Apple to showcase Snow Leopard at Macworld - report



  • Reply 41 of 90
    adjeiadjei Posts: 738member
    Originally Posted by wprowe View Post

    On top of that, the slide said 14+ months from the release of Leopard. The slide showed a 10/2007 Leopard drop date, which would place a 14+ month Snow Leopard drop date at Feb/Mar 2009.

    Dude for all you know that could have been a mistake, watch when March comes and people will be complaining that Snow Leopard is late even though no one has officially stated that is the date to look forward to it.
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  • Reply 42 of 90
    adjeiadjei Posts: 738member
    Originally Posted by Dlux View Post

    Oh, for gopod's sake, are you now posting here as well? Go away.

    The guy has been posting all over the internet with the same message, do some people have a life?
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  • Reply 43 of 90
    Originally Posted by JavaCowboy View Post

    I see the Microsoft-sponsored trolls are out in full force nowadays.

    Sounds more like the ranting of someone fired for incompetence or, more likely, not even hired by Apple. Rather than acknowledge any possible personal shortcomings (including mental health issues), he tries to demonstrate both his moral and technical superiority compared to us computer illiterates.
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  • Reply 44 of 90
    Seems that the troll has issues with Apple, He just can not stand to see a competitor succeed as well as Apple has against microdoze.

    I sure hopes that Snow Leopard is as good as it sounds right now, I would be more then willing to upgrade in March or April to it.
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  • Reply 45 of 90
    mactelmactel Posts: 1,275member
    Microsoft will not be delivering Windows 7 in June. This is just marketing hype to generate interest. They can't afford another half-baked OS like Vista was on release and still is somewhat now with many legacy apps and hardware taking the fall. It'll be more like late fall with OEMs and then 2010 in retail.
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  • Reply 46 of 90
    dluxdlux Posts: 666member
    Originally Posted by MacTel View Post

    Microsoft will not be delivering Windows 7 in June.

    Are you questioning the veracity of the great Rob Enderle?!?

    I am flabbergasted, etc...!
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  • Reply 47 of 90
    Originally Posted by monstrosity View Post

    Quicktime X eh.......(googles).. how on earth did that slip by me, first I have heard of it, exciting. When was this announced? Thanks for the heads up, have been deep in code for months, and I'm obviously losing touch!

    It's slipped a lot of folks notice in that there is literally only one sentence you are allowed to print about it. If you google it you find that it "... optimizes support for modern audio and video formats resulting in extremely efficient media playback." Everything but that one line is under NDA.

    This boilerplate is almost al that you will find about it, which (to me) is what makes it highly suspicious and interesting. Given that this (possibly complete re-write?) of Quicktime is being done at a time when the whole OS is being re-written to 64 bit modern specs, and given the recent patents we have heard about it, could be a very interesting development indeed.

    We don't really know of course, but rumours include a web plugin that will run almost any form of dynamic media (including flash) faster than flash can, and addressable by javascript. Add the new super-fast Safari to the mix and you have not only the fastest multimedia web experience possible, but a standards based one as well.

    Regardless of the details of what happens with Quicktime, I would think that MSIE 8 will eventually have to jump on Apple's webkit bandwagon to even compete. Silverlight is already an "also-ran" technology, and Flash is quickly becoming irrelevant.

    Quicktime always was a better technology. It's what MS originally stole to create "Video for Windows." It never took off, but it was mostly because of market based reasons, not technical ones. Now that Apple is the new darling, perhaps it's finally Quicktime's day in the sun.
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  • Reply 48 of 90
    Originally Posted by MacTel View Post

    Microsoft will not be delivering Windows 7 in June. This is just marketing hype to generate interest. They can't afford another half-baked OS like Vista was on release and still is somewhat now with many legacy apps and hardware taking the fall. It'll be more like late fall with OEMs and then 2010 in retail.

    Given that Windows 7 is really just a tweak of Vista though, all bets are off timing wise.

    It's just a slightly different UI on top of what we already know as Vista. They could box up the tech demo they showed Enderle and call it Windows 7 already.
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  • Reply 49 of 90
    Believe it. It's a "security" issue. Steve Jobs and his gang have committed so many acts of perjury and fraud, that they need maximum security now in order to protect them from getting legally served with even more lawsuits.

    Even when he does get served by courts, they somehow weasel him out of it and he is able to somehow not show up to court and get away with it.

    On another note, I am flabergasted by the sheer number of computer illiterates still out there.

    People, Apple is just a marketing company and that's all.

    I am truly amazed that people buy these obsolete buggy iGarbage from apple...Hats off to their marketing department for conning and brainwashing so many idiots out there...But, I bought an HP iPaq for a couple of hundred dollars - it came with a phone, full featured GPS with voice directions, and oh yea a full Windows Mobile OS long before Crapple's iPhone ever existed.

    And why would anyone pay over $3000 for a crippled, obsolete-out-of the box Apple Mac OS X computer? I bought an HP pavillion laptop, fully loaded, with DVD/Blue Ray, Super Hi-res wide screen, 2 Gig RAM, HD Tuner, built-in web cam etc. etc. etc. for under $1000

    And Apple Mac OS X is based on FreeBSD, an open-source Unix look-alike, available FREE for the PC back in 1992, with a artsy-fartsy GUI. Whoopy Doo..

    It is too expensive, too buggy, and the only software available is a bunch of dinky puzzles written by 14 year olds. No engineering or scientific applications available for "Mac OS X"...

    Apple has a long history of fraud, racism and corruption...Steve Jobs and Nancy Heinen (and her shyster subordinates) are both knowing criminal participants in the stock options scam, and were caught trying to cover it up.

    They were caught red-handed in early 2006 when a former employee who was cheated out of all of his stock after being wrongfully dismissed, filed a lawsuit against Apple Con-puter.

    In short, dont waste your time and money on apple...

    As for the news that he is dying: Good Riddance for all the misery Steve Jobs and his gang of uneducated delusional self-important iRetards at Apple brought us.

    I mean ALL of them. Peter Graffagnino, Scott Forstall, their crooked HR department and their so-called "engineers" (highschool dropouts)

    We will never forget what happened....

    PS: If Apple was supposed to be "invulnerable" to viruses, why are there so many security fixes being passed around? Even with all of Apple's virus and spyware vulnerabilities...which i'Tard would target a virus against an con-puter "OS" used by 2% of people out there?
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  • Reply 50 of 90
    Repost (this had been removed because it hit a nerve at apple!)


    Steve Jobs' highly anticipated message for June 6, 2005 World White Developer conference has been leaked.

    Important details of the message have been identified and summerized as follows:


    - Apple Computer's Steve Jobs once again plans to delight audiences by announcing the Orange Light on its famed Powerbook/iBook computers will be replaced by a Flashing Green light! Steve jobs will proudly claim 36 months of Research and Development by Apple's White Engineers in an effort that included a close collaboration with the Heald College and ITT technical institutes' schools of Basket Weaving of which many of Apple's Engineers have dropped out from in order to work at Apple.

    - Steve will then debut the new Power Macintosh which is a blazing 7mHz faster and features a Sky-Blue power light, unlike its predecessor, the slower Power Macintosh with the Yellow Light.

    - Steve will then move on to new iPod announcements. Apple Computer's advanced Scientific Engineering Research labs, staffed by 20 of the world's most renowned high shool graduates, has recently discovered that the new Hitachi mini hard disk drives now have a 100 gigabyte capacity! In an unrelated announcement, a 100 gigabyte iPod will be announced as well as a high capacity Grapefruit iPod Photo! Apple anticipates that competing companies such as iRiver, and Creative Labs will soon declare bankrupcy as a result of Apple's innovations. "We're gonna sell a million of these", he will say.

    - Steve will invite head Skinheads of Apple's Cute Plastic Box design group, Dan Riccio and Jonathon Ives, to show off their latest plastic box designs including one which will -- you guessed it - house the new iPod Glowie: A new iPod that is now available in 5 flavors!

    Flourecent Orange, Red Ripe Watermelon, and Juicy Cantelope! Jonathan declares the Cute Plastic Box Design Group as a certified Ni*ger and Spy-Free Environment.


    - According to rehearsals, Steve will then roll up his sleaves and start digging into the

    new Dashboard features of Apple's Mac OS X TIGER! Steve will explain Dashboard's features to the audience including TIGER's biggest surprises -- A Stock Ticker dashboard and a Weather Update Dashboard! Steve will explain that "Yes, programs already exist on Windows XP that do this stuff", and "Sure you can easily get the latest weather by typing in your ZIP code on and get the latest Stock Quotes by typing in your Ticker symbol at MSN.COm, but hey I think we did it better therefore we invented it first."

    - Steve follows up with Mac OS TIGER's demo to the audience by restarting a Mac 10 times and showing that Mac OS X now only crashes 1 in 5 times, and Mac OS X Tiger's applications now crash only 1 in 3 times while you still get the "The Application *** has crashed, but your OS is running perfectly fine." message, there by demonstrating the highly "reliable" software being developed at Apple's super secret engineering and scientific laboratories. The slow 5 minute startup time of Mac OS X will be blamed on the PowerPC. Steve will then surprise the audience by announcing the usage of INTEL CPU's in Macs which will magically fix all the bottlenecks in its poorly written and buggy software eventually.

    -Mac OS X TIGER-related announcements will be wrapped up by Scott "Foreskin" Forstall and Peter Graffagnino who will once again go through "Cocoa" Application kit features which were acquired 8 years ago from Apple's purchase of NeXT Computer, and remind everyone how insanely great these features are, again. Scott and Peter also certify their respective groups at Apple as Certified Spy/Ethnic-free with full ethnic cleansing operations almost completed.

    - Final Cut Pro will be put head to head against Microsoft's Windows Movie Maker. Steve will explain that Final Cut's slow performance and $1000 price tag against Windows Movie Maker's $0 Free, standard distribution and fast speed are simply the "price you pay for the Apple Advantage".

    - Steve concedes to the audience the truth on Apple's "Innovative Slow Down" in the last few years and explain it as the result of the end of a complex agreement with Microsoft, signed in 1997 which expired 5 years later in 2002 where Apple agreed to stop filing bogus lawsuits against Microsoft in exchange of access to all of Microsoft's patent filings during that 5 year period.

    Steve will then dismiss allegations of Apple's lack of progress in its product lines in the last 10 years being due to termination of non-white, ethnic and other qualified staff in favor of dropouts.

    - Steve Jobs concludes the announcements with the launch of, a site where Apple's numerous enthusiasts can submit their credit card numbers and select from several Donation Plans which allow fans to pay directly for the sole cause of keeping Apple in business.

    The plan works as follows:

    - Tangerine Donation Plan $50 per month

    - Orange Donation Plan $999, of which $400 will be used to buy Apple Stock

    - Gold Donation $5000, which will be evenly distributed to Steve Jobs's Stock analyst and Investment Analyst friends.

    - Later Steve Jobs gaurantees that no (White) Developers shall be layed off from Apple computer in the next two (2) years, in a separate staff meeting on the same day!
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  • Reply 51 of 90
    pxtpxt Posts: 683member
    If Snow Leopard comes out early and is buggy and Windows 7 comes out and is OK-ish, then Apple lose this round. If Apple have a release ready, then it's better to do QA for a few months, and release on the same day as Microsoft. With few user-visible features, they will be judged on stability first and then performance.

    And I don't see the value in showing early releases. It just gives Microsoft more time to copy it all. Get it ready, release it, then pump the PR machine when they have a stable, fast system. The Wow doesn't need to start now, nor the Boom so soon.
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  • Reply 52 of 90
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    Add the new super-fast Safari to the mix...

    Oh yeah, forgot about that. Safari's getting SquirrelFish.

    Hope we'll see a couple other things too - Push Notification Server and MobileMe's iDisk link-to-file feature (and where's MobileMe's little number badge on the Mail webapp icon).
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  • Reply 53 of 90
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    It's slipped a lot of folks notice in that there is literally only one sentence you are allowed to print about it. If you google it you find that it "... optimizes support for modern audio and video formats resulting in extremely efficient media playback." Everything but that one line is under NDA.

    QuickTime is about a lot more than just playback. But, QuickTime X is focused on that one aspect. Consider how the the QTKit API covered playback first, and the rest of the toolkit later. Also, consider the current QuickTime's difficulties with some multiplexed formats, like MPEG-1.
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  • Reply 54 of 90
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    I guess we'll have to wait and find out then.

    They'll probably demo the iDildo

    For a second I thought you were talking about Laura Dildo.

    And then there's that other joke known as Rob Enderle.
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  • Reply 55 of 90
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by wobegon View Post

    It's also used on this little thing called the iPhone.


    Quicktime- on- iPhone? Really? Somehow I missed that App? or how the camera records Quicktime video?
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  • Reply 56 of 90
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,444member
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    It's slipped a lot of folks notice in that there is literally only one sentence you are allowed to print about it. If you google it you find that it "... optimizes support for modern audio and video formats resulting in extremely efficient media playback." Everything but that one line is under NDA.

    This boilerplate is almost al that you will find about it, which (to me) is what makes it highly suspicious and interesting. Given that this (possibly complete re-write?) of Quicktime is being done at a time when the whole OS is being re-written to 64 bit modern specs, and given the recent patents we have heard about it, could be a very interesting development indeed.

    We don't really know of course, but rumours include a web plugin that will run almost any form of dynamic media (including flash) faster than flash can, and addressable by javascript. Add the new super-fast Safari to the mix and you have not only the fastest multimedia web experience possible, but a standards based one as well.

    Regardless of the details of what happens with Quicktime, I would think that MSIE 8 will eventually have to jump on Apple's webkit bandwagon to even compete. Silverlight is already an "also-ran" technology, and Flash is quickly becoming irrelevant.

    Quicktime always was a better technology. It's what MS originally stole to create "Video for Windows." It never took off, but it was mostly because of market based reasons, not technical ones. Now that Apple is the new darling, perhaps it's finally Quicktime's day in the sun.

    In Snow Leopard the Quicktime hierarchy will go like this. Anyone correct me if I'm wrong but I think I've got the gist of it.

    Quicktime 7- Will remain for legacy support and will remain a C based API.

    QTKit- Puts a Cocoa face onto Quicktime and functions a bit like a traffic cop.

    Quicktime X- Playback only and lightweight. Should support modern codecs and prove to be more extensible about adding future codecs.

    Developers now will be able to leverage both API by simply writing to QTKit and QTKit will parcel out the resources to the most suitable API.

    It sounds like a good compromise because a total rewrite of Quicktime would surely cause many bugs and problems for legacy apps.
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  • Reply 57 of 90
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Snow leopard sounds so 70's.
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  • Reply 58 of 90
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,444member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Snow leopard sounds so 70's.

    Bow Chicka Bow Bow

    Where's the porn music?
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  • Reply 59 of 90
    ronboronbo Posts: 669member
    Originally Posted by JavaCowboy View Post

    I can't see how Snow Leopard will ship early. Despite the aforementioned "lack of features", it's actually quite an undertaking. Consider the to do list:

    1) All Apple apps 64-bit: Right now, only a couple of Apple's own apps are 64-bit.

    2) All Apple apps Cocoa: The Finder, iTunes, and QuickTime, all have some Carbon elements.


    There's no way they're delivering this early.

    I'm not sure why point #1 is an issue one way or the other. If I understand Windows 64-bit, you have to have a 64-bit app on 64-bit Windows, and you have to have 32-bit apps on 32-bit Windows. On OS X, it's not like that. It can run 64 bit apps now, and it will be able to run 32 bit apps when it's Snow Leopard.

    And my reading was that Carbon wasn't being expunged from OS X entirely. So still having a bit of Carbon might not kill it.
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  • Reply 60 of 90
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    Bow Chicka Bow Bow

    Where's the porn music?

    Yeah- right? iPorn on the iPod like Dave Chappelle.
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