Apple releases iPhone Software v2.2.1



  • Reply 121 of 124
    Originally Posted by S8ER01Z View Post

    Exactly. It's no different than getting into a new car and finding out it lacks Air Conditioning or ABS. It's not that Apple should do what everyone else is doing it's the fact that people get used to these features and view them as a standard. Obviously Apple has their own opinion of what is 'standard' (I saw the backlash over the recent Mac Book changes). The price we pay to play in Apples playground I suppose.

    From a consumer point of view this has been my first 'Apple' experience and it's leaving a bad taste in my mouth. Why should I give them any money in the future for a product? For everyone that says 'just don't buy it' or 'go buy something else'... that attitude has been keeping Apples market share in the toilet... you do realize that selling products is what keeps these companies alive right?

    I agree. From a consumer standpoint, what really troubles me isn't even that Apple has not given us MMS - it's that they haven't even responded to all the inquiries about it. Would it be that difficult to release a statement saying "we're not going to support it and here is why." Why is Apple just ignoring us on this? I can come up with a conspiracy theory involving AT&T but I won't go there.

    It leaves a bad taste in my mouth too. It makes me wonder what else they would ignore us on.
  • Reply 122 of 124
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by oneaburns View Post

    I agree. From a consumer standpoint, what really troubles me isn't even that Apple has not given us MMS - it's that they haven't even responded to all the inquiries about it. Would it be that difficult to release a statement saying "we're not going to support it and here is why." Why is Apple just ignoring us on this? I can come up with a conspiracy theory involving AT&T but I won't go there.

    I will, because it's probably a ludicrous conspiracy theory. AT&T would would make more money if there was MMS on the iPhone, the same way that SMS isn't included in the basic plan. Why wouldn't AT&T want that?

    I personally wouldn't miss SMS if it were axed because it's more money on my bill when someone spams me with it and I try to make sure people I know don't send me any because of the extra cost.

    I don't want to deny other people the ability to communicate with each other the way they want to. I don't think that means that I should have to pay such a high price for a mode of communication that I'd rather not get. I just wish I could turn off SMS service for my own account. I can choose not to accept a call and it doesn't count against my total time, but an SMS is served to me and charged against my account whether I wanted it or not.
  • Reply 123 of 124
    what happened to my IPOD TOUCH 2nd gen after update v2.2 :

    - dun experience ALAC anymore (+)

    - app tend to close by itself. i dun know its because of my low memory (200mb free memory left), but it happened more often than b4 (-)

    - i dun know if anyone realize it. but the home screen dock is changed to the older mac ver. i want to know if theres a way to make it back again like the Mac OS X Leopard dock (previously used in my ipod touch 2nd gen) (-)
  • Reply 124 of 124
    the worst occurs in wifi. it always dc from a connection (after 8-10minutes). & believe me its not a hw problem
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