Apple leads 2009 customer satisfaction survey

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
A survey examining users' satisfaction with recent PC purchases and their near term buying outlook gave Apple the top spot and a distant lead in consumer approval rankings and improved numbers related to buyer's immediate plans for new notebooks.

The numbers (pdf), compiled by ChangeWave Research, indicate a continued drop in overall spending for both desktops and notebooks, hitting the lowest point in at least two years. Only 4% of respondents plan to buy a new desktop in the next 90 days, and just 6% have notebook plans. That's roughly half of the planned demand expressed in 2007.

Of those who plan to buy new notebooks, 30% said they will buy from Apple, compared to 22% for HP and 26% for Dell. Eighteen percent said they would buy a netbook, up from 14% last month, while two thirds said they wouldn't be considering a netbook and another 16% weren't sure.

In desktops, 26% said they were planning to buy from Apple, while 28% said HP and 32% said Dell. Looking backward at actual purchases over the last 90 days, 15% bought Apple desktops, 27% bought HP, and 33% bought Dell. In notebooks, 20% reported buying Apple, 27% HP, and 33% bought Dell.

ChangeWave's survey also asked recent buyers to rank their new PC purchase as being very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, somewhat unsatisfied, or very unsatisfied. Apple claimed the top spot with 81% saying they were very satisfied, compared to figures of 67% to 50% from other top PC manufacturers.

A ChangeWave survey from last year, ranking corporate users' satisfaction with their computer's operating system, highlighted that while 54% of Mac OS X Leopard users were 'very satisfied,' only 40% of Windows XP Profession users were, and just 28% of Windows XP Home users, 24% of Windows XP Media Center users, and between 5% and 12% of Windows Vista users (depending on the edition they used) were similarly "very satisfied."

Poor satisfaction rankings with both Windows software and generic PCs may be having an impact on the overall demand in the PC market, which actually shrunk for the first time in history last quarter. However, it's unquestionable that those factors are driving switchers to Apple. The company continues to report that half of the computer purchases made in its retail stores are to users new to the Mac.


  • Reply 1 of 32
    I'm satisfied!
  • Reply 2 of 32
    adjeiadjei Posts: 738member
    You mean people who buy Macs are satisfied with their computers, no way, going by what you read here you would think they have the worst products.
  • Reply 3 of 32
    mactelmactel Posts: 1,275member
    Most Mac users will remain satisfied so long as they remember to buy the AppleCare plan with their system.

    If I didn't then my system board replacement would have cost as much as the original purchase. AppleCare is well worth it.

    I'm totally satisfied with the customer service I've received.
  • Reply 4 of 32
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    This just brings into focus the disconnect between the general customer population and the constant tales of woe one reads on sites like MacFixit and Apple's discussions. The denizens of these sites are always making claims about widespread problems, coverups by Apple, and "obvious" flaws. Seems it just takes two people with the same problem to make it a "known issue." Then the castigating of Apple ensues with much ranting and pontificating. However, professional surveys consistently show a different picture of Apple quality and reliability. I've always wondered why I never seem to experience the "known issues" and "crappy quality" of Apple software and hardware. Now I know why.
  • Reply 5 of 32
    Originally Posted by Adjei View Post

    You mean people who buy Macs are satisfied with their computers, no way, going by what you read here you would think they have the worst products.

    Lol soooooo true. Some people on this site arent passionate about Apple they are passionate about Apple-bashing.
  • Reply 6 of 32
    irelandireland Posts: 17,800member
    To be perfectly honest there's a lot be dissatisfied with Apple too. From the over-the-top cost of Mobile Me, to the sub-par displays in the (expensive) consumer MacBooks (and I'm talking crappy). And don't get me started on the power adapters for those notebooks. They have a low quality build to them, and the cost of them is a supreme joke. I like Apple as much as the next guy, but they need to get off thier high horse, cause they are going to create enemies if they continue to rip-off their customers and deliver low quality product. I had no choice to buy an Air, I didn't want to carry around a MacBook Pro, and I took a look at the new MacBooks, to much disgust and bewilderment. Really; lately their QC is going down, while their prices are going up. I have long said Mobile Me should be a free service. Mobile Me shouldn't be a luxury, it should be a pleasant addition and peace of mind for Mac users. It should be Apple's way of saying thanks, we're here to help our "loyal" customers. Mobile Me should be a basic service, with a premium option, and an API for devs to make mobile me apps, to submit to Apple to add to the mobile me store of free and paid business applications. That would be something interesting. That would "satisify" us.
  • Reply 7 of 32
    vineavinea Posts: 5,585member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    To be perfectly honest there's a lot be dissatisfied with Apple too. From the over-the-top cost of Mobile Me, to the sub-par displays in the (expensive) consumer MacBooks (and I'm talking crappy). And don't get me started on the power adapters for those notebooks. They have a low quality build to them, and the cost of them is a supreme joke. I like Apple as much as the next guy, but they need to get off thier high horse, cause they are going to create enemies if they continue to rip-off their customers and deliver low quality product. I had no choice to buy an Air, I didn't want to carry around a MacBook Pro, and I took a look at the new MacBooks, to much disgust and bewilderment. Really; lately their QC is going down, while their prices are going up. I have long said Mobile Me should be a free service. Mobile Me shouldn't be a luxury, it should be a pleasant addition and peace of mind for Mac users. It should be Apple's way of saying thanks, we're here to help our "loyal" customers. Mobile Me should be a basic service, with a premium option, and an API for devs to make mobile me apps, to submit to Apple to add to the mobile me store of free and paid business applications. That would be something interesting. That would "satisify" us.

    Right. And they should give you a pony too.
  • Reply 8 of 32
    dualiedualie Posts: 334member
    Hey, Apple has definitely delivered some boner products in the past (the B&W G3 comes to mind), but generally, the products are very high quality. Of course there are exceptions and there will always be the occasional odd-out that has problems.

    I also agree that some stuff if overpriced. Apple's price for RAM, for example, is a travesty. It's a travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham (to quote Fielding Melish). Some of their adapters are also ridiculously expensive (if they even work properly).

    Apple isn't immune to problems, and machines are just machines. However, if 81% are satisfied, that means that there are a signifcant number who are not.
  • Reply 9 of 32
    halvrihalvri Posts: 146member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    To be perfectly honest there's a lot be dissatisfied with Apple too. From the over-the-top cost of Mobile Me, to the sub-par displays in the (expensive) consumer MacBooks (and I'm talking crappy). And don't get me started on the power adapters for those notebooks. They have a low quality build to them, and the cost of them is a supreme joke. I like Apple as much as the next guy, but they need to get off thier high horse, cause they are going to create enemies if they continue to rip-off their customers and deliver low quality product. I had no choice to buy an Air, I didn't want to carry around a MacBook Pro, and I took a look at the new MacBooks, to much disgust and bewilderment. Really; lately their QC is going down, while their prices are going up. I have long said Mobile Me should be a free service. Mobile Me shouldn't be a luxury, it should be a pleasant addition and peace of mind for Mac users. It should be Apple's way of saying thanks, we're here to help our "loyal" customers. Mobile Me should be a basic service, with a premium option, and an API for devs to make mobile me apps, to submit to Apple to add to the mobile me store of free and paid business applications. That would be something interesting. That would "satisify" us.

    The web hosting MobileMe gives you alone, is worth the price of admission. All services like Google sync is literally just sync.
  • Reply 10 of 32
    Originally Posted by Adjei View Post

    You mean people who buy Macs are satisfied with their computers, no way, going by what you read here you would think they have the worst products.

    I agree.

    Had a call about my Macbook Pro (unibody) today (vibration issue with 7200 drive), the engineer bent over backwards to make sure everything was right. Even booked me a genius appointment to have my laptop stress tested overnight to make sure it is perfect.

    I give them 5 stars!
  • Reply 11 of 32
    cameronjcameronj Posts: 2,357member
    The vast difference in satisfaction between XP Pro and Home just shows how little faith you should put in self reported satisfaction. Consumers are truly idiots. I guarantee if you put 100 users in an electric chair with thumbscrews and heat lamps, only 2 would be able to tell you a single difference between XP Pro and Home.

    Just amused me, that's all....
  • Reply 12 of 32
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,146member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    To be perfectly honest there's a lot be dissatisfied with Apple too. From the over-the-top cost of Mobile Me, to the sub-par displays in the (expensive) consumer MacBooks (and I'm talking crappy). And don't get me started on the power adapters for those notebooks. They have a low quality build to them, and the cost of them is a supreme joke. I like Apple as much as the next guy, but they need to get off thier high horse, cause they are going to create enemies if they continue to rip-off their customers and deliver low quality product. I had no choice to buy an Air, I didn't want to carry around a MacBook Pro, and I took a look at the new MacBooks, to much disgust and bewilderment. Really; lately their QC is going down, while their prices are going up. I have long said Mobile Me should be a free service. Mobile Me shouldn't be a luxury, it should be a pleasant addition and peace of mind for Mac users. It should be Apple's way of saying thanks, we're here to help our "loyal" customers. Mobile Me should be a basic service, with a premium option, and an API for devs to make mobile me apps, to submit to Apple to add to the mobile me store of free and paid business applications. That would be something interesting. That would "satisify" us.

    Really? Please provide the make and model of the pistol they pointed to your head to "force" you to buy an MBA.

    My opinions of Apple are quite to the contrary of yours. Based on the upcoming Q2 figures and this recent customer satisfaction report, there might be a possibility that you in a very small (yet vocal) minority.

    And btw, I am an extremely happy owner of an MBA. Best built laptop I've ever owned. Excellent display and my power adapters have given me no problems.

  • Reply 13 of 32
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,953member
    I think MobileMe is worth every penny. There's nothing like it IMO. You basically want Apple to give you something for purchasing a computer? Get real!

    Display in the new MacBook suites me fine. I don't see the majority of customers complaining either. Sorry Apple can't provide you with a top notch LCD panel in a CONSUMER laptop! And don't give me any bull about the complaints either. Just because you can find a discussion with 100 complaints, thats peanuts compared to the hundreds of thousands of uni-body MacBooks they're selling.

    They're products are very reliable. If they weren't they wouldn't be where they are today. No product is perfect and never will be. Mac OS X may be arguably the best OS out there, but if the hardware was shit and unreliable, people would still take it back and get something else. Their power adapters are I think the best you can get. Simple, don't rip the connector out of the logicboard, etc. Again, worth every penny. I used to work for a computer repair shop and we repaired at least 10 notebooks a week with broken power plugs. Had to resolder a new plug back onto the motherboard. But yeah, thats a better solution!

    I agree with're in a very minority position here....
  • Reply 14 of 32
    Well... I'm a fanboy for a reason. That reason is that since 1984, I've been buying products from Apple, and I've never had a problem.

  • Reply 15 of 32
    I've used Windows all my life and it's a pain reinstalling, updating, checking virus software, getting compromised immediately while on the network, all things I dealt with as a system admin in college.

    Fast forward and spent a full 6 months drooling over Leopard before I got my iMac. You know what? I loved it. The OS is extremely well thought out and user workflow is amazing. Yeah, the concept of application windows and the universal menu bar is different, but not hard to readjust to.

    And I just got my new unibody MacBook Pro on Monday....boy, if you are disgusted with the unibody Macbook...there's something wrong with you. It's true the screen is a bit lower quality according to tech specs, but it's not incredibly noticeable. But man...I thought the Air was gorgeous too, but after seeing and working with the new glass trackpad, I had to pass up the Air. Apple continues to amaze me daily. Always something I come to appreciate while using my laptop. You're right, I've become a fanboy, but for good reason. I don't remember appreciating much about Windows...
  • Reply 16 of 32
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Mobile Me should be a basic service, with a premium option, and an API for devs to make mobile me apps, to submit to Apple to add to the mobile me store of free and paid business applications. That would be something interesting. That would "satisify" us.

    You know dozens of third party developers have been using .Mac/MobileMe for years now to accommodate syncing their apps' data between multiple Macs, and now iPhones? Sync Services. It's not new. Look it up. Or I'll go ahead and do the work for you:

    As for the price of MobileMe: have you priced out shared web hosting plans lately? They typically go for $5-20/mo, which ends up either being slightly less or quite a bit more than the price of a year's worth of MobileMe. While I would agree there are a few ways MobileMe could offer better value, it is definitely not a ripoff as it stands.
  • Reply 17 of 32
    tofinotofino Posts: 697member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    Right. And they should give you a pony too.

    i'd rather pay for mobileme (and i have since they started) than clean up after a pony thank you...
  • Reply 18 of 32
    tofinotofino Posts: 697member
    Originally Posted by Silencio View Post

    You know dozens of third party developers have been using .Mac/MobileMe for years now to accommodate syncing their apps' data between multiple Macs, and now iPhones? Sync Services. It's not new. Look it up. Or I'll go ahead and do the work for you:

    As for the price of MobileMe: have you priced out shared web hosting plans lately? They typically go for $5-20/mo, which ends up either being slightly less or quite a bit more than the price of a year's worth of MobileMe. While I would agree there are a few ways MobileMe could offer better value, it is definitely not a ripoff as it stands.

    i've never understood the 'outrage' over mobileme's price. if you work with more than one mac, or have an iphone or ipod touch, the convenience of having the address book synced alone is worth the price of admission. i don't use the webhosting and usually find that emailing myself files is faster than using idisk, but my calendar's are up to date on any of the 6 macs i sync with it, i can bookmark something on my phone to read it later at work or at home, back to my mac works well for me (just lucky i guess?) and that's worth 20 cents a day in my book.

    there are many third party solutions, many free, many cheap, that duplicate some of the functionality of mobileme. none of them do all, and not one makes it as easy. it is possible to get all the features done without giving apple money, but if you want it done just by turning it on after a fresh install for example, or if you add an iphone/ipod touch to the mix, it's a no brainer...

    of course there is always room for improvement and more service.
  • Reply 19 of 32
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    To be perfectly honest there's a lot be dissatisfied with Apple too. From the over-the-top cost of Mobile Me, to the sub-par displays in the (expensive) consumer MacBooks (and I'm talking crappy). And don't get me started on the power adapters for those notebooks. They have a low quality build to them, and the cost of them is a supreme joke. I like Apple as much as the next guy, but they need to get off thier high horse, cause they are going to create enemies if they continue to rip-off their customers and deliver low quality product. I had no choice to buy an Air, I didn't want to carry around a MacBook Pro, and I took a look at the new MacBooks, to much disgust and bewilderment. Really; lately their QC is going down, while their prices are going up. I have long said Mobile Me should be a free service. Mobile Me shouldn't be a luxury, it should be a pleasant addition and peace of mind for Mac users. It should be Apple's way of saying thanks, we're here to help our "loyal" customers. Mobile Me should be a basic service, with a premium option, and an API for devs to make mobile me apps, to submit to Apple to add to the mobile me store of free and paid business applications. That would be something interesting. That would "satisify" us.

    Always funny to read personal opinion presented as fact.
  • Reply 20 of 32
    irnchrizirnchriz Posts: 1,617member
    Originally Posted by MacTel View Post

    Most Mac users will remain satisfied so long as they remember to buy the AppleCare plan with their system.

    If I didn't then my system board replacement would have cost as much as the original purchase. AppleCare is well worth it.

    I'm totally satisfied with the customer service I've received.

    Don't waste your cash on Applecare. My 24" iMac (white one) literally blew up and Apple were quoted 8 weeks to repair it. I flipped it off of the desk onto the floor and claimed through my house insurance and received a shiny new 24" Alu 3.06ghz model.

    Also, on a side note, I think that Ireland and Macoldtimer may be one in the same. A couple of sad old farts who are dissatisfied with life in general.
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