Apple on iPhone tethering, Flash support, and Copy & Paste



  • Reply 81 of 86
    tulkastulkas Posts: 3,757member
    Originally Posted by wnurse View Post

    I got what you are saying.. no other developers have to worry about security. Everyone else that has to develop software on a deadline, they never have to worry about security and implementing cut and paste on the iphone is more complex that other people complex applications.

    Yes, that is exactly what I said. You didn't miss a thing.

    Yes, every developer has deadlines and guess what? Sometimes they are missed. Sometimes they do consider security. And sometimes one contributes to the other. But, you have so much experience with complex application development, you should know that, right? You do have the experience to know that projects, large and small, can get derailed by the smallest of concerns, especially when they are not prioritized high enough to begin with.

    Originally Posted by wnurse View Post

    BTW, i work for a fortune 500 company (actually a fortune 100 company).. but thanks for looking out for me. This is what makes this forum great.. the concern for each other that we display.. you don't know me but yet i sensed, you were concerned about my career enough to wonder why i haven't been snapped up by a major firm. Curious, how did you know i wasn't snapped up by a major firm? (i've been working for this company for over 8 years).. notwithstanding this fact, have i misrepresented myself somewhere else?.. or did you just assume? I'm just curious.

    That's great. You work for a large company. I should have been more clear. I meant that you hadn't been snapped up by one of the large dev houses. Working in the IT dept of a Fortune 100 company surely is a challenge and I am sure you develop lots of great, super complicated business apps. Not really the same as working in a dev shop though, is it? But, everyone goes to their strengths and sometimes that means you have to settle.

    You haven't misrepresented yourself at all. Not at all.
  • Reply 82 of 86
    wnursewnurse Posts: 427member
    Originally Posted by Tulkas View Post

    Yes, that is exactly what I said. You didn't miss a thing.

    Yes, every developer has deadlines and guess what? Sometimes they are missed. Sometimes they do consider security. And sometimes one contributes to the other. But, you have so much experience with complex application development, you should know that, right? You do have the experience to know that projects, large and small, can get derailed by the smallest of concerns, especially when they are not prioritized high enough to begin with.

    That's great. You work for a large company. I should have been more clear. I meant that you hadn't been snapped up by one of the large dev houses. Working in the IT dept of a Fortune 100 company surely is a challenge and I am sure you develop lots of great, super complicated business apps. Not really the same as working in a dev shop though, is it? But, everyone goes to their strengths and sometimes that means you have to settle.

    You haven't misrepresented yourself at all. Not at all.

    I don't work in the IT department. Again, where are you getting this info from?.

    You know, insulting me doesn't really work. Think about it, if i were a troll, would insulting me really work?.. don't trolls live of people getting upset and throwing personal insults?. If I am not a troll, then how would this work?.. you hardly know me.. why would telling me that i had to settle for the IT department upset me (actually, i am laughing my head off).... what if i was working for microsoft?.. you think they do any development?. What about Oracle or Google?.. Are you trolling for personal info from me, trying to get me to say exactly what large company I work for?. Nice try though.. IT department.. man, is that like, a geek insult or something?.Well i'll raise your insult and say.... hey Tulkas, at least i don't work as tech support (btw, feeling insulted yet?).
  • Reply 83 of 86
    tulkastulkas Posts: 3,757member
    Originally Posted by wnurse View Post

    I don't work in the IT department. Again, where are you getting this info from?.

    You know, insulting me doesn't really work. Think about it, if i were a troll, would insulting me really work?.. don't trolls live of people getting upset and throwing personal insults?. If I am not a troll, then how would this work?.. you hardly know me.. why would telling me that i had to settle for the IT department upset me (actually, i am laughing my head off).... what if i was working for microsoft?.. you think they do any development?. What about Oracle or Google?.. Are you trolling for personal info from me, trying to get me to say exactly what large company I work for?. Nice try though.. IT department.. man, is that like, a geek insult or something?.Well i'll raise your insult and say.... hey Tulkas, at least i don't work as tech support (btw, feeling insulted yet?).

    How would working in an IT dept be an insult? If that is your ability, that is where you should be. In university, I did a co-op stint at one of the largest insurance firms and a large financial services company many years ago. The programmers there were great people, though no one would confuse them with developers (a couple called themselves devs, but they needed that...). I hope you don't really think working in an IT dept instead of a real dev shop is an insult. That would just be sort of sad.

    And why would I be insulted by you asking about tech support? Some of my best friends work in various support roles at the local tech companies around here. Smart people. (also,ironic that a guy that has very few posts where he doesn't throw an ad hom or two, starts imagining insults)

    I think we can all be fairly sure you are not with a software company, large or small. Someone mentioning their 'experience' as a 'developer' of 'complicated' software when trying to add credibility to their comments, and then trying to back this up would likely have mentioned, at the least, their company was a software or other technologically based company...instead of, you know, some lame 'Fortune 500' line. Honestly, don't care where you work. You have generally established your credibility very well.

    While I know I shouldn't feed the trolls, sometimes you are just too easy. For instance, have you ever dwelt on the lack of self esteem it would require for a person that strongly dislikes Apple to regularly visit an Apple related forum just to troll? It would take a very, very sad,lonely person, no? Now, where were we again with your profound Apple observations? (now those are good entertainment)
  • Reply 84 of 86
    wnursewnurse Posts: 427member
    Originally Posted by Tulkas View Post

    How would working in an IT dept be an insult? If that is your ability, that is where you should be. In university, I did a co-op stint at one of the largest insurance firms and a large financial services company many years ago. The programmers there were great people, though no one would confuse them with developers (a couple called themselves devs, but they needed that...). I hope you don't really think working in an IT dept instead of a real dev shop is an insult. That would just be sort of sad.

    And why would I be insulted by you asking about tech support? Some of my best friends work in various support roles at the local tech companies around here. Smart people. (also,ironic that a guy that has very few posts where he doesn't throw an ad hom or two, starts imagining insults)

    I think we can all be fairly sure you are not with a software company, large or small. Someone mentioning their 'experience' as a 'developer' of 'complicated' software when trying to add credibility to their comments, and then trying to back this up would likely have mentioned, at the least, their company was a software or other technologically based company...instead of, you know, some lame 'Fortune 500' line. Honestly, don't care where you work. You have generally established your credibility very well.

    While I know I shouldn't feed the trolls, sometimes you are just too easy. For instance, have you ever dwelt on the lack of self esteem it would require for a person that strongly dislikes Apple to regularly visit an Apple related forum just to troll? It would take a very, very sad,lonely person, no? Now, where were we again with your profound Apple observations? (now those are good entertainment)

    Yes, we can all be sure i am not working for a major sofware company cause you said so. You, oh great one, has decided who works for a software company and who doesn't.

    As to credibility, you sound like an idiot stating that it takes a year to figure out security concerns with cut and paste. my credibility?.. i wouldn't hire you if you were the last developer on earth. I could have done what apple did in 1 month. Apple employees, so smart, it took them a year to figure out security. Give me a break.

    As to where i work, yes, i work for a large software company whose sole reason for existence is developing software but don't let me stop you.. you were doing so well determining where i worked and what type of work I did. I am impressed by your obvious superior intellect. Why even an IT department?. If I have no credibility, why even believe I am involved in the computer industry?. Perhaps i am the CEO of a large fortune 500 company and don't know crap about computers or a Janitor at that same 500 company. I could be a poet, a singer, maybe T-Pain or perhaps I am President Obama or maybe Sean Hannity, or i could be a cop, a grocery store worker, a pharmacist, a doctor, anyone other than who i claim to be.

    I was thinking of asking where you worked but what's the point?. your credibility with me is shot also (which idiot thinks it takes 2 years to implement cut and paste?).

    You could be anyone, maybe you are Beyonce or a social worker or anyone who have no idea what they are talking about.

    I'm gonna guess though, that you obviously work for a large software company or is the nephew or brother of someone who works at apple. You have detailed knowledge of the inner workings of apple and is perhaps the foremost expert on Mac OSX and also the iphone. By examining the software, you were able to determine the cut and paste capability so complex, even the code for the space shuttle pales in comparison. I mean, this code is so complex, even Newton and Einstein together couldn't figure this thing out. It took apple brilliant developers (and lets remember now, they are super smart) two years to implement cut and paste securely. If they couldn't do it, no one else could. We all know, apple is the best, those guys, people (heck even you, the smartest guy not working at apple) should lick the ground they walk on.

    Naw!!!.. i got carried away for a moment, nope.. i'll go with my first instinct, you are an idiot. You don't work for a large software company and you definitely is not the foremost expert in anything.

    I think we finished with this argument right?. Cause i am sure you will have another idiotic reply. Let summarize..

    You think it's reasonable for apple employees to take two years to figure out how to implement cut and paste in a secure manner

    I would have fired them 1 and 1/2 years ago and replaced them with more competent employees.

    We have different standards.

    Good night.
  • Reply 85 of 86
    tulkastulkas Posts: 3,757member
    Originally Posted by wnurse View Post

    Yes, we can all be sure i am not working for a major sofware company cause you said so. You, oh great one, has decided who works for a software company and who doesn't.

    As to credibility, you sound like an idiot stating that it takes a year to figure out security concerns with cut and paste. my credibility?.. i wouldn't hire you if you were the last developer on earth. I could have done what apple did in 1 month. Apple employees, so smart, it took them a year to figure out security. Give me a break.

    As to where i work, yes, i work for a large software company whose sole reason for existence is developing software but don't let me stop you.. you were doing so well determining where i worked and what type of work I did. I am impressed by your obvious superior intellect. Why even an IT department?. If I have no credibility, why even believe I am involved in the computer industry?. Perhaps i am the CEO of a large fortune 500 company and don't know crap about computers or a Janitor at that same 500 company. I could be a poet, a singer, maybe T-Pain or perhaps I am President Obama or maybe Sean Hannity, or i could be a cop, a grocery store worker, a pharmacist, a doctor, anyone other than who i claim to be.

    I was thinking of asking where you worked but what's the point?. your credibility with me is shot also (which idiot thinks it takes 2 years to implement cut and paste?).

    You could be anyone, maybe you are Beyonce or a social worker or anyone who have no idea what they are talking about.

    I'm gonna guess though, that you obviously work for a large software company or is the nephew or brother of someone who works at apple. You have detailed knowledge of the inner workings of apple and is perhaps the foremost expert on Mac OSX and also the iphone. By examining the software, you were able to determine the cut and paste capability so complex, even the code for the space shuttle pales in comparison. I mean, this code is so complex, even Newton and Einstein together couldn't figure this thing out. It took apple brilliant developers (and lets remember now, they are super smart) two years to implement cut and paste securely. If they couldn't do it, no one else could. We all know, apple is the best, those guys, people (heck even you, the smartest guy not working at apple) should lick the ground they walk on.

    Naw!!!.. i got carried away for a moment, nope.. i'll go with my first instinct, you are an idiot. You don't work for a large software company and you definitely is not the foremost expert in anything.

    I think we finished with this argument right?. Cause i am sure you will have another idiotic reply. Let summarize..

    You think it's reasonable for apple employees to take two years to figure out how to implement cut and paste in a secure manner

    I would have fired them 1 and 1/2 years ago and replaced them with more competent employees.

    We have different standards.

    Good night.

    You are right, you might be a janitor. Nothing wrong with that. Be proud. Don't feel the need for pretense to back up your comments. If they are intelligent and well thought out, they will stand on their own. Of course, with yours, perhaps some pretense is required.

    Now, all you have to do is learn to read. Where did I ever say security caused a two year delay for CnP? I think, in multiple posts, I have mentioned that it was a matter of the feature not being prioritized. Simple. (you get simple, right?) Read and think before posting and you will look less foolish. Maybe it will help if I use small words for you (just want to help you out, as you previously mentioned).

    You entire little rant is made up of misunderstanding and outright fabrications, but then I don't expect much more from you. Most of your posts seem similar. You didn't even manage to get any facts straight in your summary. That is just sad. But, attention to detail is what makes a great developer with really tight code, right? Hmm, maybe you are the wrong person to answer.

    Let's summarize again:

    *wnurse has a distaste for Apple and Apple fans. Good for him

    *picks up on a single comment about security contributing to the delay of CnP and believes this means they meant it as the only reason, because of his 'expertise' with 'complex' software

    *wnurse reveals the real reason is incompetent Apple devs and prioritization

    *when it is pointed out to wnurse that Apple admitted, almost a year ago, that CnP was omitted because it was not a priority, he continues to fixate on the security comment, again and again and again.

    *wnurse, unable to ever reply intelligently, seems always to jump to ad homs.

    *wnurse continues to obsess about Apple and Apple related issues, though he has strong negative feelings for them (Oedipus issues?)

    *Because of these bitter, obsessive feeling wnurse has toward Apple and users of Apple products, he feels a need to visit Apple related forum to troll (reverse Oedipus issues?)

    You are right, though. We do have different standards. I respect intelligence and honesty. You? maybe not so much, hmm?
  • Reply 86 of 86
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    I've been using the tehtering for some weeks now. Despite not charging and maintaining the current charge when plugged in with the USB cable when tethered, it actually drains the battery. I wouldn't have expected this.
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