Andy Ihnatko's rumor might be true after all..



  • Reply 461 of 487
    sequitursequitur Posts: 1,910member
    Well, it looks like it's coming to pass. My faithful G4 is on its last legs. The Finder keeps disappearing and the computer is slower than molasses. There are other problems, but I won't go into that.

    What now? There is not one Mac answer to my needs and Apple has stopped fixing G4's. Without an upgraded Mini or a mid Desktop, I am out of luck. My options are: buy a Mac I don't want or need; stop using a computer; or buy a PC (many options there). I'm sure Apple could not care less or it would field computers to cover the bases. One size DOESN'T fit all. Is Apple telling me to leave OS X? Frustration!!!!!!
  • Reply 462 of 487
    I'm seriously thinking of getting an Asus N10J-A1 in aboot two weeks.

    Apple better hurry up with a new Mac mini or I'm out of here.
  • Reply 463 of 487
    Originally Posted by sequitur View Post

    Well, it looks like it's coming to pass. My faithful G4 is on its last legs. The Finder keeps disappearing and the computer is slower than molasses. There are other problems, but I won't go into that.

    What now? There is not one Mac answer to my needs and Apple has stopped fixing G4's. Without an upgraded Mini or a mid Desktop, I am out of luck. My options are: buy a Mac I don't want or need; stop using a computer; or buy a PC (many options there). I'm sure Apple could not care less or it would field computers to cover the bases. One size DOESN'T fit all. Is Apple telling me to leave OS X? Frustration!!!!!!

    Get a MacBook Aluminium and use a 19" non-Apple or 24" Apple screen with that. Seriously that's your best option. Seriously. And sadly. Though you'd be surprised how fast the MacBook Alu. is, it will run circles around a G4 desktop. As long as you don't need FW400/FW800, the MacBook Alu and a big screen, get a Logitech or Apple wireless keyboard and mouse, you're back in business, so to speak.

    Don't buy a PC. You'd only become more frustrated. And yeah, a lot of us feel your pain.
  • Reply 464 of 487
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    Don't buy a PC. You'd only become more frustrated. And yeah, a lot of us feel your pain.

    retarded comment.

    i understand the guy, im in the same boat as him, only with the iMac instead, i need an all in one that competes at least slightly, with some desktops, with the $1000 premium they should be able to do it... the only thing is the one they have on the market is oooooooold, we need the update and we need it badly, otherwise im going to get another PC to replace this.
  • Reply 465 of 487
    wircwirc Posts: 302member
    Originally Posted by sequitur View Post

    One size DOESN'T fit all. Is Apple telling me to leave OS X? Frustration!!!!!!

    If you tell me where you live, I will shave my head, don a black turtleneck, show up at your doorstep, and tell you in person that I want you to leave OS X.
  • Reply 466 of 487
    sequitursequitur Posts: 1,910member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    Get a MacBook Aluminium and use a 19" non-Apple or 24" Apple screen with that. Seriously that's your best option. Seriously. And sadly. Though you'd be surprised how fast the MacBook Alu. is, it will run circles around a G4 desktop. As long as you don't need FW400/FW800, the MacBook Alu and a big screen, get a Logitech or Apple wireless keyboard and mouse, you're back in business, so to speak.

    Don't buy a PC. You'd only become more frustrated. And yeah, a lot of us feel your pain.

    Thanks for the suggestion. I have a newer 20" Viewsonic and an (oldie but goldie) 22" ACD , Logitech mouse, and a good keyboard. I doubt that I could use both monitors with a laptop.

    Then too, I bought firewire HDD's back when SuperDuper required them, and I'd prefer not to have to buy more. So, the MacBook is not an option (and I would have to get an adapter when it surfaces next month.) The MBP would suffice, but I hate to pay more for something that is overkill for me. I want to pay around $1000 or even $500 more for a mid-tower if Apple ever decides to quit playing mind games and markets one. The MBP, with DVI adaptor, is too much.

    I thought of the white MB, but I'll bet that Apple will consider that to be legacy in a couple of years and stop supporting it like they did with my G4.

    No matter which direction I take, SJ is sitting up there in his ivory tower laughing at the predicament that I and a lot of loyal Apple fans are in. The disconnect between SJ and Mac users is absolutely astonishing. Of course, this is nothing new. This type of discussion in AI has been going on for years. SJ doesn't hear or doesn't want to hear what we need. In effect, he's saying, "Take what I give you or go scr__ yourselves." As you can see from previous posts, he's pushing some of us back to PC's. What the hell is wrong with SJ and the Apple hierarchy?

    Of course, an upgraded Mini or a mid-tower, xMac, Cube, or whatever you want to call it, would make this problem go away for users who can't make existing Mac's fit in to their computer/financial life style. Maybe SJ won't come back and some rational individual will understand our pain and produce what we need. Naw, that's too much to hope for.
  • Reply 467 of 487
    sequitursequitur Posts: 1,910member
    Originally Posted by wirc View Post

    If you tell me where you live, I will shave my head, don a black turtleneck, show up at your doorstep, and tell you in person that I want you to leave OS X.

    I live in Miami, Florida, USA. I would very much appreciate your coming here and telling me that. Then, I wouldn't wait any more for the Mac I need. I'd feel free to go back to PC's. Do you think you could mimic SJ's voice?

  • Reply 468 of 487
    Originally Posted by sequitur View Post

    I thought of the white MB, but I'll bet that Apple will consider that to be legacy in a couple of years and stop supporting it like they did with my G4...

    Ironically, the white MacBook is your best bet. But you can only use one screen with that, unless you get an external device to use two monitors (it is available). As for support, well, take the AppleCare and you've definitely got 3 years. At least. Beyond that, well... Who knows.

    Originally Posted by SmilinGoat View Post

    retarded comment.

    i understand the guy, im in the same boat as him, only with the iMac instead, i need an all in one that competes at least slightly, with some desktops, with the $1000 premium they should be able to do it... the only thing is the one they have on the market is oooooooold, we need the update and we need it badly, otherwise im going to get another PC to replace this.

    You being rude by calling me retarded aside, I do think for us that have been using Macs for years, to go totally "back" to PC definitely has a lot of risks. Choosing an OS, setting up peripherals and drivers, getting the software to do things you'd taken for granted. Hey, I'm not stopping anyone, but, be aware of what it involves.
  • Reply 469 of 487
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    You being rude by calling me retarded aside, I do think for us that have been using Macs for years, to go totally "back" to PC definitely has a lot of risks. Choosing an OS, setting up peripherals and drivers, getting the software to do things you'd taken for granted. Hey, I'm not stopping anyone, but, be aware of what it involves.

    no no no... dont get me wrong, you are not retarded. ive read a lot of your posts, i dont agree with quite a few things youve said (based off of entire conversations ive seen you have with other members) but i do not think that YOU are retarded.

    i think your comment on the other hand was. If someone is sick of waiting for a product, and needs to upgrade (which is common for things like cars/computers/phones/etc.) then if a company takes too much time bringing out a new product, then sometimes a guy has to go with another company, its as simple as that.

    If my car stopped working, or got to the point where it could not drive faster than 40MPH, then i would have to replace it as soon as possible. I like Cadillacs, say i was bent on getting on. ok it MUST have a Manual Gear box, now Cadillac stopped making their Manuals months ago as to no get stuck with a lot of extra Manual cars on their lot... i have to now wait until next years model to get one, well i need a new car sooner than that, i might be able to live without a car for a month, but not 6 months. I instead go to BMW, i love those too. i decide this is what im going to have to get, but their iDrive system is a hassle compared to the cadillac, and the car has paddle shifters instead of a proper manual gear box.

    it gives me the control i need of the car, but in a different way. its not exactly what i wanted to get, but it gets the job done, and its close enough to what i wanted. i will have to get used to a few things, but it still does all the things i wanted it to do, just as good as the Cadillac.

  • Reply 470 of 487
    sequitursequitur Posts: 1,910member
    My apologies for whining, but every day, some function of my G4 stops working or takes forever to do.

    Today, Drag & Drop stopped working. It's been suggested that I dump the system (after backing up of course - SuperDuper does still work - but slooooooooooowly.) and reinstall. If I do that and it doesn't work or gets worse, I'm up the creek without a paddle. Then I WILL have to go PC. I'm a coward - I'm afraid to reinstall. If it's hardware that's going down the drain, I doubt that reinstalling will help.

    Nvidia, I'm close to taking your advice and going white MB, but that's just a stop gap measure. I'll have to add that cost in when Apple deems fit to market new desktops.

    Thanks guys for giving me a shoulder to cry on. It really does help when you know someone hears you (unfortunately, not Apple.) I'd be crying in my beer and sobbing, "Oh woe is me." if it weren't for AI.
  • Reply 471 of 487
    meelashmeelash Posts: 1,045member
    Originally Posted by SmilinGoat View Post

    no no no... dont get me wrong, you are not retarded. ive read a lot of your posts, i dont agree with quite a few things youve said (based off of entire conversations ive seen you have with other members) but i do not think that YOU are retarded.

    i think your comment on the other hand was. If someone is sick of waiting for a product, and needs to upgrade (which is common for things like cars/computers/phones/etc.) then if a company takes too much time bringing out a new product, then sometimes a guy has to go with another company, its as simple as that.

    If my car stopped working, or got to the point where it could not drive faster than 40MPH, then i would have to replace it as soon as possible. I like Cadillacs, say i was bent on getting on. ok it MUST have a Manual Gear box, now Cadillac stopped making their Manuals months ago as to no get stuck with a lot of extra Manual cars on their lot... i have to now wait until next years model to get one, well i need a new car sooner than that, i might be able to live without a car for a month, but not 6 months. I instead go to BMW, i love those too. i decide this is what im going to have to get, but their iDrive system is a hassle compared to the cadillac, and the car has paddle shifters instead of a proper manual gear box.

    it gives me the control i need of the car, but in a different way. its not exactly what i wanted to get, but it gets the job done, and its close enough to what i wanted. i will have to get used to a few things, but it still does all the things i wanted it to do, just as good as the Cadillac.


    Yeah, good analogy, wrong conclusion. People who enjoying driving *real* manual cars, would never consider those bs paddle shifters. The whole point of manual is the feel and control of the clutch. I am one of those people. Unless there were NO new car with a fully manual, I would not settle for semi-automatic; in fact if no company was making fully manual cars, I would probably buy used before I went semi-automatic or automatic.

    That's not to say I wouldn't complain a lot if my favorite car model suddenly stopped being available with a manual transmission...

    Same way a lot of people feel about OS X.
  • Reply 472 of 487
    meelashmeelash Posts: 1,045member
    Originally Posted by sequitur View Post

    My apologies for whining, but every day, some function of my G4 stops working or takes forever to do.

    Today, Drag & Drop stopped working. It's been suggested that I dump the system (after backing up of course - SuperDuper does still work - but slooooooooooowly.) and reinstall. If I do that and it doesn't work or gets worse, I'm up the creek without a paddle. Then I WILL have to go PC. I'm a coward - I'm afraid to reinstall. If it's hardware that's going down the drain, I doubt that reinstalling will help.

    Nvidia, I'm close to taking your advice and going white MB, but that's just a stop gap measure. I'll have to add that cost in when Apple deems fit to market new desktops.

    Thanks guys for giving me a shoulder to cry on. It really does help when you know someone hears you (unfortunately, not Apple.) I'd be crying in my beer and sobbing, "Oh woe is me." if it weren't for AI.

    Dude, drag and drop "stopped working" does not have anything to do with the age of your hardware. Something is wrong with your computer and needs to be troubleshooted.

    That said, I understand your pain in needing a new computer, I'm on a 867MHz G4 PowerBook. But a general sluggishness, inability to run many programs at once, difficulty viewing videos smoothly, those are signs that your use is getting beyond your hardware capability, not the fact that you screwed something up with your OS install.

    For stuff like email, documents, most web surfing, some simple MATLAB, coding, etc. my machine is still fine for me. The only times I run into trouble is on some flash heavy sites ( helps with that) and the fact that I can't run all the latest goodies in iPhoto and iMovie.
  • Reply 473 of 487
    Originally Posted by meelash View Post

    Yeah, good analogy, wrong conclusion. People who enjoying driving *real* manual cars, would never consider those bs paddle shifters. The whole point of manual is the feel and control of the clutch. I am one of those people. Unless there were NO new car with a fully manual, I would not settle for semi-automatic; in fact if no company was making fully manual cars, I would probably buy used before I went semi-automatic or automatic.

    That's not to say I wouldn't complain a lot if my favorite car model suddenly stopped being available with a manual transmission...

    Same way a lot of people feel about OS X.

    some do like them, im not one of them. (a BMW paddle shifter in say an M3 is very different than in a Pontiac G6, so dont get them mixed)

    now, while i do agree that they arnt as fun, one might say that Windows is not as fun as OSX, or pleasing as the case may be. but it gets everything else done, where an automatic in a car does not get everything done that a manual/paddle shifter does, you just dont get the control...

    but thats a bit of a reach i guess. i did take advantage of this not being a car forum, but you still get the idea.
  • Reply 474 of 487
    Originally Posted by sequitur View Post

    My apologies for whining, but every day, some function of my G4 stops working or takes forever to do.

    Today, Drag & Drop stopped working. It's been suggested that I dump the system (after backing up of course - SuperDuper does still work - but slooooooooooowly.) and reinstall. If I do that and it doesn't work or gets worse, I'm up the creek without a paddle. Then I WILL have to go PC. I'm a coward - I'm afraid to reinstall. If it's hardware that's going down the drain, I doubt that reinstalling will help.

    Nvidia, I'm close to taking your advice and going white MB, but that's just a stop gap measure. I'll have to add that cost in when Apple deems fit to market new desktops.

    Thanks guys for giving me a shoulder to cry on. It really does help when you know someone hears you (unfortunately, not Apple.) I'd be crying in my beer and sobbing, "Oh woe is me." if it weren't for AI.

    sequitur, it seems like you have a software problem. What have you done to troubleshoot it from that angle? How did you conclude it's a hardware problem?
  • Reply 475 of 487
    sequitursequitur Posts: 1,910member
    Originally Posted by Hudson1 View Post

    sequitur, it seems like you have a software problem. What have you done to troubleshoot it from that angle? How did you conclude it's a hardware problem?

    You're probably right, and it is a software problem. I'm just paranoid to reinstall (only to find out it IS a hardware problem.) Ever since Apple announced the removal of G4 support, my paranoia has increased. My fear is that I'll reinstall and everything goes haywire, and I won't have ANY computer.

    If I knew I could easily buy the computer I need, I would have no problem. I would feel free to experiment.

    New problem today: Other than email and some browser functions, almost everything I click on or place the cursor over, including the desktop, turns into the loathsome beachball. Rebooting is no help. Most likely, it is a software problem.

    Other than reinstalling, what can I do to troubleshoot? That's a rhetorical question. Because of the beach ball problem, I can't access Disk Utility to do a Repair Disk.
  • Reply 476 of 487
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    Originally Posted by sequitur View Post

    You're probably right, and it is a software problem. I'm just paranoid to reinstall (only to find out it IS a hardware problem.) Ever since Apple announced the removal of G4 support, my paranoia has increased. My fear is that I'll reinstall and everything goes haywire, and I won't have ANY computer.

    If I knew I could easily buy the computer I need, I would have no problem. I would feel free to experiment.

    New problem today: Other than email and some browser functions, almost everything I click on or place the cursor over, including the desktop, turns into the loathsome beachball. Rebooting is no help. Most likely, it is a software problem.

    Other than reinstalling, what can I do to troubleshoot?

    You can try checking the file system. Restart and hold down the command and S key until you see a black screen loading up the OS in single user mode. At the prompt, type /sbin/fsck -fy and hit enter. it might take a while. then after it fixes stuff type shutdown -r now to restart.

    Then download Leopard Cache Cleaner and run all the options in the Maintain tab. Then do a medium cleaning of the caches for your user and the system (1st 2 check boxes) in the Caches tab. Restart. Hope that helps.
  • Reply 477 of 487
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    Also, check the amount of RAM installed under About This Mac... it is possible that you've had a RAM stick go bad. If so, it may not show up there, but too little RAM can cause the symptoms you're describing.

    If there's less reported than you expect, try reseating the RAM first, check again, and if still lower, start removing sticks one by one to find the offending bugger, then replace it. RAM is dirt cheap.
  • Reply 478 of 487
    Originally Posted by sequitur View Post

    You're probably right, and it is a software problem. I'm just paranoid to reinstall (only to find out it IS a hardware problem.) Ever since Apple announced the removal of G4 support, my paranoia has increased. My fear is that I'll reinstall and everything goes haywire, and I won't have ANY computer.

    If I knew I could easily buy the computer I need, I would have no problem. I would feel free to experiment.

    New problem today: Other than email and some browser functions, almost everything I click on or place the cursor over, including the desktop, turns into the loathsome beachball. Rebooting is no help. Most likely, it is a software problem.

    Other than reinstalling, what can I do to troubleshoot? That's a rhetorical question. Because of the beach ball problem, I can't access Disk Utility to do a Repair Disk.

    In addition to the file system check mention in another post, I've found Disk Warrior to be a "wonder drug" for several problems that I've had over the past 15 years. It checks for corruption to the directory and, if needed, repairs and replaces. It's not cheap at $100 but many people have said that it's been the best hundred bucks they've spent on software.
  • Reply 479 of 487
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    Originally Posted by Kickaha View Post

    Also, check the amount of RAM installed under About This Mac... it is possible that you've had a RAM stick go bad. If so, it may not show up there, but too little RAM can cause the symptoms you're describing.

    If there's less reported than you expect, try reseating the RAM first, check again, and if still lower, start removing sticks one by one to find the offending bugger, then replace it. RAM is dirt cheap.

    Good idea. I've had this happen many times, especially with laptops being bumped and DIMMs coming a little loose or bad.

    Originally Posted by Hudson1

    In addition to the file system check mention in another post, I've found Disk Warrior to be a "wonder drug" for several problems that I've had over the past 15 years. It checks for corruption to the directory and, if needed, repairs and replaces. It's not cheap at $100 but many people have said that it's been the best hundred bucks they've spent on software.

    Disk Warrior is a great tool too. It does cost a bit but is a valuable tool to have anyway. I have version 4 at work and it's very good at recovering drives that won't boot or mount anymore.

    One more thing to add: boot from the Apple Hardware test disk that came with your G4 if you haven't already. It can sometimes pinpoint what DIMM is bad or if your logic board is failing.
  • Reply 480 of 487
    Okies. Fair enough. For my main income streams (well, all of them, each not big but hey its a start) I need a Mac. I do some consulting for an Apple Reseller and do some web design/development. I had a ton of CS4 Apps open and Parallels and what not. For me, going back to PC to do web design/development is out of the question, for various reasons.

    But yeah, depending on what you need to do, I admit, if you have to get a PC, you have no other choice. Remember, I said I consult for the Apple Reseller, at this stage not doing sales specifically.

    Sequitur has a tough choice nonetheless. IMO. Firstly his Mac is jacked up, and may or may not be a hardware thing.

    Originally Posted by SmilinGoat View Post

    no no no... dont get me wrong, you are not retarded. ive read a lot of your posts, i dont agree with quite a few things youve said (based off of entire conversations ive seen you have with other members) but i do not think that YOU are retarded.

    i think your comment on the other hand was. If someone is sick of waiting for a product, and needs to upgrade (which is common for things like cars/computers/phones/etc.) then if a company takes too much time bringing out a new product, then sometimes a guy has to go with another company, its as simple as that.

    If my car stopped working, or got to the point where it could not drive faster than 40MPH, then i would have to replace it as soon as possible. I like Cadillacs, say i was bent on getting on. ok it MUST have a Manual Gear box, now Cadillac stopped making their Manuals months ago as to no get stuck with a lot of extra Manual cars on their lot... i have to now wait until next years model to get one, well i need a new car sooner than that, i might be able to live without a car for a month, but not 6 months. I instead go to BMW, i love those too. i decide this is what im going to have to get, but their iDrive system is a hassle compared to the cadillac, and the car has paddle shifters instead of a proper manual gear box.

    it gives me the control i need of the car, but in a different way. its not exactly what i wanted to get, but it gets the job done, and its close enough to what i wanted. i will have to get used to a few things, but it still does all the things i wanted it to do, just as good as the Cadillac.


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