Source: Apple's next-gen iPhone has video camera



  • Reply 81 of 128
    abster2coreabster2core Posts: 2,501member
    Originally Posted by Bergermeister View Post

    Good point.

    My Net connection at home has far faster downloads than uploads; I send video sometimes and it is best to set it and go grab a coffee.

    It is always hard to give than to receive.
  • Reply 82 of 128
    virgil-tb2virgil-tb2 Posts: 1,416member
    Originally Posted by bslaght View Post

    You can't be serious?? I think most people use voice like I do (or at least what I have seen) You press the button on your bluetooth ear piece to activate the voice dialing. I never touched my MotoRazr, just push the button on my ear...BAM! Then say "Call Mom" or "Call Home", If I had to touch my phone, it would lose the point to me. I want to be hands free during driving, not digging in my pocket to press a button on my phone. Add the voice dial button to the ear piece....forget the phone.

    I think you are merely extrapolating your very limited personal experience to the wider world where it doesn't actually quite belong yet.

    There are social barriers to this kind of use just as there were social barriers to cell phone use in general that you are not taking into account. It wasn't that long ago ( a few years at most in many countries), that the very idea of yaking on a cell phone in public drew frowns of disapproval.

    I live in a very large, and very high tech oriented North American city but in my area the guy with the bluetooth headset dangling from his ear is still considered a bit of a freak. You may think you are cool to wear it, and you may even be right, but what I see at the moment is people pointing and snickering at the "bluetooth guy" as he walks away.

    The guy with the bluetooth dongle that he uses voice command for is like a super weirdo for most people today. Only one slight step above the rambling loser talking to himself in the alleyway. Sitting on my commute train and saying "call mum" out loud to your phone would make you the biggest super-dork on the train. People won't be admiring you but rather ridiculing you behind your back.

    I believe it will catch on and that it will eventually become the norm, but for the immediate foreseeable future ... not so much.
  • Reply 83 of 128
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by jlebrech View Post

    I'm sure this could be throttled and put on a background process.

    The problem isn't being able to use your phone while it's uploading, it's the network strain on, at least in the US, an already strained network. If they do include this feature I wonder if they will artificially limit it to, say, one minute segments when sending to YouTube from your phone from a 3G network. EDGE should be out of the question.
  • Reply 84 of 128
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by marik View Post

    That isn't an entirely applicable counter-argument, as consumers, young and old, have been utilizing text based phone services for quite some time, all while being mobile. I've even had friends who texted while driving. It just calls for juggling your attention a bit, but its not as big of a deal as most people make it out to be.

    Heck, even I can walk and read at the same time, and I can't multi-task to save my life!

    That's a good point, but I think (from my experience) that texting, which is active while requiring a certain kind of attentiveness, is different from talking to someone via video, which is passive while being engrossing, if that makes any sense.

    There are cool and hot media, in the McLuhan sense, and they require different kinds of attention, and induce different kinds of metal states in the user/consumer.

    Add in the interactive nature of chat, and all bets are off. You may be able to read and walk, but I doubt your reading material suddenly becomes agitated and begins to berate you for what you just said.

    I guess we'll find out; I just have this sense that the increased experiential bandwidth of video chat will have a greater tendency to hold the entire attention of the user, and, critically, to do so unexpectedly and at importune moments. When combined with walking around, this strikes me as having real potential to get people hurt.
  • Reply 85 of 128
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Uploading video would be painful on EDGE or the current 3G for AT&T. If your device is connected to a decent HSUPA or HSPA+ network that could work, but I am thinking that WiFi will be the only option out of the gate.

    Welcome to AI.

    I agree. I believe that if video-chat is in the next phone it will only be able to be used over wifi, ya know, sitting in a coffee shop or in your office, scenarios like that where wifi is probably more widely available.

    And I believe that if it's just a video camera (not front facing video chat cam) then uploading to youtube will only be able to over wifi, therefore not bogging down the 3G network as most of you have stated.

    My 2 cents.
  • Reply 86 of 128
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by lamewing View Post

    How about adding video calls to the thing. Other countries (Japan, Australia, etc )have been doing this for some time now. The U.S. is SOOOO far behind in this area of technology it is embarrassing.

    Again why bother? It isn't a tech that people are especially in a hurry to get. In fact many would consider it intrusive. Also I've been working nights and frankly don't want to have to worry about my appearance or state of dress if the phone wakes me in the middle of the day. On top of all of that if you take a call in a public place it would be hard to avoid capturing video of people that might not want to be in your "phone conversation".

    Then we have the nasty side of people to deal with. Here I'm talking about the idiots that walk around in public talking on their phone oblivious to those that have to dodge them. Add video to completely take their minds off the greater world and they will be dangerous. Not to mention all the death and destruction that would come from people using video phones in automobiles while driving. We would be far better off if the devices and service where simply made illegal.


    I don't really care if the iPhone gets a video camera to take videos, but to provide video calling, that is a different story.

    Sadly I'm starting to think you are one of those people causing new mothers incredible stress by tripping over their strollers while out in public. Frankly it seems to be a very self centered attitude to assume that people would actually want to look at you while engaged in a phone conversation.


    I don't expect Apple to implement this in the next iteration of iPhones, but perhaps within a few more years. By then, of course, Japan will have little holographic projectors in their keitais...ala Darth Vader and his "magic hand"

    I don't really care about what Japan or Denmark for that matter has in the way of cell phone capability. What I care about is all the near misses I've had because of stupid cell phone using drivers and friends that have had worst than near misses. There is no demand for video phone calls in the States and we would do well to keep it that way.

    Frankly this is one place where I'd actually like to see the product liability lawyers succeed in keeping a product of the market. People can't follow the law now with respect cell phones while driving, video capable cell phones just enable more stupidity behind the wheel.

  • Reply 87 of 128
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    I'd like video capabilities, but video conferencing is not as important as I once thought.
  • Reply 88 of 128
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    Again why bother? It isn't a tech that people are especially in a hurry to get. In fact many would consider it intrusive. Also I've been working nights and frankly don't want to have to worry about my appearance or state of dress if the phone wakes me in the middle of the day. On top of all of that if you take a call in a public place it would be hard to avoid capturing video of people that might not want to be in your "phone conversation".

    Building on what you wrote, if video calling was such a revolutionary feature, not a novelty feature, home phones would have been flooded by video calling long ago when the feature first became possible.

    I have yet to find anyone that uses any video calling, even IM video calling, on a regular basis.
  • Reply 89 of 128
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post


    I believe it will catch on and that it will eventually become the norm, but for the immediate foreseeable future ... not so much.

    I like your summation of what people think of these jerks though I think you are trying to be kind in your description of these people in your larger message.

    As to catching on I'm thinking not. In many ways these idiots are a real threat to ones personal safety, especially when driving or walking about. Even when not a direct threat, the uncomfortable feeling that many get around these sorts of people could lead to them getting thrown off the train. It is really no different than being attacked by someone that is mentally ill. Sometimes people just respond agressively to deal with the unknown, preffering safety over social acceptance. I'm not saying this is the PC response but that really doesn't matter to many.


  • Reply 90 of 128
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Building on what you wrote, if video calling was such a revolutionary feature, not a novelty feature, home phones would have been flooded by video calling long ago when the feature first became possible.

    Exactly!!! More so with cell phones due their often public usage nature. Even video chat over fast Internet connections seems to be focused on a peculair subset of society.

    The one possible exception to this is grandparents keeping in touch with small children that don't care yet. Even there the grandparents I know seem to prefer video clips sent over the web.


    I have yet to find anyone that uses any video calling, even IM video calling, on a regular basis.

    Yep this seems to be the case here too. I believe part of the reason here is that one can get better results via the E-Mailing of carefully recorded clips. With a video call you either have to concentrate on making a good video or taking part in the conversation. Since the whole point of a phone conversation is to talk to someone why even let the video become a distraction?

    I could actually see more potential for video during a phone conversation if the source of that video was something other than the caller or callee. Two possibilities I see here are travel where the two parties could experience the vista at the same time. The other would be for business where discussions about a particular subject could be done in real time. For business this could be very useful for large projects or the review of large purchases. Niether of these cases require a front facing video chat camera. In fact in both cases it doesn't even have to be video speed quick as low speed high resolution images may be more useful.

    Video chat hasn't taken off yet and I've yet to see a ground swell of demand. Frankly it is a feature that needs to be stomped on before more people end up in the grave because little mis Suzy couldn't keep her eyes on the road.

  • Reply 91 of 128
    adjeiadjei Posts: 738member
    Originally Posted by macFanDave View Post


    I wonder if they can make a video camera for the iPhone as sh!++y as the still camera that's already in the 3G version. It's a pretty low bar, so they are going to have to make an effort to scour the world for a supplier of equally inferior optics.

    Be careful what you wish for -- very view Pr0n "actors" and "actresses" can withstand the probing eye of Hi-Def. Standard-def is more friendly to slightly imperfect individuals.

    I don't think the iphone camera is too bad, actually the best cell phone camera I've used.
  • Reply 92 of 128
    adjeiadjei Posts: 738member
    Originally Posted by Amorya View Post

    I completely agree that video calling is a non-feature. But it doesn't get lawsuits. It's been available on about 50% of all phones in the UK since ~2004, and nobody's sued any of the phone companies for it.

    Of course, that may be because nobody uses it...


    Seeing how people love to sue Apple I wouldn't be suprised.
  • Reply 93 of 128
    adjeiadjei Posts: 738member
    Originally Posted by macologist View Post

    My present Treo 700p does video. I use it sometimes, and it's OK as is, low quality. So, if the next iPhone does as good, or better then that, I'd be happy! And, if it can post to YouTube on the go, even happier.

    For me, a True Spotlight Global Search on iPhone is a bigger PRIORITY, and it's supposedly is coming as such.

    Cut-Copy-Paste is finally coming too, but the MOST important for me is to be able to Sync my Text back and forth! That's how it is my my present Treo 700p - Memos Sync between Treo and my Powerbook G4/Palm Desktop. So, if iPhone could do that, and I could take my Treo/Palm Desktop Memos to iPhone, I'D BE SO HAPPY!!!!

    Back to Video -- there are sometimes little precious moments in life, where it's not the quality, but the event/content that I'd love to capture on video. So, for me, ANY VIDEO on iPhone would be great! But, first I want the ability to Sync Memos. And, if those Memos could be attached to Contacts on iPhone, as it's possible to do on Palm Desktop + Entourage, among other PIM's on Mac, that would be FANTASTIC! To me, that TEXT SYNCING - Free standing Memos, not the Note Field of a Contact, Word Docs etc - that's THE BIGGEST PRIORITY!

    BTW, one more off topic thing: if iPhone is lost, one should be able to call the phone company and have them wipe it, to protect personal data. Is that feature available? If not, it should be, cause Security-Privacy should be IMPORTANT to all!

    Other than that, these Forums are GREAT! For the most part people are respectful, and that's nice to see... THANKS EVERYONE! I also hope that Apple is monitoring these discussions...

    I heard you will be able to do this if you have mobileme and also use GPS to locate it.
  • Reply 94 of 128
    adjeiadjei Posts: 738member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I think that will become commonplace with phones in the future. Simply because we'll have so much personal data on them and are more likely to misplace them than a PC. I believe you can wipe if you are tied to an Exchange server.

    I was surprised that it wasn't part of the new MobileMe service that allows you to geo-locate your iPhone if you have misplaced it. I had been hoping for both of these features and suggested that MM be the place that Apple could put them to help make their online service more attractive. Secure wipe is more important to me than the geo-locating, but I am still glad to be getting it.

    He seems to believe it will be present, remote wipe, read close to the bottom:
  • Reply 95 of 128
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    For those who want to do video calls try this experiment.

    Take all your calls over the next few days using speaker phone and hold the phone up in front of your face.

    Then come back and report how desirable this experience is.

    Sucks a**, you bet!

    (Post cleaned up to comply with the US puritans.)
  • Reply 96 of 128
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member
    C'mon people. Did you all miss Tuesday's event, or were you just caught up in the holy grail of cut/paste?

    Apple just blew the doors open by announcing API access to the docking port, and all anyone can talk about is more megapixels behind what can only be a crappy lens with battery draining flash.

    What will come is a brainless camera body that can be snapped on to a iPhone/touch.

    Phone cameras are trinkets for taking our equiv of Brownie snapshots or Polaroids.

    If you want serious pictures you'll never get them from your phone.

    Headless body with its own battery, interchangeable lenses, zoom, flash, controlled from a snapped on iPhone/touch.

    Its really not that hard thinking outside the box on this.
  • Reply 97 of 128
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member
    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    For those who want to do video calls try this experiment.

    Take all your calls over the next few days using speaker phone and hold the phone up in front of your face.

    Then come back and report how desirable this experience is.

    Sucks a**, you bet!

    (Post cleaned up to comply with the US puritans.)

    Video phones have been talked about for 50 years. The technology has been do-able on land-lines for a long time. The vast majority of people want nothing to do with it.

    It's a solution in search of a problem no one has. A tiny sliver of people feel its necessary for the person on the other end to see their glorious visage (ironic, given the unappealing physical nature of most cutting edge geeks). No one wants to have to look 'photo ready' whenever they take a call.

    Its a gimmick folks... move on.
  • Reply 98 of 128
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by GQB View Post

    Video phones have been talked about for 50 years. The technology has been do-able on land-lines for a long time. The vast majority of people want nothing to do with it.

    It's a solution in search of a problem no one has. A tiny sliver of people feel its necessary for the person on the other end to see their glorious visage (ironic, given the unappealing physical nature of most cutting edge geeks). No one wants to have to look 'photo ready' whenever they take a call.

    Its a gimmick folks... move on.

    I have to agree. If a visual were that important to telephonic communication, the demand would have driven the technology to provide a solution that would be pervasive. The fact that it has not happened is proof of it's irrelevance.
  • Reply 99 of 128
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by GQB View Post

    C'mon people. Did you all miss Tuesday's event, or were you just caught up in the holy grail of cut/paste?

    Apple just blew the doors open by announcing API access to the docking port, and all anyone can talk about is more megapixels behind what can only be a crappy lens with battery draining flash.

    What will come is a brainless camera body that can be snapped on to a iPhone/touch.

    Phone cameras are trinkets for taking our equiv of Brownie snapshots or Polaroids.

    If you want serious pictures you'll never get them from your phone.

    Headless body with its own battery, interchangeable lenses, zoom, flash, controlled from a snapped on iPhone/touch.

    Its really not that hard thinking outside the box on this.

    Mamiya DL28 is supposedly compatible with iPhone, I don't know if it goes as far as that.
  • Reply 100 of 128
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by GQB View Post

    C'mon people. Did you all miss Tuesday's event, or were you just caught up in the holy grail of cut/paste?

    Apple just blew the doors open by announcing API access to the docking port, and all anyone can talk about is more megapixels behind what can only be a crappy lens with battery draining flash.

    What will come is a brainless camera body that can be snapped on to a iPhone/touch.

    Phone cameras are trinkets for taking our equiv of Brownie snapshots or Polaroids.

    If you want serious pictures you'll never get them from your phone.

    Headless body with its own battery, interchangeable lenses, zoom, flash, controlled from a snapped on iPhone/touch.

    Its really not that hard thinking outside the box on this.

    Actually, despite my knowing about and thinking about the possibilties with the 30-pin connector the idea that you could attach a better camera never occurred to me. But I am not one for cameras in phones.

    However, I did think conceive of cameras with BT that can be paired to your iPhone and get important about the location of each photo snapped and auto-embed that metadata into the photo. The idea of that flash card with a WiFi chip in it for geotagging is cool, but it's too limited in use.

    I think the 3rd-party HW makers are going to be busy this year with new additions from D-pads to PoS attachments and everything in between.

    PS: A good car stereo with a nice display of your iPhone/Touch tracks, with the ability to make and receive calls with voice commands (from the stereo setting up with number it relates to, not the iPhone itself) and the ability to use it as a turn-by-turn GPS in your car would be great. Though I doubt that the GPS and phone call could happen at the same time.
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