Expanded Apple lawsuit claims Psystar part of a larger plot



  • Reply 101 of 101
    Originally Posted by w3radio View Post

    When NeXT and Apple "merged" a lot of people were financially harmed, for example many of the employees from the worldwide NeXT divisions were not transferred to Apple. For example developers that worked on projects such as emerging web standards in the 90s throughout europe from both NeXT France and NeXT UK were laid off with no payouts. This was also the case for management of the European factions who had no place in the "merger"

    This kind of action lead to an anti Apple mentality and backed by finance from former management, it can easily be seen why Psystar is able to continue in legal action against Apple. This is speculation based on being there at the time and losing a job at NeXT in the UK.

    Having been a member of NeXT at Redwood Shores 80% of the 300 worldwide employees weren't out of the United States of America.

    If you were employed by NeXT then you were aware of the impending NeXT IPO for WebObjects based Corporation. None of us were tickled with Openstep being shelved and focusing solely on WebObjects, but perhaps you didn't realize that much of the brain trust with WOF [Nico and company] were immediately offered double and triple their current salaries plus massive stock options from other Silicon Valley startups [my own boss Mark Tacchi could not pass up on it, though I just transferred from SQA to Professional Services leaving my team in the lurch, along with the rest of the entire Professional Services Managment all getting huge offers elsewhere] immediately during the merger talks with Apple.

    The actual timeline for the talks from start to finish was 10 days. If it weren't for a few schrewd Sales individuals who knew that Apple was shopping around we wouldn't be here with OS X.

    You may bitch that you were left in the lurch, but then again, if you weren't in Engineering Proper [the inner Engineering Core] we all were basically fucked by stock options with 6 million of them being divided up amongst a core group, plus managers, while the rest were left twiddling our thumbs.

    With that said, the only reason I actually left was Cupertino/SF living expenses and the 2 years of peer reviews/salary adjustments to keep up with my expenses that were a bare minimum still not being addressed.

    You're bitching about not getting your cash cow and I just wanted to pay my rent.

    Either way, NeXT and Apple are still the best places to work, outside of one's own business which affords one to piss off a day or more when one feels like it.

    The amount of intellectual stimulation, group learning and downright interesting projects to work on dwarfs the bulk of the industry when one isn't working with DARPA or other high profile projects.
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