Apple says 17-inch MacBook Pros will see further delays



  • Reply 41 of 72
    adjeiadjei Posts: 738member
    Originally Posted by MJ Web View Post

    Well, if this is yet another in the long line of recent Apple QC issues at least they caught it before the product shipped.

    What does this have to do with QC, they said they are waiting for parts from one of their suppliers.
  • Reply 42 of 72
    Originally Posted by Mark 2000 View Post

    That's just dumb sour grapes. I rather know about a product ASAP so I am a more informed shopper than buy right before the new model comes out. I'd be more pissed now not knowing there would be a 17" than I am that I'm not getting it on time.

    Maybe the point of my post escaped you. I don't mind that they pre-announce, I mind that they proclaimed "END OF JANUARY" while in reality, even the SAME DAY, their online store was quoting dates four days into February. Then, instead of updating our delivery estimates as soon as they knew the machines would be delayed, they announced the delay on THE DAY THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO SHIP. There was never any chance of these machines being available in the time frame Phil Schiller quoted during the keynote, meaning his statement was either intentionally misleading or embarrassingly shortsighted.
  • Reply 43 of 72
    irnchrizirnchriz Posts: 1,617member
    Originally Posted by lordyoupeoplearedense View Post

    Phil says "end of January." I order two hours later. Ship date: Feb 4. Wait a month. Now wait two more weeks. Pathetic. If they couldn't get the computers ready until mid-February, they shouldn't have announced the things until mid-February.

    Just cancel your order then!

    If they announced a date then they probably thought they would be shipping then. If its a couple of weeks later then its more likely to be a component supply problem. Modern production lines are not keyed for small production runs, ALL of the components have to be there for large scale runs otherwise the cost rises. If say a memory controller is in short supply this totally screws up the line and puts the run on hold. Its shitty for the consumer but normally this would happen mid run and no one would be any the wiser. For this reason alone its good news that Apple won't have to pre-announce products anymore and then be subject to abuse for delays.
  • Reply 44 of 72
    Originally Posted by macxpress View Post

    BTW...I don't believe Apple owes you squat! Sorry Charlie, I've had to wait for many things in life, longer than I was told. Its just one of those things where you say "shit happens". Its not like Apple is purposely delaying this shipment. It hurts Apple as much as it does you. They aren't making any money off it until it ships, mean while they're still pouring money into this product.

    All I believe Apple owes me is honesty about when a product will be available, and timely updates when that information changes. You don't think they knew before today that they wouldn't be shipping today?
  • Reply 45 of 72
    Lord, you people are dense.
  • Reply 46 of 72
    Originally Posted by irnchriz View Post

    Just cancel your order then!

    If they announced a date then they probably thought they would be shipping then. If its a couple of weeks later then its more likely to be a component supply problem. Modern production lines are not keyed for small production runs, ALL of the components have to be there for large scale runs otherwise the cost rises. If say a memory controller is in short supply this totally screws up the line and puts the run on hold. Its shitty for the consumer but normally this would happen mid run and no one would be any the wiser. For this reason alone its good news that Apple won't have to pre-announce products anymore and then be subject to abuse for delays.

    Apple never "had" to pre-announce anything. They CHOSE to. I have no idea why this is such a difficult concept for you people to grasp. And why the hell would I want to cancel? I've been waiting for a month. You think the fact that it's delayed would make me not want it at all?

    The reason those of us who pre-ordered are upset is not just because of a delay. It's because they waited until the DAY they were supposed to ship to admit the delay. I could have handled a two-week delay a hell of a lot better if they had told me a week ago, not when I'm expecting to get the laptop in two days.

    Up until yesterday, Apple was publicly advertising a "7-10 day" wait. Suddenly now it's 3-4 weeks. So they just found about the change this morning? If I ordered one yesterday and was quoted "10 days," I'm now quoted 30? That makes sense?
  • Reply 47 of 72
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,911member
    Originally Posted by lordyoupeoplearedense View Post

    Apple never "had" to pre-announce anything. They CHOSE to. I have no idea why this is such a difficult concept for you people to grasp. And why the hell would I want to cancel? I've been waiting for a month. You think the fact that it's delayed would make me not want it at all?

    The reason those of us who pre-ordered are upset is not just because of a delay. It's because they waited until the DAY they were supposed to ship to admit the delay. I could have handled a two-week delay a hell of a lot better if they had told me a week ago, not when I'm expecting to get the laptop in two days.

    Up until yesterday, Apple was publicly advertising a "7-10 day" wait. Suddenly now it's 3-4 weeks. So they just found about the change this morning? If I ordered one yesterday and was quoted "10 days," I'm now quoted 30? That makes sense?

    Oh Phil Schiller should have came up on stage and said..sorry, we have nothing to annouce today, have a nice MacWorld.

    You need to grow up dude and stop acting like a little 5yr old who can't have his way with things. If you don't like it, cancel your order and stop bitching! You CHOSE to order one knowing it wouldn't ship right away. Apple can in no way guarantee a ship date, nor should they (or any other vendor) be held to anything. There are certain things beyond Apple's control, such as parts to build the laptop being at a severe shortage, or non-existent for various reasons.

    or better yet...

    You better start a class action lawsuit because Apple didn't meet a deadline....
  • Reply 48 of 72
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by filburt View Post

    I take dibs on 17-inch LED panel.

    Maybe one of the Aluminium unibody factories in China closed down.
  • Reply 49 of 72
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by Cubert View Post

    "Apple has told at least one customer that it is waiting on certain components specific to the 17-inch MacBook Pro from its supply chain before it can begin shipping the notebooks."

    Must be the flux capacitor.

    That or the Mr. Fusion™ 8 hour battery. Apple forgot they had to inform customers to keep feeding the 17" MBP food scraps and waste paper to keep your battery going past the 5 hour mark.
  • Reply 50 of 72
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by macxpress View Post

    ...You better start a class action lawsuit because Apple didn't meet a deadline....

    Don't worry, I'm sure one is in the works already. Delays on the 17". No iMac or Mac Mini updates seen in months and months. Nvidia driver issues.

    This does not bode well for Apple. Steve Jobs has been such a force (of nature, if you will) for Apple. Now that he's out of the picture, some cracks are starting to appear.

    I'm blowing things out of proportion? Maybe. It's just with the global economy the way it is... The pressure is really there on Apple not to make any mistakes.
  • Reply 51 of 72
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by lordyoupeoplearedense View Post

    Apple never "had" to pre-announce anything. They CHOSE to. I have no idea why this is such a difficult concept for you people to grasp. And why the hell would I want to cancel? I've been waiting for a month. You think the fact that it's delayed would make me not want it at all?

    The reason those of us who pre-ordered are upset is not just because of a delay. It's because they waited until the DAY they were supposed to ship to admit the delay. I could have handled a two-week delay a hell of a lot better if they had told me a week ago, not when I'm expecting to get the laptop in two days.

    Up until yesterday, Apple was publicly advertising a "7-10 day" wait. Suddenly now it's 3-4 weeks. So they just found about the change this morning? If I ordered one yesterday and was quoted "10 days," I'm now quoted 30? That makes sense?

    I have to say I understand your frustration. Right now I'm targeting just saving up cash and chugging along with my MacBook White (Core Duo) 1st gen which is almost 3 years old. I'm looking at getting a better external monitor (19" for about US$150) as my main "upgrade" the next few months.

    With all Apple stuff, if you need it, go for it. The MacBooks and MacBookPros are quite exciting and good value products. However, the rest of the Apple line up, may need some shoring up.
  • Reply 52 of 72
    Originally Posted by lordyoupeoplearedense View Post

    Apple never "had" to pre-announce anything. They CHOSE to. I have no idea why this is such a difficult concept for you people to grasp. And why the hell would I want to cancel? I've been waiting for a month. You think the fact that it's delayed would make me not want it at all?

    Yes, they chose to announce a highly anticipated product at a highly anticipated event, the last they are participated in. I suppose they could've announced only iLife '09 and iWork '09, but then presumably you be complaining that they haven't even announced a new MacBook Pro model for you to purchase. Also, due to the distress this delay is obviously causing you, others are trying to be helpful by highlighting the option of canceling your order so you don't need to worry about the delay at all. If you absolutely needed this computer by the original ship date for some client, project, or other circumstance, you could cancel your order and use the refund to purchase a similar product from Apple or another company. If you didn't absolutely need the new notebook but the ship date, why are you complaining so much?

    Originally Posted by lordyoupeoplearedense View Post

    The reason those of us who pre-ordered are upset is not just because of a delay. It's because they waited until the DAY they were supposed to ship to admit the delay. I could have handled a two-week delay a hell of a lot better if they had told me a week ago, not when I'm expecting to get the laptop in two days.

    What could you have done with this information, had it been released earlier, that would get your new computer to you faster? Apple, like any company, doesn't want to announce delays in releasing a product and they waited until the last possible reasonable time to allow the problem to be solved before announcing the delay. That last possible reasonable time would be the day the product would be shipped. Shocking, I know! Again, get a refund, purchase something else that can ship in that time frame. Note the 15" is shipping within 24 hours.

    Originally Posted by lordyoupeoplearedense View Post

    Up until yesterday, Apple was publicly advertising a "7-10 day" wait. Suddenly now it's 3-4 weeks. So they just found about the change this morning? If I ordered one yesterday and was quoted "10 days," I'm now quoted 30? That makes sense?

    Technically, ship dates aren't advertised, they are estimated. Phil Schiller said they would ship late January. Any number of things inside and outside Apple's control can change that ship date within a month's time. And, again, announcing a delay too early has the possibility of predicting bad news before it comes, if it comes at all. Apple was protecting it's shareholders by announcing the delay as late as reasonably possible, just in case the problem was solved before the announced ship date of the product.
  • Reply 53 of 72
    *I know for 100% certain the issue is the GPU. Apple is going back and re-replacing the GPUs in the finished machines.

    *Apple was mass producing the new MacBook Pros before the keynote even started.

    *Apple knew their was problems with the GPU and potentially systematic chip bake issues, and continued anyway.

    *Apple realized that that customers would most likely notice the bug since they were more serious than apple previously thought, and decided to fix the problem rather than ship it anyway.

    *Apple was planning to ship them anyway and "keep its' fingers crossed" similar to the 2 million defective MBP they continue to ship with 8600s.

    This is directly from Apple campus, and two sr. engineers on mobiles.
  • Reply 54 of 72
    wilcowilco Posts: 985member
    Originally Posted by macxpress View Post

    Oh Phil Schiller should have came up on stage and said..sorry, we have nothing to annouce today, have a nice MacWorld.

    You need to grow up dude and stop acting like a little 5yr old who can't have his way with things. If you don't like it, cancel your order and stop bitching! You CHOSE to order one knowing it wouldn't ship right away. Apple can in no way guarantee a ship date, nor should they (or any other vendor) be held to anything. There are certain things beyond Apple's control, such as parts to build the laptop being at a severe shortage, or non-existent for various reasons.

    or better yet...

    You better start a class action lawsuit because Apple didn't meet a deadline....

  • Reply 55 of 72
    bwikbwik Posts: 565member
    You guys are pissed that one of the world's most complex dry goods is ... 10, 14 days late. Go stroke your boner. You really think Apple is incompetent? What does that make the rest of us? Apple does really good things. They make nice machines. What can you do? Stop bitching please.
  • Reply 56 of 72
    I really think waiting until the estimated shipping date to announce a delay is unacceptable. My boss expects to hear about project delays as soon as I know they might happen. I have to outline risks and contingencies before the work even starts and provide regular status reports so progress can be tracked against the schedule. Somebody at Apple knew two weeks ago that February 4 was unrealistic. Last week they knew the date was impossible. They should have told their customers then.

    As for the idea that they had to announce something at Macworld, they have an as yet still unreleased product that was ready last year. Why didn't they announce that instead?

    If you're puzzled that product is the Mac nano: a MacBook minus the display, battery, keyboard and trackpad. They have the supply chain in place because they're currently shipping thousands of MacBooks every week. All it needs is a case tweak to turn it into a low cost desktop and get at least some of the people who've been waiting 18 months for a new Mini to shut up.
  • Reply 57 of 72
    Originally Posted by lordyoupeoplearedense View Post

    Up until yesterday, Apple was publicly advertising a "7-10 day" wait. Suddenly now it's 3-4 weeks. So they just found about the change this morning? If I ordered one yesterday and was quoted "10 days," I'm now quoted 30? That makes sense?

    Dude, TFSU! Take all this outrage and point it toward something that's an actual big deal, like your community or your country. There's a lot of crap they need to fix. Your energy is better spent on more important things than a hardware delay.
  • Reply 58 of 72
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    But what about the 15" MacBook Pro GPUs? How come we haven't seen delays / stock inconsistency with those? Curious. Would you be suggesting there's a whole bunch of MBP 15" with dodgy GPUs?

    Originally Posted by webmail View Post

    *I know for 100% certain the issue is the GPU. Apple is going back and re-replacing the GPUs in the finished machines.

    *Apple was mass producing the new MacBook Pros before the keynote even started.

    *Apple knew their was problems with the GPU and potentially systematic chip bake issues, and continued anyway.

    *Apple realized that that customers would most likely notice the bug since they were more serious than apple previously thought, and decided to fix the problem rather than ship it anyway.

    *Apple was planning to ship them anyway and "keep its' fingers crossed" similar to the 2 million defective MBP they continue to ship with 8600s.

    This is directly from Apple campus, and two sr. engineers on mobiles.

  • Reply 59 of 72
    Originally Posted by paragoat View Post

    Mine was supposed to ship on Feb 6, now the delay is until Feb 19th. I dont know how much more I can take of this!

    It's no better for the PC world, Dell often ends up pushing their ship dates back on new models.

    This could of course be resolved by not allowing pre-orders & releasing for purchase the day they are available, but what would be the fun in that?
  • Reply 60 of 72
    rbonnerrbonner Posts: 635member
    Originally Posted by bwik View Post

    You guys are pissed that one of the world's most complex dry goods is ... 10, 14 days late. Go stroke your boner. You really think Apple is incompetent? What does that make the rest of us? Apple does really good things. They make nice machines. What can you do? Stop bitching please.

    That is what a forum is for, saying what you feel. Feel free to give your view, read others, but not thinking you should tell others to stop just because it offends your view.
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