Apple warns of reduced iMac availability in near term

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
Apple this week is advising members of its reseller channels that supply of iMacs will be constrained in the immediate future, a move that may signal new models are nearing production.

In particular, people familiar with the matter say the Cupertino-based Mac maker has warned that new reseller orders for the high-end 24-inch 3.06GHz iMac are unlikely to be fulfilled, suggesting manufacturing of that model is ramping down or has already ceased.

Additionally, Apple is said to have braced its partners for limited availability of the remainder of the iMac line in the coming weeks, a sign which this late in the product's life-cycle "only means one thing" -- namely that the company is drawing down inventory levels ahead of new models.

So far, details on the next-generation of iMacs are few and far between. Outside inadvertent confirmation on Apple's part that the systems will employ chipsets from NVIDIA Corp., the remainder of their hardware makeup remains unclear.

A recent analyst report had speculated based on source information that Apple was still facing a dilemma of whether to advance the all-in-one desktops to quad-core systems or continue using Intel's mobile Core 2 Duo chips. Given that production of current models is now believed to be winding down, it's almost a certainty that the company has made its decision.

Supporting a possible move to quad-core processors in the iMac line was a November report from Taiwanese rumor site DigiTimes, which claimed that Apple was among a list of PC makers who had agreed to adopt Intel's new quad-core 65W low-power desktop processors that range in speeds from 2.33GHz to 2.83GHz.

The report did not specify in which models Mac maker would employ the parts, however. But short of Apple introducing a completely new breed of Mac desktop, it would appear the only likely candidates for such chips would be the iMac and Mac mini, with the former being a safer bet from both a strategic and historic standpoint.

Assuming the report remains accurate, it would bode with similar rumblings AppleInsider has heard about the direction in which Apple plans to take its flagship desktop line during the 2009 calendar year. With Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard set to debut with Grand Central technology aimed at leveraging Macs with an increasing number of processor cores, it's safe to assume that the majority of the company's Mac offerings will soon see a bump from dual-core to quad-core.

Also fueling rumors of iMac revisions due this quarter were a couple of independent reports out of the Chinese-language Economic Daily News. The first, published in late December, cited sources as saying Apple was scheduled to "launch a new iMac all-in-one PC in the first quarter of next year, and the company's sole manufacturing partner, Quanta Computer, is gearing up to supply monthly shipments of around 800,000 units during the first quarter of 2009."

The second report, filed less than a week later, sparked speculation that the next-generation models would employ a new cooling system than the current iMacs when it identified two OEMs -- Foxconn Precision Components and Auras Technology -- as the team that would manufacturer "the PC's cooling module" without offering details on any of the system's other components. Outside of that report, there's been no concrete evidence to suggest a change to the iMac's cooling methods.

It should be noted that should the iMacs adopt the Intel chips singled out by DigiTimes, it would mark a significant architectural shift for the desktop line, which has long relied on the same breed of mobile chips found in Apple's MacBook and MacBook Pro lines. The quad-core chips in question are true desktop-oriented processors with a higher thermal design point.


  • Reply 1 of 153
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,874member
    I'll say it before anyone else...

    FireWire or no sale!
  • Reply 2 of 153
    About bloody time... I've got my money ready to buy a new iMac right now.
  • Reply 3 of 153
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,874member
    I'll say this before anyone else too...

    I want an updated MacMini!!!

    There now we got those all out of the way and we can actually talk about the iMac instead of other items....
  • Reply 4 of 153
    winterwinter Posts: 1,238member
    Very interesting... I have been debating between an iMac and MBP for a while as my first Mac. The quad-core would be the deal breaker for me. I did notice one small thing and I don't mean to be an idiot, though it is 10.6 Snow Leopard not just Leopard.
  • Reply 5 of 153
    Originally Posted by macxpress View Post

    I'll say it before anyone else...

    FireWire or no sale!

    I really wish people would give this meme a break.

    Apple removed FireWire on *ONE* entry level product (which you actually bought anyway) for reasons of space. There is no reason to expect that it will be removed from any other products and has been included on products released *since* the release of the MacBook unibody.
  • Reply 6 of 153
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,874member
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    I really wish people would give this meme a break.

    Apple removed FireWire on *ONE* entry level product (which you actually bought anyway) for reasons of space. There is no reason to expect that it will be removed from any other products and has been included on products released *since* the release of the MacBook unibody.

    Easy grasshopper I was just being a smartass. I'm sick of it too.

    I could care less about the lack of FireWire. I don't have any FireWire devices anyways. I wish they would drop FW for more USB ports to be honest.
  • Reply 7 of 153
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,435member
    Originally Posted by macxpress View Post

    I'll say this before anyone else too...

    I want an updated MacMini!!!

    There now we got those all out of the way and we can actually talk about the iMac instead of other items.... :P

    Me toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  • Reply 8 of 153
    ivladivlad Posts: 742member
    Apple has to update all computers before Snow Leopard, that's their usual deal. MacBooks are ready, next is iMac, yet Mini remains in the cave.
  • Reply 9 of 153
    For the love of God will you please just put the Quad Core chips in the iMac already!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!

    The Mac Pro is just a floating Ghost Ship now with no crew so you might as well make the iMac the pro machine.
  • Reply 10 of 153
    I recently purchased a MBP. I love it! I just switched from PC because Vista pissed me off to no end. I have been going crazy waiting on the updated IMAC. Like most others, I refuse to purchase the current version when it is obvious that they will be updating it soon. It is irritating that Apple does not give any public statement or projection on updates to their line up. I was starting to look at a PC desktop because I really want a new desktop. I am going to hold out now because of this latest update..... I love the OS and everything about Apple with the exception of their secrecy.......
  • Reply 11 of 153
    thank god, the sooner the better, and the sooner i can get to pestering my parents for a new computer for my GCSE's. haha.
  • Reply 12 of 153
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Bring it!!

    And while your at it- please add to it

    1.) Blu-ray drive

    2.) MAtte option

    3.) 30" Display

    3.) New mouse- flat touch pad.

    4.) A unified color scheme with no screen border and no chin.
  • Reply 13 of 153
    Originally Posted by rwood View Post

    I love the OS and everything about Apple with the exception of their secrecy.......

    Yes, it's annoying. But it gives them flexibility to change their mind at the last minute, delay products that just aren't ready, and keep their competitors clueless.

    So, while I don't like it, I can sure understand it. It is not mere capriciousness.
  • Reply 14 of 153
    Please upgrade to quad core!! I have been waiting for this since WWDC 2008 and MacWorld 2009! I need more power!!!
  • Reply 15 of 153
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Bring it!!

    And while your at it- please add to it

    1.) Blu-ray drive

    2.) MAtte option

    3.) 30" Display

    3.) New mouse- flat touch pad.

    4.) A unified color scheme with no screen border and no chin.

    I was under the impression Blu-ray is a non starter, everything is going on-line/cloud computing?
  • Reply 16 of 153
    mjtomlinmjtomlin Posts: 2,681member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    About bloody time... I've got my money ready to buy a new iMac right now.

    Me too. I have the original iMacIntel and I'm just waiting to upgrade.
  • Reply 17 of 153
    ipilyaipilya Posts: 195member
    Originally Posted by Winter View Post

    Very interesting... I have been debating between an iMac and MBP for a while as my first Mac. The quad-core would be the deal breaker for me. I did notice one small thing and I don't mean to be an idiot, though it is 10.6 Snow Leopard not just Leopard.

    Winter: No, Snow Leopard is a evolutionary update geared towards refinement of the underpinnings instead of being a 'feature' release. You can find a nice little synapse at
  • Reply 18 of 153
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,874member
    Originally Posted by rwood View Post

    I recently purchased a MBP. I love it! I just switched from PC because Vista pissed me off to no end. I have been going crazy waiting on the updated IMAC. Like most others, I refuse to purchase the current version when it is obvious that they will be updating it soon. It is irritating that Apple does not give any public statement or projection on updates to their line up. I was starting to look at a PC desktop because I really want a new desktop. I am going to hold out now because of this latest update..... I love the OS and everything about Apple with the exception of their secrecy.......

    Letting the public know of updates hurts Apple's bottom line. If you were told today that new iMacs were coming out next month you'd wait until next month to get one right? Of course you would! The majority of others would do the same. So now, what does Apple do with the remaining old inventory? They either sell it off cheaply thus, not making as much money off it, or letting someone like try and get rid of it which also would hurt Apple's bottom line. Yes there are people that will buy the old stock anyways between Apple's announcement of a new iMac and the day its actually introduced, but the majority of people would wait.

    Plus it also gives Apple's competitors an opportunity to get a kick start on a competing product, possibly before Apple gets to release they're new/updated product.

    As much as everyone hates it, this is not an uncommon practice by businesses. You don't see Chrysler telling you when the next Chrysler 300 will be out do you? You don't really know until its made available to order from the dealer.
  • Reply 19 of 153
    Originally Posted by rwood View Post

    I recently purchased a MBP. I love it! I just switched from PC because Vista pissed me off to no end. I have been going crazy waiting on the updated IMAC. Like most others, I refuse to purchase the current version when it is obvious that they will be updating it soon. It is irritating that Apple does not give any public statement or projection on updates to their line up. I was starting to look at a PC desktop because I really want a new desktop. I am going to hold out now because of this latest update..... I love the OS and everything about Apple with the exception of their secrecy.......
  • Reply 20 of 153
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,874member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Bring it!!

    And while your at it- please add to it

    1.) Blu-ray drive

    2.) MAtte option

    3.) 30" Display

    3.) New mouse- flat touch pad.

    4.) A unified color scheme with no screen border and no chin.

    1. I don't see any reason to have a blu-ray drive on an iMac or any Mac for that reason. There isn't any software on blu-ray discs. Apple wants you to use the iTunes Store to obtain TV Shows, Movies, etc instead of buying them on blu-ray. For HD, they want you to get an AppleTV. Or you could use something else via the internet to get your HD fix.

    2. Never gonna happen! You're lucky the 17" MBP retained that option. I wouldn't count on it lasting very long.

    3. HAHA! Good one! Wishful thinking at its best!

    3. Why are there 2 #3's? hehe... touchpad mouse would be interesting!

    4. The chin is necessary unless you want a fat Mac. Other than that I think they look great with silver and black. Looks very professional.
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