can have them without it bothering you.

    MMS has nothing to do with downloading apps.

    it has to do with supplementing, and replacing, old standards with new ones.
  • Reply 97 of 101
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,588member
    Originally Posted by PXT View Post

    Number 9. is the feature that interests me. I want, in iTunes:

    - To be able to remote lock my iPhone.

    - To be able to remote wipe my iPhone.

    - To be able to remote LOCATE my iPhone.

    In fact, it would be amazing to put the iPhone into 'Stolen' mode, where it emails me where it is, records voice and any attempts to call, maybe even takes photos, etc. (Wasn't there a story where a woman found the people that stole her Macbook via iSight images?)

    Apple could advertise the phone as the world's most un-stealable smartphone.

    Then maybe I wouldn't have to wonder why some scumbag is watching me while I use my iPhone in the street.

    The phone can be remotely wiped now, but I'm not sure if it can be done by an individual, or just an organization.

    Remote location is available, I think.
  • Reply 98 of 101
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    The phone can be remotely wiped now, but I'm not sure if it can be done by an individual, or just an organization.

    I think it's only available for Exchange users, though it would be nice if MobileMe offered both remote secure wipe and location assistance from their web based app.

    I'll call AT&T tomorrow to see if they can do it from their end, but I doubt it.
  • Reply 99 of 101
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    The phone can be remotely wiped now, but I'm not sure if it can be done by an individual, or just an organization.

    Remote location is available, I think.

    Remote wipe is only available to those using Microsoft Exchange, not for other users of MobileMe, Gmail, Hotmail, etc. While the wireless carrier can block the SIM card telephone number from using the network there isn't a way currently to remote lock the iPhone. As for remote location there are apps for this but they need to be running for a third party to find you. Unfortunately without the ability to run apps in the background such apps are useless.
  • Reply 100 of 101
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    For someone who is not conversent in the terms of technology, you're complaining too much.

    I'll explain.

    Downloading doesn't always mean having a copy on your machine. When you click on a link, you download that link. That'w what you did when you want to AI. You downloaded the page.

    That's all that's required.

    But, in order to have the device read the news back afterwards, it must then save that page to internal memory.

    So, you lose both ways.

    So you are trying to explain the concept of downloading to me - and you are trying to tell me something about AI - LOL!

    What I am complaining about is that someone tries to set up a future scenario where one cool feature is that your phone is able download news which are ready for you when you wake up. This is just two fold stupid. First of all very little content today needs to be downloaded in advance because it's already available over the current bandwidth. Of course you download it when you click on a link but there's seldom the need to download it in advance. Secondly if some AI were to applied it would propably be done server side and not on your phone.

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