Microsoft's Lauren ad faked say bloggers



  • Reply 101 of 187
    foo2foo2 Posts: 1,077member
    The real problem with the ad is that Lauren isn't just not cool enough for a Mac. She's not even cool enough that I want to watch her and the ad. Same goes for M$ products, so it's really no surprise.
  • Reply 102 of 187
    ascianascian Posts: 1member
    Are you serious? Mac users are going to question Microsoft advertising with a straight face? That's so ridiculous that I don't have words to describe the utter ludicrousness of it all. How does that kool-aid taste MFers?
  • Reply 103 of 187
    mt2009mt2009 Posts: 1member
    Originally Posted by UbiquitousGeek View Post

    It's going to show 3G, even when you're connected to a WiFi network. Idiot.

    Take your liberal elitist insults elsewhere.
  • Reply 104 of 187
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by bryanhauer View Post

    I was under the impression the UK banned some of them for stating the iPhone had "all pieces of the internet" which it clearly didn't because of the lack of flash. I could be wrong though.

    Even with Flash that statement would still be false. Add the dozen dozen proprietary, non-open aspects of the internet and the statement will still be false. In fact, the open nature of the internet and the ability for anyone to make a browser plug-in will make that statement as presented always false as it would be impossible to include all the pieces of the internet.
  • Reply 105 of 187
    ibillibill Posts: 400member
    Originally Posted by italiankid View Post

    I really didnt study the Ad like you mac heads do. I got better things to do...

    Is your bed Mac Proof? If not, call 1-977-Mac-Beds. They deliver in the USA.

    With it you get a free iMac!

    30 day money back guarantee if not happy. Just call Apple.

    DO it now if you love APPLE! DO IT! NOW!

    Just go away, troll..
  • Reply 106 of 187
    ibillibill Posts: 400member
    Originally Posted by ascian View Post

    Are you serious? Mac users are going to question Microsoft advertising with a straight face? That's so ridiculous that I don't have words to describe the utter ludicrousness of it all. How does that kool-aid taste MFers?


    WTF is that?
  • Reply 107 of 187
    Folks, it's called advertising. Move along folks, nothing to see here.
  • Reply 108 of 187
    allblueallblue Posts: 393member
    Originally Posted by Guartho View Post

    Ok... I've got the Apple follow-up ad...

    "Hi, I'm a $1500 hooker."

    "And I'm a $25 hooker."

    Apple: You get what you pay for.

    This reminds me of the old feminist joke: "Why is Windows better than a man? Because Windows is guaranteed to go down on you at least once a day!"
  • Reply 109 of 187
    hiimamachiimamac Posts: 584member
    Originally Posted by cuencap View Post

    No doubt the entire commercial is fake.

    Check out the final Best Buy checkout price: $699.99

    Where's the tax!?? hahaha

    The dudes from the mac and pc commercials from apple use actors too.

    { shudder } LOL
  • Reply 110 of 187
    Originally Posted by italiankid View Post

    Dude I own Apple products... Ps... The ones I see for Rogers and AT&T don't show that its shortened. I see them all the time...

    Ps That is why the european union banned them... Good on them.

    living in Europe and seeing these ads on TV, I deduce that you are a liar.

    but given your history, thats hardly a surprise
  • Reply 111 of 187
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,443moderator
    I don't think the fact the girl is an actor changes the point being made. Quality aside, you can't buy a 17" laptop from Apple for under $2799.

    If you take the base 13" $1299 Macbook components and put them in a 17" shell, you have room for firewire 800 and if you get to replace the Ram and drive yourself, you get up to 4GB and a 320GB drive for maybe $100. There's no way that shell needs to cost $1500 more than the base.

    I know why they tie the product spec to screen size. It's profiteering because they know that the Macbook spec is enough for a lot of people so they avoid making cheaper 15" and 17" models with Macbook specs so that it doesn't eat away their high end sales.

    At the very least, there should be a 15" Macbook for around $1599 with the base Macbook spec. This way you choose between higher spec or a bigger screen.
  • Reply 112 of 187
    mosxmosx Posts: 26member
    Wow this article is just pathetic.

    Is this really news worthy? It's not even a rumor.

    It's pretty obvious that the ad was staged from the beginning. They never implied it wasn't. Plus all the different editing techniques used throughout the ad clearly indicate that it was shot several different times.

    Oh and people have some messed up depth perception if they believe that guy is in the same spot in both shots.

    But anyway, as much as people like to bash Microsoft for this ad, it just proves two things. One, it works. Thats tied to the second thing, that Apple fanboys can't handle hearing the truth, that Macs are ridiculously overpriced (typing this on my UniBody MacBook right now). If Microsoft starts pointing out that you can get a system more powerful than the $2499 MacBook Pro for half the cost, Apple fanboys are really going to throw a fit!

    I also think theres a hint of jealousy, considering that Lauren is far more attractive than any woman to appear in Apple's ads or product walkthroughs. It proves the point that real and attractive women are intelligent and know PCs are a better deal, and that Macs only attract girls like Hanna.
  • Reply 113 of 187
    Originally Posted by italiankid View Post

    Apple was once in the red. No one stays in the black forever.

    Don't forget... Apple owns 9% market share. Microsoft 89% = 10x more

    Windows 7 is gonna bring them back over 90% - guaranteed.

    Originally Posted by italiankid View Post

    I believe I saw the 3G lettering

    Also why do it on WIFI? Why not use the 3G?

    Its called iPhone 3G. Not iPhone Wifi

    Isn't this misleading?!?!?!

    Also, WIFI ain't that fast. Their is no excuse. It was superfast and that is what the Ad says... The iPhone 3G - SUPERFAST!!! FALSE!

    you claim other people are idiots, yet the washing powder ads that take a dirty shirt and 10 seconds later its clean.. are THEY telling the truth? or are they trying to get a message across?

    did Lauren REALLY visit two shops, a spot of driving and labour over which machine to buy all in the 60 odd seconds of the M$ ad?


    are you complaining that THAT isn't truthful?


    are you a troll

  • Reply 114 of 187
    pdoisypdoisy Posts: 11member

    At the bottom:

    Are you willing to work unpaid?: No

  • Reply 115 of 187
    hiimamachiimamac Posts: 584member
    Let's all get along here. We're all computer users who have benefited well from the likes of Xerox, Apple and Microsoft. Each has contributed in a way that has affected us all.

    If we want to blame someone, look in the mirror olans then your neighbor as we have or have known someone that fell for marketing techniques.
  • Reply 116 of 187
    thepixeldocthepixeldoc Posts: 2,257member
    Just curious if there are any fight promoters lurking around here.

    A Super-troll cage-match between the "itailiankid vs. techstud" could be most humorous... or as pathetic as the MS ads. It's "top or flop" time.

    PS: I am just too dumb sometimes: they are one and the same person. So could we watch him punch himself in the face repeatedly Looney-Toons-style?
  • Reply 117 of 187
    quixelquixel Posts: 3member
    Originally Posted by UbiquitousGeek View Post

    Take your conservative Christian bullshit elsewhere.

    You have to realize that People ike UGEEK are HARD CORE RACIST LIBERAL BIGOTS as are many of the Elitist Apple fanboys. They might not even have as much money as you or I but because they are Devoted to Apple they see themselves better then others -Read what the definition of Racism and Bigotry is UGEEK. IT describes you to a T. Because You said the WORD JESUS even though you meant in with no religious overtones this guy HATES you and labels you and attacks you.That is very telling of what kind of person he or it is. Unfortunately too many Apple fanboys are just like this thing. You have your right to free speech or have an open mind and they HATE that,to them everything should be or better be about APPLE and if you think differently they will ATTACK you and cal you any epitath they can think of. Something tells me this thing voted for Obama too as it is the same kind of attitude many of his followers employ to anyone that dares disagree with anything he says.WOW extremist much? I can't see how anyone could follow a company or President so blindly. I now some people that are reigious but they are mildly but I do know others like UGEEK that are extremely hard core liberal bigots and they make the bible thumpers look extremely moderate in comparison. HEY UGEEK get the FUKK out of here with your HATE or maybe someday you will meet someone that will hehe put the fear of god in you(lol i bet that burned your balls) A$$bag motherfukker.Nazi Wannabeee Guess what assbags? Just because you do not drink Apple koolaid does not mean you are a sheep of MS either? WOW imagine that ,it doesn't fit in your preconceived stereotype of others. BIGOTSSSSSS
  • Reply 118 of 187
    pxtpxt Posts: 683member
    Let's see Apple give Lauren $1,000,000 and ask her to buy a laptop that's stable, secure, easy to use and has great support.

    Can't buy that PC at any price
  • Reply 119 of 187
    quixelquixel Posts: 3member
    I seriously have never got that upset about an AD! WTF it's an ad .IT's like practice,I mean practice. It's not really It's only practice man it's practice( remarks byAllen Iverson -TDM) Geeze you guys are a trip and are typical of what most people think of apple fanboys. Yes there are people that own Apple products that do not act like you guys and some of them own products by MS also. These people are not bigoted towards others as you are.Guess what some of them are Independent and Republican ..I know most of you guys are in the far leftist extremist camps as apple has marketed for years themselves as the counter culture yuppie we are better then most groups that are prevalent in Seattle and Cali---Don't preach to me but I WILL preach to you because WE know better- Totalatarian Movemnt. You guys might try and exterminate your independent and conservative fellows since you hate them so much but you probably do not know who they are as they are not as loud mouthed and Extreme as most of you. LOL yu guys are a trip. I mean picking apart piece by piece a commercial? LMAO.....I was interested in an Iphone as I have an ipod touch -oh no an independent person with an Ipod Touch -kill himmmmm but damn you guys are crazy to pay for ATT crappy overpriced sucky ass network ,after using my friends phone many of times it is not that great that any intelligent person would pay for such high costs for a toy. yes I have lots of electronics and they are my toys. They will not make you a better person they will not make you richer or better looking you will not attract all of a sudden a hot woman or man just because you have an iphone.Most of you with personalities like you have probably repel people rather then attract them with the shitt you spew.

    GEEZE get a life at least i am only ranting on here for one time and have no real reason to come back.Just from reading I have noticed that many on here live on here LOL what poosies......Itaiankid is one of the only non zealots fascists on here...LOL more power to you kid lol these guys are crazy asss motherfukkers. OH another thing Palm Pre is coming out soon and will cost many of us getting it well over $1000 less for a 2 year contract then you guys are paying. How many of you pay $30 or less a month for unlimited internet,texting,picture mail,gps and 500 or more minutes anytime minutes and nights and weekends after 6 for free? HHMMMM i will answer that for you NONE of you!!!! But many of us that are not ZEALOTS and HARD CORE ELITIST LIBERAL FASCIST bastards will have a better phone and network and savings in my case over $1400 less then what most of you pay... Idiotssss in every sense of the word OK hehe just wanted to make some of you trolls angry and I am sure I have made you ..Especially you liberal windbags -- haha you guys can't attack us moderate independents because we are not zealots for any camp like you guys are,but oh yes you wil label us all conservatives -which imho is far far far better then you least they believe in something and the common good in men.You guys simply hate everyone and divide the country END OF RANT and have a good weekend even you fascists
  • Reply 120 of 187
    djsherlydjsherly Posts: 1,031member
    Originally Posted by PXT View Post

    Let's see Apple give Lauren $1,000,000 and ask her to buy a laptop that's stable, secure, easy to use and has great support.

    Can't buy that PC at any price

    Crap. The Laptop I had before I bought a MacBook was a Dell. I owned it for three years and it's still doing active duty with my father. Not once did it:

    1. Blue Screen (My MacBook kernel panicked a number of times before the mainboard was replaced due to that stupid thermal paste fabrication issue)

    2. Ever get a virus. The free anti-virus - avast, and living behind a NAT (as most broadband users would do) took care of that.

    Further, I had a minor quibble with the keyboard and a REAL Person with a REAL keyboard came to my REAL house and replaced it THE NEXT DAY. For REAL. That's great support. I didn't have to live without my Laptop for a minute. In Australia that luxury is rarely afforded, as far as I can tell. Even if the issue is known and accepted, you'll be without you machine for some period of time. Like when my case chipped near the latches (another common problem), and for which it will be going back again for the same problem.

    I love my Mac, don't get me wrong, but don't delude yourself that world class support and stability is the sole domain of one side of the fence.
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