Apple releases iPhone Software v2.2.1



  • Reply 81 of 124
    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    A lesson in how MMS works.


    If you are in dire need of your friend's sending you an MMS ask them to add your email address to your details in their contacts list.

    Guess what happens when they send the MMS to your email address?

    Apparently my network provider will provide me with a link to an MMS in an SMS when I receive one BUT in the six months since I got my iPhone 3G I haven't had a single chance to test this as no-one I know uses MMS, we all use email.

    To all MMS b***chers:

    For starters, MMS IS an outdated technology. It's not like the gasoline infrastructure, it can be changed due to the short lifecycle of phones in general and the switch to smartphones instead of the crap free phones any carrier will give you for signing a two-year contract.

    Nevertheless, if you and/or your friends choose to use outdated nonconforming technology, I found some info you might find useful. I've used the Verizon one, but haven't tested the others.

    Now, can we all get on with our email-driven lives?
  • Reply 82 of 124
    s8er01zs8er01z Posts: 144member
    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    A lesson in how MMS works.


    If you are in dire need of your friend's sending you an MMS ask them to add your email address to your details in their contacts list.

    Guess what happens when they send the MMS to your email address?

    Apparently my network provider will provide me with a link to an MMS in an SMS when I receive one BUT in the six months since I got my iPhone 3G I haven't had a single chance to test this as no-one I know uses MMS, we all use email.

    Unless they also have an Iphone.
  • Reply 83 of 124
    Originally Posted by cubefan View Post

    The Genius reported that all of the problems with bricked iPhone and iPods was caused by Windows Internet Explorer, so a hyperlink that works in Firefox is much appreciated because downloads from Firefox are robust.

    What does IE have to do with I-tunes ability to complete a firmware? (serious question)
  • Reply 84 of 124
    what the "select fragment" gesture might be to do copy-paste... the pinch with only one finger moving? copy (and paste) command though maps naturally onto the tap-and-hold event...
  • Reply 85 of 124
    Originally Posted by ivan.rnn01 View Post

    what the "select fragment" gesture might be to do copy-paste... the pinch with only one finger moving? copy (and paste) command though maps naturally onto the tap-and-hold event...

    I always thought it would be something like a two-finger pass select: Zoom/mag to find the text you want, and swipe using two fingers to bring up the iPhone contextual menu, where you could send it to mail or notepad. I think having a traditional clipboard is where you start falling off the wagon here.

    Truthfully, since what I really want is usually embedded somewhere in a webpage, I usually just mail myself a link and it's just as good.
  • Reply 86 of 124
    Originally Posted by cuppingmaster View Post

    I always thought it would be something like a two-finger pass select: Zoom/mag to find the text you want, and swipe using two fingers to bring up the iPhone contextual menu, where you could send it to mail or notepad. I think having a traditional clipboard is where you start falling off the wagon here.

    Truthfully, since what I really want is usually embedded somewhere in a webpage, I usually just mail myself a link and it's just as good.

    Honestly they have almost removed the need with several features (like holding down on an image to save, send link via email, etc).. but I think they could do something simple (like hold down over text) and allow you to select/highlight what you want then hold down on the highlighted area and just give you some options of what to do with the text. A traditional clipboard would be a massive headache and probably cause more problems than its worth given apples 'one thing at a time' OS on this thing.
  • Reply 87 of 124
    lilgto64lilgto64 Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by macxpress View Post

    Because I have limited bandwidth at home as I have satellite internet so I download it at work. I can only download 12GB per month (rolling total).

    I wonder if you could take it to the Apple Store and plug into a computer there and get updated?

    Or maybe have someone burn the install image to a CD for you.
  • Reply 88 of 124
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Since everyone else is complaining about stuff, I have a small criticism as well.

    Why when entering a password does the iPhone display the actual characters as you type and then change to bullets only after the next character is entered? My iPhone has had this problem from day one and it is not yet fixed in this release. Or maybe it is a feature, I don't know.
  • Reply 89 of 124
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    Since everyone else is complaining about stuff, I have a small criticism as well.

    Why when entering a password does the iPhone display the actual characters as you type and then change to bullets only after the next character is entered? My iPhone has had this problem from day one and it is not yet fixed in this release. Or maybe it is a feature, I don't know.

    Because you're using a virtual keyboard and it's to make sure you are entering the correct password. It's just long enough to see before changing so should you make a mistake, you can go back and re-enter. Not a glitch but a design feature.
  • Reply 90 of 124
    Originally Posted by aplnub View Post

    Copy and Paste is a big deal when every other phone on the market can do it. Wouldn't you be a little bent if Apple had released the Mac without Copy and Paste and 2 year later still didn't have it when every other OS had it? Seems like a trivial thing to do and to leave it off is perplexing. It is a legitimate gripe.

    This thread is a bit old now but I can't let this by.

    Your reasoning is foolish. "Feature X may not be useful, but it becomes useful if every other phone has feature X." This is nonsense.

    I said it was of "limited usefulness" because copy and paste is a feature of document editing which you cannot actually do on an iPhone. The turnaround argument is that document editing would be possible on an iPhone if there was copy and paste, but in fact it would also need a file system, and a few other things.

    It's possible that the iPhone will some day be able to edit documents and copy and paste will certainly be in the mix. It's pretty obvious to anyone wanting to think for more than a minute or two that Apple is intentionally not positioning the iPhone as something that can edit documents. It can view documents only.

    I don't mean to put this on your personally, I am just so sick and tired of foolish people asking for copy and paste and your comment set me off. It's a dumb idea people and it is of "limited usefulness" all by itself.
  • Reply 91 of 124
    Originally Posted by TheDrivingMan View Post

    I was beginning to think I was the only one recognizing some basic flaws. I'm a big Apple fan. Have never owned a PC. For a 53 y/o engineer that's really unusual but these missing features are a big deal for me. If they could give us a release date for these (publicly acknowledged by Apple) issues I'd be willing to wait.

    C'mon fellow Apple diehards - take off the blinders - is asking for an option for these basic features really too much to expect?

    Apple/AT&T - At least say yes or no and when - then I could make an informed decision.

    i think you and "Mac Old Timer" must be the same person as no one agrees with him on anything usually. Also you both tend to sound like angry old dudes with a lot of chips on your shoulder.

    "Mac Old timer" in particular goes through the exact same list of gripes on each and every post he makes practically. I don't know what's worse, the idiotic comments from the kiddies or the grumbling blackness of the minds of the older folks.
  • Reply 92 of 124
    lilgto64lilgto64 Posts: 1,147member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    Since everyone else is complaining about stuff, I have a small criticism as well.

    Why when entering a password does the iPhone display the actual characters as you type and then change to bullets only after the next character is entered? My iPhone has had this problem from day one and it is not yet fixed in this release. Or maybe it is a feature, I don't know.

    The original iPhone software did not display any characters when entering a password or any text field that would normally display only bullets or asterisks. It was a recent change to show the actual character for a couple seconds - which is a compromise between avoiding repeated failed logins and having someone able to look over your shoulder and see the entire password.

    I am not aware of a way to turn it off - but it would be a good feature suggestion to apple to have a setting that would toggle this behavior - can't be too hard since they have code for both options already written - just need to add a toggle bit.
  • Reply 93 of 124
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,853member
    Originally Posted by lilgto64 View Post

    I wonder if you could take it to the Apple Store and plug into a computer there and get updated?

    Or maybe have someone burn the install image to a CD for you.

    I just download it at work. Took a whole 2 minutes to download at around 2.4MB/sec. Then transfer the file to my iMac, take off the .zip on the end. Then, launch iTunes, option click check for updates and select the downloaded 2.2.1 firmware update.

    Then I forgot the update doesn't like the dock plugged into the keyboard port, so it screwed up about quarter the way through and I ended up restoring my phone on my MacBook and then re-syncing everything back. Ah hasn't been restored in a year anyways. I'm sure Palm or Windows Mobile users can't safely say the same thing unless they just enjoy having crashes and slow downs.
  • Reply 94 of 124
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by lilgto64 View Post

    It was a recent change to show the actual character for a couple seconds - which is a compromise between avoiding repeated failed logins and having someone able to look over your shoulder and see the entire password.

    I suspected that was the issue. Kind of an admission that the virtual keyboard is difficult to use. Yeah a toggle would be handy since I rarely need the privacy anyway.

    (Actually I mean turn it off completely so the whole password show actual characters.)

  • Reply 95 of 124
    Originally Posted by S8ER01Z View Post

    So you started using computers in 1979 and don't use copy paste? Please... I use copy paste in Linux daily, in windows its second nature. That's with a mere 16 years of programming and 18 years of normal use and operation.

    That's funny that you try to act like you have never had a need for it. Do you work for apple?

    I use copy and paste on my computer daily. However, everything that I would copy and paste on the desktop is a link on the iPhone so I don't need to copy and paste it.
  • Reply 96 of 124
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,853member
    Originally Posted by MacOldTimer View Post

    Now you’re just being unrealistic. To expect the iPhone to be used for actual business purposes rather than the gaming toy it’s become.

    Come on, you have to realize that Apple put Emogi Icons ahead of all of these features that actually could make the iPhone worth upgrading to the next rev.

    I think you need to lower your expectations as I have and realize that I am a middle aged man with a toy in my pocket (no pun intended).

    Thankfully, competition is always out there and I can move on to a real Smart Phone that caters to the business world and not the FaceBook generation.

    Yes, I want a real camera on my phone. Who carries a camera with them at all times?

    Yes, I want push email that actually works.

    Yes, I want Speed Dial and Voice Dial like my 7 year old Motorola V551.

    Yes, I want to be able to actually edit a document on my Phone and not just view it.

    Yes, I want Flash and every other popular (non apple) video to work on my phone. Ever go to CNN or ESPN that has all Flash for their video sources.

    Yes, I want multi tasking.

    The phone world isn’t used to Apples once a year slam upgrade policy and the 3g was no big game changer.

    Was I promised these things. No. But it’s been a long, long time since anything has come out for the iPhone that is useful.

    Yes there are tons of Apps but I’m not a gamer and 99.9% of the apps in the store don’t reflect what anyone in the business world actually needs to enhance their work day.

    You know there are other phones out there? Apple isn't making you buy this phone. If the iPhone doesn't suit your needs then go buy what does and stop bitching because it doesn't do what you want it to. I've preached this in here time and time again. Apple can't be everything to everyone. You should know this by now. There a millions and millions of iPhone users, all wanting something different.

    Useful can mean different things to different people. Just because something isn't useful to you doesn't mean its not useful to the rest of the crowd. Apple isn't going to make a special phone with special features just for you. In other words...the world doesn't revolve around you!

    So the apps store didn't turn out to be what you wanted. Well BOO HOO! Cry me a river....Go buy a G1 then so you can have the features you want, oh and an apps store with malicious apps you can buy and install.
  • Reply 97 of 124
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    This may not be Apple's fault, but none if the IM apps I've tried will parse incoming hyperlinks.
  • Reply 98 of 124
    Originally Posted by ivan.rnn01 View Post

    they roll out the devkit upgrade as well... frankly, i develop iphone s/w on ppc machine... now i'd like to see clearly, will it explode my setup or not

    What, do you get a friend to compile for you?
  • Reply 99 of 124
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    Who edits documents on an iPhone?

    How about editing a HTML document when posting on a forum... I'm doing right now.

    For example if I took screenshot, upload it to a photo hosting site it would be handy to be able to cut and paste a link.

    This is about the only time I use a PC these days most of the time I use my iPhone.
  • Reply 100 of 124
    Originally Posted by cuppingmaster View Post

    To all MMS b***chers:

    For starters, MMS IS an outdated technology. It's not like the gasoline infrastructure, it can be changed due to the short lifecycle of phones in general and the switch to smartphones instead of the crap free phones any carrier will give you for signing a two-year contract.

    Nevertheless, if you and/or your friends choose to use outdated nonconforming technology, I found some info you might find useful. I've used the Verizon one, but haven't tested the others.

    Now, can we all get on with our email-driven lives?

    Oh, I see. I need to tell all my friends that don't have smartphones that they should buy one and use email and that MMS is outdated, OR if they insist on using their primitive MMS, instruct them how to format the address so it goes to my email. If I were a self-centered snob I might go that route. But I'm not and I won't and I believe most people are not going to do that either. And your link to a "workaround" (originally written in 2006) for outbound messages is fine...if you know who the carrier is for every single one of your contacts or are prepared to asked them each time you want to send them a quick note. I can see the conversation:


    Girl: "Hello?"

    Guy: "Hey Ashley, it's Andy. Just wondering, who's your carrier?"

    Ashley: "My carrier?"

    Andy: "Yeah, for your cell phone."

    Ashley: "Oh, it's Verizon. Why?"

    Andy: "Oh I just wanted to send you a text."

    Ashley: "You need to know my carrier for that?"

    Andy: "Well sort of...I'm going to send an email to your text."

    Ashley: "Well why don't you just send a text to my text?"

    Andy: "Get with it Ashley...that would be stupid. Everyone uses email now."

    Ashley: "Yeah, riiiiight, for emails. But when you text someone's phone you use text."

    Andy: "Actually Ash, it's called SMS or MMS and it's outdated. BUT, I know you still use it so I'm going to email to your text."

    Ashley: "Outdated? Everyone uses texts."

    Andy: "You mean SMS."

    Ashley: "Um, yeah, whatever. Listen, I gotta get going."

    Andy: "Wait, what are you doing tonight?"

    Ashley: "Umm, I just remembered I've got a family thing. I won't be able to go out. Gotta go. Bye."

    Andy: "All night...hello? Are you still there?"

    So let's get real here. Fact: when using a mobile phone to send images, the vast majority of people use MMS. I'm not going to get in a debate as to if MMS should go away or will go away in the future b/c it really has nothing to do with the here and now - and that's where I live. Maybe the people who don't complain about or miss MMS don't have many friends or don't have many that send them pictures. Fine, but many of us do...that's why the "feature" is so ubiquitous in the first place. So much so that it is generally considered a standard feature. All I'm asking for is to be able to receive MMS messages like every other phone can do. If you think email is better then you are free to continue using it, but why not have the ability, just the ability, to receive an MMS from someone else? Would you really turn your nose up to that because you deem it "nonconforming?"

    This discussion brings me to one other thing I've always wondered - why is it that some Apple people get so offended if you criticize anything about an Apple product? Isn't the point of a forum to have open discussion? To point out a serious flaw with a product is not b*tching. Almost all of us have a passion for Apple products...that's why we're here. But that doesn't mean we should ignore any and all flaws and do nothing but lavish the company with praise. I am talking about a standard feature that millions of people use daily and there is absolutely no reason for such an advanced phone not to have it...none.
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