Microsoft's latest ad attacks Mac aesthetics, computing power



  • Reply 341 of 520
    Originally Posted by Hands Sandon View Post

    Try telling that to the people who've switched to a Mac, they'll, rightly, tell you how wrong you are, except for very occasional problems which few will ever experience.

    Right...and what about people who've switched the other way - from Mac to PC? Or are we just going to ignore them and pretend they don't exist... Just accept the fact that every platform has its issues.
  • Reply 342 of 520
    oldmacguyoldmacguy Posts: 151member
    Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post

    Right...and what about people who've switched the other way - from Mac to PC? ...

    All ten of them??
  • Reply 343 of 520
    adjeiadjei Posts: 738member
    Originally Posted by OldMacGuy View Post

    All ten of them??

    I wonder why we never hear stories upon stories of mac users switching to PC's but we always here of PC users switching.
  • Reply 344 of 520
    Originally Posted by Adjei View Post

    I wonder why we never hear stories upon stories of mac users switching to PC's but we always here of PC users switching.

    When you're at the top, the only way to go is down. Very apt I think. Anways, I'm wasting my breath considering it's an Apple forum.
  • Reply 345 of 520
    oldmacguyoldmacguy Posts: 151member
    Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post

    When you're at the top, the only way to go is down.

    The bigger they are, the harder they fall...
  • Reply 346 of 520
    hands sandonhands sandon Posts: 5,270member
    Originally Posted by Adjei View Post

    I wonder why we never hear stories upon stories of mac users switching to PC's but we always here of PC users switching.

    Because once a person falls in love simply with the way something looks they never see the light again. At least that must be some peoples reasoning around here!
  • Reply 347 of 520
    [QUOTE=PhoenixRising;1399100]Yeah but we don't buy them.

    Sorry, wrong, don't try to tell me otherwise, I lived there and still keep in contact with a number of friends that do live there, if Europe didn't care about design then IKEA would not even exist. And what about Germany, home of BMW and Mercedes-Benz, they DO buy them. Heck even look at things like the European Ford Focus and Mondeo, I so wish those cars existed in the US because they are so much nicer styled. I can't believe you are trying to say people in Europe don't care about style, when it just simply is not true. Now I will say the cost of a Mac in the UK is much higher than it needs to be, but that isn't necessarily Apple's fault.

    I don't think that it is Macs are too expensive, PCs are just too cheap, and the only thing cheaper are the people that buy PCs. I work at a computer store where we sell refurbished Dell computers for $99, I've had people ask if we have anything "cheaper than that". Seriously?
  • Reply 348 of 520
    Originally Posted by randomdude View Post

    *sound of me repeatedly hitting my head on desk*

    Why on earth would I want to spend nine hundred dollars extra to get identical specifications? What does a Macintosh have that could possibly justify this? And don't tell me that Macs are more reliable. They may be, but I have had a Dell laptop for three and a half years, and I have had zero problems with the hardware.

    EFI is really nice. The MacBook with the other specs the same, will boot much faster, because EFI is much better than the clunky old BIOS (which MSFT basically forces the cloners to install). Also, Firewire mode is very nice on the laptop when you have a desktop and want to use the laptop drive as a drive on the desktop. Someone already mentioned OS X.

    For $900 extra, you basically have (what at one time was like having) two computers in one. PCs today are GENERIC computers. They only run the software that is available to everyone. We have all used Windows, only some of us actually like it, the rest of us don't. The extra $900 gives you the option of running OS X, etc... and all the fantastic applications you CAN'T GET FOR WINDOWS. Not anywhere.

    Finally, do you like the case design of the other machines as well? I know this seems a bit superficial, but it's very nice IMHO. And, it's NOT JUST AESTHETICS! For instance, the mag safe connector (mine has already saved my laptop from crashing to the floor when I was in a hurry and plugged an ethernet cable in from the front of the desk.) Also, backlit keyboard--I havevn't seen a PC yet with that feature. Ever use one of those in a presentation setting?

    Finally, the Macs offer the best compatibility with iPod, iPhone, etc... and allow you to do iPhone/ iPod development if you are a programmer. It's about the hottest thing going right now.

    All this is why the Mac is worth more to many of us, has a higher resale, is "cooler," etc... (Not everyone agrees, as is always the case.)
  • Reply 349 of 520
    Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post

    Yeah but we don't buy them.

    Sorry, wrong, don't try to tell me otherwise, I lived there and still keep in contact with a number of friends that do live there, if Europe didn't care about design then IKEA would not even exist. And what about Germany, home of BMW and Mercedes-Benz, they DO buy them. Heck even look at things like the European Ford Focus and Mondeo, I so wish those cars existed in the US because they are so much nicer styled. I can't believe you are trying to say people in Europe don't care about style, when it just simply is not true. Now I will say the cost of a Mac in the UK is much higher than it needs to be, but that isn't necessarily Apple's fault.

    I don't think that it is Macs are too expensive, PCs are just too cheap, and the only thing cheaper are the people that buy PCs. I work at a computer store where we sell refurbished Dell computers for $99, I've had people ask if we have anything "cheaper than that". Seriously?

    I didn't say we didn't care about style. What I am saying is that we dont' care about style on our PCs/laptops. If you ask most people if they'd rather have a Mac or any other brand, they couldn't care less. They'll just buy whichever one is cheaper.

    Also, not all PCs are cheap, there are PCs that are comparable in price to Macs. It's just that Macs range from expensive to holy shit sell your kids expensive.
  • Reply 350 of 520
    Originally Posted by Macbrewer View Post

    EFI is really nice. The MacBook with the other specs the same, will boot much faster, because EFI is much better than the clunky old BIOS (which MSFT basically forces the cloners to install). Also, Firewire mode is very nice on the laptop when you have a desktop and want to use the laptop drive as a drive on the desktop. Someone already mentioned OS X.

    For $900 extra, you basically have (what at one time was like having) two computers in one. PCs today are GENERIC computers. They only run the software that is available to everyone. We have all used Windows, only some of us actually like it, the rest of us don't. The extra $900 gives you the option of running OS X, etc... and all the fantastic applications you CAN'T GET FOR WINDOWS. Not anywhere.

    Finally, do you like the case design of the other machines as well? I know this seems a bit superficial, but it's very nice IMHO. And, it's NOT JUST AESTHETICS! For instance, the mag safe connector (mine has already saved my laptop from crashing to the floor when I was in a hurry and plugged an ethernet cable in from the front of the desk.) Also, backlit keyboard--I havevn't seen a PC yet with that feature. Ever use one of those in a presentation setting?

    Finally, the Macs offer the best compatibility with iPod, iPhone, etc... and allow you to do iPhone/ iPod development if you are a programmer. It's about the hottest thing going right now.

    All this is why the Mac is worth more to many of us, has a higher resale, is "cooler," etc... (Not everyone agrees, as is always the case.)

    PCs have firewire too you know. How is having a Mac having 2 PCs in one?? For $900 I could get another PC and install OSX on that so I would really have 2 PCs for the price of a MAC. This way you can have OSX for Mac apps and a Windows machine for all those applications you CAN'T GET ON OSX...NOT ANYWHERE.

    Plenty of PCs have nice cases, you just have to spend a little bit more. In fact there's a far wider range of nice cases you can get. Backlit keyboards - Dells have them.

    iPhone...what about Symbian. Far more people use Symbian based smartphones than the iPhone.

    Lastly, what about building your own PC. You can easily build a Mac Pro equivalent spec PC for a fraction of the money with a nice case so you get all your aesthetics and what not.
  • Reply 351 of 520
    hands sandonhands sandon Posts: 5,270member
    Originally Posted by roehlstation View Post

    I didn't say we didn't care about style. What I am saying is that we dont' care about style on our PCs/laptops. If you ask most people if they'd rather have a Mac or any other brand, they couldn't care less. They'll just buy whichever one is cheaper.

    Also, not all PCs are cheap, there are PCs that are comparable in price to Macs. It's just that Macs range from expensive to holy shit sell your kids expensive.

    To PhoenixRising

    You just said that people mainly buy Mac's because they look good and could buy something of comparable specs or higher with a PC and would simply forgo the fancy packaging. Like many have already explained to you there's a lot more benefits to buying a Mac than just how it looks. Given the opportunity to compare a Mac to PC, for those that do care, the benefits become quickly apparent and over time there's very, very rarely a desire to go back. But hey, you obviously don't care what you swim in!
  • Reply 352 of 520

    Your statements are over broad to well silly. Why you may have a point about people wanting cheaper, many people also want something that looks good and there is not one Dell, HP, etc.... that comes close to Apple in terms of styling. Apple is selling more and more because people value for the money. For the most part, people that build their own computers still live in their parents basement, have two or three half eaten pizzas next to the 2 liter bottle of diet Pepsi (disclaimers: this does not apply to all DIY'rs). Apple will always sell to those that want function combined in a fashionable package. To dismiss that is to illustrate your complete myopathy in this regard.
  • Reply 353 of 520
    Originally Posted by roehlstation View Post

    Also, not all PCs are cheap, there are PCs that are comparable in price to Macs. It's just that Macs range from expensive to holy shit sell your kids expensive.

    Isn't that the point? Microsoft is comparing Apples to Lemons in their ads, that is what everyone here is saying, and you just confirmed our arguments.
  • Reply 354 of 520
    What other benefits are there of owning a Mac and I'm just talking hardware here. All I can see is the styling, the rest is just OSX which you can easily install on a PC or a netbook even. That's why I'm completely dismissing Macs because all it is a piece software you have to $900 more for.
  • Reply 355 of 520
    Originally Posted by Maxhomie View Post

    Welcome to a bunch of trolls that have turned this place into CNET? I don't post much, because I usually enjoy the exchanges between the more experienced and knowledgeable members.

    However, you knew this was going to turn into flamebait. Just look at all the people who just signed up to give us their "wisdom"... a total infestation of people decrying "fanboys" and defending the honor of Microsoft and Linux and Ubuntu. (in fairness, some people who joined did so to defend Apple, but really -- this is the sort of thing that makes you want to contribute to a forum?)

    I guess this site needed the traffic.


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    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    It's not so much trolls as astro-turfing.

    Microsoft pays people to come to forums like this when the advertisements are released and "play Lauren" and pretend to be regular consumers asking seemingly polite but purposely slanted questions of the Mac aficionados. It happens every time there is a Microsoft ad campaign and most of these accounts will never be seen again once the campaign is over and they aren't being paid.

    Most of the people in that list (who are new here today) are quite literally paid shills for Microsoft.

    Yep, it seems that M$ has a budget for "commenters" like Belkin advertised in January...

  • Reply 356 of 520
    Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post

    What other benefits are there of owning a Mac and I'm just talking hardware here. All I can see is the styling, the rest is just OSX which you can easily install on a PC or a netbook even. That's why I'm completely dismissing Macs because all it is a piece software you have to $900 more for.

    The funny thing about your statements and those that think like you just go to show that Windoze is scared to death that people will pay more for styling, for function, and for a better OS. That bonehead in the commercial that claimed to be tech savvy was laughable. Obviously he did no homework and embarrassed himself. MS knows that people will pay more for something that will have a higher resale value (compare a 1 or 2 year old Mac with any HP or Dell and see which retains value). You might pay more initially for a Mac but what you save in extras evens out in the end. Bottom line, Macs market share will increase and MS will wane but it will never get to the point where MS is not an influential player.
  • Reply 357 of 520
    hands sandonhands sandon Posts: 5,270member
    Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post

    What other benefits are there of owning a Mac and I'm just talking hardware here. All I can see is the styling, the rest is just OSX which you can easily install on a PC or a netbook even. That's why I'm completely dismissing Macs because all it is a piece software you have to $900 more for.

    One of the reasons Mac's run like a Mac should, is because it's hardware is in part, designed by Apple. Apple works closely with it's suppliers to make their designs integrate as much as possible with Apples other hardware and OS. Indeed Apple has gained such a lead in the performance and reliability in their products through this relationship with their suppliers that MS is pushing their PC makers to take the same approach, as consumers aren't happy. One down side of that though, for the PC makers is that it pushes up their prices, which given the fierce competition to keep prices low means that that's going to be a steep hill for the PC makers to climb. If you want a computer that's fun and easy to use and is reliably so, then get a Mac.
  • Reply 358 of 520
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by 2kunlimited View Post

    What I wrote earlier was a response to your comments about whether or not I considered the factors that you stated. My reply was a direct answer to that. All you are doing now is cherry picking on things that seems to support your argument. Common now... battery ?? Keyboards?? is that all you got? Do you honestly think that little things like that would ammount to $900?

    You are cherry picking items that support your argument. I merely asked you to consider the whole of the item. You cherry picked the display resolution but chose not to consider any other aspect of it. Do you think someone who works in graphic design is going to choose a TN display for their work?

    I also clearly pointed out in my first paragraph that Dell charges an additional $125 for the same processor in the MBP you tried to compare it to, yet you skipped over that glaring fact to state that the difference in keyboard and battery is "[all that I] got." I started with the most expensive component differences hoping that you might be able to see how your assertion that the XPS is identical to the MBP despite the MBP costing 900 is so glaring wrong. I misjudged your ability to be rational and fair, I'll try not to make that mistake again.


    As for your take on the video card. The standard card for MBP is the nividia 9400m gt. Since we are talking about standard hardware the 9600m gt doesn't count.

    They are both standard on the MBP. You get both cards with all MBPs. You can't get just one.


    Who in the world would talk about and compare every single technical details in a forum? First of all, I don't know every single technical details that you want. What I do know is the obvious differences in the hardware.

    You would, obviously. I am still wondering why you created an account just to post cherry picked specs about two machines that target different classes of consumers. And either you don't know the obvious differences or you are purposely being disingenuous posting that a machine that is $900 less is identical to the MBP you are comparing it to. You say you know the obvious differences in HW but you failed to even compare it with even the same processor speed, which was possible from the Dell site.


    I just simply sated facts

    No, you didn't. You stated some facts while ignoring other facts and spun it to fit your fasle argument that "the XPS is nearly identical while being $900 cheaper."


    I am not saying that everyone should buy a Dell contrary to what you are assuming...I am saying that pc manufacture(using dell as an example) sell notebooks that have similar or better hardware to Macs at considerably lower price.

    There will always be a PC vendor that has something over another PC vendor. If a $300 network has more USB ports than a $1200 MB does that make it better? If additional USB ports are important to your purchase then it surely does, but that doesn't mean the MB is $900 over priced because a cheaper machines bests it in some way. Just as the MBP isn't $900 too much because the XPS bests it in some way. The MBP fit a niche for certain buyers just as the XPS does.


    The reason I am even posting on this forum is because the person who wrote this article suggested that Mac notebooks are comparable to PC in terms of price. If that is the case then Apple's computer market share will be a lot higher than the 7 or so percent it has now.

    There marketshare is quite high in the US (hard to compare globally when they choose not to sell in most countries that HP and Dell) when you consider that they don't sell $400 notebooks and $300 desktops using very old components. You are probably comparing them to MS' marketshare, which is just foolish in every way. You should be comparing them to other PC vendors. I think Dell and HP have about 20-22% each. Considering that the average Mac sells price is so much higher than the average junk HP or Dell the 10% in the US is quite high. Then consider that Apple owns 66% of the entire computer line at pricepoints over $1000. If Apple's prices were so bad at the level they compete at then HP and Dell should be doing considerably better. The simple fact is, Apple sells so many of their higher-end machines that they can make them more competitively priced than other PC vendors when you actually comparing near identical machines. HP and Dell make so few of their higher end systems in comparison by model number that they have no choice but to charge more to maintain their razor thin profits, though they are better than the profits of their budget machines.

    The bottom line is that you should choose the machine that fits your needs. We live in a free market so we are not limited to choosing one one machine because someone tells it's good enough for all our needs. I like a machine that feels and performs a certain way but have no problem with you choosing a different machine, but don't tell me and others that our choices are wrong because you can't see why a faster, newer arch processor would cost more or why a longer lasting battery isn't important just so long as you have a battery or why an IPS display isn't better than a TN display, etc.
  • Reply 359 of 520
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by sapporobabyrtrns View Post

    For the most part, people that build their own computers still live in their parents basement, have two or three half eaten pizzas next to the 2 liter bottle of diet Pepsi...

    To be fair, they also live in attics and drink Coke.
  • Reply 360 of 520
    Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post

    PCs have firewire too you know. How is having a Mac having 2 PCs in one?? For $900 I could get another PC and install OSX on that so I would really have 2 PCs for the price of a MAC. This way you can have OSX for Mac apps and a Windows machine for all those applications you CAN'T GET ON OSX...NOT ANYWHERE.

    Plenty of PCs have nice cases, you just have to spend a little bit more. In fact there's a far wider range of nice cases you can get. Backlit keyboards - Dells have them.

    iPhone...what about Symbian. Far more people use Symbian based smartphones than the iPhone.

    Lastly, what about building your own PC. You can easily build a Mac Pro equivalent spec PC for a fraction of the money with a nice case so you get all your aesthetics and what not.

    Try BOOTING your Laptop from the desktop or vice versa on the PeeCee.

    PCs have nice case designs? Just my opion, but I have yet to see one. Some of the VAIOs weren't too bad (but failed next to a Mac). Would you like a root kit with your PC virus/ad/malware ridden nightmare?

    Simbian. Yeah, we all want a Simbian Honestly, do you think anyone has even heard of a Simbian? Really?
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