Apple releases iPhone Software v2.2.1



  • Reply 101 of 124
    Originally Posted by Cousin Dirk View Post

    Surely you mean couldn't care less about?

    Oops - yes
  • Reply 102 of 124
    Originally Posted by oneaburns View Post

    Oh, I see. I need to tell all my friends that don't have smartphones that they should buy one and use email and that MMS is outdated, OR if they insist on using their primitive MMS, instruct them how to format the address so it goes to my email. If I were a self-centered snob I might go that route. But I'm not and I won't and I believe most people are not going to do that either. And your link to a "workaround" (originally written in 2006) for outbound messages is fine...if you know who the carrier is for every single one of your contacts or are prepared to asked them each time you want to send them a quick note. I can see the conversation:


    Girl: "Hello?"

    Guy: "Hey Ashley, it's Andy. Just wondering, who's your carrier?"

    Ashley: "My carrier?"

    Andy: "Yeah, for your cell phone."

    Ashley: "Oh, it's Verizon. Why?"

    Andy: "Oh I just wanted to send you a text."

    Ashley: "You need to know my carrier for that?"

    Andy: "Well sort of...I'm going to send an email to your text."

    Ashley: "Well why don't you just send a text to my text?"

    Andy: "Get with it Ashley...that would be stupid. Everyone uses email now."

    Ashley: "Yeah, riiiiight, for emails. But when you text someone's phone you use text."

    Andy: "Actually Ash, it's called SMS or MMS and it's outdated. BUT, I know you still use it so I'm going to email to your text."

    Ashley: "Outdated? Everyone uses texts."

    Andy: "You mean SMS."

    Ashley: "Um, yeah, whatever. Listen, I gotta get going."

    Andy: "Wait, what are you doing tonight?"

    Ashley: "Umm, I just remembered I've got a family thing. I won't be able to go out. Gotta go. Bye."

    Andy: "All night...hello? Are you still there?"

    So let's get real here. Fact: when using a mobile phone to send images, the vast majority of people use MMS. I'm not going to get in a debate as to if MMS should go away or will go away in the future b/c it really has nothing to do with the here and now - and that's where I live. Maybe the people who don't complain about or miss MMS don't have many friends or don't have many that send them pictures. Fine, but many of us do...that's why the "feature" is so ubiquitous in the first place. So much so that it is generally considered a standard feature. All I'm asking for is to be able to receive MMS messages like every other phone can do. If you think email is better then you are free to continue using it, but why not have the ability, just the ability, to receive an MMS from someone else? Would you really turn your nose up to that because you deem it "nonconforming?"

    This discussion brings me to one other thing I've always wondered - why is it that some Apple people get so offended if you criticize anything about an Apple product? Isn't the point of a forum to have open discussion? To point out a serious flaw with a product is not b*tching. Almost all of us have a passion for Apple products...that's why we're here. But that doesn't mean we should ignore any and all flaws and do nothing but lavish the company with praise. I am talking about a standard feature that millions of people use daily and there is absolutely no reason for such an advanced phone not to have it...none.

    Lol I really love this entire post. It is all so true. I am

    Tired of snobs saying MMS is out dated yet thousands of people ate even jailbreaking their iPhones to use swirley MMS and paying for it. A technology is not outdated if 90% of the people using phones use the technology. Just because apple isn't. Jeez ..
  • Reply 103 of 124
    Originally Posted by Daniel0418 View Post

    Lol I really love this entire post. It is all so true. I am

    Tired of snobs saying MMS is out dated yet thousands of people ate even jailbreaking their iPhones to use swirley MMS and paying for it. A technology is not outdated if 90% of the people using phones use the technology. Just because apple isn't. Jeez ..

    Glad to entertain It just makes me roll my eyes when someone says MMS isn't needed and suggests emailing to whichever carrier. Like that's practical.
  • Reply 104 of 124
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    i think you and "Mac Old Timer" must be the same person as no one agrees with him on anything usually. Also you both tend to sound like angry old dudes with a lot of chips on your shoulder.

    "Mac Old timer" in particular goes through the exact same list of gripes on each and every post he makes practically. I don't know what's worse, the idiotic comments from the kiddies or the grumbling blackness of the minds of the older folks.

    Sorry to disappoint - your speculation is incorrect. But just imagine if you were right! That would mean...

    I'm just a simple guy trying to use my iPhone the way I used a previous device and find it lacking in some basic features. If it makes you feel better I'm happy to say, as I alluded to in my post, that Apple has produced some of the best technology ever and I admire the company and their products in general.

    Not sure where you read "angry", "chip on your shoulder" or "grumbling blackness" in my post but I won't apologize for having an opinion which I think I stated fairly objectively. I guess maybe being a little older shields me somewhat from the "Apple can do no wrong keep your mouth shut and kneel before that altar" effect.
  • Reply 105 of 124
    I think the correct expression is "Whoop di do"!

    Originally Posted by Mr Underhill View Post

    Whoopie do!!

  • Reply 106 of 124
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    A phone that is capable of MMS usually has a more advanced phone book as well, including fields for email addresses.

    You can usually add an email address to a contacts details when it is recieved in an SMS.

    99.99999999% of phone's capable of syncing with a PC will sync with Outlook or Outlook express, which are primarily EMAIL programs, which means that your technically illiterate friend's probably already have your email address.

    When MMS was first introduced sending them to emails was usually the only option before many people had MMS capable phone's, sending MMS internationally also works better when sent to an email address as whether your recipients are able to receive them is dependent on network agreements.

    I think the last MMS I recieved was in 2006.

    As I said the cost of sending a 400kb packet of data is disproportionally expensive compared to email over wireless or via a network using data, then what happens if your recipient has a phone that is limited to 100kb?

    Anyway if MMS is critical to YOU don't buy an iPhone and don't presume that you know better than me what MY needs are.
  • Reply 107 of 124
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    Anyway if MMS is critical to YOU don't buy an iPhone and don't presume that you know better than me what MY needs are.

    I don't think anyone was trying to tell you what your needs are. I am baffled as to why you would think that.

    Something about your post suggests that you think the iPhone might even be diminished with the addition of MMS.
  • Reply 108 of 124
    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    A phone that is capable of MMS usually has a more advanced phone book as well, including fields for email addresses.

    You can usually add an email address to a contacts details when it is recieved in an SMS.

    99.99999999% of phone's capable of syncing with a PC will sync with Outlook or Outlook express, which are primarily EMAIL programs, which means that your technically illiterate friend's probably already have your email address.

    When MMS was first introduced sending them to emails was usually the only option before many people had MMS capable phone's, sending MMS internationally also works better when sent to an email address as whether your recipients are able to receive them is dependent on network agreements.

    I think the last MMS I recieved was in 2006.

    As I said the cost of sending a 400kb packet of data is disproportionally expensive compared to email over wireless or via a network using data, then what happens if your recipient has a phone that is limited to 100kb?

    Anyway if MMS is critical to YOU don't buy an iPhone and don't presume that you know better than me what MY needs are.

    I don't think anyone claimed to know what's best for you. You are still claiming MMS is not needed when many, many people use it. As for the, "you shouldn't have bought one" argument, MMS was rumored to be an update that would come soon after launch. I purchased mine the week of launch and have been waiting fairly patiently for over a year and a half now. Am I not allowed to ask for a very simple, highly used feature (except for you) to be made part of the update? Or, if Apple is never going to do this could they not simply tell us that? It might even be nice if they explained why. Unfortunately, they've never done anything to quell the rumors that MMS would be coming. As of now, we all must believe they have no plans but that does not mean we can't ask for it.

    As for my "technically illiterate friends," well - they're called girls and I for one am not going to give them up simply because they are not into technology like I am

    P.S. No offense to any women who are into technology. I actually dated and am still friends with one who is an engineer. But she is the exception to the generally accepted observation that most women aren't into tech as much as men. If you are into computers and technology please call me at 555 -xxx-xxxx
  • Reply 109 of 124
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    Originally Posted by oneaburns View Post

    I don't think anyone claimed to know what's best for you. You are still claiming MMS is not needed when many, many people use it. As for the, "you shouldn't have bought one" argument, MMS was rumored to be an update that would come soon after launch. I purchased mine the week of launch and have been waiting fairly patiently for over a year and a half now. Am I not allowed to ask for a very simple, highly used feature (except for you) to be made part of the update? Or, if Apple is never going to do this could they not simply tell us that? It might even be nice if they explained why. Unfortunately, they've never done anything to quell the rumors that MMS would be coming. As of now, we all must believe they have no plans but that does not mean we can't ask for it.

    As for my "technically illiterate friends," well - they're called girls and I for one am not going to give them up simply because they are not into technology like I am

    P.S. No offense to any women who are into technology. I actually dated and am still friends with one who is an engineer. But she is the exception to the generally accepted observation that most women aren't into tech as much as men. If you are into computers and technology please call me at 555 -xxx-xxxx

    Technically illiterate as in the one your phone call was based on.

    All you have to do is end an SMS with your email address, ask them to save it to your contact details in their phonebook and direct any MMS's to the your email not your phone number.

    Email was around a long time before the phone companies spotted the potential of charging large amounts for data which is associated with MMS.
  • Reply 110 of 124
    ivan.rnn01ivan.rnn01 Posts: 1,822member
    Originally Posted by cuppingmaster View Post

    Truthfully, since what I really want is usually embedded somewhere in a webpage, I usually just mail myself a link and it's just as good.

    Seeing the iphone being limited only to that, valued customers will then never stop cursing Apple's crippled design and implementation...

    At Apple they have hopefully the gang of smart guys knowing how to equilibrate our nice-to-haves and their strategies....
  • Reply 111 of 124
    s8er01zs8er01z Posts: 144member
    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    Anyway if MMS is critical to YOU don't buy an iPhone and don't presume that you know better than me what MY needs are.

    ahahahaha best post ever.... Hi mr pot, meet mr kettle.
  • Reply 112 of 124
    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    Technically illiterate as in the one your phone call was based on.

    All you have to do is end an SMS with your email address, ask them to save it to your contact details in their phonebook and direct any MMS's to the your email not your phone number.

    Email was around a long time before the phone companies spotted the potential of charging large amounts for data which is associated with MMS.

    Never mind.
  • Reply 113 of 124
    Feels snappier, maybe its just me.

  • Reply 114 of 124
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    Originally Posted by S8ER01Z View Post

    ahahahaha best post ever.... Hi mr pot, meet mr kettle.

    Yes, of course, why evaluate a purchase based on your needs when you can just buy it then complain about what it can't do.
  • Reply 115 of 124
    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    Yes, of course, why evaluate a purchase based on your needs when you can just buy it then complain about what it can't do.

    Already asked and answered so I'm not going to go over it again.

    And one more thing...I think the guy you were quoting was pointing out the hypocrisy of your statement, not agreeing with it.
  • Reply 116 of 124
    ivan.rnn01ivan.rnn01 Posts: 1,822member
    Originally Posted by spaghetti View Post

    What, do you get a friend to compile for you?

    sorta kinda
  • Reply 117 of 124
    ivan.rnn01ivan.rnn01 Posts: 1,822member
    ...the problem here is phone companies use it extensively for administrative purposes... say, they subscribe you to their services like mobile tv by sending you mms... this may be outdated nowadays, but it is done like that and nobody's gonna change... their eccentric explanations used to be like "yes, sir, absolutely. iphone's the best, sir. nay. this isn't going to work with iphone"... painful for gadgety people...
  • Reply 118 of 124
    Originally Posted by ivan.rnn01 View Post

    ...the problem here is phone companies use it extensively for administrative purposes... say, they subscribe you to their services like mobile tv by sending you mms... this may be outdated nowadays, but it is done like that and nobody's gonna change... their eccentric explanations used to be like "yes, sir, absolutely. iphone's the best, sir. nay. this isn't going to work with iphone"... painful for gadgety people...

    good point
  • Reply 119 of 124
    s8er01zs8er01z Posts: 144member
    Originally Posted by oneaburns View Post

    And one more thing...I think the guy you were quoting was pointing out the hypocrisy of your statement, not agreeing with it.

    Exactly. It's no different than getting into a new car and finding out it lacks Air Conditioning or ABS. It's not that Apple should do what everyone else is doing it's the fact that people get used to these features and view them as a standard. Obviously Apple has their own opinion of what is 'standard' (I saw the backlash over the recent Mac Book changes). The price we pay to play in Apples playground I suppose.

    From a consumer point of view this has been my first 'Apple' experience and it's leaving a bad taste in my mouth. Why should I give them any money in the future for a product? For everyone that says 'just don't buy it' or 'go buy something else'... that attitude has been keeping Apples market share in the toilet... you do realize that selling products is what keeps these companies alive right?
  • Reply 120 of 124
    Originally Posted by cuppingmaster View Post

    To all MMS b***chers:

    For starters, MMS IS an outdated technology. It's not like the gasoline infrastructure, it can be changed due to the short lifecycle of phones in general and the switch to smartphones instead of the crap free phones any carrier will give you for signing a two-year contract.

    Nevertheless, if you and/or your friends choose to use outdated nonconforming technology, I found some info you might find useful. I've used the Verizon one, but haven't tested the others.

    Now, can we all get on with our email-driven lives?

    Your post spectacularly fails to notice that SMS messaging is even older and more 'outdated' than MMS. Somehow it's OK for people to want to do the former, but not the latter?

    Let's strip the iPhone of all 'outdated' technology. SMS and MMS are soooo old, so lets get shot of them first. Calling people using anything other than voip is positively archaic, so let's get rid of the telephony. The iPhone camera was 2 years out of date when the device was released in 2007, so now it's well over the hill, so remove it.

    So what do we have left after we've got rid of all the 'outdated' technology? A pretty hollow device.

    Moral of the story - old/outdated technology can still be relevant even in this date and age.
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