Andy Ihnatko's rumor might be true after all..



  • Reply 101 of 487
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by meelash View Post

    Aha!! But you are now on a "deny-everything" policy, so I don't have to believe you!!

    Fine I'll tell you then.
  • Reply 102 of 487
    meelashmeelash Posts: 1,045member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    They're selling something! Apple is selling..... uh........ the pro video apps! To..... some dude!

    That's not "BIG," man. I couldn't care less about Pro Video apps...

    ...or some dude.
  • Reply 103 of 487
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by meelash View Post

    That's not "BIG," man. I couldn't care less about Pro Video apps...

    ...or some dude.

    Well, it's a pretty big deal for the dude.
  • Reply 104 of 487
    meelashmeelash Posts: 1,045member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Well, it's a pretty big deal for the dude.

    Fair 'nuff, fair 'nuff...
  • Reply 105 of 487
    meelashmeelash Posts: 1,045member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Fine I'll tell you then.

    Alright, I'm all on pins and needles he-.... wait a minute! "Fine I'll tell you then."? When is "then"? After they release whatever it is?

    Curses!! Damn your Irish trickery!!!
  • Reply 106 of 487
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by meelash View Post

    Alright, I'm all on pins and needles he-.... wait a minute! "Fine I'll tell you then."? When is "then"? After they release whatever it is?

    Curses!! Damn your Irish trickery!!!

    Just getting you back
  • Reply 107 of 487
    murkmurk Posts: 935member
    Ireland is JYYC
  • Reply 108 of 487
    A Snow Leopard announcement would be "huge". Especially if they announced that the next iPhone would run it (modified for the smaller screen size).
  • Reply 109 of 487
    meelashmeelash Posts: 1,045member
    Originally Posted by PeterR View Post

    A Snow Leopard announcement would be "huge". Especially if they announced that the next iPhone would run it (modified for the smaller screen size).

    Not really... It's already expected between June and the end of the year. Being 6 months early is good but not really huge. And of course, that's already been rumored, so it can be ruled out anyway.
  • Reply 110 of 487
    Here's what I think (as if anyone cares what I think . . .)

    1. No xMac. Ever. Period. (Get over it, or save up for a MacPro tower.)

    2. A new, non-ion, MacMini . . . FINALLY.

    3. Speed-bumped, and/or quad-cored iMacs, or NOT.

    4. A thin, flat, Mac tablet, with or without SED or OLED display technology. That's the jaw-dropper. I'd bet money on it.

    While the Mini may have been targeted as being Apple's "PC-user brand conversion machine," anecdotal, and quantitative evidence shows that former PC users are buying iMacs, not Minis (half of all iMac sales are to former PC owners). The Penryn-aluminum iMacs was the best thing Apple ever did to attract new users to its brand. They're just so pretty. (NO ONE liked the cosmetics of the white plastic iMacs. No one.) Style matters.

    Casual users don't care about new OS', and have little knowledge what benefits newly written code has in store for them as end-users. As important as it is, new code isn't "jaw-dropping." Although I do keep telling current PC users who are contemplating the switch, that, "The operating system IS the computer." Mergers and acquisitions . . . :::yawn:::. Casual users don't care who owns who. Components? Most users could care less about who makes what inside their shiny aluminum boxes. Consumers today want thin, small, and sexy. That's new Mac hardware. That's a new Mac tablet that folds up and slips into your trendy $7,000 purse (or, that $239 eco-friendly purse you got on Beverly) that you pull out at lunch at that equally trendy sidewalk cafe on Sunset.
  • Reply 111 of 487
    dave k.dave k. Posts: 1,306member
    They are splitting up the company...

    1. Apple Hardware division

    2. Apple Gadget division

    3. Apple Software division

    4. Apple Record Label/Film Studio division

    And if nobody buys that...

    Apple will announce the successor to the Macintosh line of computers. The successor will run OS X and will be the first computer built around the GPU and not CPU.
  • Reply 112 of 487
    philbotphilbot Posts: 240member
    I'm guessing it's a bigger iPod touch - probably a 6-7" screen the size of a paperback.

    Plus you'll be able to buy magazines and books from iTunes as well as games, movies and music.

    Games are gonna be the next big money spinner via the app store I reckon.

  • Reply 113 of 487
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by Hassan i Sabbah View Post

    Ebook / ejournal reader. Books store. Deals with newspapers.

    If I am right I am a genius.

    Dual-screen foldable touch 10" netbook thingy no physical keyboard.

    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Same here. But I want it to happen NOW! Can't wait any longer! Need to buy a new computer!!!

    I got USD $250 saved up. But my current MacBook is worth maybe $550. So... If the Mac Mini has 9400M graphics, I'd be very, very tempted. But I still can't get the Nvidia 9800GT out of my mind somehow. Unless the 28" iMac with Nvidia 9800GT is a "console", you use a wireless keyboard and mouse... hmm... weird.

    The more weird thing is I've been playing a bit of UT2004 every evening for about half an hour (on an Intel X3100 on MacBook) and it seems "enough" for my daily fix.
  • Reply 114 of 487
    nofeernofeer Posts: 2,427member
    last year we heard that margins were going down because apple had some "projects" that others could not do giving apple a competitive advantage and hasn't materialized yet.....i hope something big is brewing, but so far all have followed apple, we need some wow now.
  • Reply 115 of 487
    hobbithobbit Posts: 532member
    Didn't Apple have some patent applications on 3D screen technology?

    I wonder whether the next round of iPod touch or iPhones would have a 3D display. One where no glasses are needed where the stereoscopic effect can be switched on/off through software. It will likely work only in one orientation anyway.

    Most of the 'no glasses needed' 3D effects work only within a very narrow range and distance - but that would be ideal for any personal device like an iPod touch or iPhone.

    Imagine if the iPod touch was a true 3D gaming pod! That would be WOW.

    Or if the next round of monitors were all 3D monitors.

    Apple could finally put all that GPU power in recent machines to some serious 3D use...

    Yet perhaps the 'next big thing' is just some projector, tv or personal stereo viewer (think oversized goggles). Apple has patent applications on a lot of these things.

    If history is any teacher then we cannot really expect Apple to introduce any new stunning hardware feature. More often than not they are just picking existing components and put them together in a new way with clever software.

    Like with the new MacBook Pro 17" battery: off-the-shelf iPod battery components with a smart charging software. No revolutionary silver zink hardware...
  • Reply 116 of 487
    Foldable 3D touchscreen OLED xTabletNano running SnowLeopard.

    You heard it here first.
  • Reply 117 of 487
    olternautolternaut Posts: 1,376member
    So what is it Ireland?
  • Reply 118 of 487
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Nobody's close.
  • Reply 119 of 487
    murkmurk Posts: 935member
    I'm begining to think it might be a new low cost computer platform based on the iPhone version of OS X. Remember the quote about lowering the umbrella to cut out competitors. It will not be called a Mac and it won't be aimed at anyone here. We will all mock it. It will be aimed at emerging markets and even the low end of the rest of the world. There are plenty of people who only need the basics like web browsing and email. Apple will be able to build in those plus all they need for photo handling, music and entertainment. Throw in some network/ cloud stuff and leverage OpenCL to speed up many functions. They will attack the low end by offering a cheap, easy computer that does everything they need while avoiding the morass of Windows or even the complications of a full blown Mac. Other applications will be available only through an App Store.

    When I first thought about this, I assumed it would be based on the new ARM chips Apple is working on, but maybe it is Atom. Even though we will mock it, this will end up on many of our home networks along side our Macs.
  • Reply 120 of 487
    olternautolternaut Posts: 1,376member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Nobody's close.

    What is it?!!!!
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