Microsoft's latest ad attacks Mac aesthetics, computing power



  • Reply 281 of 520
    Originally Posted by mitz View Post


    No argument there, the newbie would find mac easier to use. Perhaps your right that I'm looking at the model backwards but I still think the end product is the same. I meant it literally runs better. Not easier necessarily to use. If you ever get an opportunity to try Enlightenment, or any E17 distro you will see that Linux isn't at the point where I'd recommend it to the average user but it's getting there.

    When you say "literally runs better," what exactly do you mean? Better battery life from the same hardware? Better tech support? Better performance?
  • Reply 282 of 520
    mitzmitz Posts: 44member
    Originally Posted by archangel3700 View Post

    When you say "literally runs better," what exactly do you mean? Better battery life from the same hardware? Better tech support? Better performance?

    Better Performance as Linux doesn't often crash or get viruses(never ever). Now I know these are pluses for MACS as well but coupled with the ability to use both bleeding edge real time developing software and Top of the line hardware such as ddr 4 or 5 even along with opening the door to AMD and high end Intel processors. It's good stuff. Oh yeah if you want good battery performance in a laptop.... get a light linux OS that wont take up too much resource. Thats why netbooks use linux.
  • Reply 283 of 520
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    By the way, Apple uses better parts in general for things like: hard disks, LCD screens, transformers, cabling, etc. Look it up.

    Aluminum, glass, and better materials in general obviously cost more. That cost is also passed on to the consumer.

    Can you provide any link about Apple insides? What HDD brands/models? Who is making their power supplies? Screens? Details about motherboards?

    I keep hearing this, but haven't seen a relevant info so far. Apple itself is very secretive about what is inside their boxes.
  • Reply 284 of 520
    solsunsolsun Posts: 763member
    Originally Posted by IBNobody View Post

    Help me appreciate the OS X user experience.

    I'm serious.

    I created a hackintosh, but after a few days, I just reverted to XP as my primary OS. Everything I could do on a Mac, I could do on a PC. I tried to like OS X. I really really REALLY tried. It wasn't bad, but it didn't offer enough extra to learn the ins-and-outs of another OS.

    I don't know what I did wrong. Did I miss the Kool-Aid tray or something?

    EDIT: I still have OS X Leopard installed. I'm willing to give it another go if someone can convince/convert me.

    I have no desire to convince or convert you.. You either get it or you don't. If you have really tried a Mac and do not notice any better user experience and/or you are happy with the Wintel world, then good for you.. You have more choices and cheaper hardware, there is nothing wrong with that.. I'm not going to tell you that you have to love a Mac.

    However, the problem for Microsoft is that there is a paradigm shift happening, particularly in the higher education and home user demographics.. People ARE getting it, people are switching in measurable numbers and Microsoft is afraid..

    Apple is never going surpass MS in traditional computer marketshare, nor is it their goal. But there is still a very big opportunity for Apple to continue to grow within their targeted demographic and they are taking some of the most profitable sales from MS and their partners.

    And then there are Apple's portable devices which is the real growth platform of the future, i.e iPhone/iPod touch, and well, frankly, MS doesn't have a leg to stand on here..
  • Reply 285 of 520
    hiimamachiimamac Posts: 584member

    Meanwhile Apple is quietly creating the next monopoly platform with which MS has already lost the chance of competing (shh... over here. Look at this. Its called an iPhone)

    You know, since so many are speaking if deception, I remember when the powermac mobile g4 was touted as a mobile studio from Apple and sweetwater, yet even pros knew better and I saw all mac studios suddenly buying AMD Athlon rigs for gigastudio, apple was lying through their teeth.

    Now I love my MacBook pro's and under powered MacBook and hackntish, but I also got them at 30% off from apple retail friends via their 25% personal discount, sad thing is, as a mac specialist, they could never afford these machines.

    Anyway, I want to talk about microsoft. Whir it's true vista stunk, it's also true that msft was also supporting 4-5 different os's, now they have only one and it's getting rave IT reviews. Add to this all the new app stores, great new non apple smart phone, 50 million plus users with 2 year contracts about to expire, a bad economy, new microsoft os and commercials while apple refresh prooves weak, no i7 for consumer, still the ECC for workstation which translates to apple rapping you for ram, and of course GPU and many think Apple could be in for a very hard time. Also, google msft's new mobile, very iPhone like, not that it matters as even apple uses msft for eZ pay in stores, and we could see apple struggle.

    In the end, if Apple responds, the consumer wins, if they don't and let AT&T bury them with restrictions and lowley refresh, apple could go to under 5% in a year or so.
  • Reply 286 of 520
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    You make comments like Kool-Aid tray and you want people to think your query is serious and not just trolling? Hmm...

    Windows can do the same basic things as a Mac, if you thought that it was somehow a magical unicorn you were mistaken. The difference in how it can save you steps to doing the same tasks, but looking for the "Mac experience" on a hackintosh isn't going to cut it. I've built plenty of machines from OSx86. Not one was close enough to the real thing to be a replacement. Even the differences in the keyboards used makes a difference.

    My recommendation to you is to still with Windows.

    That Kool-Aid comment was me trying to be humorous and not to start an argument. Sorry.

    Though, I would point out that many Mac fans would indeed liken OS X to the magical unicorn. It's hyped up so much that you'd think it would blow XP out of the water. I bought into that enough to buy a hackentosh-compatible PC, and now I found that it's just another OS. (Read: It's just another gateway to get me to my Firefox browser.)

    Now back to what you mentioned...

    Aside from having a two button mouse, why am I not getting the full experience by owning a hackintosh? It's 100% software compatible. Why can't it be a replacement?
  • Reply 287 of 520
    Yeah my first and only computer a mac book pro. 43 years old and trying to soak up as much as I can about mac stuff.Thanks you all. I learn a lot just by reading your comments.My family and friends just cuss and groan about their PC , but I have happily set sail (5 months ) with no problem.I"m smiling.
  • Reply 288 of 520
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by Ironclaw View Post

    So he bought a PC... woopdy doo... is he going to get laid with his new purchase? HELL NO!!!

    Face it M$ fanboy$, chicks love macs =D

    Son, chicks love BMWs, Ferraris...
  • Reply 289 of 520
    mitzmitz Posts: 44member
    I completely get why someone would want a mac. Not everyone wants to know everything about their comp. Just like I couldn't care less how my cars engine works. Macs make sense if you want something you don't need to worry about, runs fine, can browse the net and word processing. If you ever need more.... get a pc.
  • Reply 290 of 520
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    If it is nearly identical is it not, by definition, different? What are the these differences? Have you accounted for the differences that account for the differences in cost which relate to the differences in price? Did you consider the weight, the build quality, the durability, the technical support? Did you also consider the full aspect of the components or just superficially look at them and declare them the same? As in, both have same size display they must be the same and both have same speed processor they must be the same? By your argument salt water should be just as good for as fresh water as they are nearly identical.

    Let see. The dell xps got full HD 1920x1080 display. It weights about 1lb more than the Mac counterpart. Better video card. Same amount of of ram. Faster harddrive. And cost 900 bucks less. As for duribility I personally own a dell inspiron 6000 that I used and abuse up to now since 2005. Maybe you should look up at what I posted earlier before jumping in with your nice little fame.
  • Reply 291 of 520
    Originally Posted by Enlightenment View Post

    Microsoft should easily be able to beat prices for 17" laptops.

    Gateway, excellent price:


    - $849, $1299, $1799 (has Q9000 which is quad-core).

    - They use to sell a laptop with 1920x1200 17" LCD display in models not listed above. I own one and it is much cheaper than any Apple 17" laptop.

    Alienware, always kicks ass:


    HP and SONY have lots of great models too.


    I laugh when Apple fanboys tell me that Apple hardware is better, what a f*cking joke. Apple doesn't make the processor, nor does Apple make the hard drive, nor does Apple make the optical disc drive, nor does Apple make the RAM. The Microsoft computers have lots of components that are IDENTICAL as the Apple computers...and only FOOLS believe otherwise.


    They think that a Mac is worth the extra 900 bucks for the OS, looks, and tech support.
  • Reply 292 of 520
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    1) You don't have to buy an AIO to get OS X.

    2) Having a higher marketshare does not equal more net profit.

    You fail to see that supporting any and every HW option is not a simple task. It's one that MS still, with it's vast funds and long history of trying still hasn't gotten right. Remember the lack of driver support with XP x64 and Vista when they launched? You also fail to see that Apple would have to sell many more copies of the OS X to equal the cost of one Mac or that Apple is, in regards to it's financial focus, a hardware company competing with higher-end PCs, not with MS.

    i wasnt saying i have to buy an AiO (which is overpirced) to get OSX, i was saying i dont want to buy an overpriced AiO to get OSX.

    in other words i WANT an AiO. i want to be able to travel will my entire computer easily, as i spend 4 months here, 4 months there, and 4 months at a different place. for poeple like me a laptop might be ideal, but i would rather have a desktop with a large screen, and i would rather not have 3 different LCD screens with a laptop.

    anyway, i like Apples, i want one, i just dont think Apple will be willing to sell me one at any time soon where i only have at most a $300 premium.

    thats where my only/current issue lies.
  • Reply 293 of 520
    ibillibill Posts: 400member
    Originally Posted by vinney57 View Post

    I wonder how much this insurgency of trolls has cost Microsoft's advertising company? Time to administer the Ritalin nurse! The little darlings are getting out of hand.

    All your astroturfist are belong to microsoft..
  • Reply 294 of 520
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by 2kunlimited View Post

    Let see. The dell xps got full HD 1920x1080 display. It weights about 1lb more than the Mac counterpart. Better video card. Same amount of of ram. Faster harddrive. And cost 900 bucks less. As for duribility I personally own a dell inspiron 6000 that I used and abuse up to now since 2005. Maybe you should look up at what I posted earlier before jumping in with your nice little fame.

    As I stated, it's not identical, not even close unless we close our eyes real tight and pretend really hard. I suppose that both machines have Intel processors that must be identical. (sarcasm) The CPU differences along cost more than $100 on the MBP than the XPS you list. It's faster and has double the L2 cache. Dell sells that same CPU for the XPS for an additional $125 as a BTO option. That doesn't mean much to most people so spec sheets often don't list it and with a measly measurement of Megabytes appended to it even people that call themselves "tech savvy" don't care. "Megabytes? What is this 1990?" But that doubling does make a difference when doing actually work.

    Then there is your superficial listing of the XPS' LCD resolution but you didn't list the backlighting, much less the display type. I don't think I've seen any 16" IPS displays on notebook. Do you really expect a pro to do any real colour work on that XPS? You'll also need to upgrade to Windows Vista Ultimate to offer the most similar OS features to OS X across the board. There goes another $150.

    You also mention the video card being better. I have no need for excessive graphics so I don't such things but I do know that 2 is more than 1 and the MBP has the 9400M and the 9600. But I must ask how much better is the 512MB ATI Mobility RADEON in the XPS over the 512MB Nvidia 9600M in the MBP? What is the price the difference between these two new graphics processors in the MBP v. the one in the XPS?

    Your durability statement is only anecdotal and the MBP may be overkill to most people but you can't think that a milled piece of aluminum that doesn't flex is as comparable to plastic molded pieces glued and snapped together. Though, it does weight a pound more than the MBP and it considerably thicker so perhaps that extra weight has gone to making the plastic frame nice and tough. I wonder how much that costs?

    How is the quietness of the XPS? How big is the battery in mAh? How long does it last on a full charge? How long does it take to charge? What is the quality of the keybaord for prolonged typing (that one is hard to quantify, easier to cmpare)? What is the power supply wattage? What are the operating temperatures? What types of external displays can I hook it up to? What type of networking is there? How fast are various networking types? Does it have optical audio in/out? You don't mention that you'll have to spend another $80 on a battery or $45 on a WiFI card that most resembles the MBP build, or that the size and the XPS is now even more weighty than before because of these additions.

    These questions, technical concerns and all these additions that make it a better comparison you have never asked about. You just see 16" is bigger than 15" and went from there. That is fine, you are most people and need only "good enough". There is no computer that fits everyone's needs. If you 4 year old Inspirion 6000 works for you that is great, but what I don't understand is why you would come onto an internet forum, of all things, just to tell people off because they have different needs than you. Tell me, why are we all stupid for not getting a Dell just because you like yours so much? Why do you find it impossible for one product to fit your needs and one product to fit my needs. I think the both products are fine, but neither one that we have discussed suits my needs very well.
  • Reply 295 of 520
    Originally Posted by city View Post

    Of course the software doesn't matter?

    It might be smart for Microsoft to attack Apple on price. Apple lost it's market domination to the PC because the PC was perceived as cheaper. If Microsoft can create that perception, it should help Microsoft sale, just like the untrue perception that Walmart is cheaper then Target on the same products that resulted from Target's slick ads.

    Compare the macbook pro 15 in to a dell xps studio 16. Check the configure spec and price on both machine... and change the word "perception" to fact please.
  • Reply 296 of 520
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by SmilinGoat View Post

    i wasnt saying i have to buy an AiO (which is overpirced) to get OSX, i was saying i dont want to buy an overpriced AiO to get OSX.

    in other words i WANT an AiO. i want to be able to travel will my entire computer easily, as i spend 4 months here, 4 months there, and 4 months at a different place. for poeple like me a laptop might be ideal, but i would rather have a desktop with a large screen, and i would rather not have 3 different LCD screens with a laptop.

    anyway, i like Apples, i want one, i just dont think Apple will be willing to sell me one at any time soon where i only have at most a $300 premium.

    thats where my only/current issue lies.

    You can go with an XPS One, but you are still paying a premium because they use notebook-grade components in them so you are never going to get the same cost-to-performance that you can from a desktop tower. It's just not physically possible.

    I suggest a notebook, but I've been using notebooks for nearly a decade back when a decent notebook cost $5k.
  • Reply 297 of 520
    Originally Posted by mitz View Post

    Actually if Apple wanted to compete seriously with windows and start making serious margins they would release OSX for "PC".

    I bet you some day it will happen(when they aren't making any money on the hardware end). There's no reason with a few tweaks from Apple it shouldn't run fine on any computer.

    All they have to do is make it's compatibility better with AMD and accept support for IDE hard drives..... There obviously is more to it but nothing that couldn't be hammered out in a week.

    If they do that then Mac user won't be able to use OS as a reason for them to pay $900 more extra for their notebook.
  • Reply 298 of 520
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    You can go with an XPS One, but you are still paying a premium because they use notebook-grade components in them so you are never going to get the same cost-to-performance that you can from a desktop tower. It's just not physically possible.

    I suggest a notebook, but I've been using notebooks for nearly a decade back when a decent notebook cost $5k.

    i know my options, however when i have used notbooks (my mca now, my old dell) the reliability has been low. i am now looking at the new Dell studio AiO (to be released this month) its a complete refresh, looks nice *enough*, and has the innards to really do what i want, on the cheap. plus a proper multitouch screen like the iPhone.

    to me, thats better than an iMac when its so much cheaper.
  • Reply 299 of 520
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member
    Originally Posted by NasserAE View Post

    I wonder how many of those laptop hunters MS did not tell us about because they decided to go with a Mac?!

    None, because there were no laptop hunters. They are actors in commercials reading lines.
  • Reply 300 of 520
    shavexshavex Posts: 34member
    Ok look we can pick apart these commercials and bash microsoft and how finding a good PC for cheap is hard whether its PC or Mac and most people like to conclude that Macs are the best for their price wellllll I have one screen shot that speaks for its self

    ThinkPad for that cheap through simple family and friends coupon and a current coupon you get a freakin stable machine (as ya'll read a while back Apple hired an IBM employee for his great power management expertise) for almost 50% off the original price. Apple doesnt offer but very few deals.

    In conclusion Apple is sh** they have a long road ahead of them to be reasonable software and price because being an OS nut that I am it should NOT have as many problems as it has.
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